The Jewish Annotated New Testament (182 page)

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divine Wisdom, 289–91

Divine Word, 547

divisions and tractates, Talmudic, 603

divorce, 12, 297–98

adultery and, 503, 517
DSS on, 516, 517
Jesus’ protection of women in, 503
in Jewish family life, in first century CE, 538–39
marriage and, 34–35, 80–81
prohibition of, 80
remarriage after, 135, 502

Dead Sea Scrolls


early Judaism, common errors about, 501–4

on heavenly father, 503
on messiah, 503
on outcasts, 503
on universalism, 504
on women, 502–3

earthquakes, 44, 54

Ecclesiastes, book of, on afterlife, 549–50

Ecclesiastes Rabbah
, 580

Ecclesiastical History
(Eusebius), 463, 558

education in first century CE, 540


bureaucracy of, 507
Diaspora synagogue in, 520
flight to, 5–6
Jesus’ family fleeing, 566

elders, 456, 458

qualifications for, 398–99
tradition of, 28–29

Eleazar, 511, 533, 534

exorcism of, 536

Elijah, 53, 78, 107, 160, 164, 531

ascent to heaven, 159
call of, 59
charismatic prophecy of, 536
eschatological act of, 480–81
prophecies about, 79
as prophet, 32
role of, 533

Elisha, 107

charismatic prophecy of, 536
healing by, 79

Emmaus incident, 149–50

end-time signs, 143

endurance, 394–95

exhortation to, 393, 419

Enoch, 63, 77, 164

prophecy of, 462

, on reward and punishment after death, 549–50

entombment, of Jesus, 53–54, 94, 149

Ephesians, Letter of Paul to, 345–53

authorship of, 345
blessing in, 346–47
Colossians comparison to, 365
Paul’s speech in, 239–40

Epictetus, 220, 258, 266–67, 279, 296, 398, 404, 525

Epistle of Barnabas
, 558, 559

Pastoral Epistles

Epistle to the Laodiceans
, 559

eschatology, 378

David as redeemer and, 530–31
Elijah and, 480–81
Jesus and, 15, 480–81
judgment, 292–93
Matthew elements of, 44
on Messiah timetable, 534

Essene Hypothesis, 569, 570

Essenes, 391, 527

eternal life, sin and, 454–55

ethical law, Paul on, 518

Eucharist, 90, 184–85, 523

Euripides, 248

Eusebius, 1, 152, 463–64, 557, 558

evil, 295

careless speech and, 433–34
of humankind, 255–57
understanding occurrences of, 129

exaltation of Jesus, 408–9

excavations at Qumran, 570

exegesis, 516

exhortation, 366, 375, 395–96, 425–26, 462

to attention, 408
to endurance, 393, 419
on faithfulness in suffering, 392–93
to hope, 445
moral, 368
for patience, 447
for righteousness, 447
salvation and, 400
to virtuous behavior, 444

Exodus, the, 211–13

exorcism, 24, 29, 61, 69, 121, 536

Ezekiel, 464

John of Patmos as new, 473

, on Anointed One, 531


faith, 136

of Abraham, 337
children of God through, 338
forgiveness of sin and, 62–64
heroes of, 420–23
importance of, 428
law vs., 336–37
works vs., 337, 431–32


of Abraham, 261–63
of God, 261, 263–64, 282–85
life of, 278–80
in suffering, 392–93
of Thessalonians, 372

faithful obedience, of life in Christ, 264–65

false prophets, 15, 445–46, 453, 581–82

false teachers, 358–59, 384, 389–90, 443


of Abraham, 552
division within, 129
of Jesus, 117, 540, 566
Jewish, in first century CE, 537–40

Farewell discourse, Jesus’, 185–87

fasting, 14, 64–65

of Moses, 7
of Pharisees, 18

Feast of Tabernacles, 154, 155

Feast of the Dedication, 179


of five thousand, 27–28, 72–73, 119, 169–70
of four thousand, 29–30, 75

Felix, 245–46, 532


dates, 367
harvest, of Sukkot, 38

Festival of Tabernacles (Sukkot or Booths), 172–74

Festival of Unleavened Bread, 144

Festus, 246, 532

fidelity, 477

divine, 413–14
idolatry vs., 303

fig tree

cursing of, 83–84
lesson of, 144
unfruitful, 130

final judgment, 443, 494–95

first century CE, Jewish family life in, 537–40

first Judean revolt, 511–12

Josephus on, 533

Flavius Josephus.

food, 1;
see also
feeding; Last Supper; Passover meal; table fellowship

restrictions within Jesus Movements, 522
table fellowship and, 521–24

fool’s speech, of Paul, 328–30

forgiveness, 34

redemption and, 364–65
sin and, 62–64, 135–36

fornication, 369

Fourth Gospel.
John, Gospel According to

fulfillment narrative, prophecy and, 566


Gabriel, 545

Galatians, Letter of Paul to, 332–44

locations in, 334
LXX and, 564
Paul’s rebuke in, 333
on salvation, 517

Galilee, 6, 8, 59, 106

Gamaliel, 198, 209, 527, 529, 579

Gehenna, 20, 80

gender roles, 304

gender segregation, 539–40

genealogy, of Jesus, 3, 105–6

Genesis, in Aramaic, 569

Gentile Christians, 555–56

Gentiles, 55–56, 378

circumcision of, 515
conversion to Judaism, 515, 524–25
following law by, 518
in Jerusalem Temple, 503
Jews’ table fellowship with, 523–24
Jews’ union with, 348
Paul’s outreach to, 523, 553
proselytes and, 273, 574
redemption of, 107
Romans, Letter of Paul to, 253–54

Gerasene demoniac, 69–70, 117–18

German Bible, Luther’s translation of, 561

Gethsemane, 49–50

prayer in, 90–91
women and, 502

God, 58, 259–61, 547–48

armor of, 353
children of, 158, 338–39, 451–54
Christ as manifestation of, 467
elect of, 397
faithfulness of, 261, 263–64, 282–85
Paul deliverance by, 316–17
promise of rest of, 410–11
righteous judgment of, 379

Gog, 473

Golden Rule, 448–49, 543

Good Shepherd discourse, 178–80

Gospel of Peter
, 559, 577


collection of, 558
on Pharisees and Sadducees, 527
parallel texts in, 596–97

grace, of Christian, 501

grain, plucking of, on Sabbath, 65, 517

Great Commandment, 502, 543

of love, 308–9

Greek sources

of LXX, 562–63
in New Testament, 560


Habakkuk, 569

Hadrianic persecutions, 506

hand washing, 73–74, 154, 161

Ḥanina ben Dosa, 536–37, 584

Hanukkah, 154, 179, 508, 531

Hasmonean dynasty, 508–9, 531, 572

High Priest and, 527
and, 524
Josephus and, 575
Pompey and, 509

headcovering, 304, 305

healer, Jesus’ authority as, 16

healing, 23, 29, 32, 61, 75, 78–79, 107, 109, 121, 204

of blind men, 37, 76, 139, 177–78
of centurion’s servant, 16, 114–15
of Jairus’s daughter, 70–71, 118–19
of lame man, 153, 167–68
of leprosy, 16, 62, 110, 517
of paralytic, 17–18, 110–11
on Sabbath, 65–66, 130, 131
of woman with a hemorrhage, 70–71, 118–19, 502


Elijah’s ascent into, 159
treasures in, 128
war in, 482

heavenly temple, 487

cult, 478

Hebrew Bible (Tanakh), 1, 10, 504–7

biography in, 505
canons of, 600

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