Perfect Fit: Book 4 of the Fated Hearts Series (31 page)

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Authors: Aimee Nicole Walker

Tags: #Fated Hearts Series, #Book 4

BOOK: Perfect Fit: Book 4 of the Fated Hearts Series
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His mouth joined in on the action as he kissed my goose pebbled skin while he massaged his way along my spine. My need was so great that I couldn’t keep my hips from gyrating against the bed beneath me. The dual sensation of my cock rubbing against the duvet and Jag’s hands and mouth working my flesh had me closer to the edge than I wanted to be that soon.

Jag left the bed briefly to get a condom and lubricant from the nightstand. I started to roll over, but a firm swat on my ass stopped me. “I wasn’t done massaging you, Bones.”

“I got your bone,” I replied tartly, but complied with his request.

“And, I’ve got yours too.” Jag slid his erection along the crease of my ass while his hands began to knead my ass cheeks.

I was never so happy to hear the
of the lubricant bottle being opened as I was right then. So much had been building up inside me and I needed Jag in order to feel centered again. My ass clenched tightly in anticipation and excitement as he drizzled the lube along my crack. Jag chuckled darkly when I raised my ass up in search of friction and penetration.

“Slow down, Bones. We have plenty of time. I don’t want to hurt you.” I preferred a thinner layer of lubricant rather than a thicker one so that I felt more friction and a little more bite when he penetrated me. Jag always worried that he would hurt me so he took a longer time stretching me open to receive him.

“I need to feel you. I want to feel your heat and the burn of your cock inside me, Jag. Please.” I wasn’t ashamed of begging for his cock. Given the chance, I’d beg for it daily. “I want it hard, long, and rough.” Jag began to tease my hole before he stretched me with one finger and then two.

The images I had earlier of riding him in a frenzy returned to me right then and I took what I needed. I rolled away from him and looked up into his chocolate brown eyes. I tackled him to the bed and caught his surprised gasp in my mouth as I ravished his lips. My hands searched for the condom packet while I sucked his tongue into my mouth. I pulled away from his kiss and held up the condom in victory once I found it.

“What are you up to?” Jag asked as I kissed a path down to the cock I couldn’t get enough of. “Bones… oh my… Christ that feels good.” I loved when I turned him on so much that his words came out jumbled and incoherent, which was usually the case when I sucked his dick as far into my mouth as I could take it without gagging. “Fuck, Bones, I won’t last.” He reached down to pull my head off his cock, but instead he gripped my hair and thrust his hips upwards and rubbed his cock against my tongue His words indicated that he wanted me to stop, but his actions were the exact opposite. I could taste his pre-cum on my tongue and could tell he was right on the edge. “Evil bastard,” he grouched when I wrapped my hand tightly around the base of his cock to prevent him from coming.

I crawled on top of him and kissed him until he came back from the edge and only then did I roll the condom down his hard length. We kept our eyes locked on one another as I positioned myself above him and lined his dick up to my opening. I felt greedy and hungry for him, so I wasted no time taking him inside me. I groaned loudly as the bite and slight burn of his penetration sent thrills throughout my body. I welcomed the contradictions of feelings that he always gave me, because any brief discomfort was followed by the highest pleasures I had ever known.

That night was no different as I started my ride with a slow, leisurely pace while my body adjusted to his girth and length. Worries and concerns were the furthest thing on my mind when I placed my hands on his shoulders for leverage as I raised and lowered myself on his dick at a quicker pace. My head felt so heavy that I wanted to close my eyes and let my head fall back as pleasure rippled through me, but I didn’t want to look away from him.

“Take what you need, Bones. Ride me. Use me.” His words were raw as they escaped through gritted teeth.

I pinned his arms above his head, leaned my body over him, and adjusted the angle of his penetration. I took his mouth in a kiss as rough as the wild ride I took us on. I broke our kiss long enough to shout in pleasure as I came all over his stomach. I collapsed against his chest, not caring that I was laying in my own cum. Jag grabbed my hips and thrust upwards a few more times before he bit my shoulder and filled the condom.

We laid there and just held onto one another for a while longer before we got in the shower to get cleaned up. Even there, I didn’t want to be separated from him longer than it took to wash off. I was afraid I was becoming too needy and would drive him away. The soft look in his eyes said differently and I decided to quit worrying about our relationship, because it seemed like the one solid thing I could count on.

“You’re better for me than any drug or mixed drink,” I said as I snuggled closer to him as the shower rained down on us.

“I do what I can,” he said with false bravado, which made me laugh.

“Save your bragging until after we’ve eaten the food you prepared.” He slapped my ass hard in retaliation for doubting his kitchen skills. The sound of a wet hand smacking wet taut flesh and my responding yelp echoed around throughout the shower.

It felt so good to have that carefree moment with him, regardless of how short it would be. I had no regrets about accepting guardianship of Lily and Lucas. None. That didn’t mean I wasn’t exhausted most of the time, nor did it mean that I wasn’t grateful for the break.

“I am starving,” I admitted to him. As much as I wanted to continue our bedroom Olympics, I hadn’t eaten since breakfast.

“Let’s feed you then.” Jag gave me a long kiss before he turned off the water and grabbed our towels off the hooks outside the shower.

Once dressed, I helped him put together the rest of the simple meal. It might not have been five star quality, but it was delicious. It was better than any tacos I’d ever had, except for the ones I’d eaten at authentic Mexican restaurants.

“This guacamole is delicious,” I said as I spooned more onto a third taco. “This is so much better than I ever expected. I can’t wait to see what else Liam teaches you.”

“Us,” Jag corrected. “You’re going to learn some skills too.” The look he gave me dared me to argue with him.

“Fine,” I said huffily, “but don’t get pissed if my food turns out better than yours.” There was absolutely no chance of that happening, but I could at least try for not poisoning us with undercooked meats.

“Not likely.” I launched a tortilla chip at him across the table. “Someone wants to get rough, huh?”

I was about to take him up on the offer I heard in his words and saw in his dark eyes, but my cellphone vibrated with an incoming text from my mom.

This is your ten minute warning. The prince and princess are ready to come home so we left the movie early. Get your clothes back on and be ready.
Her words were followed by a smiley face emoji.

My mom has jokes.
“Play time is over,” I said to Jag and then relayed the message. “Thank you for a wonderful night, Jag.”

“It was hot sex and tacos,” he said in attempt to downplay his role in my peaceful mood. He was never comfortable accepting compliments and praise.

“It was so much more than that and you know it.” I stood from the table and reached for his hand. I led us to the living room and pulled him down to sit beside me on the couch. I angled my body so I leaned into him and threw my legs overtop of his. Jag wrapped me in his arms and laid his head on top of mine. “This is what I want to do for the next ten minutes.”

“You got it, Bones.”

One thing always pierced through the heartbreak and sorrow of losing Destiny and Darryl, followed by the riotous emotions of trying to comfort two shattered, innocent hearts – Jag’s unwavering love for all of us.

things happened on the same day in the middle of January – one was expected, but disappointing, while the other was beautiful and heartwarming. Miller was notified by certified mail that Destiny’s parents, Herbert and Joann Candless, were challenging the appointment of Miller as guardian of Lucas and Lily. Gray and Chase’s little girl arrived safely into the world. We chose to focus on the beautiful gift that the Wrights had received that day.

“We’re going to need a bigger vehicle,” Miller stated as we made our way to the hospital to meet the newest member of our ever-expanding family. Chloe came over to spend time with the kids so we could celebrate with our friends. I loved how Miller refused to entertain the notion that Lucas and Lily would live with anyone, except us – making the need for a bigger vehicle a necessity.

“I’m not driving a minivan,” I replied, leveling him with a serious look. “I’ve accepted and embraced every single change that has come our way, but I’m not doing a van. I can see us with a sleek crossover SUV, but not a van.”

“I don’t think you’re embracing the beauty that a van could bring into our lives,” Miller said. He sounded serious, but it was hard to tell with him sometimes. He could say the most ridiculous thing in a serious voice while wearing a deadpan expression, so it was hard to tell if he was being serious or joking. “Some of those things are very luxurious,” he said defensively. “They have comfy leather seats that probably recline back far and they have television screens that fold down so you can watch movies.”

“Hell no.” I shook my head playfully. “I’m rolling up to Lucas and Lily’s sports, concerts, art shows, or plays in something badass. I think you should leave family transportation to me. I’ll make sure the kids aren’t mortified. I’m thinking a sleek Range Rover.”


“Shows too much dirt,” I rebutted. “Dark Gray or black,” I countered.

Miller pursed his lips together and tipped his head slightly while he pondered my suggestion. “I could see us driving a Range Rover.” He nodded his head as the idea took root. “Tell you what, let’s take the kids to look at them this weekend so they can help us pick.”

“Deal.” Like Miller, I refused to play it safe. There were no guarantees that a judge would side with us, but I loved our chances. We had heard of judges who were against allowing people in the LGBT community to adopt children, but I wouldn’t allow those worries to guide my actions. My gut told me that everything was going to be okay while my heart continued to expand with more love than I ever thought possible.

The waiting room was packed with familiar faces as we waited to meet little Miss Wright. Abigail had gone into labor in the middle of the night. They didn’t call any of us, because they were focused on Abigail, who was scared out of her mind. I’ll never forget the happy tears in Gray’s voice when he called our house to tell us that their daughter had arrived.

“It won’t be much longer,” Gram said excitedly when she greeted us. “I can’t wait to meet her. I wish those brats would have at least told me her name.”

“You don’t know either?”

“They wanted it to be a surprise.” Gram rolled her eyes in exasperation. “I get that she’s their little princess, but they’re not William and Kate who need to make some royal announcement.”

“Okay guys, they’re ready for us.” Chase’s voice pulled us away from our conversations and we all turned to look at him. His eyes were red and swollen from crying, but the smile on his face told us they were happy tears. “They gave us a room so we could stay with her tonight since she can’t come home until tomorrow.” We all converged on him at once. He made sure to hug each one of us to thank us for coming, as if we’d miss out on the happiest day of their lives.

Gray was sitting in a recliner rocking his little angel when we entered the room. There were so many of us that we could hardly fit and I half expected the nursing staff to tell us we’d have to visit in shifts.

“Me first,” Gram said as she threw elbows to get to her great granddaughter. “Okay, Kate,” Gram said, poking fun at Gray, “what is her name?”

Gray rose from his chair with a sleeping infant in his arms. He placed his daughter in Gram’s waiting arms. “Everyone, meet Grace Abigail Wright.” Gram started to cry as she kissed Grace’s little forehead. Chase wrapped his arm around his Gram’s shoulders and kissed her on the top of her head.

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