Body of Secrets: Anatomy of the Ultra-Secret National Security Agency (119 page)

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Authors: James Bamford

Tags: #United States, #20th Century, #History

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449  one party to which is a U.S.
official: ibid.

450  "The primary purpose of
the collection activity": NSA, Secret/Spoke, "Guidelines for ...
Narcotics-Related Sigint Collection" (undated), pp. 1—3.

450 "If the Sigint
business": interview with senior intelligence official.

450  "When I was at the
National Security Agency": Stewart A. Baker, "Should Spies Be
Foreign Policy
(Winter 1994).

451  " 'Trust us' is the
NSA's implicit message": David Ignatius, "Where We Can't Snoop,"
Washington Post,
April 17, 2000.

452  "It was the whole
net": interview with Lieutenant General Michael V. Hay-den (February 2,

452 "What do I tell the
workforce?": ibid.

452  Details on Universe and
Normalizes Vice Admiral John M. McConnell, Director,  NSA,  
"Intelligence  Processing,"  
Government Executive 
1994), p. 24.

453  "As each day
passes": NSA, DIRNSA's Desk,
(August 1998), p. 3.

453 "In some cases":
NSA, Kathy Baskerville, "Y2K Oversight Office Tackles Millennium
(August 1998), pp. 8-9. 453 "Solving the Y2K
problem": NSA, DIRNSA's Desk,
(August 1998), p. 3.

453  stickers were placed: NSA,
Action Line,
(November 1998), p. 11.

454  "We  covered  the 
whole  thing":  Maurice  Chittenden  and  Simon  Trump, "GCHQ Ties Up
Millions in 'Doughnut,' "
Sunday Times
(London), August 13, 2000.

454 12 to 15 percent of capacity:
interview with a senior NSA official.

454 "The network outage was a
wake-up call": Lieutenant General Michael V. Hayden, address to the
Kennedy Political Union of American University (February 17,2000).

454  "I'll state right up
front": NSA, DIRNSA's Desk,
(May 1999), p. 3.

455  Born on March 17, 1945:
Hayden's background is described in Department of the Air Force, Biography of
Major General Michael V. Hayden (September 1998), pp. 1-2.

455  "Other than the affront
to truthfulness": interview with Lieutenant General Michael V. Hayden
(February 2, 2000).

456  "The term 'warlordism'
": interview with an NSA official (January 2000).

456 "I don't know how
anything gets done": ibid. 456 "The budget is one of his biggest
problems": ibid.

456  "As an agency, we now
face our greatest": NSA, DIRNSA's Desk,
(February 2000), p.

457  "The NSA used to have
the best computers": Bob Drogin, "NSA Blackout Reveals Downside of
Los Angeles Times,
March 13, 2000.

457  "Most of what they were
expert in": ibid.

457 "Believe me": ibid.

457 "This should have come as
a surprise to no one": U.S. House of Representatives, Permanent Select
Committee on Intelligence, Report, Intelligence Authorization Act for Fiscal
Year 2001, 106th Cong., 2nd Sess. (May 16, 2000).

457  "Signals intelligence is
in a crisis": John I. Millis, address to the Central Intelligence Retirees
Association (CIRA) (October 5, 1998), transcript printed in
CIRA Newsletter

458  "Increasingly":
Vice Admiral I.  M. McConnell, USN,  "New World, New Challenges:  NSA 
into  the  21st  Century," 
American Intelligence Journal
1994), p. 8.

458 "We've got to do
both": interview with Lieutenant General Michael V. Hay-den (February 2,

458  "Forty years ago":
Barbara McNamara, address before the American Bar Association, Standing
Committee on National Security Law, Washington, D.C. (May 18, 2000).

459  304 million people with
Internet access: Vernon Loeb, "This Just In,"
Washington Post,
20, 2000.

459 about 1,500 "immediate"
requests for intelligence: information from senior NSA official.

459  "Well, what are all
these communications": interview with senior intelligence official
involved in Sigint (July 2000).

460  "So far": Barbara
McNamara, address before the American Bar Association. 460 "Technology has
now become": Bob Brewin, Daniel Verton, and William

Matthews, "NSA Playing IT
Federal Computer Week
(December 6, 1999).

460  only 2 percent of AT&T's
voice and data: information provided by a senior NSA official (September 2000).

461  it fought against export:
Michael S. Lelyveld, "Fiber-Optic Curbs on Ex-USSR Tied to Missile
Journal of Commerce
(March 24, 1992); Michael S. Lelyveld,
"Spy Concerns Help Shape U.S. Export Policy, Experts Say,"
of Commerce
(March 24, 1992).

461 "The ability to get bits
down a fiber": Jeff Hecht, "Wavelength Division Multiplexing,"
(MIT) (March 1, 1999).

461 details on WDM and Project
Oxygen: ibid.

461 "producing hundreds of
kilometers": Chappell Brown, "System Design: Nonlinear Material, Low
Costs Build Fiber Infrastructure,"
Electronic Engineering Times
11, 1999), p. 59.

462 Lucent Technologies unveiled:
"Lucent Technologies Delivers Record-Break-ing Optical Networking
Capacity," M2 Press Wire (January 27, 1998).

462 the Netherlands' KPN Telecom
B.V.: Brown, "System Design."

462 For two decades William O.
Baker served: Security Affairs Support Association, Annual Awards Testimonial
Dinner (May 27, 1999), p. 7.

462 David P. Kokalis: GAO Review
of Federal Advisory Committees,
1997 Annual Report.

462  NSA has also joined:
"Breakthrough Technology Added to Government Research Network,"
(July 19, 1999).

463  "We're going to drown in
fiber": Hecht, "Wavelength Division Multiplexing." 463 increases
in volume at 20 percent a year: Paul Korzeniowski,  "Telepath:

Record Growth Spurs Demand for
Dense WDM—Infrastructure Bandwidth Gears Up for Next Wave,"
(June 2, 1997).

463 "Today you have no
idea": Tabassum Zakaria, "Top Secret U.S. Spy Agency Shapes Up for a
New World," Reuters (December 13, 1999).

463 "The mere fact of
digitizing": interview with former NSA official.

463 "Crypto policy is the
wave of the past": Richard Lardner, "New National Security Agency
Director Sure to Face Major Challenges,"
Inside the Pentagon
5, 1998).

463  "No matter what we
do": John I. Millis address to the Central Intelligence Retirees
Association (October 5, 1998).

464  "only 10 percent of
communications": information from a senior NSA official (September 2000).

464 "Difficulties posed by
new technologies": David Ensor,  "Biggest U.S. Spy

Agency Choking on Too Much
Information," CNN web posting (November 25,

1999). 464 "Hard of
Hearing": Gregory Vistica and Evan Thomas, "Hard of Hearing,"

13, 1999, p. 78. 464 "One criticism is that we're omniscient": Bryan
Bender, "U.S. National Security

Agency Faces Data Deluge, Says
Jane's Defence Weekly
(March 22, 2000).

464  "The projections that we
made": NSA, videotape, "A Conversation Between the Deputy Director
for Services and the NSA Technical Work Force" (September 30, 1999).

465  "postal service":
"Computing's Next Superpower,"
May 12, 1997. 465
"If you can see": NSA, videotape, "A Conversation Between the
Deputy Director

for Services and the NSA Technical
Work Force" (September 30, 1999). 465 "surveillance, mine
warfare": Drogin, "NSA Blackout Reveals Downside of Secrecy."

465  "the massive volume of
stuff": interview with Lieutenant General Michael V. Hayden (February 2,

466  "We spend more
money": John I. Millis address to the Central Intelligence Retirees
Association (October 5, 1998).

466 Integrated Overhead Signals
Intelligence Architecture—2: U.S. Senate, Armed Services Committee, U.S.
National Security Space Programs and Issues, Testimony of NRO Director Keith R.
Hall (March 11, 1998).

466 "the magnitude of the
job": Jeremy Singer, "Sophisticated Fiber Optics Also Problematic for
Defense News
(June 12, 2000), p. 1.

466  "NSA now faces
new": U.S. House of Representatives, Permanent Select Committee on
Intelligence, Report, Intelligence Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2001,
106th Cong., 2nd Sess. (May 16, 2000).

467  "There was an
attitude": NSA, videotape, "Address by Timothy Sample at the
Cryptologic History Symposium" (October 27, 1999).

469 "Not Congress":
interview with Lieutenant General Michael V. Hayden (February 2, 2000).

469  "I think in the history
of the agency": interview with NSA official.

470  "Our agency must undergo
change": NSA, DIRNSA's Desk,
(January 2000), p. 3.

470 "There has been much
discussion about this change": ibid. 470 "responsible
anarchists": Bob Brewin, Daniel Verton, William Matthews, "NSA
Playing IT Catch-Up,"
Federal Computer Week,
December 6, 1999, p.

470  "Absent profound change
at NSA"; details from the New Enterprise Team: NSA, "New Enterprise
Team (NETeam) Recommendations: The Director's Work Plan for Change"
(October 1, 1999).

471   "slowness";
details from the outside team: NSA, "External Team Report: A Management
Review for the Director, NSA" (October 22, 1999).

472  "In a broad sense":
interview with Lieutenant General Michael V. Hayden (February 2, 2000).

472 "Even the best game
plan": NSA, DIRNSA's Desk,
(January 2000), p.

3. 472 So Hayden threw out the
unwieldy: ibid.

472  he chose Beverly Wright: NSA,
"Director of National Security Agency Welcomes Ms. Beverly Wright, Chief 
Financial Manager," 
(February 2000), p. 2.

473  Black background: Interview
with an NSA official. At SAIC, Black served as assistant vice president and
director of information operations in its Columbia, Maryland, office.

474  "The CIA is good at
stealing": Jeff Stein, "Spy Business Leaves Little Room for
(December 7, 1995), p. 48.

474 "Perhaps the most
compelling": CIA, Gates quoted in John H. Hedley, "The

Intelligence Community: Is It
Broken? How to Fix It?"
Studies in Intelligence

(1996), p. 18. 474 no more than
ten or fifteen: Walter Pincus, "CIA Chief Cited Loss of Agency's

May 25, 1998. 474 "a sorry blend": Edward G. Shirley,
"Can't Anybody Here Play This Game?"

The Atlantic Monthly,

474  "Not a single Iran-desk
chief": ibid.

475  "had few competent
Arabic-speaking officers": Letters to the Editor,
The Atlantic Monthly,
May 1998.

475 "The CIA's spy
service": Melvin A. Goodman, "Starting Over at the CIA,"
(Internet magazine), June 17, 1998.

475 "It is fair to say that
the cupboard is nearly bare": Walter Pincus, "CIA's Espionage
Capability Found Lacking,"
Washington Post,
May 10, 1998.

475 "huge increase":
John Diamond, "Bill Pumps Money into Intelligence," Associated Press
(October 8, 1998).

475 "windfall": Walter
Pincus, "Much of Intelligence Funding Will Go to Satellites,"
October 23, 1998.

475 "much smaller": CIA,
Gates quoted in Hedley, "The Intelligence Community," p. 16.

475  "We don't really have a
Director": ibid., p. 17.

476  only 15 percent: Vernon Loeb,
"Inside Information," (December 27, 1999).

476 "It is very difficult to
exercise": John I. Millis address to the Central Intelligence Retirees
Association (October 5, 1998). 476 Camp Perry: interview with a senior CIA
official (October 22, 1999).

476  "At the end of the
day": Veruon Loeb, "Drug Plant Attack on Target, Says CIA
Washington Post,
October 21, 1999, p. A27.

477  Special Collection Service:
Unless otherwise noted, this information comes from interviews with senior CIA

477  "As it happened":
NSA, Secret/Comint Channels Only, oral history of Dr. Abraham Sinkov (May
1979), p. 119.

478  "1.

479  "Yesterday's code
clerk": interview with senior CIA official.

479 Springfield Road: Federation
of American Scientists, Intelligence Resource Program, at FAS web site (June 21, 2000).

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