Misty Moon: Book 1 (8 page)

Read Misty Moon: Book 1 Online

Authors: Ella Price

Tags: #werewolf, #werewolf action, #werewolf adult fantasy, #werewolf alpha male romance

BOOK: Misty Moon: Book 1
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He looked at me a little confused. “It
always is.”

That was my first time
shifting,” I said excitedly as I sat up and looked around. I wanted
to do it again and again.

What? That isn’t possible.
We have to shift during the full moon. Every wolf does.” He sounded
like he was calling me crazy. That must have been where my mother
disappeared to on the full moons.

I swear it was my first
time. I loved it! Can we go run some more?” I asked as I looked
down at him.

He smiled as he reached up and cupped
my cheek. “Maybe in a few minutes. I believe you have a promise to
keep,” he whispered.

I smiled and pressed my mouth to his. I
kissed him aggressively as I ran my hands over his perfect chest.
He growled low in his throat and pinned me face down in the soft
grass. He interlaced his fingers with mine. I felt his erection
against my ass. I lifted my hips and he shifted and filled me with
his hard cock. The sensations were incredible. I was so excited I
could barely contain it. I could feel his breath on my neck as he
panted and thrust. He was moving his hips against me and I loved
it. It was so carnal, and hot. The feelings intensified and I dug
my nails into the soft dirt. Movement in the wood in front of us
caught my attention, but he didn’t seem to notice. Someone was
watching us. My eyes locked with Audrey’s; she was in wolf form and
she was watching us. I smiled, I didn’t care because I had won and
this was my victory. He was my victory. I cried out in excitement
as I closed my eyes and let the pleasure course through me. He
stifled moans then he cried out and released. I loved how he felt
when he let go inside me. He moved against me until he couldn’t
move anymore. I looked back where I had seen Audrey and she was

He rolled off me so he was looking up
at the stars. “That was incredible,” he whispered.

I smiled. “Was it worth you not beating
Danny within an inch of his life?” I asked dryly.

He smiled. “Oh yes, definitely worth

I laid across his chest and listened to
him breathe. I felt so good just being near him, but the lingering
fear that this was just for tonight and he would be back to his old
ways tomorrow was still there.

After a few minutes he shifted so he
was looking down at me. “You are going to have to apologize to
Audrey.” He sounded apprehensive as he spoke. He obviously knew I
wasn’t going to be ok with doing that.

Have you lost your fucking
mind?” I growled pulling away from him.

His expression darkened. “Kylie despite
our relationship Audrey is still the head female and you
disrespected her by stepping in.”

I stood and glared down at him. “She
was cheating and I will not apologize for stopping her,” I

He stood up and it was his turn to
glare at me. “We don’t cheat. We are the masters of this pack. If
we do something it’s because we think it is the right thing for the

I scoffed. “You mean it’s because you
are jealous. That is why you started a fight with Danny, and that
is why Audrey went after Danny. You put yourselves on some
pedestal, but you are both just like the rest of us!” I turned to
leave, but he caught me by my wrist stopping me. I glared at him
ready to fight.

You will do as you are told
Kylie or you will be banned from the pack,” he said

I jerked my arm out of his grasp. “Then
ban me,” I hissed and walked into the woods away from him. He
didn’t make a move to follow, and I was glad he didn’t. I was
furious. I couldn’t even see straight. He did whatever he wanted
and he never considered how I felt. Maybe I was better off being
banned from the pack.


I went home since I had nowhere else
to go. I was naked and I was still angry with Dominic. Every time I
thought Dominic and I were getting closer he did something stupid;
like demand I apologize to Audrey.

I hurried upstairs to my room and
showered. When I was done I walked back out to my bedroom. It
wasn’t that late, but I had nowhere else to go so I figured I would
get ready for bed. I sat down on my bed and the doorbell rang. I
groaned and hurried downstairs. I was surprised to see it was
Marie. “Hey Marie,” I said and smiled.

Hey Kylie. I have been
sent to retrieve you. We have some wolves that have come in from
another pack. Many of them need healers and Maggie needs help.” She
looked a little nervous like she wasn’t sure how I would

I didn’t mind going if Maggie was the
one calling me. “Tell Maggie I will be there soon. I just have to

She nodded and hurried off. I went
back up to my room and changed into jeans and a tank top. I cut
through the woods to get to Maggie’s house. I could hear all the
commotion before I even saw the house. There was over thirty people
milling around outside alone.

I approached and Maggie spotted me and
looked relieved. “Thank heavens. I am being overrun. There are
three women inside in labor. They are already set up in the rooms.
Marie will assist you. If you handle them I can deal with the
injuries out here.”

What happened?” I asked
looking around at the chaos.

Several members separated
from a rival pack. Let’s just say the pack master didn’t take
kindly to it. He never does. They are all seeking shelter,” she
said sounding slightly annoyed.

This has happened before?”
I asked confused.


Yes, Brayden has a large
pack and when he gets into a mood this happens,” she said dryly.
“Now run along you have work to do. It is going to be a long couple

I nodded and walked into the even more
chaotic house.


After the birth of three babies back
to back I was worn out. I was tired of screaming and loud noises. I
walked to the kitchen because it was the only place that wasn’t
packed with people. I leaned on the counter and closed my eyes. I
was trying to relax, but I could still hear the din of the noise
outside the kitchen. A noise caught my attention and I opened my
eyes. A man had come in the kitchen. He was handsome in a plain
kind of way. He looked at me nervously.

I didn’t mean to interrupt
you. I was just trying to get some water,” he said nervously. I
noticed his shirt was soaked in blood and he was dirty. He looked
pale and I was guessing he was injured.

You’re fine have you been
seen yet?” I asked moving toward him.

He shook his head. “I want Maggie to
help the others first,” he said quietly.

I can tend to you. The
three babies I was supposed to deliver have all arrived,” I said

His expression brightened. “Are they
all ok?”

I nodded. “They are all fine. Here sit
down,” I ordered as I pointed out a chair.

He sat down and looked at me. “My name
is Malcom, what is yours?”

I smiled as I helped him get his shirt
off. “Kylie.” He winced as I examined the cut on his chest. It
didn’t look like it was healing at all.

Why isn’t it healing?” I
asked looking it over.

It was a silver knife,” he
said softly.

Oh,” I said as I reached
for a rag to clean it. I would have to stitch it by hand. I had
practiced on dolls. It didn’t seem like it would be too hard. He
winced as I cleaned it, then I walked over to a drawer to get a
needle and some thread.

If you don’t mind me
asking is that nose stud real?” He was watching me nervously like
he thought I was going to yell at him.

I smiled. “It is, I have this too,” I
said then showed him the tongue ring.

He looked shocked. “I have seen alphas
with silver like that, but never young wolves like you.”

It doesn’t bother me. I
have a tattoo as well,” I said as I began to stitch his chest

You must be strong,” he
said softly as he watched me.

I focused on the job at hand. He
seemed sweet, but I didn’t need any more attention from males. He
looked past me after a minute and I knew Dominic was behind me. I
caught his scent as soon as he walked in the room.

Have you heard anything?”
Malcom asked sounding hopeful.

Brayden has her. He has
promised not to hurt her or the baby, but he is demanding everyone
return. I told him I would discuss it with you and get back to him
tonight,” Dominic said quietly. I could feel him watching me, but I
refused to look at him.

Ally would want me to keep
everyone else safe,” Malcom said softly. He sounded pained and it
made my chest ache for him. I was guessing Malcom was the leader of
the uprising and Ally was his mate.  Brayden; whoever he was
had her. I put a salve over the stitches then a bandage.

We will keep trying to
negotiate with him. I have dealt with him before and he is
difficult.” Dominic sounded like he was trying to reassure

All done,” I said and
smiled. “They are giving clothes out in the front room. I would go
get a clean shirt,” I said then walked over to the sink to wash my

Thanks Kylie, and Dominic,
just do what you can,” Malcom said then walked out leaving Dominic
and me alone.

I know you are angry, but
I still expect you to apologize to Audrey,” Dominic said

Well, you expect too
much,” I countered.

Maggie came in the room and she looked
flustered. “Kylie go home and get some rest; but be back at dark so
I can get some sleep,” she ordered. She sounded grumpy so I didn’t
argue. She muttered something and hurried back out carrying an
armful of supplies.

I went to leave through the back door
and Dominic blocked me. “Kylie, Audrey is out front. Now would be a
good time. You embarrassed her in front of her pack,” he said

You might as well ban me
if that is what you have to do because at this point I would rather
never step foot in this place again then apologize to her,” I
snapped and pushed past him. I was back to being furious as I
stomped through the woods.

I stopped after a few minutes and
decided to shift. It was around noon and no one would be out this
time of day. I stripped out of my clothes then closed my eyes as
the sunlight warmed my bare skin.

I have to say I am
completely in awe,” a male voice said from behind me. He had a
European accent and it wasn’t a voice I recognized. I spun around
to face him. I was startled by his sudden appearance. I hadn’t even
heard him approach. He was tall and lean. He had short brownish
blond hair and gray eyes. He was completely naked and he looked
good. He had various tattoos and I was guessing they were real like

Who the hell are you?” I
asked a little annoyed.

He laughed and his smile widened.
“Brayden, I am sure you have heard of me.”

I was a little startled, but I refused
to show it. “You hurt all those people?” I asked

They are members of my
pack, and they are being disobedient,” he countered.

Why are you in Dominic’s
territory?” I asked. I didn’t want to get into the details of pack
law with him.

He shrugged as he approached me
slowly. “No reason, just scouting. Seeing what I am up against. His
eyes scoured my body and I suddenly wished I wasn’t naked.
“Beautiful tattoo did you do it yourself?”

No,” I said softly, but
didn’t go into any more detail than necessary.

He stopped right in front of me. I
wanted to run, but I was frozen in place. Something about him
intrigued me. He was gorgeous yes, but he had power and I could
feel it. He reached out and touched the petals near my hip. He
closed his eyes and smiled. “It is real, my, my; what a surprise.”
He opened his eyes again and his expression made my heart race. “I
bet when a male makes love to you, he gets quite a shock. I can
imagine you only make love to male strong enough to withstand the
pain; males like Dominic.”

He flicked my belly button ring and I
caught my breath as my body surged. I pushed the feeling away and
regained my composure. “You have Malcom’s mate Ally, I want her
back.” I really didn’t know where the demand had come from, but I
made it anyway.

He smiled. “Last I checked that
weakling Audrey was the head female; not you. Which means you are
in no position to make demands of me love.”

I am not your love; and I
can demand whatever I want;” I countered.

He smiled. “Oh I like you. I am sure
Dominic likes you too. Has he made you howl at the moon yet, little
wolf?” he asked playfully.

I pressed my body to his and his smile
widened. “Prove you aren’t the monster everyone says. Bring me Ally
and maybe I’ll let you make me howl at the moon,” I whispered
seductively. I walked away from him back toward the way I was
originally going.

Tonight, midnight. Meet me
outside of town on the bridge and I will bring her to you,” he
called after me.

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