Waking Up (44 page)

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Authors: Renee Dyer

BOOK: Waking Up
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I hear Adriana ask if she can help her and wish she had closed the door in her face.  I know this is not going to go down well.  I need to get up and handle this, but I’m paralyzed.

“Nope, you can’t.  Here to talk to Tucker and before you say anything else, I already know he’s here.  I saw him earlier.”

I want her to leave, but I know she won’t so I do the only thing I can think of to prevent her from being nastier to Adriana.  “It’s okay, Adriana.  Let her in.  I’ll deal with her.”  Let her be nasty to me.

I hear her heels clicking across the floor and it’s like nails scratching down a chalkboard.  I’ve managed to sit myself up straight because I refuse to appear weak in front of her.  She strolls in, typical Victoria dolled up, putting all of her assets on display.  How did I never see her for the fake that she is?

“What do you want, Vic?”  I run my hand over my face, already exasperated with spending any time with her and wanting her gone.  I see Adriana standing a few feet behind her, arms crossed over her chest, lips pursed, obviously pissed that she’s here.  She’s here.  Why is she here and how the hell did she find me?

“You didn’t respond to my e-mail about Grant.  I needed to make sure you were alright.  That he hadn’t done something else to you.”  Her false concern may have worked on someone else, but I’ve found a woman who truly cares for people.

“I didn’t need to respond.  I can handle Grant and besides, the only thing Grant has done to me is you.  Go home, Vic, and don’t come back.”  I know what I said is harsh, but I don’t care.  She slept with another man while she was in a relationship with me.  We may not have been a love match, but she had the option to leave.

“I get that you’re angry, Tucker, and you have the right to be, but you don’t understand the monster that he is.  He had me fooled for a year.  He came to me, said he saw that you couldn’t open up to me, played out all that we weren’t, played on all my insecurities, and made me believe he loved me.  He convinced me to stay with you and him in the name of loving him.  He’s much more devious than you think he is.  What I learned is this is how people like us live, Tucker.  The fast life, the parties, the temptations.  This is the life we chose.  I’m sorry for what I did to you.  I truly am.  But you need to hear me when I say you need to watch out for Grant.  He’s smart, devious, and a better actor than I gave him credit for.”

She’s staring at me, trying to get me to believe she’s sincere, but at the end of the day, she’s still an actress.  I don’t buy a word she’s saying.  And, the fact that she thinks it’s okay because we’re in the TV business pisses me off.  Plus, she just admitted she was cheating for a year.

“How did you know I was here?” I ask in an attempt to calm myself before I lose my shit in front of Adriana.

“That was easy.  I installed the friend finder app on your phone months ago while you were sleeping.  Never had to use it because you always told me where you would be.”

She’s smiling, so proud of herself.  The deceitful bitch.  “You installed an app to find me when you were the one cheating for at least a year?”  I feel the rage building.  “Now, you think you can come here and tell me that it’s all okay because that’s the life we chose?  I didn’t choose to live with a lying, cheating whore.  Get the fuck out and don’t come back!  I don’t want anything to do with you ever again.  Do you hear me?”  I spit the words at her, venom dripping from every one.

“Oh, come on, Tuck.  We had a spat.  That’s what couples like us do.  Being in the spotlight fucks with us.  There’s so much temptation.  That’s why we’re good for each other.  We understand each other.  So, go get your stuff and let’s go home, baby.  No redneck, country bumpkin bitch hidden away in the woods is ever going to understand you or what you need.  Look at her, Tuck.  Seriously… yoga pants.  A ponytail.”  

I watch as she turns to Adriana, red haze covering my eyes.  “Little girl, you have a lot to learn about what real men want and it sure as hell isn’t something innocent like you.”   


Chapter Forty Eight



I was raised to be nice and respectful, golden rule stuff, but this bitch just crossed the line and in my house, no less.  She thinks she can waltz in here with her tits and ass falling out of her clothes hoping to intimidate me, I’m sure.  She doesn’t realize three of my best friends are beyond gorgeous.  I live in an insecurity bubble every day of my life.  

I’ve dealt with malicious women like her before.  Thinking back to high school and all the cheerleaders who harassed me because Alex wouldn’t give them the time of day gets my blood boiling hotter.  College, a new set of girls hated me when we continued to be inseparable, but not a couple.  It only got worse when we became a couple.  How many thought showing up in tiny tops, hanging on Alex, making up stories, would turn me away from him?  Victoria Masterson is no different than the slew of desperate skanks I’ve always had to deal with and I’m entirely sick of it.

Stepping in front of her, my five-foot-two frame suddenly feeling monstrous, I cut off Tucker who has a murderous look on his face.  He’s frightening to see like this, but he needs to stand in line.  This bitch is mine.

“My mother always told me to speak kindly to a lady, but since you proved you aren’t one, I guess I say fuck that.”  I hear the hatred burning off my tongue, this woman has me angrier than anyone ever has.  “Understand something you no talent, leg opening for anyone more famous than you whore, Tucker came to me looking for a place to stay.  He’s been free to leave whenever he wants, but he prefers my company to a dirty slut.”

Victoria mouth forms an ‘o’ and her hands fly to her hips, attitude flaring.  I know she wants to tear back into me, but I don’t give her a chance.  I’m so not done with her.

“Don’t bother looking offended.  You’ve used Tucker your entire relationship.  You’re pathetic.  The only reason you’re here now is that Grant realized you’re nothing better than a couple of fucks and tossed you aside like the cheap whore you are.  You can’t use him to further you career anymore and you can’t stand on your own merit, so you come here.  I can’t believe you actually thought Tucker would take you back.  Not only do you suck at acting, but you’re clueless.  And, trust me when I tell you, I know exactly what Tucker wants.  It isn’t your name he’s been screaming the last few nights.  To be frank, he hasn’t mentioned your name since the first day he got here.  Guess you should take some tips from this innocent country bumpkin.  Isn’t that right, baby?”  I purposely use the same term she used when talking to Tucker and glance at him.  He’s beaming at me and it only eggs me on.   “Now, I’m going to give you till the count of ten to get the hell out of my house.  You can leave quietly or I’ll give you two choices.  I call the cops or I get my shotgun.  This is how redneck bitches roll.  You choose, Victoria, but I’m telling you now… don’t you ever disrespect me or Tucker again.  Now.  Get.  The.  Fuck.  Out.  Of.  My.  House!” 

Although my entire body is shaking with anger and I want to rip every perfectly placed curl from her head, I turn my back to her, walk the couple steps separating me from Tucker, straddle his lap, and slam my tongue into his mouth effectively dismissing her.  I know in my heart it’s not fair to use Tucker to make a point to his ex, but I let my rage make the decision for me.  If he’s surprised, he handles it well. His hands find their way into my hair, grabbing fistfuls.  I swallow a moan that escapes him while our tongues war with each other.  I can’t get my hips or breasts close enough to him even though I’m grinding my body against his. His erection pressing through his jeans is evidence that he’s as ready as I am for this to go further.  My body is on fire and I need to get the clothes that are between us out of the way.  I vaguely hear Victoria scream that she’ll get us, she’ll have the paparazzi camped out here in the morning, before the door slams.  That should be my cue to stop, but I’m lost to the inferno.  I need this.  I need Tucker to finish what we’ve started so many times.

Maybe Tucker heard Victoria’s tirade because he starts to pull back from my lips.  “Adria..”

“Shh, Tucker.  Don’t ruin it.  I want this.  You.  Take me to my room, please.”  I kiss his lips quickly and smile at him, willing him to see the truth in my words.  In one motion, Tucker stands with me in his arms and I wrap my legs around his waist, my arms around his neck.  His hands grip my ass as he carries me, pressing me harder against him, rubbing my sensitive core against the fabric of my clothes.  I moan into his neck, the sensations overwhelming me.

Using my back, Tucker pushes us through the door and tosses me down on my bed.  A giggle escapes my lips.  My nerves are getting the better of me now that we’re in my room.  I still want him, but reality is kicking in.  I’ve only been with one man before.  I hope I don’t disappoint him.

“You’re so beautiful, Adriana.”  I feel my cheeks heat at his compliment.  “I’ve wanted you, this, since you turned around and smiled at me in your driveway.  I thought… I thought… well, I thought I was looking at an angel.  All the times we’ve started and stopped.”

“We don’t have to stop now, Tucker.”  I open my arms to him, welcoming him to me.  He kneels between my legs, slowly lowering himself till he’s laying propped on one arm over me.  The light from the hallway filters in behind him, illuminating his face.  I watch impatiently as his mouth gets closer to mine.  Seconds feel like decades and when he’s close enough, I raise my head and nip his lower lip.  I’ve wanted to bite it since I first saw him.  His reaction is instantaneous, his tongue licks over my lip and into my mouth.  I waste no time reciprocating.  My tongue joining his, my hands roaming his body.

His mouth breaks from mine and I whimper.  A chuckle fills the air.  So glad I’m humoring him.  His lips come down on my neck, find their way behind my ear.  Oh yes, I like that spot.  My hips arch up into his hardness and I rub myself back and forth on him.  The growling sounds reverberating from his throat pulse all the way to my aching center.  His fingers slide down my side to the hem of my tank top.  My excitement skyrockets as he starts slowly inching it up, exposing my stomach.  His lips leave my neck and join his fingers on their exploration.  Nothing he does is rushed and he’s making me crazy.  Inch by inch, the top goes a little higher until it’s right under my breasts.  He lays kisses wherever his fingers touch.  I’m getting frantic for more.  Pulling himself into a kneeling position, he places a hand behind my back and pulls me to him.  In one swoop, he has my top off and he starts laughing. 

Every insecurity I’ve ever had slaps me in the face.  Are my tits not big enough?  I know I have freckles, but I didn’t think I had that many.  Does he not find me attractive with my shirt off?  I want to cry.  “Uh, Tucker.  What’s so funny?”  My voice sounds weak when I meant it to sound confident, but I don’t feel confident.  I was just getting hot and heavy with him and now he’s laughing at me.  Alex never laughed at me.  Maybe this was a bad idea.

I start to scoot back from him when his big hands wrap around my waist.  “Sorry, sweetness.  Your bra caught me off guard.”  Looking down, I understand the issue.  I forgot I had put on my purple bra with the little pink lips all over it.  I have a thing for silly undergarments.  Guess he’ll love my panties.

“You haven’t seen anything yet, Mr. Stavros,” I say, trying to look and sound sexy.  I crawl around him and motion for him to sit.  When he’s comfortable, hands behind his head, laid back a bit on my bed… holy shit—Tucker Stavros is on my bed, I slip my fingers under the rim of my pants and slide them off.  Standing straight, trying not to show how self-conscious I am standing there in my skivvies in front of him, he bursts into laughter again.  He’s going to be the reason I never have sex again.

“Adriana, you are unexpected.  I think I may have to take extra time to kiss every. Single. Pair. Of. Lips. On. Your. Body.”  The way he annunciates each word has me dripping and ready for anything.


“Is that a yes I should proceed?”

“Y—yes, please.”

“I like when you beg.”

Beg, huh?  Two can play that game.  I think.  Can I play like him?

“What are you wearing under your clothes, Hot Stuff?”  I purposely use Mickayla’s nickname hoping to get a rise out of him.  His playful snicker is all the fuel I need.  “Let’s see what I get to kiss.”

“Sure thing, sweetness, but I should warn you, I go commando.  Strip me down all you want.  I’d love for you to kiss the first thing that pops up.”

Of course he goes commando.  He’s Tucker Stavros.  He has sex emanating from his pores.  Underwear would ruin the effect.  It’s so arousing and all I have to do is undo his jeans and he’ll be free.  I lick my suddenly dry lips and watch Tucker follow the movement.  I want him now.

My hands go for his shirt.  I swear my brain didn’t have a chance to tell them to.  Having him watch me so intently has me reacting without thought.  “Let me help you with that.”  He must feel my trembling, my nerves are out of control.  I let him pull his shirt over his head.

Holy fucking shitballs.  I understand why Mick says that now.  Hard muscles and tattoos are sprawled out like a buffet in front of me.  I don’t know what to look at or touch first.  I have the urge to lick every part of him.  He is perfection.

“See something you like, sweetness?”  He’s joking, but I feel my head bobbing up and down as I openly gape at him.  I need to say something, do something.

“Oh my God, Tucker, you’re gorgeous.”  So not what I wanted to say.  “I mean your tattoos are amazing.  I would love to photograph you.  Just like this—jeans, no shirt, barefoot.”

I don’t get to finish my babble.  Tucker’s on me, pulling me into his arms, earning him a squeal, and turning me onto the bed, kissing me like his life depends on it.  So much for making him beg.  This is better.  His bare chest against my skin ignites every nerve ending in my body.  Rolling over I push myself on top of Tucker so I can sit on him, my hands rest on his chest.  Later, I’ll study all his tattoos. Right now, I want him out of his clothes.  I make quick work of his button and zipper.  His eyes never leave me, watch everything I do, turning me on more.  His hands join mine, forcing his jeans off.  Tucker is lying before me gloriously naked and fully erect.  I gulp.  He’s big.  Alex was no slouch in that department, but I’m a little nervous I won’t be able to handle what Tucker has to give.

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