Forbidden Innocence: Tales of the Forbidden (4 page)

Read Forbidden Innocence: Tales of the Forbidden Online

Authors: Jaden Sinclair

Tags: #Romance, #Erotica, #Fiction, #General

BOOK: Forbidden Innocence: Tales of the Forbidden
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Shyla looked down at herself, opened her eyes wider at the sight of his engorged cock pressing against swollen flesh. Silk and steal merged together, pushing against her, making her pussy part and take him. She pressed her hands against his stomach, pushed against him as he forced the head of his cock into her. She shook her head, but couldn’t seem to find the words to ask him to stop, to go slow and give her a moment to think about what was just about to happen.

Another wave from the drug hit her then, just as the head entered.

She moaned deep, low and arched into it, taking more of his cock inside.

“Shit, don’t do that,” he groaned, lowering his body down to hers, pinning her hands between their bodies.

Shyla struggled to breathe through the intense pleasure. She took in as much air as she could, and fought against the orgasm that began to grip her. It all felt like too much, hit to soon, and left her so confused she didn’t know what to do or what to feel.

“I can’t help it,” she panted. “The drug hits me and I can’t—I don’t know what to do!”

More of him went into her, parted tender flesh and grazed sensitive parts she didn’t know she had. Hell, even a flame of heat touched her deep inside her body, warming her in places she felt she couldn’t handle.

“Fuck but you’re tight,” he moaned with his eyes closed, head back.

A frown marred his face, making her think that he might be in pain.

He stopped about half way. Shyla felt throbbing from his flesh merged with her own. She knew without a doubt that he hadn’t taken her virginity yet. If one thing for sure she learned in those classes it was that the first time really hurt. So far she didn’t feel pain, only a slight discomfort and intense stretching. But her gut screamed at her that all of that was about to change.

A hard, heavy and powerful thrust and Blaine tore through her hymen, burying himself deep inside her.

Shyla screamed. She couldn’t stop the sound from leaving her lips or stop herself from digging her nails into his stomach.

“It’s okay, baby,” Blaine soothed. “Won’t go on until you’re ready, 29




but you have got to stop digging those nails into me.”

He took hold of her wrists, pulled both out from between their bodies and had her arms up over her head, hands linked with hands.

“Please stop, please stop, please stop,” she begged, holding onto his hands as tightly as she could.

“Shhh, just give it some time.”

She closed her eyes, swallowed hard and took a deep breath. At the same moment the drug hit her again and this time Shyla cried out in desperation. Tears came to her eyes and she thought this was all so unfair. Life hadn’t been kind to her since her mother died and now the drug took what little control she had right out of her hands.

The tears slipped free, sliding down the sides of her face and a soft sob slipped from her lips. Blaine shocked her by kissing her gently.

“Don’t cry,” he whispered. “Everything’s going to be just fine.”

Yet it didn’t feel like it would be fine. Shyla couldn’t seem to get over the feeling of being stretched, split in two. The inner tissues felt like they were on fire, and yet at the same time became so sensitive she feared what might happen if he moved. He jerked and she got the answer to her question.

Sparks seemed to shake behind her closed lids and a rush raced down her spine to pool between her legs, causing her clit to throb so hard she ended up moving her hips and tightening around his cock.

“Sweet mother of God,” he moaned. “Don’t do that please.”

“It burns,” she blurted out, rubbing her legs up and down his waist.

“Please make it stop. I can’t handle this anymore.”

He pulled back slowly and gave her a short, gentle thrust. That little amount of movement had pleasure racing back up her spine. She still felt full, stretched and had a small amount of pain still present, but the new sensations and new feelings that his actions were giving him took the pain away quickly.

The movements were easy ones. Blaine pulled almost all the way out and then would ease back in. It wasn’t anything like what she saw in her sexual education classes. This wasn’t the hard, fast, fierce motions where the girls were screaming at the top of her lungs and the men pumped into them. This was a slow build up to something that her body felt as if it was racing towards.

“You’re tightening up on me,” he stated, not missing one beat in his movements. “Getting close?”

Shyla opened her eyes, looking right into his darker once. “Close to what?”








“To the first orgasm with a man.” Again he kissed her. “Ready to scream?” he whispered against her lips.

He picked up the pace, lips grazing against her. She didn’t understand what he was talking about, until that pace really increased.

Heavy, powerful thrusts which began to feel like jackhammer strikes parting her pussy, forcing the unused muscles of her flesh to take all he had to give.

And she did scream.

Two pounding thrusts and her body got pushed over the edge. The orgasm that hit contracted her pussy around the steal that parted it.

Blaine moaned right before kissing her deep, his tongue parting her lips, sinking into her mouth like his cock sank into her body. She even felt his heavy sac hit against her rear and the sound of bodies slapping against each other seemed to ricochet off the walls of the room.

“One more,” he breathed hard against her lips. “Give me one more.

Make me come with you.”

He moved harder, faster into her. The force of his motions had the stretching burn intensifying, causing Shyla to think that he would indeed do some harm to her body. Instead, it gave her one hell of a second orgasm.

She grabbed his hips tight, arched into his chest and screamed.

Faintly she heard him moan „Oh yes", felt his cock swell inside her followed by the heat of his release. She couldn’t breathe, couldn’t let go of the hold she had on him. The gratification she felt right then and there she couldn’t put into words, just like she couldn’t tell him how drained it all made her feel also.

To her, this was beyond pleasure. This was something completely forbidden. It stole her breathe, her mind, sharpened all of her senses to pin sharp points and left her so weak she was nothing but a pile of bones at the same time.

She shivered from the inside out at the spurts of his seed inside her.

He jerked against her, rubbed against her clit that left her whimpering.

He let go of her hands and she wrapped her arms around his neck, her legs around his waist. The tears came, the silent crying hit, and Blaine held her tight. For the first time, since the death of her mother, someone held her through the tears and the fear. He may still be buried deep inside her, but he held her, and at the moment that was what she needed the most.

Where the tears came from, where the sudden fear and uncertainty of the future hit, she had no clue. All she knew at the moment was that 31




the dam she had built around herself seemed to crack right then, and she held onto the one man who broke through it.

“It’s alright,” he soothed. “Everything’s going to be alright. You’ll see. I’ll take care of it all, and keep you safe. It’s all right, Shyla, I promise.”




Chapter Four

Blaine stood under the hot spray of the shower, water beating over his head, eyes closed, thinking about the woman in the bed sleeping. His wife! He did it. He really did find her and married her. Now the big question for him was, now what? What did he do now? The one thing he wasn’t ready for when he set out to find Shyla was the afterward part.

Marrying her wasn’t part of the plan really. He thought he could walk through those doors, find her and then walk out. Marriage wasn’t a thought in his head, until he saw Owen standing there with the same old hunger in his cold fucking eyes as he had years ago.

Turning the water off, reaching for the towel he hung up, Blaine dried off, wrapped it around his waist and went over to the large tub. He turned the water on, adjusted the temperature and poured some oil into the water. After the way he took Shyla, he had a good idea that she might need to soak in a hot bath. Making sure she had towels handy and a robe, he waited until it was full enough, turned it off and left the bathroom to wake her up.

She cried in his arms. No one ever cried in his arms before, not even in pleasure or pain. Blaine wasn’t sure why the crying, but he had an idea. Something told him that she’d been alone for a very long time. Just like him.

Sure, she lived in the Compound, had her classes and three meals, if one could call the food meals, but he would bet a large amount of his money that she kept to herself. A loner tired of being lonely all the time.

Same as him.

Shyla slept deeply on her stomach, arms tucked under the pillow, covers draped lazily over the curve of her ass. Blonde hair fanned around her shoulders and back, giving her an angel appearance. For just a moment he stood there staring at her. From the way she slept, he guessed 33

it might be the first time in a long while since she slept so deeply.

Instead of waking her, he went over to the phone next to the door and dialled out, calling in the maid with fresh food. That gave him about twenty minutes before heading to his room. Enough time to get her up and into the bath.

Blaine grinned while he walked slowly back to the bed. He should call in with Henning and let him know to be here in the morning as well as giving Randal a heads up. But he didn’t. He didn’t want to pop this bubble so early.

Gently he crawled up on the bed, over her, leaned down and kissed his way up her back. She stirred but didn’t waken until he reached her shoulders. The big blue eyes widened when she looked over her shoulder.

“Wh—what’re you doing?” she whispered.

“Kissing you.” He smiled, landing one more kiss to her shoulders.

“And I thought you might like to take a hot bath. Maid service is going to be coming to change the bed and food will also be brought. Since you didn’t eat much before, you should be pretty hungry now.”

She turned away from him, taking hold of the sheet, covering her body. When she lowered her head a cascade of blonde covered her face.

Blaine also turned, lounging on his side in front of her with nothing more than a towel.

“What’s wrong?” he asked.

She shook her head and slid from the bed, holding the sheet around her tightly. Blaine watched her go and sighed when the door closed behind her. Clueless. That is what he is at the moment. Completely fucking clueless. And let’s not forget dumbass as well. What the fuck did he expect? Her to wake up and fling herself into his arms? He kissed her on the roof, had her locked in a room and had sex with her. All within the matter of hours and she really didn’t even know him. Hell, he didn’t even know himself at the moment for the way he acted. It wasn’t like him to act like a school boy and not a man who had a woman before.

In the bedroom, Blaine sighed got off the bed, picked up the robe and slipped into it. Just as the towel around his waist dropped to the floor, a knock landed on the door, then opened. Three girls came in, one of them carrying a tray of food. They went to work, stripping the bed and clearing away the food brought in earlier. As they worked, Blaine went towards his jacket, digging in the pocket for his cell phone.

“Randal, it’s me,” he said once the other end got picked up. “It looks like I’ve found our missing girl.”



“That’s good news, sir!”

“Yeah, well I’ve also married her it seems.” Dead silence. “Randal, you still there?”

“I’m sorry, sir. You caught me a bit off guard.”

Blaine smiled. He sure wished he’d been standing next to the man to see the composure of his wisecrack a bit. “Yeah, well I’ve caught myself off guard as well. I didn’t think this would be how I’d get her out of this damn place.”

“What time would you like for me to have Henning be there in the morning?”

Just like Randal to quickly get himself back together. “They bring breakfast in early around here, but you really don’t have to leave until noon. So make sure he knows to be here at least by then. I’m going to let her sleep and get a good meal before leaving. She hasn’t walked outside this place in years.”

“Understand. Would you like for me to have Sally get a few things for her?"

“Yeah, have Sally I don’t know, get those girly things for the bathroom and stuff. Once we leave here I’ll take her to get some clothes.

Oh and hire someone to help Shyla and stuff. I think she should have someone around to take care of
needs for a change.”

“Yes sir. I’ll take care of it. Oh and almost forgot. Mr. Noved and Mr. Knight have called several times. They would like it if you checked in with them.”

Blaine couldn’t stop the growl from slipping. “Wish they would leave me alone sometimes.”

“Mr. Knight is very insistent on knowing if you have married. What would you like for me to tell him once he calls again?”

“Not a damn thing. Just tell them both that I’ll call them sometime tomorrow afternoon.”

“Yes sir.”

Blaine hung up and the servants left the room, locking the door behind them. At the same time, Shyla opened the bathroom door, robe tightly knotted around her waist, hair wet. Just the sight of her made him smile.

“Hungry?” he asked. She nodded and he reached out to her. “Come on then, let’s eat something. We both didn’t eat shit earlier.”

He took hold of her hand, pulling her over to the low table. She sat down next to him watching every move he made as he took tops off dishes.


Steaks! Three different grilled kinds. Medium, medium to well and well-done. There were also large baked potatoes, string beans and hot rolls. Also a large bowl of mixed fruit and some ice tea.

“So how you like your steak?” he asked, forking the medium to well-done one.

“I don’t know. Never had one before.”

Blaine stopped himself from grabbing one of the potatoes to look at her. “You’ve never had a steak before?”

“The diet here is very strict.”

Blaine sat back and cut into the meat, showing her how it looked inside. “Okay, this is medium to well-done. Too pink for you?” She wrinkled her nose and nodded. “Then you’ll like the well-done.” He put the meat on the plate before her and a potato. “Let’s load this thing up, shall we?”

As she watched, he went to work on her potato. Butter, sour cream, some cheese and a bit of bacon. A roll on her plate, along with a large spoon full of the beans and a nod for her to dig in. He watched her cut into the meat, take her first bite before getting to work on his own potato.

“You like?” he asked once she put the meat into her mouth.

Shula’s face lit up. “Oh this is great!”

“Wait until you try lobster,” he chuckled. “Kera, Devon's wife, loves lobster and I’m sure she’ll kidnap you and take you to her favourite restaurant to try it.”

“Do you have lots of friends?”

The question had him stilling with his own piece of meat up to his mouth. Blaine thought about it for a moment before shaking his head.

“Close friends I have about three. Money friends, a shit load.”

“What’s money friends?”

“It’s people that call themselves your friends because you have money. I have money, so I have a lot of people I know, but don’t really consider my friends.”

“But at least you have friends,” she sighed. “I really don’t have anyone.”

“You will. Now eat. We have a long night ahead of us.”

“What’d you mean?”

Blaine smiled and winked at her this time. It also dawned on him that he was starting to smile a bit more since he found her. “I mean that we have the whole night to get to know each other better.”

She blushed then the colour drained from her face once his words sank in. “Are—are you saying you want—want to do that again?” she 36

finished with a squeak.

He bit the inside of his mouth to stop from smiling again. It wasn’t that he wanted to smile, it was simply because he knew she’d take his smiling the wrong way. She made him happy, and that definitely didn’t happen to him. Not even the guys could make him this happy or this relaxed as Shyla did. And it amazed the hell out of him that she’d done so in such a short time.

“Is that such a bad thing?” He took another bite of his meat, watching her from the corner of his eye.

Shyla slowly lowered her fork with food still on it. Her whole body tensed up and he thought for a moment she might move away from him.

“I don’t like it.”

Well that was one he didn’t see coming. Taking a deep breath, letting it out slowly he also put his fork down and lounged back against the pillows, ankles crossed. In all his years and with all his experiences, having a partner say she didn’t like the sex was new for him. Hell, most of the time he couldn’t get rid of the woman after the night.

“The first time is always the hardest. I promise you, there won’t be any more pain.”

“It’s not all that, it’s also—” She didn’t finish her statement. His damn phone went off.

Blaine groaned loudly and got up. He walked over to his jacket, dug out the phone and knew before answering who was on the other end.

“This better be good, Dane,” he growled into the phone.

“You got married, didn’t you?” Excitement rang in Dane’s voice. So much so, that Blaine gritted his teeth and rolled his eyes.

“What do you want?” He slowly enunciated each word.

“Tell me the truth now, golden boy,” Dane laughed. “Did some lucky young lady grab your sorry ass?”

“Will you knock it off!” Devon yelled. Blaine heard struggling and some muffled voices.

“Sorry about that, I tried to keep him away from a phone as long as I could,” Devon said.

“What’s up?” Blaine sighed. He watched Shyla get up from the table, look around the room and start to pick up the discarded clothing.

When she picked up the panties he’d tossed, he snapped his fingers to get her attention and shook his head, mouthing „no". Her eyes widened and her face turned whiter. “This isn’t a good time, Devon.”

“I’m sure it isn’t. But I thought you might like to know that the word has already gotten out about you hooking up with someone. The town is 37

buzzing and Dane’s grandmother is insisting that you and your new bride join her for a special diner. In fact, we all are to show up.”

“Since when did that old bag get friendly?” Again he shook his head to Shyla when she made an attempt to put her panties on. This time, Blaine held his hand over the phone so Devon wouldn’t hear him speak.

“You put those on, I’ll rip them off this time and you won’t have any to wear.”

Her mouth opened in a silent O, but the panties didn’t leave her hand. Instead, she backed away from him towards the bathroom and he watched her every step.

“I think Makayla had something to do with it,” Devon went on.

“The girl has softened her for sure. Hell, Berdina is even planning on having a special party for Makayla's twenty-first birthday. She is working now to get special treatment for the girl, which means she’s pulling some major strings to make sure the girl doesn’t get hauled off to the Compound.”

“How does the woman get the power?” Blaine stated. Again he bit the inside of his mouth when Shyla closed the bathroom door on him. He knew damn good and well she was slipping back into the panties and looking for something to wear. “Look I really do need to go.”

“I understand, but hey, watch your ass. I’ve done some digging myself and that Owen guy you were telling me about has been looking to becoming a member of the board to the Compound. Not sure what the fuck he’s up to, but if what you said about him liking them young and sweet—well then let’s just say it won’t be good for him to become a member.”

“No, it won’t. Say something in passing to Berdina then. If she has this power to keep Makayla away from the damn place then she has the power to keep Owen from getting on board.”

“Will do.”

“Hey, have you heard anything from Darius?”

“Nothing, why?”

“He’s been extra quiet since we parted after getting Samara and Makayla back.” Blaine rubbed the back of his neck, tension building up when there shouldn’t be any at the moment. “I don’t like it when he’s quiet like this. Means he’s up to something.”

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