Forbidden Innocence: Tales of the Forbidden (3 page)

Read Forbidden Innocence: Tales of the Forbidden Online

Authors: Jaden Sinclair

Tags: #Romance, #Erotica, #Fiction, #General

BOOK: Forbidden Innocence: Tales of the Forbidden
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Shyla paced the bedroom she’d been led to, rubbing her arms, fighting to push the panicking down that kept threatening to spill. She was scared, plain and simple.

She knew what to expect in these rooms. The classes made sure of that, and from the looks of the man who had her brought here—well he simple was just too big for her.

Don’t think about that, girl!
Taking a deep breath, nodding to herself, Shyla looked around the room with the hopes of getting her mind off of the real reason why she was in here to begin with. Her eyes kept landing on the huge bed pushed up at the far corner of the room, which didn’t help her one bit at calming down.

A lush, cream bed with silk sheets, comforter folded back and oversized pillows piled to the middle. Robes were folded neatly at the foot. There was a bathroom to her right with a large tub that could easily fit two, not to mention the huge shower. But instead of checking it all out, Shyla stayed put in the middle of the room, hugging herself trying to not freak out.

A servant arrived with food, as well as the drugged strawberries and wine. Shula’s stomach grumbled for food but she didn’t go near it only glanced a few times at it resting on the low table in the middle of the room.

The lock turned, as did Shyla. The door opened and she held her breath as the one who kissed her walked in.
Lord help her but he is huge!

Shula’s mouth went dry, eyes open wide, body tensed up so much she began to shake. Those dark eyes of his landed on her. He made a gesture with his hand for the guard behind him to leave and the door closed slowly, lock turning, locking them in for the night.

He slipped out of his jacket, looked around the room while working 20

the buttons on his shirt free. “I’m impressed.” He tossed his jacket to the only chair in the room and strolled forward. “Very impressive.”

“Um, look.” She licked her lips, backing up and shivering when his dark eyes once more landed on her. “I think there’s been a mistake.”

“No mistake.” He stopped with the buttons on his shirt when it opened about halfway down his chest. “Hungry?”

“Yes. No.” She shook her head, frowning. “Who are you?”

He pulled his shirt out from the waist of his pants, finished the buttons and sat down at the low table, leaning back on the large pillows.

“Have a seat,” he said as he extended his hand to the spot across from him. “Please.”

Still hugging herself she moved slowly, with caution to the spot across from him. Carefully lowering down, making sure the short dress didn’t show things she didn’t want shown, she faced him and sat down.

“You don’t remember me, do you?” he asked. She shook her head.

“Blaine Cedric. Your mother use to work for the boarding school I got shipped off to.” He sat forward, lifting the food lids. Roasted whole chicken hit her senses and her stomach rolled with the need for food.

“Now that smells good.”

“Wait a second, my mother? What does my mother have to do with this?”

Blaine began cutting the chicken and plating it. He took the lid off another tray with roasted potatoes and put them on a plate also. Along with some bread, and fruit which he then set in front of her.

“Eat.” He nodded towards the plate.

“What’s going on here?” she sighed.

“We’re going to eat.” He picked up a tender piece of meat from the chicken and put it in his mouth. She watched him, fascinated for a second as he ate and licked the juice from his lips and fingers. “Very good.”

The next thing he did was open up the bottle of wine chilling in ice.

He poured two glasses, handing one to her. Shyla took the proffered glass and simply watched him.

“You’re not eating,” he stated.

She sighed. “I don’t understand this. What does all of this have to do with my mother?”

Blaine took a drink, those dark eyes of his on her causing her to feel very nervous. Hell, she started to feel like a mouse to cat.

“Does the name Owen Paterio mean anything to you?” Again she shook her head. “He was also at the boarding school the same time as me 21

and you. I think you were about seven then.”

Shyla pulled her legs up to her chest held them and rested her chin on her knees. “Are you saying you knew me then?”

“I knew you,” Blaine stated. “And he wanted you.”

“I don’t understand.” She lowered her eyes. “Why am I here?”

“You don’t remember anything from then, do you?” He sighed.

A few seconds went by before she shook her head, long locks of blond hair falling over her shoulder. She took a ragged breath as she set down her untouched glass of wine. “I can barely remember my mother—

I’ve been here so long.” Slowly she raised her eyes to look at him again.

“But I do recall this boy who always seemed so angry at the world. Was that you then?”

Blaine picked up his glass, brought it to his lips and right before tipping it, taking that drink, and then one simple word passed his lips.


“And that other man on the roof…” She could barely get the words out. “Was he this Owen you’re talking about? The one from your school?”

Once again, he placed the glass on the table, but those dark eyes never left her. “Yes.”

“I don’t remember him,” she breathed out. “I don’t even remember you really.”

She got back up on her feet quickly. Blaine also stood up and before she could try to put some distance between them he had her in his arms.

Eyes wide open Shyla looked up at him in both shock and fear. He touched the side of her face gently as he held her close.

“How could I have forgotten you?” he whispered.

His face lowered. She held her breath and his lips touched hers. But before it could become deeper, Shyla pulled back, lowering her face.

Again her stomach rumbled and Blaine chuckled.

“You need to eat.” He sat back down and this time pulled her with him, placing her right next to him. He reached for her plate, putting it in front of her along with her wine.

Shula’s hand shook as she reached for a fork. He sat too close, the scent of him overwhelming her senses. Eating seemed to be one of the hardest things she could do at the moment. Blaine ate also and drank, looking at her from time to time.

“I’ve heard that they don’t like to feed you girls all that much,”

Blaine said. “That true?”

Shyla swallowed her food and nodded. “Small meals mostly. They 22

want us all to watch our figures.”

“Meat on the bones isn’t such a bad thing.” He finished his drink, set the glass down and lounged back on the plush pillows.

“Guess not all like fat girls.”

He laughed. “Honey, you’re definitely not fat to me.” When he sat up and reached for the chocolate covered drugged strawberry. Shyla dropped her fork, covered her mouth and stared wide eyed at him.

“What’s wrong?”

“You don’t want to eat those,” she whispered.

“Oh yes I do.” He took a large bite, juice slipping down the sides of his mouth. He took two more bites, finishing it off before picking up the second, holding it in front of her. “Your turn.”

Shyla shook her head. “I’m not eating those. Do you know what’s in them?”

Blaine smiled, “Yep.”

“And you ate it anyway?” she gasped.

“Trust me, Shyla, and take the fruit. It’ll help tonight.”

“Help with what?” Her heart began to pound in her chest. Fear seemed to wrap around her and hold her just about as tight as what Blaine did up on the roof.

“Trust me.”

The intense look in his dark eyes had her mouth opening it seemed on its own. The strawberry entered, she bit down and chewed the sweet fruit. Swallowing, opening up and taking two more large bites she ate it all and waited.

“Relax,” he sighed, pouring more wine in the glasses, taking hold of his and sitting back on the pillows. “Everything is going to be just fine.”

“I don’t think relaxing is going to happen tonight since we ate those strawberries.”

He smiled, eyes closing. “Don’t worry so much Shyla. Everything’s going to be alright.”



Chapter Three

Blaine watched Shyla with hooded, half closed eyes. She was nervous and scared and he was pretty sure it wasn’t because of the past and the information he gave her regarding Owen. She knew about the strawberries, so that took the amount of surprise and the plan right out the window. He really hoped the surprise of what the fruit did would help him with the seduction part. Hell, in all his years with women and his experiences, he didn’t have to work so hard at getting a woman in his bed, but tonight he decided he had his work cut out for him.

Fuck! It hit him and hit hard!

The drug in the strawberry, a potent aphrodisiac, went from the back of his neck, down his spine and pooled right between his legs making his balls tighten up in sexual need unlike anything he ever felt in his life.

Instantly, he became hard as stone, his cock pressing against the zipper of his slacks, throbbing for impending attention.

Blaine couldn’t suppress the moan from slipping past his lips, or control himself from reaching out to Shyla, pulling her onto his lap. He needed to feel her, needed to simply touch her for the moment, but he knew that need would quickly change. But right now, he needed to do something to take a bit of the edge off and hold him at bay until she was ready.

“Come here,” he rasped out, placing her face to face on top of him.

Again her blue eyes widened, the fear showing clearly in the crystal depths. “Do you feel it yet?”

She shook her head. He moved his hands down to her legs, skimming up and under the dress. Shyla squirmed and tried to get off, but he held her easily and tightly against him.

“What are you doing?” Her voice held a hint of uncertainty when she spoke.


Instead of answering, Blaine sat up more, moved his hands to her ass and nuzzled her neck, breathing in her sweet scent. He kneaded her ass, ground her against his aching cock and began to kiss her neck, down to the shoulder and up her throat to her full sweet lips.

A kiss, soft and tender. Blaine worked damn hard to not rush things, to simply feel her against him, to take in all the sensations and experience it all. And damn him if she didn’t feel like heaven in his arms.

He became lost to it all. He tried to get the zipper of her dress down and his shirt off at the same time while he kissed her neck and shoulder.

Nothing felt as if it was enough. Desperation hit, pushing him over the edge until he ripped her dress right off her shoulders.

Shyla cried out and somehow managed to pull back a little from him. Instantly, her arms went up, covering her breasts. Fear filled her eyes and colour seemed to drain from her face.

Holding her stare, Blaine quickly finished unbuttoning his shirt and tore it from his body. He held her tight and stood up with her in his arms.

He strode over to the bed, placed her in the centre and stood straight up.

“Wh—what are you doing?” she whispered when his hands touched the belt at his waist.

Blaine stilled for a moment. He thought about the question and thought about the answer. But for the moment, he had none.

A small yank, belt free, slacks opened and the zipper went down.

“Oh God!” Shyla turned over to her stomach, shaking her head.

“This is a very bad idea.”

Naked, Blaine jerked the rest of her dress off before he began to crawl upon the bed, “Says who?” He kissed her lower back, taking in a sharp intake of breath from her and a quick glance over her shoulder at him. Another kiss to her back and grazing his lower lip up her spine, he hooked his fingers into the waistband of her panties with the intention of pulling them down.

“Please, don’t,” she pleaded, grabbing onto one of his wrists, stopping him from sliding them down.

Blaine worked his way up to a shoulder. He lowered himself down, half on top of her, half on the bed. He bent a leg right between hers, moving her leg up and parted slightly. Then ran his hand down her back and up again.

“Relax, Shyla.” He worked at keeping his voice low and even. “We have all night.”

“But you have that drug in your system.”






Yep, she sounded very freaked out. “So do you,” he replied, then again kissing her backside. “And I’m going to take a guess here and say it should be hitting you very soon now.”

He slid a hand back down her back and inside her panties, cupping her rear, getting a quick intake of air from her. She stiffened as he rubbed her ass, slipping a finger between the folds, teasing not only her ass but the far edge of her pussy as well.

“I don’t like this!” she cried out which turned into a moan as she pulled her legs upward, curling her body into a ball.

“Don’t fight the drug, Shyla. It only makes it worse.”

She shook her head, hands fisted into the sheets. “Make it stop!”

Blaine slipped two fingers as deep inside her wetness as he could and she climaxed right around them. So tight and even tighter with the orgasm that he bit his lower lip to suppress the moan that threatened to surface. The drug was doing what it should, making her body wet, hot and hungry for his own. She just didn’t know it yet.

“That only takes a small amount off the edge off,” he told her, shifting up on his knees. “Just like each orgasm you experience will feel stronger and more intense.”

“Each one!” she squeaked out. “How many do I need to have for it to end?”

With a fast jerk he pulled her panties down and had them off flying over his shoulder, just in time for another wave of the drug. He saw it in the way she tensed her body up. Her attention focused on the feelings the drug gave her and not on what he was doing at the moment.

“Go with it,” he told her, rubbing up her legs towards her back.

Bending over he kissed the middle of her back, lowering his body back down so he half lay on top of her. “I promise you that it will help.”

“It’s not. I tried.” Again she shook her head. “Make it stop!”

“Okay, but this will be the last time.”

“What do you mean?”

He reached down between her legs and slipped two fingers back in, stroking her slowly. “I mean that the next time it’s my way.”

“I don’t understand,” she moaned, her little rear raised up and he once more felt the orgasm contract around his fingers.

“You will.” Blaine moved off her and flipped Shyla over to her back. Instantly she covered her breasts with her arms and tried to twist her lower body so he couldn’t see the bare, swollen and slick folds of her pussy. “You’re so beautiful,” he breathed out.

Her cheeks turned a nice shade of red and those blue eyes of hers 26

got so large he thought for a moment he could feel her fear.

Using the back of his hand, Blaine skimmed up her leg as he moved to her other side. When she tried to move again he stopped her by going to his back this time and taking the one leg with him. Now she was positioned half on top of him with her bare pussy at the perfect angle to his face.

He moved to get his first taste and she saw his intent. Before he could get that taste Shyla moved away from him, scooting as far away as she could before Blaine grabbed hold of her, flipping her back down on the bed, coming over her.

“Shhhh,” he soothed, pinning her down with ease. A slight shift of his hips and he was right between her legs, cock touching her belly.

“You have to trust me, Shyla.”

“I’ve seen the movies,” she gasped, sweat beaded her forehead and the heat which came from her pussy, touching him had Blaine really thinking he was being tested. “I can’t do those things.”

Once more he reached down between their bodies, massaging her pussy, touching her swollen clit and enjoying the shudder that went through her body. “Don’t you want to experience great pleasure?” He moved the tip of his finger back and forth over her clit, grinning when her eyes began to flutter closed and nails dug into his arm and shoulder.

“How can a man sticking his thing inside me be pleasure? Oh!”

She just about climaxed once more, but he pulled back, stopping it before it happened.

As slowly as he could he put one finger deep inside her, curved it and began searching for the one spot he needed in order to prove his point. A loud gasp along with her arching closer let him know when he found it.

“Because, my little innocent, this spot here will get rubbed by my
, bringing you so much pleasure and such a strong orgasm that it will amaze you.” He didn’t move that finger too fast, though. The plan was to show her how good it would feel, not give her the release she wanted. “And once I feel that pleasure you have, it will give me great pleasure also.”

“But it will hurt.” This time she spoke low and soft.

“Only once.”

She shook her head, “No. I saw the way those girls acted on the videos. They were crying out in pain.”

Her innocence amazed him. Blaine smiled, brushed her cheek with his free hand and stilled the other, slipping it free from her snug body.



“They were crying out in their pleasure,” he said as he took hold of his cock and rubbed the head up and down along the slit, getting as much of her juices to coat the head as he could.

“No way,” she groaned, closed her eyes and made a deep V-shape with her eyebrows. “It’s starting again.”

Blaine growled low in the back of his throat and moved down her body, opening her legs up, holding them open by the inside of her thighs.

He didn’t even let her know what his intentions were, he simple dove right in.

He feasted upon her sweet pussy like a kitten to cream. The taste of her drove him mad with desire and lust. He couldn’t suck enough of her sweetness into his mouth. Couldn’t get enough of her taste.

“Blaine, stop, please!” She tugged and pulled on his hair, but soon her pleading turned to moaning. He felt the quivering in her thighs and kept right on going.

Not once with his other lovers did he have this raging need to please his partner. He wanted Shyla to experience all the pleasures two bodies could give each other. He wanted to show her everything he knew and learn more with her.

He touched her clit with the tip of his tongue and instantly she wiggled against him, panting, tugging harder on his hair. Blaine circled, teased and flicked it several times before sucking it in for a nip.

She screamed.

Moving downward, he found the small entrance and pushed his tongue as deep into her as he could. He moaned against her flesh at the feel of her pussy contracting around his tongue. The climax still gripped her, along with the drug, which had his cock pounding for release.

It took great willpower to pull away from her. One more long lick and up he went to his knees, licking his lips of each drop of pleasure he’d taken from her. Still holding her legs open, Blaine looked down at her glistening pussy. The sight alone had him on the edge of climax. He was so damn close that he knew the second the tip touched her head he’d explode, and he didn’t want that to happen just yet.

Looking around for something to help his problem, Blaine ended up grabbing the sheet, pulling it over to him and, wrapping it in his hand, he grabbed his cock. The one touch and he exploded, just as he feared.

Up on his knees, between her spread legs, his head back, eyes closed, he panted for air as he came into his own hand. It felt like it lasted forever and he gave a silent thanks once it was over.

Tossing the sheet away, Blaine looked down once more. The orgasm 28

did nothing to the hardness of his cock. He still sported one hell of an erection that throbbed for more, and more was definitely what he was going to get. Taking hold of himself he positioned the head at her entrance, stopped and took a deep breath. Reminding himself to go close and doing it was a different matter. All he wanted to do was sink into her and ease this burn of need he felt.


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