Forbidden Innocence: Tales of the Forbidden (7 page)

Read Forbidden Innocence: Tales of the Forbidden Online

Authors: Jaden Sinclair

Tags: #Romance, #Erotica, #Fiction, #General

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“No, no, no!” she panted, which turned into a shout.

Blaine felt her contract around his fingers and he moved like a hunter to the prey. He had her down on all fours with her ass up in the air. Parting her legs with his one, one hard thrust, and he had the whole length of his cock buried deep into her. Shyla cried out, her hands fisted into the sheets, face pressing into the mattress. Blaine closed his eyes at the pleasure and moved.

Parting tender flesh with the steal of his cock he took her. He thrust so hard, so powerfully, it stole his breath, urged him to go on, to reach the goal of release that he felt like he hadn’t had in years. Even though he took her hard, and without much consent, he still thought of her.

Holding her tight around the waist, he reached beneath and found her clit once more. Not once did he miss a beat. He surged into her, touched her deeper than he did the first time, and played with her clit.

One pinch and he felt her contract around him.

Blaine moaned against the back of her head, deeper, harder his movements became and by the time she reached a second climax he really began to wonder if he was too drunk to come. That maybe this really was a mistake, and then he felt it. The first chill raced down his spine, pooled between his legs and built.

He felt like he was becoming brutal in his movements. Parting her with blistering steel, yet powerless to take her sweet and easy like she needed and deserved. He couldn’t slow down, couldn’t stop himself from branding her to him in that moment.

Releasing her clit, he gripped her hips, pulled her back towards his thrust, slammed her into him and welcomed the rush of his release.

Head back, Blaine yelled as he swelled inside her. His seed shot out of him in brutal waves, leaving him feeling weak. For those few sweet minutes as he poured himself into her he felt like the alcohol in his body disappeared. Hell, he thought for a second they were back in the Compound.

He held her tightly against him, not thinking that he might be bruising her. He shook while he came, feeling like it would never end.






When it did he dropped onto her, the liquor quickly coming back. The room began to spin, his body felt like it weighed a ton. He couldn’t move off of her, couldn’t withdraw from her body. His cock felt too tender, too sensitive to do shit with.

Shyla moved and he wanted to whimper when he slipped free from her. He tried to reach for her as she slipped from the bed. He rolled to his back, watched her go to the bathroom and close behind her.

Blaine tried to sit up. He wanted to go to her, but instead fell back.

His body felt like lead, thanks to all he drank and what he just did. The guilt hit him, just as the room spun even more.

“Oh fuck,” he moaned, pressing both hands into his face, waiting for the dizziness to pass. “What’d I just do?”

Once more he tried to sit up with the intention of going to her, but that time happened to be his last. Blackness hit, pulling him in. He couldn’t fight it, not since he drank hard like he did an hour or so ago.

Blaine gave in, his last thought being that he was going to have to make this all up to Shyla. He just prayed, with his last thought, that she wouldn’t hate him too much come morning.




Chapter Seven

Shyla sat at the small table in the kitchen, moving the omelet on her plate around with her fork, deep in thought over what happened last night. Her body was sore from it, the memory giving her chills.

“If that isn’t something you like, I can make you something else.”

Sally, the cook smiled at her from across the counter. The woman had a kind face, the kind that Shyla dreamed a mother would have.

Sally only stood at five foot. A bit chubby, some gray in her brown hair and a few wrinkles around her eyes. She didn’t dress in a maid uniform, but did have an apron on. The second Shyla saw the warmth in Sally’s big brown eyes she was at ease with the woman. When Sally asked her what she would like for breakfast, Shyla felt embarrassed. She didn’t know what she wanted, since for the most part of her life, at the Compound that is, she had oatmeal each morning. Sally sat her down, gave her a large glass of orange juice and told her to be ready for something new. And it was very good. Shyla just had a lot on her mind.

“It’s great,” Shyla smiled. “Guess I’m not that hungry after all.”

“Well that’s alright, sugar.” Sally came over to her and took the plate. “When you get hungry you just let me know. I’ll fix you right up.”

“Thank you.” Shyla pushed away from the table and stood up. She stilled when Blaine walked into the kitchen, his face white as a sheet.

“Can we talk?” he asked.

She only nodded, unable really to say a thing to him. He breathed out, ran a hand in his hair and took her hand, leading her out of the kitchen to the cool outdoors. Once outside, she pulled away from him.

Blaine pulled out one of those thin cigars of his from his shirt pocket and lit it. She watched him blow out smoke and waited for whatever he might say.



“I’m sorry, Shyla,” he said. “I didn’t mean to force you like that last night. I got a bit drunk, which I don’t normally do either.”

“It’s alright.” She had a hard time speaking and couldn’t look him in the eye either.

“No its not!” he barked, which made her jump. “Damn, sorry. I don’t act like this. I’ve never acted like this in my life. It won’t happen again, I promise you.”

“Why did you?” Where she found the nerve to ask the question, she couldn’t say. Even now, standing with a bit of distance between them, Blaine still scared her some.

She hugged herself, waiting for the answer. He tossed the cigar away and came to her, wrapping his arms around her body, holding her tight and close.

“You are so fresh and innocent to everything.” She could feel his eyes moving over her face while he looked her over. “A light in this whole dark space in my chest. I’ve been spoiled when it comes to women, I’ll admit that. You are the first one to ever not want me.”

She felt her face heat up and glanced down at the ground. “I never said I didn’t want you.”

“I know,” he sighed, brushing fingers across her cheek. “I promise you now that we’ll work on it together. No more me forcing you again.”

Shyla looked up at him, “What happens if it doesn’t work?”

He kissed her lightly. “Trust me when I say it will work.

“Excuse me, sir,” Randal’s voice rang out and Blaine groaned, closing his eyes. “Your lawyer has called and refuses to let me take a message.”

“That sounds like him.” Blaine turned with Shyla still in his arms.

“I’ll be there in a second.” Randal nodded and left them. “You be okay?”

“I’m fine.” She gave him a smile and fought the shiver that threatened to spill forth.

“Your eyes tell me differently.” He cocked his head to one side.

“Did I hurt you, physically?”

Again she lowered her eyes, averted from looking at him while the heat came back into her cheeks. How could she tell him that yes, the way he did that last night hurt her? She was sore between her legs, almost felt a bit raw. And yet, on the same side of things, he’d given her great pleasure. The climax that had hit had her screaming into the pillow until her throat hurt, and still he moved inside her—rammed himself in until she thought it would never end. Shyla couldn’t decide if she liked it all or hated it.



“I’m okay,” she said, taking a deep breath. “You should go take your call.”

“He isn’t as important as you are at the moment.”

“Yes, he is. Go, I’ll be fine.”

“I’ll only go if you promise me that you’ll go back to the room and soak in the tub. I was a bit rough last night, and a bath will make you feel better.”

“Okay,” she breathed out.

He kissed her once more, then on the forehead before letting her go, heading back into the house. Shyla took a deep breath rubbed her arms and looked around. The grounds were just like she always pictured them to be. Perfectly cut grass that was beginning to turn colour thanks to the change in the weather. Winter was coming and with the chill in the air she guessed it would be a hard one.

Rubbing her arms, taking a deep breath of the coolness, she turned and also headed back to the house. A hot bath sounded like a dream.


* * * *



Blaine paced his office, the phone up to his ear, listening to his lawyer talk about the deal he had in the works that appeared might be falling through. “You want to explain this to me once more.” Blaine spoke slowly because inside he was steaming. He boiled in anger and each step he took fuelled that anger. “What happened?”

“I’m not one hundred percent sure myself,” his lawyer said. “I just got the call an hour ago and have my whole staff looking into it. So far all we’ve found out is another buyer has come in and so far bought up over seventy percent of the stocks.”

“Fuck!” Blaine growled. “I have over two million tied up in this investment, Gardenia, I want someone’s head for fucking it up.”

“We’re looking for it now,” the lawyer rushed out. “And I’ve got the paper work getting started right now to sue. I’ll get your money back.”

“It’s not the money that has me pissed off, Gardenia.” Blaine said the man’s name through his teeth. “How the hell could someone come in and steal my stock like that?!” he finished with a yell. “This was a done deal!”

“I’ll find out.”

“Damn straight you will, or your ass is fired.” Blaine slammed the phone down. His anger poured over, leaving him breathing hard.

“Is this a bad time to let you know the girls made us come early?”

Blaine turned and there stood Devon with Dane.








“Deal gone bad, I take it,” Dane stated, brushing past Devon and right up to the table with the liquor. “Drink?” He poured a large glass of scotch and handed it to Blaine. He downed it.

“Someone just went under me and bought the company that I have not only invested a hell of a lot of time into, but over two million.”

Dane whistled, “Shit. That’s a lot to lose.”

“Tell me about it.” Blaine went over to the table and refilled his glass. He took another long drink, hissing at the burn with eyes closed.

Opening them up, frowning, he looked at them both. “Now why you here so early again?”

“The girls,” Devon answered, thumbing behind him. “They got together and decided they couldn’t wait until tonight. Kera figured your wife might need to go shopping and she’s dying to show her the sights.”

“Samara thinks she needs a new dress for this damn party my grandmother is having for Makayla,” Dane added. “So of course they get together when it involves shopping of any kind.”

“Shyla,” Blaine said.

“Huh?” Dane asked.

“Her name is Shyla. My wife.”

“Yeah, you know I can’t seem to get use to that,” Dane said with a small twinkle in his blue eyes. “Say it again, please.”

“Fuck off.” Blaine flipped him off and Dane laughed, as did Devon.

“So how is the marriage thing going?” Devon asked.

Blaine groaned, rubbed his face and as he walked to one of the two facing sofas in front of the fireplace he pulled out another thin cigar. He lit it, sat down and with a sigh blew out a cloud of smoke. Slouching, head resting on the back, drink in hand and cigar between his teeth he looked at his friends.

What to tell them? Just thinking about the way he acted last night had him feeling ashamed. He never got so drunk that he gave in to the dark side. The „Father" side, which he liked to call it. What he did to Shyla was something his father might do, not him. And yet, he did it.

But could he share that with his friends?

“I think she’s scared of me,” he said, staring up at the ceiling.

“Well you do brood,” Dane pointed out.

“Was either of your wives scared of you?” Blaine asked them.

“Samara was more afraid of what was going to happen to Makayla then she was of me,” Dane said.

“Kera liked to fight,” Devon shrugged. “Don’t think she’s ever been scared of me.”








“Shula’s scared of me,” Blaine told them. “Scared to death even to have sex.”

“But you did in the Compound right?” Dane frowned.

“Once,” Blaine sighed.

“Only once?” Dane went on. “Seriously?” Blaine nodded. “Shit, that’s new. Guys who go in there for even a one night thing have their way with the woman several times. How the hell did you only do it once?”

“Told you, she’s scared of me.”

“And you used the strawberries?” Devon asked.

With a loud groan, Blaine stood back up and snapped, “Yes.”

“Man, I don’t know what to tell you,” Devon added.

“Nothing anyone can tell me.” Blaine walked up to a window, looked out at the perfect grounds. Guilt once more hit him. It felt like a punch in the gut.

“You know, there might be a way to get her to feel less fearful of you,” Dane said. Blaine turned his head, looking at the man. “Every woman has to be seduced in a different way. You’ve only had the kind of woman that pretty much falls at your feet or jumps in your bed.”

Blaine rolled his eyes. “Don’t start that shit again.”

Dane held his hand up, shaking his head also and standing up, “No, hear me out. What I’m saying is you’ve stuck the one same kind of woman, you know, easy. Even when we were younger you dated and screwed around with the same kind. Hell, when we all would go out together we knew just who would end up going home with you. It was like clockwork.”

“Do you have a point this all this?” Blaine could feel his patience slipping fast.

“Yeah, I do. You’ve never had to really seduce anyone.” He snorted with a slight grin. “Which in my book kind of makes you as much of a virgin as she is—or was.”

“Dane, I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again,” Blaine smirked back.

“You’re fucked in the head.”

“He has a point,” Devon said. “You never have had to work to get a woman in your bed. They’ve all landed in your lap and have given you everything you’ve ever wanted. It makes sense.”

Blaine rolled his eyes and went back to staring out the window.

“The hell it does.”

“You ever thought about going another route?” Dane went on. “You could somewhat force her to it.”






Blaine closed his eyes and groaned inward, but it came out instead.

“You didn’t!” Devon demanded. When he said nothing, he could hear Devon also standing up quickly. “Shit, Blaine, what the hell’s wrong with you.”

“I drank too much last night,” Blaine blurted out. “And Darius showed up. We sort of—”

“Wait a minute,” Dane butted in. “Darius was here last night?”

Blaine turned back around, “Yeah, why?” He couldn’t stop from frowning as a funny feeling settled into his stomach.

“I’ve been trying to get ahold of him for weeks,” Dane went on.

“Fucker has been ignoring me. But when Devon calls he answers, and now you tell me he showed up here. What the hell is going on?”

“How the hell am I supposed to know?” Blaine snapped. “I have my own problems at the moment, remember?"

“Oh I think you know something, and my gut screams it has to do with Makayla.”

“For Christ sakes will you stop,” Devon sighed. “Why would Darius be interested in Makayla? Hell, he only saw her that one time and hasn’t been around since.”

“That’s my point.” Dane turned to Devon. “He’s been staying away, and now with my grandmother throwing a party, to which he’s invited, he’s been avoiding me. Why? You answer that one will yah.”

“Hello!” Blaine shouted. “Can you two stop and help me with my little problem for once. Please!”

“Did he just ask for our help?” Dane asked Devon.

“I think he did.”

“Wow! I’m going to have to mark this occasion.”

“Fuck you both,” Blaine growled, tossing his cigar into the dead fireplace and reaching into his pocket for another.

“Okay, how about this.” Devon rubbed the back of his neck and paced the room. “Start slow. Treat the next time as the first time. Still her fears by giving her the experience of a first touch, or kiss.”

“And as much as you might want to, don’t,” Dane added with a finger up. “Keep the pants on, suffer a few nights with the hard on, and just touch her with your hands and mouth. Let her touch you even and I will stress it again. Keep the big boy behind closed doors. Let her release the beast.”

“And how the hell would you know about these things?” Blaine asked Dane.

Dane gave him a big smile. “Hey, I’ve had to work hard a couple 65




times with getting a few of the ladies in my bed. Once the pants dropped, heaven awaited me.”



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