Forbidden Innocence: Tales of the Forbidden (12 page)

Read Forbidden Innocence: Tales of the Forbidden Online

Authors: Jaden Sinclair

Tags: #Romance, #Erotica, #Fiction, #General

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They walked around the room, Blaine nodding to people but not stopping to talk. She lost count of how many glasses of wine she drank, but she did know it was enough that she was more than ready to head home and put to test what both Samara and Kera told her.



“So don’t I get to meet your new wife?”

Shyla put her last empty glass on a passing tray and turned with Blaine. Makayla Tabor smiled at her and quickly took her hand.

“You look good, Makayla,” Blaine said, leaning close and kissing her on the cheek.

“And you’ve been keeping her all to yourself I see,” Makayla smiled. “I’m Makayla, in case you haven’t figured that out yet.”


“Oh, now there’s a name I like. So tell me, has the big brute been treating you good?”

“Not this shit again,” Blaine groaned, rolling his eyes.

Shyla laughed, “Brute?”

“Sure.” Makayla hooked her arm into Shula’s, just like Samara had done earlier. “He growls a lot, scowls and grumbles about everything.”

“I do not,” he said behind them.

Makayla laughed, “See.”

Instantly, Shyla liked Makayla. “This is some party.”

Makayla nodded. “Nana went all out. Told her not to worry about it and to be cautious, but she doesn’t listen. You should see the kind of party she wants to throw me when I graduate from college.”

“Aren’t you afraid someone here might try to have you taken to the Compound?” Shyla could sense Blaine stiffen behind her, but ignored him.

“Hell, yeah,” Makayla laughed.

“Then why you do it?”

“Because I have yet to be able to tell that woman no,” Makayla shrugged. She turned to Blaine. “Heard you got Darius to come. Care to introduce me?”

“No,” Blaine said.

Makayla shrugged, “Okay. So, have you been out to the barn to see the horses yet?”

“No.” Shyla shook her head and laughed. “Are you always this happy?”

“Yes,” Blaine grumbled again behind her.

“Well, I’m here for the next couple of days so I’ll come out and we can see them together. It’s what I’m studying you know. I want to be a veterinarian with a specialty in horses.”

Shyla glanced over her shoulder at Blaine. He rolled his eyes once more at her and she giggled. Makayla told her more about the horses and how once she graduated she would like to become Devon"s prime vet.


Devon was thinking seriously about it. Dane didn’t like the idea, mostly because he didn’t want her to be forced into a marriage. Ironically, since he had Samara summoned, his two best friends had secured wives from inside the Compound. But Shyla kept that bit to herself.

Around midnight, she was more than ready to call it a night.

Her feet were killing her in the new heels and Blaine did seem a bit grumpy. Blaine was all for them leaving, even though the party didn’t seem to be slowing down one bit. While she waited for him to get her wrap and his coat, Samara and Kera both came up to her.

“Leaving already?” Samara asked. “It’s still early.”

“I’m sorry,” Shyla said. “My feet are killing me and I really want to go home.”

“God, I understand about wanting to leave,” Kera said, rubbing her shoulder. “I would love to get out of these shoes myself.”

“You’re a wimp,” Samara said.

Shyla couldn’t help herself and laughed.

“Yeah, well I’m also hoping to get a bit lucky.” Kera winked at Shyla. “Night, girls.”

“She is so bad.” Samara shook her head.

“Ready?” Blaine asked, placing her fur wrap over her shoulders.

“Night, Samara.”

“Night, honey.”

The limo was waiting for them outside, back door open. Shyla got in first, Blaine followed. Once the door closed she snuggled up to him, sighing from exhaustion and too much wine.

“Did you enjoy yourself?” he asked.

“I guess. I’m tired.”

“Same here,” he sighed.

She almost fell asleep. Jolting herself awake, Shyla yawned just as the limo turned into the drive. Linda and Randal waited for them outside, Randal with some papers in his hand.

“Give me a few minutes and I’ll join you upstairs.” Blaine kissed her forehead and followed Randal towards his office, she with Linda up stairs.

With Linda’s help she slipped out of her dress. Linda hung it back up on the mannequin in the far corner. Shyla carried her wrap into the bathroom where she sat on the stool and began to form her plan.

Her hands shook as she thought about the step she was about to take.

It scared her to death simply thinking about walking out to him in nothing but the wrap. She didn’t think she could crawl up on him and do 104

what Kera suggested. Deep down, she knew she had to. She needed to get over this fear of him she carried when it came to sex. After all, even though it hurt both times she’d done it she couldn’t deny he’d make her feel good too.

“Get a grip, girl.” She stood up and began to strip her under clothes off. “You can do this.”



Chapter Twelve

Blaine signed all the papers that Randal handed him, sat back in the chair and lit a cigar, hoping like hell it would help to ease the tension he had in his whole body. He lost a fifty thousand dollar real a state deal, thanks to Owen. That fuck! The son of bitch was now riding his ass, snatching every deal Blaine was in the works of getting or looking at, costing him a lot of money.

Then there was Shyla.

He sighed, resting his head back on the leather, moving the cigar around in his mouth, blowing the smoke in the darkness. God he wanted her, but the little fact that she was so damn scared of him and sex, prevented him from touching her. Granted, she did do wonderful things for him, like releasing his tension, but it wasn’t enough. He wanted to feel her body, not just her hand, wrapped around his cock.

Is this what it’s like being in love?
The notion of love never came to his mind when he decided to go to the Compound and find her. Yet now, having her so close, he felt different. It was hard to explain, hard as hell to understand. Just about as hard as the damn piece of flesh he had between his legs.

With another sigh, and a very weary body, Blaine put the cigar out and stood up. He dreaded heading up to the room and sleeping next to a woman he wanted desperately but couldn’t have. Without a doubt it was all very new for him.

The house was quiet, staff sleeping, hallways and rooms all dark.

Blaine walked slowly up the steps, feeling the weight of the party on his shoulders. He didn’t want to go, dreaded the whole thing and didn’t have that good of a time because he kept an eye on Darius.

Blaine didn’t pay attention to anything in his room. The lights were 106

off, a fire burning low, giving off a soft orange glow. He didn’t even

notice if Shyla was in the bed or not. He stripped down to his boxer/briefs and flopped down on the bed with a deep bone tired sigh, eyes closed.

Arm across his eyes, he heard a door open, assumed it was Shyla, but didn’t look at her. He couldn’t. If he looked at her now then he’d only be tempted to do something stupid once more.



“You tired.”

“Yeah. You?”

“Some. But, I—um.”

Shocked and surprised, unable to process a damn thing slapped Blaine in the face once he felt Shyla crawl up on top of him. He moved his arms and looked up at her, wrapped in the fur wrap he bought her for tonight.

“Thought I might give it another try.” She shrugged, her cheeks getting bright red.

Blaine sat up, both hands to her face and he kissed her. Instantly, he was hard as stone and no way in hell was he going to let her back out of this one.

She kissed him back, her hands going to his shoulders, the wrap slipping down. Opening his eyes he looked down at her naked body and groaned.

“God, you are beautiful.” He touched her with the back of his hand, over her breasts, down her stomach. “So damn beautiful.” He touched her clit with his thumb and she jumped. “No pain, Shyla, only pleasure this time. You trust me?”

“I trust you,” she whispered.

Kissing her again, rubbing her clit, Blaine gave in to the pleasure.

Even though for the moment he was doing nothing more than touching and kissing, he got great pleasure in the act itself. Nothing in his life, nothing in his stained past equalled to what he felt right there.

He moaned into the kiss when her hands went down his chest, nails scraping the flesh. She tugged on his underwear and brought out his cock. Again he moaned when her hands closed around the base, moving up and down. She matched his motions to the clit and she did it perfectly.

However, he did still when she shifted on his lap. The head of his cock touched the hot wetness of her pussy. Blaine met her eyes and felt fear for the first time in her movement. He feared that there wasn’t 107




enough kissing and touching for her body to be ready for him. If so, then this time might end up being as bad as the last time and she’d retreat again into that shell of hers.

“Shyla, I think you need to slow down so I can get you—oh shit!”

She lowered down, taking him slowly into her body.

“Let me do this,” she breathed out, her eyes closed, head rolling back on her shoulders.

Blaine struggled to breathe. Her hands rested on his shoulders, hair fanned out down her back, the fur wrap dropped to her waist. An angel sat before him, taking him into her body, taking him to heaven.

He could actually feel her pussy stretching for his width. Felt the tightness, the snug grip that had him on the edge of madness.

Cupping a breast, closing his lips around a perky nipple, Blaine gave her complete control. She stopped about halfway, pulled back upward and lowered down once more in the same slow motion.

Once more he played with her clit, rubbed it slowly as he sucked on the nipple, bringing forth a gasp from her sweet lips.

“It feels so different!” she gasped, moving up and down on only half of his length.

“Take the rest of it and see how that feels.” He licked between her breasts to kiss her jaw, and Shyla did just as he said.

One swift downward motion and she was completely inside her. It felt great. A strangled sound came from her, something that sounded like a moan.

“You read?” he asked. Shyla kept her eyes closed and nodded.

Blaine took hold of her hips. “I’ll show you have to move, then it’s all up to you.”

Upward halfway, down with a rotation of her hips. Blaine bit his lower lip while he showed her the move. Already he felt so close to his release and it sucked big time. He wanted this to last. Needed it to last.

Shyla was without a doubt a very fast learner. She took over the motions, stealing his breath, leaving him mindless and speechless. All it seemed Blaine could do was stay focused on the pleasure, the feelings she slammed him with.

“Something’s happening,” she said, brows coming together, eyes opening wide. “Blaine?”

“Let it happen.” Once more they held eye contract and he knew just what she was talking about. A climax was building, unlike the other two she’d experienced. “Don’t fight it.”

Shyla shook her head and her movements became choppy A sob left 108




her lips and tears came to her eyes. He gripped her hips tighter and kept the motion going, bit the inside of his lips to push back his own release as hers hit and hit hard.

Shyla cried out, her pussy contracted around his cock tightly, and this time she cried tears.

“Shhh,” he soothed. “I’m right here.”

Her arms went around his neck in a tight hug while she cried her release. How the hell he was able to hold his back he didn’t know. Blaine held her tight as she cried. Felt the tears land on his shoulders and rubbed her back.

“Now that was a climax,” he stated.

Out of nowhere Shyla laughed and sniffed at the same time. She

didn’t pull back like he thought she might. Instead, she held on tighter to him, grinding herself against him, driving him nuts with the need of release.

Time felt like it stood still, him just holding her, his cock so deep inside her he thought he could feel the beating of her heart.

“You haven’t had yours yet,” she said against his neck, giving him a light kiss where her breath touched.

“No I haven’t.”

“Are you going to?”

“You want me to?”

She pulled back then, her cheeks reddened once more. “I want to feel you move again.”

“Then you will.”



* * * *



Blaine moved and lowered her down to the bed, coming over her. His cock still throbbed inside her and it felt like her body responded to it, throbbed on its own to match his.

Shyla shivered and held onto to him tightly with the use of her legs.

She feared he might pull out from her, leaving her feeling empty and unfilled. But he didn’t. Blaine lowered his body to hers, arms over her shoulders holding part of his body weight up. She didn’t even think about her actions. She wrapped her arms around his waist and moved her hips some.

Blaine moaned, his eyes closed and head went back. “God, do you have any idea what that feels like?”

“No, what?”

“Heaven.” He opened his eyes back up and looked down at her.

“You make me feel like I’ve died, went to heaven and have been 109





Shyla raised up licked his nipple in the same manner in which he did hers. He gasped. “Then take me to heaven also. Please.”

Eyes locked on each other, Blaine moved. The first slow withdrawal and she held her breath. With his sharp thrust, it rushed out and new sensations gripped her. And this was how he moved. Out slow, in fast.

Just like he said, no pain, only pleasure.

Shyla couldn’t hold the eye contact like she would’ve liked. With the steady rhythm and the wonderful feelings she had she just couldn’t concentrate on keeping eye contact with him. Eyes closed, nails into his sides holding on for dear life, she rode the ride he gave. True to what even Samara and Kera said, this round was much, much better than the first or second.

The pleasure built quickly, leaving her feeling like she simply couldn’t catch her breath. Faster his movement became and closer to the exploding pleasure she drew.

It hit hard and fast. Before she could brace for it the climax came and she felt it all the way down to her toes. She didn’t cry out or yell, mostly because she couldn’t breathe that well. Faster Blaine moved. He lowered himself down more, face buried in the crook of her neck. She heard him whimper, felt hot breath on her neck and the swelling of his cock inside her.

“Oh shit!” he moaned.

Shyla gulped in as much air into her lungs as she could. Raw, mind blowing sensations gripped her and seemed to refuse to let her go. Every nerve ending in her body seemed to be in tune with the pleasure between her legs. Even her clit throbbed almost painfully to the aftermath of the climax.

“Breathe,” he said, kissing her shoulder. “Don’t pass out.”

Shyla let the air out in a rush and he chuckled. The sound seemed to vibrate into a motion that triggered one more aftershock, one more sensation, leaving her whimpering.

“Don’t move,” she groaned with a soft chuckle. “Oh, man, it’s so sensitive.”

“Then that means I did my job right.” He smiled.

Shyla smiled back at him and stretched as well. His smile seemed to falter when she did that. “Something wrong?”

He groaned, “You’re testing me.”

“Am I?” She batted her eyes, hoping that it would help with the innocent act she was working to give.






Another laugh, shake of the head and then his cock left her body. It felt like she was now alone with him gone, but he still lay on top of her.

Gently he brushed hair from her forehead, said nothing, only looked at her with a strange expression on his face.

“Something wrong?” she asked.

“You make me feel things I haven’t felt in a very long time.”

“Is that bad?”

He shook his head. “It’s nice. I think I forgot how peaceful one can feel when the right person is with them.”

Shyla frowned. “Huh?”

Blaine rolled off of her to the side and she turned with him, to face him. He rested his head on his hand, elbow dug into the mattress. “I didn’t want to tell you this, mostly because I didn’t think it was important, but now that I’m looking at you—hell, you do look like her some.”

“I’m confused.”

“There was this girl years ago.” He sighed, touching the side of her face once more. “Long before you and your mother came to the school.”

“You loved her?” Her gut dropped. Why she cared if he loved another before her, she couldn’t say. The need for him to love her had her fighting to not start crying. The only other to ever love her had been her mother, and that was a long time ago.

“I think I did,” he answered, rubbing down her arm. “Shyla, my past is so damn ugly it even has me feeling ashamed right now.”

“But this is the now.” She reached out, touching the side of his face this time. “I know that I don’t much since I’ve spent most of my life in the Compound, but I have learned one thing. The past is the past. Your friends are proof of that.”

“That they are.” He rolled over to his back, arms up under his head.

Shyla snuggled up next to him, resting her head on his chest. “So what about this girl from your past? What’s her name?”


“Was she pretty?” The question came out before she could stop it.

Why she had to ask, she didn’t know. Just like she wasn’t sure if she really wanted to know the answer to it either.

“She was.” Again he sighed. It sounded like it pained him for whatever strange reason to talk about it.

“What’s wrong? I can tell this is hard for you to talk about.” She rose up and looked down at him. “Did she break your heart that bad?”

“She did when she died.”






And that finished the bad feeling she had in her stomach. Shyla pulled away from him grabbed the sheet and wrapped it around her body.

“I’m sorry,” she whispered, not knowing what else to say to him.

She felt Blaine move behind her but didn’t look at him. He wrapped his arms around her body, holding her tight. “I’m telling you about Joann because you need to know about her. She is the reason I think Owen is after you.”

He loved her.
“What do I have to do with her?”

“You remind him of her.”

She closed her eyes, telling herself over and over again to not start crying.
I remind you of the one you loved and lost also.
“And you?”

She held her breath, fearing and waiting for the answer. She didn’t want to know, yet felt she had to know at the same time.

“I don’t see you as her replacement,” he said low against her the back of her neck. “I see you as my wife.”

But not my love.
She took a deep breath and nodded.

“Hey.” He turned her head so she looked at him. “Let’s not think about the past. We both need some sleep and in the morning we can talk more about all of this. Okay?”

“Okay,” she whispered.


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