The Jewish Annotated New Testament (185 page)

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apocalyptic literature and, 535
in Jewish history, 535
rabbinic traditions, 534–35, 580–81
Reform Movement, 535

messianic secret, 56–57, 66

Metatron angel, 465, 544–45

Michael angel, 460, 531, 545

midrash, 4, 548

Ecclesiastes Rabbah
, 580
in Matthew, Gospel According to, 567
New Testament parables and, 565–69

ministry, 276

of glory, 319
of hardship, 321–22
of Jesus, 183–84
of new covenant, 319–20
of reconciliation, 322–23

miracle, 76, 208

in Gospels and Acts, 536
of conception of Jesus, 4

Mishnah, 502, 551, 557

date of, 506
as law book, 518
on neighbor, 528
on reward and punishment after death, 550

mission, 19, 366

of disciples, 71
of Jesus, 62
of seventy, 122–23


instructions, 19–20
journeys of Paul, 224, 228, 235
mandate by Jesus, 109
sites, 215

modern Jewish thought, Jesus in, 582–85

Montefiore, Claude, 583, 586, 587

moral exhortation, 368

moral law, 518

on neighbor, 541–42

Moses, 31, 391–92, 513

conception of, 2
eschatological act of, 480–81
exodus and, 211–13
Jesus comparison to, 2, 154, 409–10, 504–5
Philo on, 573–74
radiant face of, 319, 320

Mount of Olives, 44, 49, 82–83, 93, 146, 532

Masoretic text murder, 11, 127, 502

mustard seed, parable of, 26–27, 130


Nachmanides (Ramban), 303, 431

nativity, 4–5, 96

Nazareth, 6

Jesus rejection by, 27, 71, 106–7


Golden Rule and, 543
Jesus on, 543
Jewish and Christian concept of, 540–43
Judaism and, 123
Leviticus on, 541–42
love of, 502, 540–41
Mishnah on, 528

neologisms, of LXX, 564–65

Nero, 463, 511

new covenant, 407;
see also
New Testament

of Jesus, 506
ministers of, 319–20

new Jerusalem, in Revelation, 495–97

New Jewish Publication Society (NJPS), 516

New Revised Standard Version (NRSV), 284

translation and Septuagint, 562
translation of “law,” 516

New Testament, 504–7

canon of, 557–60
children of light in, 570
divine Messiah in, 505
Greek sources, use in, 560
Hebrew Bible, comparison to, 505–6
Israel’s laws and, 505
Jewish law in, 505, 515–16
Josephus narratives and, 576
LXX and, 563, 565
midrash and, 565–69
period, Jewish movements of, 526–30
Philo and, 574–75
as translation, 561

New Jewish Publication Society

New Revised Standard Version

numerology of Revelation, 475


olive tree allegory, 275–76

oral prophecy, 466

Oral Torah, 341, 518

oral tradition, 153

Ovid, 163, 227, 304, 308

Origen, 458, 558, 563, 575, 577


pagan, synagogue donated by, 520

Palestinian Talmud, 580

Palestinian Targum, 547–49

Papias, 1, 55, 557

parable, 7, 24, 34, 40, 46–47, 66, 96, 132–35, 139–41

of good Samaritan, 96, 123, 124, 502, 540–43
Kingdom of God and, 67–68
of mustard seed, 26–27, 130
of New Testament, midrash and, 565–69
of Pharisee and tax collector, 137–38
of sower, 25, 116–17
of vineyard, 2, 36, 39, 84–85, 567
of yeast, 26–27, 130

paraenesis (moral exhortation), 368

parallel texts, 598–99

paralytic, Jesus’ healing of, 17–18, 110–11

parent, love between child and, 539

parousia, 44, 372, 376

Passion of Jesus

narrative, 56, 190–91
prediction of, 32, 36, 76, 77, 79, 81–82, 120, 121, 139
resurrection and, 47

Passover, 88, 511, 526

John, Gospel According to, and, 154
preparations for, 144

Passover meal, 48, 89, 184, 522

Pastoral Epistles, 383, 391, 397–98


care in speech and, 434
exhortation for, 447

Paul, 319, 320, 326–27, 384–85, 557

Agrippa and, 246–47
apostle, 66
apostles, meeting with, 335–36
as believer in Christ, 242–43
body metaphor of, 297–98, 307–8
on circumcision faction, 523, 552, 555
conversion of, 216–18
defense of, 247–49
on dietary laws, 522
doctrine of the Trinity and, 293
on ethical law, 518
Felix and, 245–46
Festus and, 246
fool’s speech of, 328–30
Gentile outreach by, 523, 553
God’s deliverance of, 316–17
on God’s Spirit, 554
imprisonment of, 355–56
in Jerusalem, 240–42
Jewish Christians and, 555
on Jewish law, 516–18
in Jewish thought, 585–87
journey of, 223, 230–32, 236–39
Judaism and, 333–34, 551–54
on justification, 287
missionary journeys of, 224, 228, 235
on olive tree allegory, 275–76
persecuted by the Jews, 578
persecution of, 552
as Pharisee, 527, 551
Philemon, his appeal to, 404–5
preaching of, 224–27
on proselytes to Judaism, 554
Rome, travel to, 249–52, 250
speech of, in Ephesians, 239–40
on spiritual gifts, 306, 307, 552
on table fellowship, 553

Paul, letters of

authorship of, 551–52
on dietary law, 522
interpretation of, 552–54
non-Jew direction in, 553–54

Pausanias, 233, 276

Pentateuch, 1, 516, 548

oral traditions of, 518
Philo on, 573


Holy Spirit and, 536
land of, 201
teaching on, 202

perfection through suffering, 408


of disciples, 143
Hadrianic, 506
of Paul, 552
suffering under, 438

Peter, 1, 9, 31, 112, 160, 218, 336, 557

Agrippa I arrest of, 510
arrest of, 205–6, 510
authority of, 444–45
in Christian tradition, 436
church expansion and, 200
on circumcision, 555
confession of, 77, 120
denial by, 49, 50, 90, 92, 145, 146
as Judaizer, 556
speech of, 202, 204–5, 220–21
and table fellowship with uncircumcised, 523
teaching, Holy Spirit and, 201

Peter, First Letter of, 436–42

authorship of, 436

Peter, Second Letter of, 443–47, 460

Pharisees, 2, 43, 53, 391, 583

criticize Jesus, 135
fasting of, 18
invectives against, 126–27
Jesus’ questioning of, 42
Jewish movement, 6
in Luke, Gospel According to, 110, 135, 527
oral tradition, 153
parable of tax collector and, 137–38
Paul as, 527, 551
reject John’s baptism, 110
on Sabbath laws, 527
Sadducees vs., 527–28
sign demanded by, 76
sinners and, 132
tax collectors and, 64, 137–38
water purification rites and, 58
woman who loved Jesus and, 116
yeast of, 30

Philemon, Letter of Paul to, 402–5

authorship of, 402
Paul’s appeal to, 404–5

Philippians, Letter of Paul to, 354–61

authorship of, 354
Paul as observant Jew in, 552

Philo of Alexandria, 56, 155, 157, 168, 274, 507, 514, 569

Hellenistic Judaism of, 575
influence of, 574–75
life of, 572–73
, 548
on Moses, 573–74
New Testament and, 574–75
on proselytes, 525
scripture interpretation of, 574
works of, 573

Pilate, 510

Jesus and, 51–52, 92–93, 147

Plato, 206, 233, 270, 304, 312, 414, 539, 573, 582

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