Forbidden Innocence: Tales of the Forbidden (9 page)

Read Forbidden Innocence: Tales of the Forbidden Online

Authors: Jaden Sinclair

Tags: #Romance, #Erotica, #Fiction, #General

BOOK: Forbidden Innocence: Tales of the Forbidden
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Blaine walked slowly up the stairs, dreading facing Shyla. When Samara came back down she winked at him and dragged Dane out. He stayed in the dining room, smoking and drinking as the staff cleaned things up. But he didn’t get drunk. Opening the door his eyes went right to the bed, and his heart skipped a beat at the sight; it was empty bed. He feared for a moment that something happened to Shyla, until he saw her curled up in the chair before the window, sleeping.

It was one of the most peaceful and beautiful things he could recall ever seeing. Her long blonde hair hung over the arm of the chair, legs curled up, a new nightgown fanning out around her. An angel, he thought; she looks like an angel while sleeping.

Blaine closed the door softly, went up to her and as gently as he could, scooped her up in his arms. She sighed, then frowned in her sleep.

“I’m sorry,” she said in her sleep. “Won’t happen again.”

He carried her to the bed, placing her into it, pulling the blankets around her. Shyla sighed again rolled over and snuggled into the bedding. Blaine touched the side of her face, brushing his fingers into hair before moving back and walking out of the bedroom. Sleeping tonight wasn’t going to happen for him. His mind refused to shut down just like his damn dick refused to listen.

Walking back down the steps, pulling out another cigar, his phone buzzed in his pocket. Blaine lit his smoke and flipped his phone open,


“Owen Paterio,” his lawyer said. “Name ring a bell?”








“Unfortunately it does.” Down the stairs and right towards his office he went.

“Well I have more news to give you then. He’s red flagged you.”

“Which means what?”

“Means all the bankers around and investment boys are to report to him if you go to make another deal. He wants to know each step you make it appears.”

Smart fucker!
“So he wants to steal all of my deals.”

“That is how I’m taking it. We do have one banker though that isn’t interested in Paterio's deals. So that might be good for us.”

“Not really.”

“Why not?”

“Because Owen might threaten the guy and take over the company.

He’s playing a game with me, but what he doesn’t know is that I’ve got the means to wait him out. Once he fucks someone over word will get out how dirty he is.”

“Can we wait that long?”

“Sure.” Blaine sat down in his leather chair behind the new desk leaned back and put his feet up on it. “Think of it as a vacation. Take your wife on a long trip. Hell, we both need one, and I think it’s a perfect time for one. You let me worry about Owen.”

“If you say so, but I don’t think it’s a good idea to just sit around and do nothing.”

“Never said I was doing nothing.”

“Oh and I went ahead on the White thing. She is going to try to sue your friend Kera Noved. I made it known who I was, and that we will go to court if have to and fight her. Even stated we have witnesses who will come forth and state she has been harassing Mrs. Noved for a long time.”

Blaine chuckled, “How’d that go?”

“She took the check and dropped all charges as well as signed the agreement.”

“You rock. Now take that vacation. I don’t want to hear from you for at least two weeks. If I have a problem, I’ll call you.”

“Alright, but I don’t like leaving you alone to deal with this guy.

I’ve got a funny feeling.”

“I can take care of Owen. Don’t you worry.”

Blaine sat in his office, lights off, deathly quiet, smoking his cigar, thinking. It was two in the morning and still he didn’t feel tired. Instead his mind kept going over what game Owen was playing now. When the small manual clock chimed three, Blaine stood up and walked out.


He went right out to the garage, up to the bike that he sent home but had yet to uncover. A jerk of the rope, yank from the tarp, and there stood his Harley that he hadn’t ridden in years. He tossed the helmet to the ground, swung his leg over, started it and peeled out.

The cool night air felt good on his face. It cooled the burning in his body and had him focusing on what he needed to do. Confront Owen.

Even though he hadn’t been home in years, Blaine knew the place Owen would be at. A high priced membership club where the liquor was imported as were the girls who served them. His father loved the place and spent much money and just about all his free time there. It was a place everyone in Treece knew about, but no one would talk about.

The club was located at the end of town, in a plain building. Nothing touched the gray walls, not even a name. Blaine parked his bike right in front of the door, put the kickstand in place, and sat back on the bike, waiting. He knew Owen was in there and had a good feeling he wouldn’t have to long of wait.

Forty-five minutes was all Blaine waited and out Owen came, smiling. The second his cold eyes landed on Blaine, he laughed.

“I was wondering how long it would be before you came looking for me. But I must say this is even early for you.”

“What’s the game Owen?”

Owen gave him a big tooth filled smile. “What game have we always played Blaine? Knights of the round table, or was it superman? I get so confused.”

“Just like you get confused as the rules to all the games.”

Owen pointed a finger at Blaine, “That is why I enjoyed your company so much back there. The honour you still carried with you…”

He made a smacking sound with his mouth, like a child did after they got a sweet treat. “You had them all falling at your feet then with it. I bet you even got the women in your bed so easy with that game.”

“I don’t play the games, you do. Remember?”

“Oh I remember a lot of things.”

“So do I.”

Owen’s smile slipped away, as did his carefree attitude.

“I remember you abusing a young girl, then tossing her away like garbage. I also recall a time when you asked this one girl out, and then brought her to our party so the guys could take turns with her. Revenge is what you called it, because she made sure that everyone in the school knew that she found you disgusting. So your idea to teach her a lesson was to get her gang raped.”



“And you were there to save her,” Owen sneered.

“But not before you hurt her.”

“It’s the past.” Once more Owen smiled, his arms out to his sides.

“Is it really?” Blaine brought out a cigar, lit it and blew out the smoke. “What do you want, Owen? You’re not here to enjoy the town so why don’t you just spill it.”

“I thought it was very clear what I wanted Blaine.”

“She’s mine.”

“And yet, I’ve got this strange feeling that she really isn’t.” He cocked his head to the side. “Have you even bedded her yet? I sure as hell wouldn’t let that sweet ass leave my bed for at least a week.”

Blaine drew hard on his smoke, the hatred for Owen surfacing faster than what he would’ve liked. “What I do in my bed is none of your damn business. Never has been.”

“Yes, you also kept that to yourself, didn’t you?”

“Leave, Owen. Go back to the hole you crawled out of.”

Owen’s eyes narrowed on Blaine. “Oh I’ll go, once I’m done here and have what I came for.”

Owen began to head to his car, whistling. Blaine watched him, hating the man more than he ever thought he could hate another man.

“You won’t ever get her!” Blaine snapped through his teeth.

“Ever is such a harsh word, don’t you think? Have a good morning, Blaine, I know I will.” Owen got into the back of the car, then his driver started it up and pulled away.

After the car disappeared, Blaine dug his phone out and dialled the one person he knew he could get to dig up shit on Owen.

“Talk to me,” Darius said.

“Owen Paterio.”

“Heard the name, real asshole. What you need?”

“He’s playing a game with me, and I’m not sure what it is. He’s also making threats to get his hands on Shyla. Need you to help me find it all out.”


“And Darius, you do this for me, and I’ll see what I can do about helping you with Dane.”

“I’ll see what I can find out.”

“Thanks man.”

The call ended, he put the phone back into his pocket, and started the bike. Heading home felt different this time. Hell, the drive finally felt like he was going home. Now he just needed to work on Shyla and her 76

fear of him with sex. That was a challenge he wasn’t looking forward to.

Shit, as far as he was concerned, fighting Owen was much, much easier at the moment.



Chapter Nine

Blaine happened to be sitting at the small table in the kitchen, drinking coffee with papers in front of him when Shyla walked in. He stared at nothing as he sipped from the cup, making her wonder just what was on his mind.

He didn’t come to bed last night. She woke alone in the bed which she knew for sure she didn’t fall asleep in. It also was apparent that he hadn’t slept in the bed. She had no clue if he slept someplace else or not.

And that thought bothered her. She didn’t want her fears to run him out of his room or house.

Taking a deep breath, pushing back any fear that might surface, she went into the kitchen. With each step, she told herself that he wasn’t here to hurt her and that the night before never happened.


Blaine put his cup down and smiled at her, “Morning. Sleep good?”

Shyla nodded. “But I have this strange feeling that you didn’t sleep.

Am I right?”

“Yeah I have nights I don’t sleep at all.”

“It isn’t because of me is it? I mean, I can move to another room.”

She went to the fridge, brought out the orange juice and set it on the counter.

“No, it isn’t because of you.” He sat back in the chair, watching her move around, getting a cup and pouring herself some juice. “I use to do this when I was younger, drove my father nuts. Have a bit of insomnia.”

“So what’d you do then?” She took her glass, put the juice back in the fridge and joined him at the table.

Blaine straightened up took one of the bagels and cut it in half. She watched him spread some cream cheese on both half’s, handing her one.



“Try this.”

Shyla bit into it and nodded, “It’s good.”

“Best English bagels in town. The fruit cream cheese is a special that Sally makes herself. Swear I’m going to get fat eating like this,” he chuckled.

“So what do you do when you have this insomnia thing?” she asked again.

“Well, when I was younger I would sneak out of the house.” Picking up a napkin, he wiped his mouth before sitting back once more. “In my teenager years I met up with the guys, or sometimes went out alone on my bike looking for trouble. Trouble usually found me.”

“Did you go out looking for girls?” She couldn’t stop the grin.

Blaine’s eyes seemed to light up a bit. “Sometimes.”

“I bet you didn’t have to look too far. Bet they came to you from miles away.”

It was a first, she guessed, when she saw Blaine blush. “Some yes.”

“That’s the first time I’ve seen you blush or smile like that.”

“Like what?”

“Like I hit a nerve.”

“Naw, you didn’t hit a nerve.”

“Good.” She picked up the bagel, took a bite and smiled. The whole time she chewed, Blaine watched her. “What?” she asked with a mouth full.

“I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone enjoy eating before.”

Her face heated up. “Don’t think I’ve ate this good before either.”

“You know, I’ve got an idea.” He leaned forward, elbows on table, a twinkle in his eyes. “How would you like to go for a ride, on my bike?”

Shyla stopped chewing and stared open eyed at him. She swallowed hard, lowering the bagel. “Huh?”

“I have a motorcycle.” He spoke slow. “I want to take you for a ride on it.”

“Why?” She wrinkled her nose, not understanding him at the moment.

“Because it’s fun.” He smiled, standing up, coming around the table and taking her hands, standing her up also. “So run upstairs and get a jacket. Might rain.”

“I don’t have a jacket.”

“Then I’ll get you one right now.”

Still holding his hand, Blaine led her from the kitchen out to the garage. Parked in the middle of it stood his cycle with two helmets and a 79

leather jacket, hanging from the handlebars. They went right up to it, Blaine let go of her hand to grab one of the helmets which he settled on her head, clasping the buckle at the end of the strap under her chin. He then put the jacket on her, which was way too big. With a nod, he grabbed the other helmet, shoved it over his head then swung onto the bike.

“Now step there.” He pointed to one of the pegs. “Hook your leg over and hold on to me.”

He started the bike. Shyla felt the power under her. Blaine reached up and closed the visor on his helmet, shutting his face and eyes up completely. A motion with his leg and they took off.

It was such a jolt that she jumped then gripped him tight around the waist, holding on for dear life. He sped out, the trees flying by in a blur.

It didn’t take her long to feel the excitement in the ride.

She didn’t know how long the ride was to the store, but felt a bit of loss when it came to an end and he parked in front of it. She got off, pulled the helmet from her head and stood back, waiting for him. He took both helmets, put them on the bike and then took her hand, walking her into the store.

The fresh smell of leather greeted her. Everything was made out of leather. Jackets, bags, coats, shoes and more great things. Shyla had a hard time taking it all in as they walked up to the counter.

“May I help you?” the man said.

“She needs a leather jacket,” Blaine told him. “And only the best will do.”

It took less than twenty minutes before she was fitted for a leather jacket and gloves to match. When they walked out, she wore hers and he had his.

Once more on the bike and once more Shyla felt the thrill of the ride. He took her everywhere, showed her everything in Treece. Houses she never knew about, stores she could only dream about. Shyla took it all in, finding that she hungered for it all.

For lunch he stopped at a small café where Blaine said had the best burgers. And they were great! Sipping a strawberry milkshake, she listened to him talk about the places he saw after finishing school—

places where he’d travelled. He spent over a year seeing places, meeting people, learning what he wanted to do before starting college.

Acquisitions. He explained to her that it was like buying and selling, only he did it with companies. The first company he bought was one his father happened to be looking into. He snatched it right out from under 80

the man, then sold the stocks. Made a killing off of it, and pissed his father off.

Shyla also discovered that once his mother passed, Blaine’s life became hell. He didn’t like talking about it and avoided any questions.

“You know, I’ve noticed that you don’t really like to talk about yourself.”

Blaine wiped his mouth, then hands, fisting the napkin. “That’s all I’ve been doing.”

“No, you’ve been avoiding it,” she said and smiled.

He met her in the eye and gave her a dry look. “Okay. You know what I do for a living, you know I’ve travelled and didn’t get along with my father. What more would you like to know?”


He chuckled, both arms going up over the booth seat. “That is a subject that will only get me into trouble.”

“How so?”

Thunder boomed off in the distance, getting Blaine’s full attention.

“I think it’s time for us to head back home. Storm’s coming and rain will hurt like hell riding on a bike.” He slid from the booth, dug out some cash and tossed it on the table.

Shyla followed him out and looked up at the sky. The blue began to change to dark gray. The sight had her shivering. She hated storms and spent each one that hit alone in a dark room. Power always got knocked out and there never was anyone around when she was younger to make her feel safe.

She got onto the bike behind Blaine, helmet in place. Blaine started it up and took off fast, jolting her once more. She hung on tight, looking back at the storm, which came in fast. Halfway home the rain started and just like he said it pelted them hard. By the time they reached the house they were soaked and she was cold. He reached the garage just as large balls of hail hit.

“Damn,” he huffed, parking and looking back. “This one looks like it’s going to be a bad one.”

“I hate storms,” she said low, taking the helmet off and placing it on the bike’s seat. She walked slowly to the garage door, rubbing her arms.

“Come on.” He came up behind her, rubbing her arms also. “Let’s get inside and get changed. You’re soaking wet.”

Shyla let him turn her away from the storm and back into the house.

They went inside and up to the bedroom. She stopped in the middle of the room, waiting to see what he might do. Blaine went into the closet 81

and came out with clothes for both of them.

“You go in and take a hot shower. I’ll use the one in the room next door.”

He handed over her clothes and Blaine left. It felt strange for her to be standing in his room when he was going to another one for a shower.

The clothes he brought out were nothing fancy, like some of the clothing hanging in her closet, thanks to Kera and Samara. No silk nightie or thong panties. Instead, Blaine brought out her new silk robe and one of her long night shirts with matching baggy shorts.

She went into the bathroom, placed her things on the bench in front of the large shower and started the water. Thunder boomed and she jumped. It wasn’t too long before the lightening followed it, reminding her of the storm.

Shyla showered fast and dressed even faster. The lights flickered a couple of times, freaking her out. Back into the room she stood staring out the window, watching the lightning flicker outside, hearing the wind pick up.

“You okay?” Blaine asked, causing her to jump.

“Yeah!” she rushed out.

Blaine’s hair was still wet and in his arms he held his clothes. He’d dressed in a pair of lose fitting shorts and no shirt.

“Boy you really don’t like storms.”

“Will you stay here this time?” She shivered as the thunder boomed again and bit her lower lip.


Shyla tried to breathe a sigh of relief, but couldn’t. She squealed when it hit again and she dashed for the bed, jumping under the covers and pulling them over her head. She felt Blaine join her, but didn’t come out from under the covers.

“Shyla, it’s only a storm. It will pass,” he said. A tug and the blanket slid from her head to her waist. “I promise.”

She swallowed hard and nodded. “I’m sorry. I’ve always been scared of them and alone during them.” Another loud boom, this one shaking the windows and the lights went out. “Oh God!” She jumped right into his arms, holding him tight, burying her face in his shoulder.

“It’s okay,” he chuckled, holding her.

The storm raged outside, the lightning flicking into the windows, illuminating the room. Shyla shivered in his arms, eyes closed tight so she couldn’t see it. Blaine held her through it all. She didn’t know when she fell asleep, only that when she opened her eyes daylight spilled into 82

the room and she still lay in Blaine’s arms.

He slept, one arm draped around her, the other resting on his chest.

Her free hand rested on his belly and Shyla had this itching feeling to touch him more.

She felt muscle under her fingertips along with a soft patch of hair that went downward, hiding beneath the covers and his shorts. Biting her lip, Shyla gently moved her hand down, feeling the dark hair, glancing up at his face, making sure he still slept.

He was soft and hard at the same time. She could feel his muscles while she moved her hand through the soft hair. Once she got to the top of his groin, Blaine stirred in his sleep and his legs parted. She saw the hard outline of his cock and wondered what it would feel like in her hand as well.

Looking up at his face again, seeing him still sleeping, she reached further downward, touching the top outline of his cock. It seemed to twitch under her fingertips, causing her to jerk her hand back away. He spread his legs and jerked his hips up from the bed. Shyla decided, with a smile, that meant he liked her touch and once more ran her finger along the length of his cock. Feeling braver, she closed her hand, but didn’t really grip it, only moved it up and down in wonder.


Shyla jumped in surprise at the sound of his voice. He’d caught her.

Blaine took hold of her wrist before she could move away from him. His eyes didn’t hold on ounce of anger in them.

Losing the grip on her wrist, he took hold of her hand and placed it fully around his cock, still covered by the shorts. With her eyes wide, staring at him in shock, she let him place her hand where he wanted and move it as he liked.

“Do this, only harder.”

Shyla moved her eyes down to her hand and watched him show her how to touch him, how to stroke him. She saw this in the movies, but in those everyone was naked. She could feel his hardness, but not the flesh.

Again the boldness hit her and she moved her hand away, but this time she went inside his shorts and underwear, to the source of what she wanted to feel. The moment she closed her hand on his cock, the same way he showed her, Blaine moaned. Looking up at him, he had his eyes closed, head back into the pillow and hands fisting in the sheet under him. She thought he might be in pain, with the way his brows came together in a deep V.

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