Misty Moon: Book 1 (15 page)

Read Misty Moon: Book 1 Online

Authors: Ella Price

Tags: #werewolf, #werewolf action, #werewolf adult fantasy, #werewolf alpha male romance

BOOK: Misty Moon: Book 1
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I have confirmed Maggie’s
findings. We don’t have an explanation, but she is expecting,” Lucy
said firmly.

My father looked at me and I could
tell he wasn’t happy. “How Kylie and whose is it?”

I opened my mouth to talk then closed
it again. I didn’t know what to say to him.

Maggie spoke when I couldn’t. “The how
we don’t know, but Dominic and Brayden are the

My father was back to looking confused
and angry. “Is this a joke?” he asked as he stood.

Kyle I wouldn’t lie to
you. She is carrying both the leader’s children and we believe we
will be able to form some kind of pact between them because their
children will be siblings. We are going to announce the pregnancy
tomorrow night before the fight. It will halt everything until the
children are born. When they are born maybe Dominic and Brayden
will settle this feud.” Maggie sounded so sure as she spoke. I
wished I felt as sure as she did, but I didn’t.

My father sat back down slowly and
looked at me, then back at Maggie. “It could put Kylie in danger.
Things like this attract unwanted attention,” he said

Maggie nodded. “That is why Dominic
and Brayden will have no choice but to join forces.”

I suppose there is nothing
we can do to change it now. We will announce it at the fight and
see what happens. Kylie you need to come home, we need to talk,” he
said firmly as he got to his feet.

Be at the meeting, it is
the only way the two packs will be able to thrive,” Maggie said

My father nodded and walked out. I
glanced at Maggie and she gave me a reassuring smile. I sighed and
followed my father out.


He didn’t speak the entire walk home.
This made the walk seem excessively long. I knew he was angry by
the way his hands were balled into fists and his jaw was set. I had
a feeling most of his anger was coming from the fact that I was
with Brayden.

We walked into the house and Shelia
was at the table. She stood when he entered. “Are you ok Kyle?” she
asked sounding concerned.

Family issues can you come
back later? Kylie and I need to talk,” he said firmly.

Oh of course,” she said
then quickly hurried out the back door.

I don’t know why you like
her,” I muttered as I took a seat at the table.

You have no room to talk
about making bad decisions when it comes to lovers. Brayden? Of all
the wolves in the world why Brayden? Does Dominic know about your
indiscretion with him?” My father was definitely angry. He was one
tone level away from yelling.

I nodded. “Dominic knows,” I said

Why did you think this was
a good idea? Do you have any idea how many problems you just caused
yourself?” He slammed his hand down on the table and made me

I get it, I screwed up;
but you have to cut me a break. How was I supposed to know I could
get pregnant? I am not of age, it is not mating season, and we
remained in human form when we were together,” I said

He watched me for a minute then sighed
as he took a seat. “You should go rest. We only have a few hours
and it is going to be a very long night.”

I nodded and stood. “I’m sorry daddy,”
I said softly the hurried out of the room and up the

I flopped down on my bed and looked at
the ceiling. Things were even more complicated than I anticipated
and I wasn’t sure how well Dominic and Brayden would take the


I woke up to my father knocking on my
door. I sat up and he came in and smiled at me. “It’s time to get
ready. I let you sleep as long as I could,” he said

I nodded. “I will be down in a few

He left me and I undressed and went to
the bathroom. I looked in the mirror I was already starting to
show. I didn’t understand how I didn’t notice this. I rested my
hand on my belly and closed my eyes. I could feel their heartbeats
and it made me smile. It was so weird that it happened so fast.
Humans had to wait for this and they needed machines to feel their
child’s heartbeat. I could feel them, and my situation didn’t seem
as bad as before.

I showered and dressed then hurried
downstairs. I dressed in jeans and a tee shirt. I wanted to be
comfortable in case something went wrong.

My father smiled at me. I hesitated
when I looked past him and my mother was standing there. She smiled
softly and I realized how much I had missed her. “Mom,” I said
excitedly as I hugged her.

Oh honey, you have grown
up so much,” she said softly and I could hear the sadness in her

I’m scared,” I said
quietly. I knew my mother could make me feel better.

She looked at me and brushed my hair
out of my face. “You will figure things out. Everyone is scared at
this point even when it is a planned pregnancy.”

We have to go, your mother
and I are announcing the pregnancy. Maggie and Lucy are going to
support the announcement,” my father said as he held the door for

We made the trek to the meeting ground
in silence. My mother held my hand and my father led. I felt like I
was being led to my death and I wanted to run and never come

We made it to the meeting grounds and
there were so many wolves it was hard to get through the crowd. At
the center Dominic and Brayden were standing on opposite ends. I
looked at Brayden and he smile, Dominic wasn’t smiling. He just
looked at me and I couldn’t tell what he was thinking.

I shifted my gaze and my eyes locked
with Audrey’s. She glared at me and I quickly looked away. I didn’t
want to fight, not tonight. I stayed where I was. I didn’t really
know what was going on. Dominic and Brayden too their positions
across from one another. My father moved between them. “I have an
announcement that effects this fight,” my father said loud enough
for everyone to hear. The crowd went silent and Dominic and Brayden
looked at each other confused. Brayden crossed his arms and looked
sullen and Dominic gave my father a questioning look. “My daughter
Kylie is pregnant and Dominic and Brayden are being claimed the

The crowd started yelling. Both sides
were protesting. Dominic and Brayden went to my father and started
yelling at him at the same time.

Hush all of you!” Maggie’s
voice made everyone go silent. Brayden and Dominic looked at Maggie
as she stood next to me. “This pregnancy has been confirmed by me
the healer of Dominic’s pack.”

It has also been confirmed
by me, the healer for Brayden’s pack. The girl carries two
children. One sired by our leader Brayden and the other sired by
her pack leader Dominic,” Lucy said stepping up next to

They both looked at me and I wanted to
run. Neither of them looked happy and it looked like it was going
to be all my fault like everything else was. I stepped back
nervously when the silence became overwhelming, I didn’t know what
was going to happen next.

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