To John (10 page)

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Authors: Kim Itae

Tags: #bank, #john, #oil, #forex, #fed, #morning, #trader, #aiib, #gbp, #usd

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Ana was not sure whether the
market is open today or not. She got confused. So she read a bit of
more this 'Ex-plain' book.

02 Jan 2015

"Installment savings with compound
interest. See you there, John."

Everybody is talking about
currency. The reason: the main currency is about to be collapsed.
Petrodollar is gone. Next.

Lagarde is definitely an agent
from the other world. When she appears, there is always a sovereign
default or a government shutdown. She is a debt collector.

"Mum. Carl is in. Put your money
in hoy dia. No manana. Hay no manana. Ana."

'If you lie down now, your back
will be severely jammed. Walk around. Hang around. Do not panic. It
will go away. Use Hot Patch. Otherwise poke behind your knees hard.
Or go to an acupuncturist.'

03 Jan 2015

"I saw you burning. I told mum.

Ana could not think of anything
else but Carl. His murderous maneuvor. She knew it. But when she
actually had it again, it hurts. My enemy number 1, my brother.

'And I am stuck in this place with
no WiFi. Shit.'

"John, back up tonight. Bring some
bad boys. If they do it well, bonus. If they don't, never mind. We
will slash some fresh meats and will have assorted beef steaks with
fried onions. No messy sauce. Straight."

'US is cooking up 2nd credit
crush. This Prince stuff is just to draw the attention somewhere
else. A very cheap song and dance. Then again this means US is in a
real deep shit. Bubble burst. If they can not move their shit to
Europe swiftly like 2008 with Fischer's direction, no one knows
what can happen to them.'

04 Jan 2015

'European Central Bank to launch a
massive quantitative easing programme this year' (FT)

'Let them grill whatever they
want. Let us see they grill their own skin. This year is our year.
The whole heaven is upon us. The whole hell is open to beg us for

'This monarchy is crushing down
its own currency. Of course. They are not British. They became pigs
fed by US republicans. They are Germans who changed their sir name.
They are not Germans either. I always wondered why this royal
family is more popular in America than in UK. That explains it. My
question is then, why UK has to keep them? Are they bringing the
money and the pride they deserve? At the time of Scotland
referendum, the so called queen said 'do not drag me into this
shit'. As a foreigner, I thought that remark was bizaar. I wanted
to ask without knowing any of her background, 'Your highness, this
is your kingdom, this is not a shit.' Now something looks clear to
me. Shall I google 'Harry's cock on snooker table'? Apparently he
actually did that and got videoed. He got upset as a white bastard
as his mum was killed as she got pregnant with a colored bastard.
Will he come out as his brother come out as number 1 circumcised
celebrity. Circumcision is an American custom nowadays too.'

'Sterling was smashed twice by
Americans. 1992 by George Soros. 2008 shit from US bubble burst
through Henry's deviation work. I think twice is enough.'

'Get rid of this monarchy. Do not
pay more than 1% of GDP to NATO. Then you will have plenty of money
for NHS and further education.'

"Good night, you bad boys. x"

2nd Week Jan 2015

05 Jan 2015

"Book keeping by double

"Temporary skidding is adding a
little fun to the game. Fine. With hard spinning, you can drop all
these little ones, who are not good at swimming. They can drag you
down in panic. To knock them unconscious is not the 1st rule when
you try to save someone drowning? The same."

'Prince Andrew will be charged
criminally according to Florida Chapter Law 97-299. States that do
not substantially implement SORNA face a mandatory 10% penalty in
their Bureau of Justice Assistance grant.

= Criminal charge for Prince
Andrew or 10% penalty for Florida.'

'These princes have to take look
after dickheads. Do not put them on snooker table. Do not peel them
off. Do not get stuck in Florida sand beach.'

'This royalty really sucks.
Degenerated bastards. That's what they are biologically and

'I feel like an idiot. I feel
dizzy with this unknown power or something. The only thing I know
is that if I do not use this or ex-press this, I will get fainted
or will have severe pain somewhere in my body. At the moment, the
jammed place is called 'The Idiot Door' in acupuncture. It controls
breathing and the neuron traffic between the left and right brain.
What a horror. Without thinking, it flows. It's ok. As soon as I
think something, it starts blocking. As a human, how can you live
without thinking? In order to live I started thinking like an 4
year old child or a fully grown idiot. Not bad. Anyway life is not
that complicated as you think. For example, I will go to a
supermarket and get something for lunch. Home-made hotdogs. What do
you need for making them? Bread, pati, cheese and lettuce. It
almost feels like I have another personality, who is very lazy,
simple and foul mouthed. She or he loves twitting or chatting just
in order to insult something for releasing her or his unclear
stress. Like Gordon, fuck this fuck that or puck this puck that as
she or he has a structural problem with her tongue and lower lip.
Puck, where am I? Puck me, what am I doing here? Puck, it's

When Ana wrote this, she knew it
was her. She was not possessed. She would like to see a shrink. She
might have developed multiple character disorder. But she always
had one or another disorder symptom when she is not happy with the
bloody chart. It was her relentless ranting or panting or sweating
or swearing.

"John, time to pack another

"Mum, I'm innocent."

"I know you, Ana. When Tom called
me, I felt something is not right. You never asked Tom to look
after me. What's wrong with you?"

Ana sighed in a relief. Her mum's
money is all right. She didn't move at all. Good old mum. So, no
private money. Purely public. Or Carl’s money.

06 Jan 2015

"US 10yr 2.03%, 50.04/barrel. They
got married and went down happily together."

40.00/barrel as OPEC expected
means 1.60%

20.00/barrel as OPEC heads for
means 0.80%

Finally if OPEC decides to replace
the value system for oil by a different currency

$00.00/barrel = 0.00%

There is no such a thing 0.00% for
bonds. It means dishonored bonds. Shit. Get out. Global economic
crisis? Sorry, no... US only. Decoupling was started years ago. Now
it surfaced. Jaws... Run for your life. Move.

Carl sent her a text as if he was
watching her.

"Do not get too excited. Everybody

"You woke up early."

"Yes, I don't have any legs."


"Let's roll up."

"Is your account exposed?"

"Nope. I am not their employee.
What's wrong with you? You are not concentrating."

Ana heard exactly the same phrase
from her brother 20 odd years ago.


"You what?"

"Hormone. I am fed up with gun

Ana did not know what to say to

"John, do you remember I said that
my body is changing?"

"It's ok. You don't have to reply
to me. I started putting little chips into my body for connection.
Tiny ones. Similar mechanism to my ring."

The side effect was her whole body
started buzzing. Not a bad sensation. Sometimes it makes Ana's
limbs move abruptly. She thought that she became a bloody

"Whatever. Why is it shitting so
heavily? Any idea?"

"Time, Ana."

"By any chance, do you have a
problem with impotence?"


"Not personal."

"I said time. GMT PM 17:50."

She did not know what to do with
her body. Agitated.

"Carl, when you amputated your
legs, did you amputate your third leg too?"


Something was not right. Then she
saw the news that Thomas was dead. She wondered whether she is
sensing certain deaths.

"Carl, our old man died."

"I know."

"I feel sad."


"Are you going to his


"Send my best regards."


"Hope he is in heaven. He was
good, wasn’t he? "

"Remember. We all go together.


She felt her brother and went to

07 Jan 2015

"1.94% 47.93/br oh dear"

'10 yr once used as an indicator
for USD. now seperated. means really in trouble.

US is trying to crush Sterling.
Third time. That's why USD is going up against US 10yr. Trying to
break the resistance line. What happened at Normandy? What time did
they land? This time, the password is Seagoat.

If a baby is too lazy to come out,
you have to use oxytocin to induce it. Otherwise the mother would

'Little study: Oxytocin, mammalian
neurohypophysial hormone. Produced by the hypothalamus. Acts
primarily as a neuromodulator in the brain. Facilitating materal
bonding. "Bonding Hormone" including orgasm, social recognition,
pair bonding, anxiety, and maternal behaviors. Also cause of so
called sweet death by sudden contraction of heart muscle.'

'Personal conclusion: it's the
work of oxytocin. I feel horny and stimulated and have an angina
and even a near death experience. So sweet indeed. And this is what
Gautama was deficient of. The Lesser Vehicle means a kind of Kia or
Smart. Mahayanoe is a different. It's a ship. A huge space
battleship. We all go together kind of ship.'

'Personal question: Why do I
always end up saying what my brother said just a day ago? How can I
get over it? I will do something he cannot do. I will have a baby?
I will get the marina ring out and have a sex with Henry once every
two days. Regularity is the most important. In three months time.
That's my new year resolution. Where is Henry? Why does he have to
Frankfurt so often? Is he having an affair with a German sausage?
If he is not around for next two days, I will go to a sperm bank.
Simple. He has no tongue. He will be accused of parental

'Conclusion: 1. Oxytocin can work
for autism. 2. USD is being cooked up just before an unprecedented
sudden fall.'

'Shall I stay away? No, I am a
kind of salmon. I will go back through the river flow to lay my
eggs in a safe place. I seriously want a baby. My biological clock
is ticking. The sound, which I have never paid proper attention. My
autism can be cured as side product.'

Ana took the book and open a
random page.

'Irrevocable things happened. Yes,
I am the one. Without you I am nothing. I am happy as nothing. You
brought me here. You have to make me the one. Hang on. The real
problem is that I am not the only one. Water. A drop of water,
that's me. Shall I show you how water gathers? Faster than mercury,
which you might have seen in Terminator 3. Does this sound

She found it funny.

'Watch out that Keystone pipe
line. That's the wiring for our mother fire. You made it. You made
my mother angry. Countdown for ge reactors.'

She was not sure about the genre
of the book. But that Keystone pipe line Is a wiring physically. If
mother fire means earthquake, it made more sense. Fukushima was
real. Because she had to evacuate from Tokyo ending her career.
That's why she was reluctant to have a baby. She saw montsrous
deformation of human body. It was man made disaster. It was
American made disaster. It was General Electronics made disaster.
Irrevocable disaster.

'You go. I stay with my

It was Yuki. People called him
Yukiokun. Ana called him Yuki. It means snow too. He behaved like
snow. He was icy. He covered other people's mistakes like snow. She
loved him. She heard after one year, he died of acute leukemia. She
started hating herself.

'I am cold, I am confused. The
world with you is empty. Why did I stand this world? So empty. Was
I greedy about life? I was stupid. So stupid. That's why. You
cannot leave this stupid woman. That's why I feel so cold all the
time. That is fine. But I want to have a baby. Can you leave?'

Ana cooked Chilli con Carne. Yuki
liked it. Yuki said

'Western food is good.'

He did not ask second serve. It
was him.

When she was stirring the mix, she
thought she heard his voice.

'Wakatta(Got you).'

A lump of hot something came out
from her heart throught her throat. It was similar to lump of hot
tears. She hold the pan tight. Then suddenly she started feeling
warm. The coldness which always surrounded her seemed to

Little notes of Ana's thinking

Ana started thinking again with
that warmth. Ana started looking for an ideal operating system for
her current job.

'Little summary: popular modern
operating systems; Android, BSD, Linux(?), QNX, sharing roots in

She was thinking about herself if
she has a baby. Because she thought an operating system has to work
like her own body without noticing very much. Like fingers, eyes,
brains and uterous etc. So, for example;

user: god or multiple gods

operating system: a woman with a
kid or kids (Ana in future)

hardware: human

software programs: multitasking
including earning money, housekeeping, cooking, looking after kids,
dealing a husband and his family

The following is what she found
from Wikipedia and her daggling thoughts about each current
operating systems.

'UNIX: multitasking,

Windows: single user; can change
users but never work smoothly. It jammed my Acer before. A goner.
That's how MS made so much money by using people's stupidity,
encouraging more stupidity.

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