Forbidden Innocence: Tales of the Forbidden (5 page)

Read Forbidden Innocence: Tales of the Forbidden Online

Authors: Jaden Sinclair

Tags: #Romance, #Erotica, #Fiction, #General

BOOK: Forbidden Innocence: Tales of the Forbidden
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“Would you care to share that something with me?”

“Not really, no. but why don’t you call and check in on him. My gut tells me shit will hit a large fan with him.”

“Alright. And I guess we’ll see you tomorrow then.”



“Do you have to?” Blaine sighed.

Devon laughed, “As if we’ll be able to keep the girls away. Later, man.”

The phone went dead, and this time Blaine turned it all the way off.

He placed it back into his jacket pocket, unbelted the robe and let the damn thing fall to the floor. Naked, hard, he walked right up to the bathroom door and slowly tried the knob. It turned, which he knew it would since nothing in the bedrooms locked, but as for opening it, well that was another matter.

“Shyla?” He knocked and sighed. “Let me in.”

“Please go away.” She sounded freaked out.

“Please don’t make me have to bust in,” he said casually. “They’ll make me pay for the damn door.”

“Blaine, please.” She sounded as if she might start crying at any moment. “I can’t do this with you. I just can’t.”

“Fuck,” he mumbled under his breath as he pushed away from the door. “Then you might want to make sure you’re as far away from the door as you can get.”

“Don’t!” she yelled right before he kicked it in.

She had stuffed a hair brush into the doorjamb, locking it. He had to stop and look at the thing on the floor. “Impressive.”

Shyla stood at the far end of the bathroom, breathing hard, looking scared to death. He supposed she had good reason to be a bit scared. He was standing naked in front of her and had just kicked in a door to get to her.

It didn’t take too many steps to reach her. When he got close, her hands went up in a defensive manner, tears slipped free and she tensed up. “Please don’t hurt me!”

Her words had him stopping mere inches from touching her. “I’m not going to hurt you.” Slowly and with more tenderness than he’d ever displayed in his life, he reached out, touching her cheek with the back of his hand. “I could never hurt you.”

Her shivering, the tears and the manner in which she seemed to cower away screamed at him of abuse.

“Who hurt you?” he whispered the question.

She shook her head and lowered it as well as her eyes. Instead of hugging herself, which he saw some abuse victims do, she fisted her hands into the robe. Blaine lowered his hand, grabbed her around the waist and picked her up, setting her down on the sink counter, coming between her legs. Once more she had the shocked look in her eyes when 39

she looked up at him.

“I’ll never hurt you, Shyla. Ever! Period. I came in here to find and protect you, not to hurt or abuse you.” He ran both hands over her face, into her hair, holding her face up so she saw how serious he really was.

“God you are so beautiful,” he breathed out softly.

Powerless. That’s how he felt when he had her in his arms. Blaine couldn’t stop himself from lowering his head, taking her lips, kissing her.

She caused an instinct to come alive inside him—to protect, to claim, to simply hold her.

Deeper the kiss went, and with it his arms wrapped around her body, holding her closer. Down her back, around her hips, up bare legs to the inside of her robe. He felt the cotton material of the panties once more on her body and he growled into the kiss. Shyla tensed up and he pulled back just enough to meet her in the eye.

“You put them back on,” he stated.

“I’m sorry,” she whispered.

Blaine looked down, grabbed hold of the knot and tugged at it. She grabbed his hands, trying to stop him from undoing the tie. It didn’t work. He had it released and the robe opened with her hands going up to cover her breasts.

He touched her belly, down to her legs and back up. Prying her hands away, Blaine held her arms down on the counter, looking his fill at her body. Cheeks flared red and eyes lowered at his bold stare.

“Do you have any idea the kind of pleasure I get from simply looking at your body,” he said.

She pulled her arms away, and he let her. Blaine watched her lower her head once more and close the robe. A shell had been placed tightly around her and right then he decided and made a silent vow to break through it.

“Come on then,” he sighed, picking her up, holding her tight, not letting her down to walk. “Let’s get some sleep. We’ve got one hell of a busy day ahead of us come morning.”



Chapter Five

Shyla woke slowly to sun shining in her face, warm covers tucked around her body and the sweet smell of food. It felt strange, the drowsiness she felt and the lazy manner in which she opened her eyes and rolled over to her back. Staring up at the ceiling, she recalled the things that happened to her last night.

Married! Boy, she didn’t see that one coming yesterday morning when she was ordered into line for the special bath and dressing for the party.

“You’re awake.”

Shyla stiffened at the deep, dark voice. She closed her eyes, working to get a grip on herself before facing the one man who scared the living hell right out of her.

“I didn’t want to wake you,” he said. “Sort of even enjoyed watching you sleep.”

She opened her eyes, turned her head and stared right into the darkest set of eyes she ever saw in her life. Blaine was kneeling down by the bed, his slacks back on and shirt open, showing his muscular chest.

The long, black locks of his hair were wet, meaning he’d already showered.

The last thing they had done, he had looked at her body in the bathroom. Shyla feared that he would take her again right there, but he didn’t. Instead, he picked her up and carried her to the bed, laying her down gently and coming behind her. Thick arms went around her smaller frame, holding her close to his hot body. Surprisingly enough she fell asleep like that, surprised that she felt safe in his arms. But now morning came and the uncertainty with it.

“Hungry?” he asked, reaching out and touching her face.

She didn’t answer him. Instead, Blaine pulled back the covers and 41

had her out of the bed, walking to the low table once more. He sat down, tugging her close to him.

A large spread lay before her on the table. Scrambled eyes, sausage, ham and bacon. Toast along with biscuit and gravy, orange juice, coffee, and fruit. She even saw bagels with three different cream cheese flavours.

“I’ve never seen anything like this before,” she breathed out, afraid to touch anything.

“Yeah I’ve heard the food here sucks for you girls.” He plated the food for her. “Try a bit of everything. I’m going to need to know what you like so Sally can fix it for you.”

“Who’s Sally?”

“My cook.” He poured some of the coffee in a cup, a small amount of sugar and took a sip. “I can’t cook for shit. Can do toast, but that’s pushing it sometimes. Been known to blow up the toaster when I was younger.”

Shyla smiled. She could picture him waiting by a toaster and the thing catching on fire.

“Your smile. I like it.” She felt her face heat up and even more so when he leaned over and kissed her on the cheek.

She ate the food, loving the taste of everything, and like he suggested, she tried it all. When she finished, she felt stuffed. Settling back, her hands went to her belly. She felt ready to explode.

A knock came on the door and she jumped up, backing away, waiting for the Mistress to walk through and tell her that everything was a joke, time to go back to her room. But it happened to not be the Mistress, but the two servant women from the night before.

“That is my clue to disappear for about an hour.” Again, she jumped and this time it was to him wrapping his arms around her again. “The spoiling time begins.”


“They’re going to bath you, and dress you. So when I come back you’ll be ready to leave.”

“This is real then,” she whispered, looking around him at the women who stood waiting for him to leave. One had a large box in her hand.

“I’m not going back to my room or the classes.”

“The only place you’re going to be going is out the front doors with me.” He hooked a finger under her chin, making her look up at him. A light kiss along with a brush of knuckles across her check and he turned, leaving her alone.

The door closed and both women smiled at her. The one without the 42

box motioned for Shyla to the bathroom. They drew a scented bubble bath that relaxed every muscle in her body. They washed her hair, her body, her everything. When that was finished, they dried her off and walked her back into the bedroom.

A pale pink silk blouse with long sleeves went over her head and down her arms to tighten around the wrists. Shockingly, a thong slipped up over her legs, around her hips and fit snuggly between the curves of her ass.

The top’s neckline hung off her shoulders. She wore no bra under it and the silk teased her nipples, making them hard which they clearly showed to anyone who might be looking. A matching skirt followed the thong that was short but had a high slit on the side showing a nice amount of leg.

There were ruffles adorning the hemline and up the skirt’s slit, which matched the effect of the ruffles around the neckline and wrists of the blouse. Sitting down on the edge of the bed, soft pale pink cotton leggings slid up her legs followed by knee-high boots with pale fur to match.

With quick efficiency, one of the servants dried her hair, curled it and pulled it back to cascade down the middle of her back in thick curls.

Standing in front of the bathroom mirror, Shyla looked at herself in shock. It was like looking at a stranger.

“That’s how you should look every day,” Blaine’s low voice said.

Shula’s eyes moved up to the mirror to meet Blaine’s. He strolled from the bedroom into the bathroom and stood behind her, towering over her.

“Very beautiful, but something is missing, or more like two


He put a box down on the counter and then opened it. She looked in shock at the contents. Snuggled inside was a pink heart and diamond necklace. Blaine picked it up and put it around her throat. It was short enough that it didn’t hang down her throat, but not so short that it felt tight enough to choke her.

But that wasn’t all.

He also picked up her left hand and placed a matching pink heart and diamond band, following it with a kiss.

“Now you’re perfect,” he said.

“Blaine, this is too much.”

He placed a finger over her lips, “It’s not enough. Not even close to being enough. You should never have had to spend so long in this place and never treated as bad as you were. I hope one day you will tell me 43

who hurt you so bad, just like I hope you’ll let me get rid of all the demons you carry inside.”

“Are you sure you don’t want to pick yourself a different girl?” She felt like she just wasn’t enough for him. Guilt plagued her then when she thought about how she didn’t want him to have sex with her again. She knew, just by looking at him, that he was the kind of man who liked having sex—often.

He turned her around, picked her up and sat her down on the counter again as he moved between her legs. “You are the one for me. We walk out of here together, and together we will overcome your fear.”

“But you seem to me the kind of guy who doesn’t go without it and I’m sorry I can’t do it again.”

He silenced her with a deep kiss. Even though she might not care for the sex thing, Shyla did have to admit to herself she liked his kisses. It ended slowly, and she refused to open her eyes.

“I get the impression you like my kisses.”

She licked her lips and nodded. He laughed. “Do it again?”

“Let’s get out of here first, and I’ll make sure to kiss you anywhere and everywhere you want.” That had her opening her eyes fast. He winked, picked her up again and placed her on her feet.

Hand in hand, they walked out of the bedroom and down the long hallway. Her heart pounded in her chest, and it seemed like a small struggle to breathe as she walked with him.

No one said a word to them. Down the long wide expanse of stairs and right out the front door they went. It had been years since Shyla saw the outside. The only time the girls got to go outside was for their daily exercise, and that was in the back yard where the high brick fence wrapped around the whole expand of the yard. They couldn’t look out, and the outside world couldn’t look in. Everyone inside was sheltered to the max.

“Morning, sir.” Shyla saw a man standing next to an open door of a very large and long car. He smiled at Blaine and nodded to her.

“Henning,” Blaine said. “This is Shyla. My wife.”

“A pleasure, Ma’am.” He gave her a slight nod. “I took the liberty of already taking her things from the Compound to the house. Randal handled the rest.”

“I have to say, you all are worth every cent. I’m going to have to see about giving you all a raise. Shyla,” he extended his hand towards the open door.

She moved hesitantly at first, not really sure what he wanted her to 44

do. Then it sort of hit her in the face that he was letting her get inside first. She slipped inside, settled down on the cool leather seat, afraid of touching anything. Blaine came right in after her, sitting across from her.

The door closed and she looked around at everything.

“It’s a limo,” he said. “In case you don’t know.”

“I’ve heard other girls talk about them, but never thought I’d ever see one for myself or sit in one.” She smiled, rubbing the seat. “Wow!”

“Well, if this has you doing the wow number, then the house is going to blow you away,” he chuckled. “It’s huge and if my memory serves me right, you were daydreaming about it up on the roof.”

“You really do live there?”

“Well more like I own it. Haven’t lived in it for years.”


“My father sent me away,” he sighed. “And after he died I sort of closed it up and tried to forget about it and this town.”

“But you didn’t.”

He shook his head. “Nope, I didn’t. My friends kind of made sure of that. I slowly started to come around the time Devon got married. Kera, his wife, let him know I was back and they kind of found out I’d been sneaking back here and there. They sort of ganged up on me.”

“How so?”

“Guess you can say they all showed me how good it felt being around them again.” She smiled. “I love it when you smile. Feels like it brightens up everything dark inside me.”

“Why did your father send you away?”

“Oh,” he groaned, stretching out in the seat across from her. “We didn’t get along that well. Think the bastard thought I might be a threat to him and his many lady friends that came and went.”

She frowned. “I don’t understand.”

“When my mother died, my father changed. He became someone I didn’t know and screwed around a lot. Then came along his little boy who happened to grow up one day and draw the attention of those ladies.”

“Oh.” Now she understood. “You messed around with them also.”

“Man, putting it like that makes me feel a bit dirty,” he shivered.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean anything by it.”

Blaine held up his hand with a smile. “I’m messing with you. And I also have a past. Hell, all of us have one, which is why I think the entire town will get bent out of shape when we get married.”




“The four of us were known as the playboys of Treece. We didn’t give a damn where the girl came from, just as long as she ended up in our bed. If you know what I mean.”

“Yeah, unfortunately I do.” She lowered her head, took a deep breath and looked out the window, watching the town go by.

“It all stopped for each one of us…” That had her looking back at him. “One by one we fell under a spell and became the kind of guy we all swore we’d never be. Husbands.”

“So you are the last then to do this?”

“Nope, Darius has yet to get himself married, and I sort of feel for the bastard.”

“Why’s that?”

“Because I have a good idea who he’s going to go after.”

“I’m not following you.”

“That’s okay. It’s not on my list of problems to deal with at the moment.”

“Then what is?” The limo then turned and slowed to a stop. Shyla looked out the window again, noticing how they stopped in the centre of several stores on a block. “What are we doing here?”

“Well you’re going to need new clothes, so thought we could get you a few things. I’m sure the girls, later, will take you out for what other stuff you might need.” Blaine got out and took her hand to help her out as well.

Instantly, she felt uneasy with where they were at, and it didn’t help how everyone standing or walking seemed to stop what they were doing to stare at them.

“Why is everyone staring at me?” she asked, sidling closer to his body and pressing her face into his arm as if she was a child.

“They’re staring at me. Come on.” He pulled her along and walked into a store.

“May I help you?” the clerk behind the counter asked, coming out with a smile on her face.

Blaine looked around the place and Shyla stood rooted on the spot.

She had no clue as to what to do.

“Anything look good to you?” he asked her. He shook her hand.

“Shyla—anything look good to you?”

“I don’t know,” she whispered. “Can we leave please?”

Blaine gave the clerk his full attention, “As you can see we just got married.”

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