Forbidden Innocence: Tales of the Forbidden (8 page)

Read Forbidden Innocence: Tales of the Forbidden Online

Authors: Jaden Sinclair

Tags: #Romance, #Erotica, #Fiction, #General

BOOK: Forbidden Innocence: Tales of the Forbidden
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Shyla walked from the bathroom, towel wrapped around her body and just about screamed. In her bedroom were two women she never saw in her life. One sat on the bed, flipping through some of the magazines Linda got her, and the other was pulling clothes from her closet. Neither saw her. The one coming and going from the closet had soft brown hair that hung past her shoulders. She also had curves, indicting to Shyla that she wasn’t starved at all. She wore jeans that hugged her hips and gave her legs a nice shape. The same kind of boots that Shyla got the day she left the Compound were on this woman’s feet, along with a soft pink silk top.

On the bed, the other woman dressed very differently. She had worn khaki-collared slacks with a soft short sleeved sweater and her long hair was pulled back into a tail at the back of her head.

“Samara, she doesn’t have much of anything,” the one in the closet said.

“We’ll fix that,” the other said, flipping a page.

“Have you gotten your dress yet?”

“Nope, just Makayla’s. Though I’ll get it while we’re out, if something grabs my eye.”

“What colour are you doing?”

“Not sure yet.”

“Um, excuse me,” Shyla stuttered out. “But, um, who are you two?”

Both girls stopped what they were doing to look at her. Shyla felt like she was suddenly on display and didn’t know what to do. She also feared that something bad might happen.

“Oh you are very pretty!” the one in her closet said with a smile.
She tossed the clothes she had in her hand onto the bed and came up to Shyla, taking her hand. “I’m Kera, Devon"s wife. That’s Samara. We just couldn’t wait to meet you.”

“Take a breath, Kera,” Samara said, coming up to Shyla also. “Hi.”

Swallowing hard, Shyla tried to smile back. “Hi.”

Kera laughed, “Don’t worry, we don’t bite. Come on and get dressed.” She quickly picked the clothes up from the bed. “We have major shopping to do.”

“Kera! Maybe she doesn’t want to. You ever thought about asking first?”


Kera rolled her eyes, “Fine. Would you like to go shopping with us?

You need more outfits then what you have now, and we would love to take you out.”

“Please say yes,” Samara whispered loudly. “If you don’t, I have to put up with her pouting for hours and it isn’t a pretty sight. She loves to go shopping, or it’s eating lobster.” She tapped a finger on her lip. “I can’t remember.”

“Oh, you’re just too funny,” Kera snorted, and Shyla laughed.

“Okay,” Shyla told them. “Let me get dressed then.”

“Yes!” Kera raised her hand up and fisted it down.

Shaking her head, Shyla turned with the clothes in hand and went right back into the bathroom. She dressed fast, and the second the door opened, Kera had hold of her hand, ran ahead, tugging her from the room.

They were down the stairs and almost out the front door when someone yelled at them.

“Kera, one dress only damn-it!”

They went to a different store than the one Blaine took her to. Right off, the clerks came forth, stopping what they were doing to tend to them. Kera had her get more under clothes, more nighties, stockings and shoes. She also got skirts, tops, pants and jeans. By the time they left, the back of the car was stuffed with bags.

Next stop, to buy an evening gown.

Shyla had no clue what an evening gown might be, or what it would be used for. She walked beside the two girls into a store that was nothing but gowns.

“Okay, Berdina has told everyone not to wear white,” Samara said.

“Only Makayla is to wear white, since the party is for her.”

“Got yah,” Kera said, “Which is fine with me, because I just found it.”

Kera walked up to a black evening gown with sparkling crystals all over it. The top was even embellished crystal straps. Tight cups would hug her breasts and it had criss-cross straps between the breasts and down both sides from under the arms down to the hips. A clerk didn’t waste a second from coming up to Kera and talking to her about the dress. While she did so, Shyla walked around the store, looking at some of the dresses herself.

Glancing over her shoulder, she saw Samara also talking to someone about a dress she was looking at. A more simple looking gown with thin straps and a tight bodice that went to the hips. It wasn’t all white either, 67

but a black and white mix. The top half had streaks of black, and below the hips the fabric was all white.

Shyla stopped when she saw a pink gown unlike anything she ever saw before. It wasn’t as fancy as the other two gowns the girls had found, but it grabbed her and held her fixed before it, just staring, afraid to touch it.

Pink and sliver, the sliver being thick wide straps that not only went around the neck to zip up underneath it, but those silver straps wrapped around the cups of the breasts to the back. The rest of the dress was a pale pink that fanned out to the ground in what looked like ripped pieces. Shyla never wanted anything in her life, except leaving the Compound, but she wanted this dress.

“Good lord, when will they stop letting the trash of this town into our stores?”

Shyla stiffened. She didn’t want to turn around to see who was talking, yet her feet seemed to move on their own. She turned and faced a woman that without a doubt had cruel eyes. Blonde hair pulled back tight, way too much make-up on her narrow face and a shirt so tight it looked like the buttons might burst any moment. Cold blue eyes looked Shyla up and down, her nose wrinkled.

“Getting so a respectable woman can’t shop anymore.”

“Piss off, Beth.” Kera came up behind the woman, and Shyla breathed out in relief. From the corner of her eye she also saw Samara head their way.

“Well I should’ve known you’d be here,” the woman smirked.

“Trash does stick together,” she sang.

“You know, I’ve had about as much of your shit as I can take.” Kera moved so fast that no one, not even the woman before her could react.

Kera hit the blonde who went down on her ass. Shyla covered her mouth with both hands, looked wide eyed at the scene and waited for all hell to break loose.

“Shit Kera!” Samara gasped, grabbing hold of Kara’s arms.

“You bitch!” the blonde cried out, holding her nose, blood coming out the sides and between fingers. “You broke my nose!”

“And I’m about to break your ass!” Kera lunged again for her, Samara held her back.

“Time to go,” Samara said, nodding to Shyla. “Right now.” She struggled to pull Kera away. “Have the dressed charged to our account and delivered please,” she said, smiling as she pushed Kera out the front door. “Come on, Shyla.”


Shyla couldn’t say a thing as she followed the two out of the store and into the car.

“Holy shit!” Samara huffed in shock once they pulled away.

“Yeah, well I’ve been dying to do that to the bitch since the first day I met her,” Kera stated, rubbing her knuckles.

“Remind me to never upset you then,” Shyla finally said.

The two of them looked at her then busted out laughing, Shyla joining in.

“Wait until Devon finds out about this one.”



Chapter Eight

“Now explain to me again what the hell happened?” Devon demanded, pacing the dining room as the others sat trying to eat dinner.

“And please, don’t leave anything out.”

Blaine couldn’t hold back the smile or stop from laughing until the tears came after Samara told them all what happened in the store. Kera hit Beth White, and apparently broke her nose. It was too much. All the tension he felt simply poured out in the laughter. Devon blew up, once the call came in.

Shyla sat next to Blaine, touching nothing on her plate, watching the scene with wide eyes and a pale face. Samara smiled at her, gave a pat to the hand, and it seemed to ease Shyla some. Now why didn’t I think of doing that?

“I told you I’ve had enough of that bitch.” Kera pushed away from the table so fast her chair fell over backwards. “Every time I run into her she has something nasty to say. And I told her the last time it would be the last.”

“She’s going to sue, Kera, do you understand that?” Devon huffed, his face getting red in his anger. “I don’t have that kind of money to make that scornful bitch happy.”

“I’ll take care of it, Devon,” Blaine said, smiling again. “Hell, it’s worth it to me to pay. Never could understand what you saw in Beth anyway.”

Devon groaned, and Kera went off this time. “That’s right! You fucked the bitch!” Kera stormed out and Devon was right there behind her, yelling.

“Why’d you do that?” Samara sighed.

“Because it’s fun,” Blaine smiled.



“You’re sick man.” Dane stated pointing his fork at Blaine.

“Yeah, so they tell me.”

“They’re going to be fighting all night now,” Samara said.

“No they won’t.” Dane shook his head, reaching for the bowl with the clams. “He’ll toss her over something, do his thing, have her screaming in pleasure and she’ll be all smiles again.”

“Excuse me,” Shyla said softly, pushing away from the table.

Blaine lost his good humour when he saw her pale face and tense body as she left the room. He groaned, slumped back in his chair and brought out a cigar, lighting it up, blowing smoke.

“Shit man, I’m sorry,” Dane said quickly.

“Don’t worry about it,” Blaine sighed.

“What’s going on?” Samara asked.

Dane looked at him and Blaine shrugged, giving him the go to tell his wife. “Samara is a bit scared of Blaine and sex.”

“Oh.” Samara also sat back in her chair, facing Blaine. “How long had she been in the Compound?”

“Years,” Blaine answered her.

“Well that explains a bunch,” Samara nodded. “Kera told me what they do to some of the girls there. What they make them watch and the abuse some of them might go through. It’s not a surprise then that she’s scared of everything.”

“Yeah, well we only messed around once in the Compound,” Blaine told her. “And then last night I got a bit drunk and kind of forced myself on her.”

“That doesn’t surprise me either.” Samara smiled. “You’re a man used to having any woman he wants. So what’s your plan then?”

“Don’t have one.”

“I told him to maybe go very slow with her,” Dane added in. “Get her use to the touches, kisses first and suffer a few hard hard-ons.”

“Could work.” Samara shrugged and stared at Blaine for a few seconds before also pushing away from the table. “I think I’ll have a talk with her.”


* * * *



Shyla couldn’t stop shaking or get over the feeling that any moment Blaine could walk through the door and force her again. She rubbed her arms, paced and jumped when the doorknob turned and the door opened. She sighed aloud when Samara peeked in, smiled and took the steps needed to enter the room, closing the door behind her.

“Thought I might come up and see how you’re doing,” she said.








“Everything’s so new.” Shyla tried to smile, but couldn’t.

“Yeah, I understand just what you mean by new, trust me.”

“How’d you do it?”

Samara took a deep breath; let it out slowly with a nod. She took Shula’s hand, led her over to the bed and they both sat down. “Each one of us has some kind of baggage, and we all need that help to get through it. Understand?” Shyla shook her head, frowning. “Kera was sold by her father to the Compound. She spent I think a few years in there, fighting everything and everyone. She even fought Devon when he went in to marry her. My father was working to sell me as well, but not to the Compound. I welcomed Dane a whole lot more than Kera did Devon, but my life was so very different than hers.”

“I don’t understand.”

“Dane offered me a life I could only dream about. He also had the means to help keep my sister safe. At the time, it was him or the life my father was trying to sell me into. What I’m trying to tell you is don’t fear Blaine. He may bark, but I doubt when it comes to you he’s going to bite.”

Samara lowered her eyes to the floor. Again her mind went back to last night, and the way he jumped on her. How he had her on her hands and knees, came behind her and took her hard and fast. She had no control then, just like she had none the first time, or any time in her life for that matter.

“It scares me,” she whispered.

“Well I have a small idea then.” Shyla looked back up at Samara.

“We’ve been talking to him also. You both come from two very different worlds, and there’s nothing wrong with that. But how about this? You both give a bit. You let him touch, and I’ll tell him to let you control.”

“What’s that mean?”

“It means that when you’re ready for the next step, you’ll be the one to take care of it.”

Shyla felt her face heat up, “I can’t do that. I don’t even know how.”

“Then, let me show you a few things I’ve learned.” Samara smiled as rose from the bed.



* * * *



Owen Paterio stood in front of a window in the Compound bedroom, naked, drinking. In the bed, passed out from crying so hard was a young maid he’d paid for. A blonde who had the same physical characteristic as his Shyla. But she wasn’t Shyla, which might be the reason he was so hard on her.





His phone buzzed on the nightstand, drawing his attention away

from the night. Turning, finishing his drink in one long swallow he picked it up. “Yeah.”

“It’s done.”

“Good. Now make sure he knows it was me.”

“Yes sir.”

Owen hung up with a sigh and a small grin. Head back he took a deep breath, his cock got hard once more. But instead of having another round with the girl on the bed, Owen got dressed. With coat over his arm he walked to the door and knocked. It opened.

“I’m finished here. Feel free to have a round with her if you like.”

He brushed past the guard, not looking to see if the man took him up on his offer or not.

“Now my friend, time to play our game.”



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