Misty Moon: Book 1 (7 page)

Read Misty Moon: Book 1 Online

Authors: Ella Price

Tags: #werewolf, #werewolf action, #werewolf adult fantasy, #werewolf alpha male romance

BOOK: Misty Moon: Book 1
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I smiled and shook my head. “I am going
to make sure all the rooms are in order.”

She nodded. “The pack meeting is
tonight. We have to go because there is a ranking fight tonight.
Lots of injuries I am sure. Pack some supplies and we will leave
after dark,” she said and smiled.

Oh, ok,” I said then I
walked out of the kitchen and toward the back rooms. I had never
been to a pack meeting and I had yet to deal with anything other
than women having babies so this was going to be


I finished packing supplied like Maggie
requested. Maggie was getting ready to leave. I was waiting in the
front hall. There was a knock on the door and I answered it. I was
a little startled to see it was Danny. I hadn’t seen him in days
and he looked different.

Hey Danny,” I said
excitedly and hugged him.

Hey babe. I haven’t seen
you in a while. I was coming to check on you,” he said

I looked him over and realized what was
different. He was wearing silver ring. “Is it real?” I asked

He nodded. “Before I couldn’t even
touch the stuff. After seeing what you could do I decided to give
it a shot, and it worked. I was going to attempt a tattoo, but that
was too much for me.” He was grinning ear to ear and he definitely
seemed stronger. When I met him everyone called him weak. Now he
seemed much stronger.

Are you going to the
meeting? Maggie and I are heading that way.” I kind of hoped he
would come. I would have liked the company.

He nodded. “I’ll help carry

Good, cause I am getting
too old to carry all this mess,” Maggie said amused as she came
into the hall.

We all gathered some supplies and
followed Maggie to the meeting spot in the woods. It was up the
mountain trail way out of the way. I was both a little excited and
a little hesitant about going. I had never been to a pack meeting
and I really didn’t know what to expect.

We entered a clearing. There were caves
all around the circular clearing. There were several pack members
already here. I looked around curiously as I sat supplies where
Maggie ordered. “You’ve never been to a meeting before have you?”
Danny asked coming up beside me.

I smiled up at him and shook my head.
“This is kind of neat.”

He nodded and took my hand. “I’ll show
you around,” he said and led me away from Maggie.

As we walked he pointed things out.
Every rock and cave had a purpose. It was a lot to remember. The
crowd silenced and I looked to see what everyone was murmuring
about. Dominic entered the circle. He was wearing nothing but a
pair of jeans that were slung low on his hips. My father and
another male followed. They were dressed the same way. They were
the three heads of the pack. The council came out and took their
assigned seats. They were all older former leaders who over saw how
Dominic ruled. Dominic started the fire in the center then he
howled. All the pack members cheered in excitement. It was neat
because I could feel the energy of all the wolves surge through

This is so cool,” I said
looking around. My eyes locked with Dominic’s and I quickly looked
away. I didn’t want him distracting me tonight. I looked back at
Danny and he was standing close to me. Danny’s lips brushed mine,
and I felt my pulse quicken. I didn’t pull away and he took it as
an invitation. He deepened the kiss. He was suddenly pulled away
from me and knocked backwards. He landed on his back in the center
of the ring.

Dominic paced in front of Danny. I
scowled and hurried over to them. I shoved Dominic backwards. “What
the fuck are you doing?” I hissed.

You are out of line Kylie,”
Dominic growled getting in my face.

I refused to back down and let him beat
up Danny because of his pride. “You are out of line!” I hissed
shoving him again.

I have a right to challenge
whoever I want to,” he growled. He was pressing his body to mine
and I was pressing my body to his. Neither of us would back

No you don’t. You are being
a bully.” Everyone around us had gone silent. Danny had got back to
his feet and was watching us.

Dominic what is going on?”
Audrey asked coming into the circle.

This isn’t over,” he
whispered then backed away. “Nothing!” he snapped as he passed

Audrey looked at me and she looked like
she wanted to start something. She thought better of it and walked
off to follow Dominic. Danny caught my arm and pulled me to him.
“Thank you, but I could have defended myself,” he

It wasn’t about that,” I
said quietly and walked off. I was so annoyed I didn’t want to be
around either of them. I didn’t understand what Dominic wanted. I
went over and sat on the rock next to Maggie.

That boy has never fought
anyone over a woman,” Maggie said amused.

He’s being a dick,” I said

The crowd quieted and Dominic walked
back out into the center. “The rankings are tonight. We will start
with the males…” he started, but was cut off by Danny.

I challenge you Dominic,”
Danny growled walking into the circle with Dominic.

Dominic smiled and I didn’t like his
expression. “Challenge accepted,” he said amused.

I cussed and moved through the crowd
toward the ring. My father and another male blocked me. “You cannot
let Danny fight him,” I said angrily.

Danny called him out.
Dominic has to defend his position,” my father said softly trying
to sooth me.

No! Dominic will hurt him!”
I said angrily. “Just let me talk to Dominic please.” My father
looked at me for a second then released me. I hurried over to
Dominic. He was getting ready to fight. I went right up to him and
glared at him, “Dominic don’t do this.”

He smiled and pressed his body to mine.
“Scared I might hurt your boyfriend?” he asked amused.

He isn’t my boyfriend. You
are going to hurt him,” I whispered when I noticed Audrey was

He challenged me babe.” He
was enjoying himself and it was annoying.

I will do anything, just
call it off,” I begged softly looking up at him.

He ran his fingers down my cheek. “I
can’t call it off, but I won’t hurt him on one

I looked at him unsure. He was trying
to barter with me. “What is the condition?” I was nervous even
though I tried not to act it. He made me nervous. He was being odd
tonight. He was being overly friendly toward me.

After I’ve put him back in
his place without hurting him too bad, you will go for a run with
me. After the run you will let me have my way with you for the rest
of the night.” His eyes sparkled with amusement. He wasn’t giving
me much of a choice.

What happens if I don’t
agree?” I countered trying to be difficult. I had never shifted. My
mother never taught me, I never even saw her shift. He wanted me to
run with him in wolf form and I really had no clue how.

He smiled unfazed by my defiance. “I
will beat him within an inch of his life and it will be all your

My gaze locked with his and I knew he
wasn’t lying. He would hurt Danny if he didn’t get his way. I would
worry about figuring out how to shift later on. “Fine, I’ll do
whatever you ask as long as you don’t seriously hurt

He leaned in and brushed his lips
against mine. “Agreed,” he whispered then walked around me and
toward the center where Danny was waiting.

My eyes locked with Audrey’s and she
was furious. I turned away from her disregarding her angry
expression. I knew she was trying to get Dominic and I was standing
in her way. I walked over to Danny in an attempt to get him to back

Danny he is going to
annihilate you,” I said angrily.

Danny smiled nervously. “Maybe, but at
least I stood up and didn’t let him bully me. I am tired of being
bullied. I want to show I am not weak like everyone thinks.” He
sounded so determined and I knew I wasn’t going to get him to
change his mind.

I never thought you were
weak,” I said softly.

He smiled. “I know, and now I am going
to attempt to prove it. He may beat me, but the fact that I
challenged him will be enough.” I glared at him with my arms
crossed. He just grinned. “I stood by you when you were trying to
commit suicide by silver, now let me commit suicide by Dominic,” he
said nudging me.

I rolled my eyes. “I hate male egos,” I

He laughed and pulled me against him.
“We have to do something to impress the ladies,” he

I knew he wanted to kiss me, but I was
afraid it would make Dominic even angrier.

Danny let’s go!” Dominic
barked angrily as he went to the center.

Danny grinned and quickly kissed me
startling me. I swatted at him and he laughed as he bounded toward
Dominic. I turned and looked at Dominic. His expression wasn’t very
friendly. I had a feeling this would be over quickly.

I spotted Marie in the crowd and she
was waving at me. I walked over to her. “Hey Kylie, I can see you
have already started trouble between the guys,” she said

This is ridiculous,” I
muttered. “I am not dating either of them.”

She shrugged. “It’s standard

My father went and stood between Danny
and Dominic. I was frozen watching them. I was a little startled
when they both removed their pants and stood there naked.

This is the best part,”
Marie said and giggled.

I smiled, she was right. It wasn’t a
bad view. I had never been a part of anything like this and even
though I was worried it was kind of exciting. Dominic shifted first
and it was breathtaking. I had never seen it before now. He was
standing there and he was a giant black wolf. He let out an ear
piecing howl and I felt my body quiver in excitement. I felt his
energy surge through me and it was an odd feeling. Danny shifted
next and he was a brown wolf. I was a little surprised at how much
smaller Danny was compared to Dominic. Danny howled, but it wasn’t
the same as when Dominic did. I stood moving as close as I could
watching them as they circled one another. My father howled and
they lunged at one another snarling and growling. Danny was quick
and was able to get under Dominic’s feet, but Dominic quickly got
ahold of him. They rolled around biting and howling. Dominic pinned
Danny and Danny laid panting. Dominic backed away and Danny
remained on the ground. Dominic turned to leave and Danny got to
his feet. Before Danny could move another wolf pounced him and was
tearing at his throat.

I realized it was Audrey and I was
furious. I felt my body heat up as I ran toward her. I felt
something happen and all the sound was suddenly dull. I felt my
body change, it was the oddest feeling. My sight changed, my
hearing sharpened. She looked startled as I threw my body into her.
I realized at that moment I was in wolf form. We went rolling
across the ground. Danny scrambled to his feet preparing for
another attack. Audrey was quick, but I was angry so I was quicker.
I pinned her by her throat and I had the urge to tear her throat
out for playing dirty like she did. I was sure she went after Danny
to piss me off, and she had my attention now.

I was suddenly tackled, but I recovered
quickly and squared with Dominic. He didn’t growl or snarl. He made
another noise like a bark, but not quite as loud. He was trying to
talk to me, not fight me. I relaxed a little and he came over and
nuzzled my neck and nipped at me.

I looked past him at Audrey and she was
laying on the ground in human form. I didn’t think I had hurt her,
but maybe I had. Danny was standing not far from her watching me
and Dominic.

Dominic nudged me toward the woods and
I turned and ran into the woods. I could hear him behind me, then
he was beside me running with me. It felt so good. I never felt so
free. I never thought I was missing anything by not shifting. My
mother made it seem so unimportant, but it was so freeing. Dominic
nudged me indicating I should follow him. I followed him through
the woods and into a clearing by the lake. He walked to the edge of
the lake and looked at me. I walked over to him and looked down in
the water. I was a little startled to see that I was completely
white, with ice blue eyes. He stood against me and he was the
complete opposite. He was black with greenish gold eyes. He turned
and ambled into the clearing and laid down. He was back in human
form. I looked at myself one last time then walked over to him. I
wasn’t sure how I was supposed to change back. I decided to relax
and think about it. I felt a rush and I collapsed in the soft
grass. I was back in human form, the feeling was amazing. I felt
strong, it was an incredible feeling. I rolled and laid across
Dominic’s chest.

I smiled down at him. “That was an
incredible feeling.” I couldn’t hide my excitement.

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