The Jewish Annotated New Testament (187 page)

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dispute with Agrippa, 525
of Hasmonean dynasty, 508

Simon bar Gioras, 511, 533, 575


Christ as sacrifice for, 418–19
debt and, 34
eternal life and, 454–55
forgiveness and, 62–64, 135–36
freedom from, 266–67
rebirth from, 347–48

Sinaiticus biblical codex, 153, 559, 563


Jesus’ association with, 64, 523
Pharisees and, 132
repentance of, 62
tax collectors and, 18

slaves, 402–3

to all, 301–2
in Jewish family life, 538

social order, 298–99

creation and, 385

social teachings, 79

Passion predictions and, 76

Solomon, 14, 204–5;
see also
Temple of Solomon; Wisdom of Solomon

son of David, 2, 19, 86, 142

Son of God, 58, 152, 154, 159, 160, 176, 406

Son of Man, 23, 30, 57, 63, 465, 467, 545–46

coming of, 44–45, 144
day of, 136–37
final judgment and, 47
suffering of, 77
watchfulness for, 45

sower, parable of, 25, 116–17

Spirit of God, 342–43, 554

Spirit of Life, 267–70

spiritual gifts, 306–8, 552

spiritual wisdom, 364–65


arrest, speech and martyrdom of, 210–11
stoning of, 213

storm, stilling of, by Jesus, 17, 68–69, 117

suffering, 268–69

as Christian, 441–42
faithfulness in, 392–93
perfection to, 408
under persecution, 438
of Son of Man, 77

Strabo, 233, 308, 471

Suetonius, 137, 234, 256–57, 287, 314, 484, 510, 533

suffering servant, 56, 63, 505–6, 535, 584

Sukkot (Booths), 38, 88, 172, 526

synagogue, 9, 61, 198, 555

believer in Christ expelled from, 579
Diaspora, in pre-70 era, 520
exclusion from, 152
Jesus’ expulsion from, 188
Jesus’ sermon in, 107
Jewish worship in, 513–14
Judean, in Second Temple period, 519–20
in late antiquity, 521
leadership of, 519
liturgy of early, 520–21
location of, 519
pagan interest in, 520
participation in, 519
social-communal aspects of, 519
Torah reading ceremony in, 519–21
worship in, 519

Synoptic Gospels, 152, 567



table fellowship

food and, 521–24
between Jews and Gentiles, 523–24
in Luke, Gospel According to, 111
Paul on, 553

Tacitus, 578

on Jewish customs, 514–15


Babylonian, 580–81
Jesus as sorcerer in, 581

Hebrew Bible

Tanhuma, 10, 13, 20, 125, 202, 290, 303, 350, 428, 432–33

tannaitic rabbis, 592


for Caesar, 40–41, 85, 142
collecting, 40, 281
Temple, 32–33, 64, 325

tax collectors, 503

Jesus’ association with, 64, 96, 523
Pharisees and, 64, 137–38
Roman empire and, 40
sinners and, 18

Teacher of Righteousness, 508, 534, 569–70, 572


with authority, 61
Holy Spirit and, 201
Jesus’ explanation of his, 25
of Jesus in Galilee, 106
of John the Baptist, 104–5
on Pentecost, 202
social, 76, 79

Temple, Second, 515;
see also
Second Temple period

celibacy and, 35
construction of, 93
destruction of, 3, 43–44, 55, 531, 550
Judaism, 582
prophecy and, 39

Temple of Solomon, 198, 503–4;
see also
Jerusalem Temple

construction of, 93
destruction of, 143, 154, 512, 566
Herod the Great renovations of, 433, 509, 514
prediction of destruction of, 87–88
prophetic judgment against, 83–84

Temple Scroll, 570

from Qumran, 517
on temple entry, 528


good deeds and, 429
of Jesus, 7–8, 106

Ten Commandments, 515, 518

Tertullian, 22, 197, 298, 378, 397, 423, 438, 557–58, 578

Testimonium Flavianum
, 536, 576, 579

thanksgiving, 347, 355, 363–64, 373, 381, 402–4, 569

Thessalonians, First Letter of Paul to, 372–77

authorship of, 372
on faithfulness, 372
interpretation of, 372

Thessalonians, Second Letter of Paul to, 378–82

authorship of, 378
Gentiles and, 378
historical context, literary history of, 378–79

Thessalonica, 372

events in, 232–33

third Gospel.
Luke, Gospel According to

Thucydides, 240

Timothy, 363, 372

mission to the Thessalonians, 375
travels of, 358

Timothy, First Letter of Paul to, 383–90

Timothy, Second Letter of Paul to, 391–96

Titus, Letter of Paul to, 397–401

Toledot Yeshu

Jesus mis-information in, 581
on Paul, 585

tongues, prophecy and, 309–10

Torah, 1, 516

covenant of, 79
exegetical rules of, 2
LXX translation of, 562
observance, 332, 501
permanence of, 135
purity laws and, 502
reading ceremony, in synagogue, 519–21
on Sabbath, 23
summarization of, 342
views concerning, 10–11
Written and Oral, 516

tractates, Talmudic, 603

Transfiguration, 31–32, 78, 120–21, 502


of ancient texts, 601–2
of Bible, 560–62
, 524–26

trinity, 293, 580

triumphal entry, 37–38, 140, 182–83

“Two Powers in Heaven,” 547


unclean spirit, 24, 58, 61, 69–70;
see also

unity, 288–89, 356–57

of believers in Christ, 349–50

universal worship, 477

unmarried believers, 299


Vaticanus biblical codex, 153, 559, 563

vineyard, parable of, 2, 36, 39, 84–85, 567

virgin birth, of Jesus, 4, 101, 578

visionary literature, 464

vision of heavenly throne, 473–74

Vulgate, Jerome production of, 561


warnings, 15–16, 128, 424–25


Jesus walking on, 28, 73
purification rites, 58

wealth, 34, 135

Kingdom of Heaven and, 14
warnings against, 128

wedding at Cana, 152, 157

Jesus’ first sign of, 161

Weeks of Pentecost.


offering of, 143
poor, 86, 115

wilderness, 6

John the Baptist in, 104, 532
Israelites in, 410
messianic movement and, 532


divine vs. human, 289–91
Lady, in Proverbs, 155
in Proverbs, 544

Wisdom literature, 157

on afterlife, 549
, 548

Wisdom of Solomon, 558, 563

Wissenschaft des Judentums
, 582–83


adulterous, 174
anointing by, 48
Canaanite, Jesus and, 29
as church leader, 386
divorce and, 503
early Judaism and, 502–3
headcovering of, 304, 305
with hemorrhage, healing of, 70–71, 118–19, 502
home ownership by, 503
Jesus healing of two, 18–19
Luke, Gospel According to, on, 96
pollution symbolism and, 489
role of, 287
Samaritan, Jesus’ encounter with, 152, 155–56, 165–67
at tomb, 148
who loved Jesus, 116

Word, Divine, 547

Word of God, in LXX, 546


faith vs., 337, 431–32
of Philo of Alexandria, 573
-righteousness model, 502
Sabbath abstention from, 515


places of, 213
in synagogue, 519
universal, 477

wrath, 7

written prophecy, 466

Written Torah, 516


Xenophon, 237, 294


, Qumran, 526–27


parable of, 26–27, 130

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