The Jewish Annotated New Testament (184 page)

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Johannine community, 152–53, 448

Johannine literature, 156–57, 456

John, 21, 31, 37, 53, 112, 153–54

arrest of, 205–6

John, Gospel According to, 152–96, 546

anonymous author of, 153–54
anti-Judaism and, 155–56
audience of, 154
epilogue of, 195–96
first-century Judaism and, 154–55
geography of, 162
Jewish sources and, 155
on Jews, 578
Johannine community and, 152–53
Johannine narrative in, 156–57

John, First Letter of, 448–55

authorship of, 448
canonical status of, 448

John, Second Letter of, 456–57

authorship of, 456

John, Third Letter of, 458–59

John Hyrcanus, 98, 508, 524, 575

John of Patmos

heavenly call of, 466–68
as new Ezekiel, 473

John the Baptist, 6–7, 18, 55, 64–65, 156, 502, 510, 567

annunciation of conception of, 98–99
baptism of, 57–58
beheading of, 27, 71–72, 147
birth and naming of, 100
imprisonment of, 105
Jesus and, 115–16
Josephus on, 576
in Luke, Gospel According to, 104
as prophetic figure, 532–33
Qumran and, 530
teachings of, 104–5
testimony of, 159–60

Josephus, 2, 502, 508, 537, 577

on afterlife, 549
on Herod Antipas, 510
on Jesus, 576
Jewish Antiquities
by, 513, 514, 575–76, 583
on Judaizers, 555
on messianic leaders, 531–33
on neighbor, 542
on royal figures, 533–34
Sicarii denouncement of, 527
on synagogue, 520

Judaean Antiquities.
See Jewish Antiquities

Judaism, 513–14;
see also
early Judaism

anti-, 155–56
continuing education on, 501
DSS and, 569
first century, John, Gospel According to, and, 154–55
Gentile conversion to, 515, 524–25
historical study of, 582–83
Luke, Gospel According to, on, 96–97
neighbor and, 123
Paul and, 333–34, 551–54
proselytes to, 554
Rabbinic, 505, 516, 518
works-righteousness model on, 502

Judaizers, 554–57

LXX on, 555

Judas Iscariot, 2, 50–51, 144, 460

death of, 200
Pharisees and, 41

Jude, Letter of, 460–62

authorship of, 460
cultural influences in, 460

Judea, 6, 513

church in, 374
Jews relocated from, 507


and, 525
revolts, 511–13, 533, 534
synagogues, in Second Temple period, 519–20

judgment, 15, 113–14

angel of, 63, 486
divine, 257–58, 411
eschatological, 292–93
final, 443, 494–95
God’s righteous, 379

justification, 362

Paul on, 287

Justin Martyr, 558, 560, 574–75, 577


Kimchi, David (Radak), 295


keys of, 30–31
parable of, 24–25

Kingdom of God, 136, 163

announcement of, 59
parable and, 67–68
riches and, 81

Kingdom of Heaven, 6, 14

King James Version (KJV), 561

King of the Jews, 5, 51, 92


Lady Wisdom, in Proverbs, 155

Lamb, opens scroll with seven seals, 474–76

lame man, healing of, 153, 167–68


Aramaic, 561–62, 569
of LXX, 564

Last Supper, 28, 48–49, 89–90, 145, 184–85, 305–6

Acts of the Apostles on, 522–23

Late Antiquity

Judaism and Christianity in, 555
synagogue in, 521

see also
Jewish law

covenant and, 338
curse of the, 337–38
DSS on, 516
faith vs., 336–37
freedom from, 296
fulfillment by love, 281
grievances and, 295
Judaism as system of, 513
moral, 518, 541–42
purpose of, 338
ritual, 518
wholeness under, 431

lawyers, 41

challenge of, 124
invectives against, 126–27


raising of, 152, 180–82
rich man and, 135

leper scholar, messiah as, 535

leprosy, healing of, 16, 62, 110, 136, 517

Letter of Aristeas
, 522, 563

letter of tears, 318–19

Levitical priests, 414–15

Leviticus, book of, on neighbor, 541–42


in community, charity and, 387–88
of faithfulness, 278–80


children of, 570
darkness and, 323, 449


of apocalypse, 3, 535
Jewish, of Second Temple period, 584
Johannine, 456
rabbinic, 506, 565, 567, 585–87
visionary, 464
Wisdom, 157, 548, 549

liturgy, of early synagogue, 520–21

, 546–49

Divine Word, 547
comparison to, 547

Lord’s Prayer, 1, 13, 34, 96, 125

Lord’s Supper.
Last Supper

love, 539

commandment of, 449
earning God’s, 502
as Greatest Commandment, 308–9
law fulfilled by, 281
mutual, 457
of neighbor, 502, 540–41

Luke, Gospel According to, 96–151

authorship of, 96
geography of, 108
on Jews and Judaism, 96–97
John the Baptist in, 104
on Last Supper, 522
nativity stories in, 96
on Pharisees, 110, 527
on Sadducees, 527
on women, 96

Luther, Martin, 253, 362, 559–61



Maccabean Revolt, 87, 507–8, 517, 550, 572

Maccabees, First (Book of), 563

on Hanukkah, 508
on Hellenism, 507

Maccabees, Second (Book of), 563

on Jews, 513
on martyr, 505
on reward and punishment after death, 550

Maccoby, Hyam, 584, 586, 587

magicians, 391–92

Magnificat, of Mary, 100

Magog, 473

Maimonides (Rambam), 546, 551, 582

Mark, Gospel According to, 1, 55–95

authorship of, 55
on dietary restrictions, 515
on Gentiles, 55–56
geography of, 60
healings in, 61
on Jesus’ crucifixion, 505
on Last Supper, 522
letters of Paul comparison, 55
at Qumran cave, 570
scripture fulfillments in, 89

Markan Apocalypse, 87–88

marriage, 266, 376;
see also
wedding at Cana

children and, 80–81
divorce and, 34–35, 80–81
in Jewish family life, first century CE, 538–39
sexuality in, 297

Mary, 2, 53, 125, 560

Magnificat of, 100

Mary Magdalene, 53, 66, 193–94

, 567–68

Masoretic text (MT), 159, 562–63

Mattathias, revolt of, 508

Matthew, Gospel According to, 1–54, 557

authorship of, 1
on crucifixion, 505
eschatological elements in, 44
geography of, 8
on Jesus’ conception, 560
on Jewish Christians, 556
on Jewish law, 516
on Last Supper, 522
on neighbor, 542
Peter in, 31
rabbinic midrash in, 567
on tax collecting, 40

medieval Jewish tradition

Babylonian Talmud and, 581
Jesus in, 581–82

comparison to, 547

Messiah, 2, 57, 76, 86, 154, 176, 202–3, 548

from David’s lineage, 3
divine, in New Testament, 505
in early Jewish thought, 530–31
early Judaism on, 503
as leper scholar, 535
timetable, 534

messianic leaders, 531–34

priests, 414–15, 527–29, 531, 534
prophetic figures, 531–33
royal figures, 533–34

messianic movements, 530–35

age of Messiah and, 531

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