Forbidden Innocence: Tales of the Forbidden (10 page)

Read Forbidden Innocence: Tales of the Forbidden Online

Authors: Jaden Sinclair

Tags: #Romance, #Erotica, #Fiction, #General

BOOK: Forbidden Innocence: Tales of the Forbidden
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She stopped.



“Don’t stop,” he groaned. “It feels good.”

She moved her hand again and he sucked in his breath. Shyla kept looking from his face to her hand, taking in everything she did.

“Faster,” he moaned, his hips bucking upward.

Shyla tried, and he must’ve known she couldn’t move very fast either. Blaine looked down at her, took hold of his shorts and pushed them along with his underwear down to his knees.

Shyla got an eyeful at the site of his shaft in her hand.

Blaine closed his own hand around hers, moving it up and down fast. She took the hint and the lead, stroking his flesh as fast as she could.

Silk and steal in her hand. Power she never knew came to her in that moment, just like Samara told her it would. When it came to sex of any kind, whether it be a touch or the act itself, woman usually had the power. She could get anything she wanted by a touch, a kiss, or going to the bedroom. Now she understood what Samara was talking about. In this moment she had all the power all the control over Blaine.

“Oh shit!” Blaine grabbed the top sheet and quickly covered himself with it, pushing her hand away. He sat up, both hands going between his legs, head going back. He breathed hard, his chest going up and down fast, and all she did was sit there watching him. “Oh hell.”

“Did I do something wrong?”

He shook his head, still not looking down or at her. “I haven’t done that in a very long time.”

“Done what?”

This time he lowered his head, looking her in the eye. “Came like that from someone stroking me off.”


He smiled, then leaned over and kissed her, “Nice way to wake up in the morning, if you ask me.”

She felt her face heat up and lowered her eyes. Another kiss to her cheek and Blaine rolled from the bed. She watched him pull his pants up and stretched, turning back to her.

“Care to join me for a shower? I promise you I’ll only give you the same courtesy you showed me,” he said as he gave her a wicked smile and a wink.

“I think I’ll pass.” She saw his face drop in disappointment. “For now.” It lit right back up.

“I’ll hold you to that promise then.”

He went into the bathroom and she went to the closet and pulled out jeans and a love sleeve top. She skipped the shoes.


In the kitchen, Sally worked on breakfast and Randal was on the phone. It sounded like he was trying to get someone out to clean up the mess from last night’s storm.

“Morning, honey,” Sally smiled, flipping a steak. “Steak and eggs sound good to you?”

“Yes please.” Shyla smiled, sitting down at the table. “Why does Blaine sit in the kitchen all the time and not in the dining room?”

“If you were alone would you want to sit in there by yourself?”

Sally asked.

Shyla nodded. “I have kind of found out that his father made him sit there for each meal, dressed in a suit no less. Every meal became a formal one, after his mother passed, bless her heart.”

“How’d you find this all out?” Shyla took a sip of her juice, watching Sally add another steak to the pan.

“Well, we came around the same time he started to clear out the house,” Sally said. “The old cook filled me in on the do’s and don’ts around here. One of the don’ts, let Blaine eat in the kitchen. His place was at the head of the table. We’ll I’m old fashioned and if it’s just him then he needs to be in a place where there’s light. Besides, we already had our orders to strip the house of darkness, if you know what I mean.”

Shyla nodded. “Besides, once I started to cook and got the hang of what he liked, he just sort of stayed in here to eat. Now when we have guests, then his place is out there.”

The table was already set. Two places, silverware, the pot of coffee in a plain white pot with matching cup and saucer in Blaine’s place. Two glasses of orange juice, toast, and a bowl of fruit always in the centre.

This morning there were also two large cinnamon rolls with icing still melting on top.

“Morning.” Blaine came in, fresh from his shower, in jeans with a blue t-shirt and suit jacket. Shyla giggled when she saw his bare feet. He looked down and shrugged with a smile. “Something smells good.”

Sally came over with two plates in hand, placing them. Instantly Shula’s mouth watered.

“Sally, you are a god,” Blaine said, cutting into his steak.

“You say that every morning, sugar.” Sally winked at Shyla and went back to her corner of the kitchen. “Oh, almost forgot. Mrs. Knight called and said for me to tell you that she’s having a private dinner tonight. She wants to meet Ms. Shyla here and Makayla is home as well.

She also wanted to know if you heard anything from Darius. He still hasn’t returned her call.”



“And he won’t,” Blaine said, wiping his mouth, then reaching for the coffee. Shyla sat there, her fork of meat halfway to her mouth as he poured coffee into his cup. “He’s avoiding them all.”

Sally snorted. “He’s going to get a foot in his tush if he keeps that crap up.” She started to clean things up, the pots banging around. “And who does he thinks he’s fooling? Everyone in this house knows, does that mean that everyone in hers doesn’t?”

“That’s what it means, Sally.” Sally stopped, turned and Shyla took another bite of food, chewing quickly. “Dane and Samara don’t have a clue.”

“Clue about what?” Shyla finally asked.

“Well, they’re all going to get a slap in the face once he decides to make his move,” Sally went on. “You two need anything else? I need to go shopping.”

“I think we’re good,” Blaine said.

“Then leave the dishes or place them in the sink. I’ll take care of it all once I come back.”

“What’re you two talking about?” Shyla asked.

“Darius,” Blaine sighed. “He sort of has his eye on Makayla, and her grandmother, or step-grandmother has kept her a prisoner of sorts by keeping her out of town.”

“Isn’t that illegal?”

“Well, apparently, Berdina has some pull. She’s been able to keep Makayla out of the Compound and is planning a big twenty-first birthday party for her. She wants us all there, and since Darius has not returned her calls, it’s pissed her off. She doesn’t like to be ignored.”

“Do you think she knows?”

“She could,” he shrugged. “Damn old bat knows too much shit as it is.”

“So I’m confused then.” She put her fork down, shaking her head and frowning. “Don’t you have to go through the Compound in order to get married?”

He nodded: “Yep.”

“Then how does he get her, or able to see if she is the one or not, if she isn’t at the Compound?”

“That’s a good question.”

“Couldn’t he summon her? Samara told me that is how Dane did it.

To get her, that is.”

“I suppose that would work, but Berdina doesn’t seem to let anyone know when Makayla is in town.”



“Oh.” She went back to her food, taking two more bites before Blaine spoke again.

“You know, you still haven’t gotten a dress yet for that party.” That had her stopping and lowering her fork again. “So why don’t we go after breakfast to town and get you one. Did you find anything that caught your eye?”

She thought about the dress she did see. The pink and silver gown, gorgeous, and unlike anything she’d ever seen in her life. “Yeah, there was this one.”

“Okay then, we’ll go to town and have a look. Trust me, you don’t want to show up to one of Berdina's parties wearing less than the best.”



Chapter Ten

Dinner turned out to be an event beyond Shula’s wildest dreams.

Berdina Knight’s dining room was something out of a magazine, in her opinion. The table alone could seat twelve, maybe fifteen but only held eight place settings. Servants came and went, carrying out four courses.

The room was dark and the furniture too. In the far corner of the room was a hutch with china. Across from that a dark buffet that had shiny silver spread out. A huge flower arrangement rested in the centre of the table and on both sides of were bowls of fruit and then silver trays of appetizers and hors d'oeuvre. It definitely had an impressive feel, and a very uncomfortable one for her.

But her mind wasn’t really on the room or the food. Shyla kept thinking about her earlier shopping trip with Blaine, and the pretty things he’d purchased for her.

The silver and pink gown she admired in the shop with Blaine, now rested in the corner of their bedroom on one of the headless and armless mannequins. On the floor, beside the gown, were a pair of matching silver strapped heels, but what had her still in shock was the large wrap around fur lined in fur also, that Blaine insisted on purchasing for her.

All white and so soft she ended up almost afraid to touch it. He’d also purchased her fine silk stockings, a garter belt and matching bra to wear with it, all in a nude colour. And as an added touch, he’d picked out a diamond necklace that had her shaking her head „no" and backing away from the counter.

He bought it anyway.

For the event tonight, Blaine had her get something simple, yet elegant. He told her that Berdina might have changed on some things, but when she had a dinner party, even a small one like this, she still 88

expected everyone to dress. So Shyla hunted down a simple dress, nothing too fancy.

The dress was white and fitted close against her breasts. It reached down to her knees and the whole top around her shoulders and chest was done up in lace. For an added touch, Blaine had her choose some bracelets, but wouldn’t let her get just the plain gold ones. He made her get some that had jewels in them, and she had to get four different ones.

So she had ruby, emeralds, pink diamond and purple. Last thing he purchased was watch with diamonds inside for the numbers.

“I must say, Blaine, she is a doll,” Berdina Knight said, getting Shula’s full attention. “Now you must let me know, dear, if he doesn’t treat you right. I’ll set him straight.”

Shyla blushed and looked down. That had Berdina making a clicking sound with her tongue.

“Oh no, never look down like you’re ashamed. We all must help one another to keep these boys here in line,” she added.

“Berdina, you act like I’m a bastard now,” Blaine said, giving Shyla a wink.

“Now what have I said about using that kind of language in my house.” Berdina narrowed her eyes on Blaine.

Blaine smiled.

“So, have the girls gotten you a dress for the party?” Makayla Tabor sat right across from Shyla. A sweet girl the same age as Shyla.

“Well, I sort of had one picked out, but it was Blaine who ended up taking me back to get it.”

“You’re lucky, girl,” Berdina snapped towards Kera. “That Beth White can cause you a lot of trouble.”

“She does that, then I’ll just have to kick her ass again,” Kera stated.

Shyla couldn’t hold back the smile, even though Berdina glared at Kera.

“I thought you taught her some manners.” Berdina turned her glare on Devon.

“Hey, I can only do so much.”

“Oh, Nana, please.” Makayla rolled her eyes. “Beth White is a trouble maker and the whole town knows about it. Kera had every right to defend herself and Shyla here. „Bout time someone put her in her place to begin with.”

Berdina shook her head and motioned for the servants to take the soup away. “So, has anyone heard a word from that Darius Alistair?”

Shyla felt the room tense up and looked around at everyone.



“Why do you want to get ahold of him so damn bad, Gram?” Dane sighed, slumping back in the chair. “Isn’t it clear he doesn’t want to talk to you?”

“Maybe I need to talk to him, ever thought about that?” Berdina shot back.

The servants brought in the next course. Lobster salad. Kera smiled.

Shyla learned fast that lobster was Kara’s favourite meal. Samara was a dessert person.

Shyla ate, as did the others except for Dane.

“I don’t understand the desperation to get a hold of him,” Dane went on. “What could you possibly have to say to him?”

“That’s between me and him,” Berdina answered.

“He’s my friend.”

“Stop sounding like a baby.” Berdina waved him off, coming back to Shyla. “So, my dear, how long were you in the Compound?”

“Well, my mother worked there for eight years, then six more after she died,” Shyla said.

“Good lord.” Berdina dropped her fork, hand pressing again her chest. “Such a long time. And you were sheltered all this time?”

“If you call being forced to eat shitty food and watching porn sheltered, then yeah,” Blaine smarted off. “Guess you can.”

“What?!” Berdina gasped.

“Don’t tell me you don’t know about the classes,” Kera said.

“I most certainly do not!” Berdina huffed.

“Oatmeal every morning,” Shyla said. They all looked at her.

“God, I hate that shit,” Kera mumbled.

“Sandwich and maybe an apple or banana for lunch. And for supper some kind of meat stew. It usually was leftovers from each celebration.”

“Don’t stop there,” Blaine said. “Tell her about the abuse.”

Shyla looked at Blaine with wide eyes and shook her head just enough for him to see it.

“What?” Berdina shrilled again.

“Yeah, it seems that the sweet Governess likes to toss the stick, if you know what I mean,” Blaine went on. “Girls don’t want to go watch a nice hard-core porn, then she beats them into it. And of course that shit does tend to scare the girl. Make her a bit scared of the man.”

Shyla couldn’t sit there. She felt all of their eyes fall to her. Placing her napkin on the table she pushed away and walked out quickly.


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