Room 103 02 - Thrilling Heaven (24 page)

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Authors: D. H. Sidebottom

BOOK: Room 103 02 - Thrilling Heaven
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I rested my chin on Jen’s shoulder as we stared at the
ants scurrying around underneath the Eiffel tower below us.

“It’s so beautiful, Ethan” she sighed happily.

I stole a glance at her, “It is, baby.”

She smirked as her eyes shifted sideways and caught me
looking at her. “I meant the view.”

I nodded “I know, my view is particularly stunning at the

She turned in my arms so she was facing me and placed a
tender kiss on the meanest of my scars.

I couldn’t believe it when she had told me all those
months ago, that she found my scars sexy, I mean, Christ they were the ugliest
fucking things I had ever seen but I noticed the way Jen shuddered every time
she kissed one or ran her finger gently across the groove.

She said she even like the horrific ones across my
stomach where the doc’s had cut me open to mend a few things inside.

But at the end of the day, it was her that had to look at
them, not me, unless in a mirror and if Jen was good with them then so was I.


“Kiss me” she whispered as she ran her tongue across my
bottom lip. I replied with a groan, my dick twitching as she walled my lip with
her teeth and gently bit down.

I slipped my arms around the back of her head and lowered
my mouth on hers, controlling her pliant plump lips under mine. As soon as I
took her, her hands slipped into my hair as always.

A guy bumped into me from behind, the top of the tower
full to bursting, and I growled but carried on kissing my beautiful wife.


Her eyes popped open when she caught the growl and I presumed
she thought I was growling at her, but I let her think that when she deepened
the kiss as her arousal surged with the noise I made.

“There’s kids up here, mate” the guy now grumbled and I
narrowed my eyes and turned to him.

“And there’s my beautiful wife up here,
if she wants me to kiss her, then I will kiss her.”

He held up his hands in surrender as his eyes landed on
my scars. They came in handy at times, making me look tough.


Jen nudged me slightly and I shook my head at her, “No,
baby. If it’s on the list then it needs to be done.”

She smiled widely, “We’re nearly there now.”

I nodded and smiled as I twirled her nose with mine, “We
are. We got married, we sang with the dolphins on our honeymoon and I really
think I’ve been inside you a million times by now.”

She barked out a laugh, “I’d make that a couple of
million, baby.”

I shrugged but grinned, “You shouldn’t hide my spinach up
there then. I need to get to it somehow.”

She grumbled and slapped my arm lightly as she scowled.
“Only two kids to do now, Jen.” I grinned at her, excited about the last one on
the list.

She nodded, “Well we’re halfway there.”

I scoffed as I shook my head at her, “How can you be
halfway to having kids, Jen?”

She rolled her lips and her wide eyes penetrated mine,
“Halfway to
kids, Ethan.”

“Yeah, that’s one.” I laughed. It wasn’t hard really.

She nodded slowly.



She grinned when she realised I had caught on as she took
my hand and placed it over her stomach. “Welcome to parenthood, Superman.”

“Oh… Christ… Jen, my god, baby… Wow.”

She twirled her nose around mine and locked me down with
her beautiful eyes, “By the way, Ethan…”

I inhaled sharply as I secured her gaze just as deeply,
“…I love you, Jen.”




So that’s us done, folks. Only took eleven years to get
here but as the saying goes ‘All good things come to those who wait’. I waited,
I was a patient boy and I was rewarded with the most beautiful woman on the
planet, a life that finally let me live and baby Boss already forming those
super powers.


Jen and I are sad to be leaving you but you can catch up
with us when Bulk shares his side of life and his approaching romance with a
guitarist from
River’s Ink
. I think you’ll like his story; he has a
huge… man part! But as Jen tells me, it’s not the quantity but the quality. I
don’t quite know how to take that really, is she saying that little Boss is



Anyway, thank you for listening and hopefully we’ve given
you some smiles and laughter as well as some tears, but all’s good.

You’ll have to excuse me now; I have to go make love to
my beautiful woman and recharge my super powers.

See you all soon.





























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