How to Give Her Absolute Pleasure (14 page)

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Authors: Lou Paget

Tags: #Self-Help, #Sexual Instruction,

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range of motion over the clitoral ridge, moving from front to back, Rather, you are building sensation around it. And because your hand with a gentle squeeze, or a pulse up and down.

is shielding her from airflow, your partner will feel the heat from your hand more directly and will stay wetter.


Now maintain a slow up-and-down or circular motion (consider This is a position chosen by men who love their lady’s derriere. One outlining the alphabet if you need some inspiration for how to move man, a marketing executive from Portland, Oregon, said, “I love the your fingers). Then subtly slip the middle finger inside the vagina.

roundness and feel of her ass and being able to play with her and smell her sex at the same time.” This position also allows good Even before you get to the smaller action zone, you can build access to her breasts. In this position, the man can use his thumb sensation over the back of her thighs, back of her knees, and the most effectively by inserting it into the vagina and doing a circular small of her back. Consider starting with a flat hand and finger so motion. Because the thumb is so much stronger than the fingers, is you can massage the greatest area. Then you can shrink down the the natural choice for longterm stimulation. This is also a great area of stimulation by shifting the motions to your fingertips. And if position for exploring G-spot sensation. Try using a curving she likes. you can shrink the motion even more by concentrating on pressure-stroke with middle and index finger on the front wall of her the clitoral ridge and bud. Most men have said that bent index and vagina. The G-spot will be felt more clearly, the more aroused she middle fingers held together work best here, with the clitoral ridge becomes. And if your partner likes anal play, this is a good way to cradled lengthwise between the two fingers. And remember to use initiate it.

your free hand to its greatest advantage by letting it roam around!


The beauty of this position is that the woman can remain in very close contact with you and “melt” into your body. This is a favorite of those who like to watch and talk. In this position there are a
Position #2

number of technique options; however, it should go without saying, incorporate any of you and your partner’s favored moves.



This is a move in which she will truly appreciate your finesse.

Just as generations of Jewish children do during Hanukkah, you will imitate this spinning motion with

your thumb to the absolute delight

of your partner. Apply a touch of

lubricant on your thumb and fore

finger and use a gentle rotating

motion. Be sure to use gentle

Position #3

pressure to start. This move will be

easier for women with a larger

clitoris. As with any move, make

sure you ask her if she’d like to try


Jr. Dreidel


the outside for about ten to twenty seconds. One woman said, “My

husband did it once and I almost went through the ceiling. The cold In this variation of the #3 position, the man’s arms are on either was cold, but when he went down on me after with his mouth, he side of the woman. He can use a strong, upward stroke, starting with never felt so hot. The difference in temperature is what made it so the inside of the thighs and

awesome.” A male seminar attendee remarked that this move was working toward the genitals. The

“very successful. It encourages taking your time.” Some women, idea behind this move is to relax

however, will not like this cold sensation, so don’t surprise her.

her so she can “melt” into your


body. A, one woman said, “I feel


so safe when we do this, even

Spread the labia with two fingers of

though I am totally exposed.”

one hand, and with your other hand on

You can create more buildup and

top, position the middle finger, or two

sensation through her entire

together, to massage the clitoris in a

genital and pelvic area.

circular and/or up-and-down motion.


This move is great in that it doesn’t tire


your hands. She also has a nice “big”

Double Duty


feeling when your hands are covering


her, instead of just a finger. You can

also cover a greater area. You may want


to try coming down on top: insert one or

The size of a woman’s clitoris, like the size of a man’s penis, has
The Y-Knot

two fingers inside and curve them in and

nothing to do with her pleasure factor.

out of the vagina.




This move requires a very light circular touch around the clitoris This position is ideal for those times when a lady needs to feel she is and labia. Start with simply tracing the outline of her genitals and

“on her own.” Some couples prefer the leg over the shoulder as a then do the same move while

way to stay in contact while she concentrates on what you’re doing.

gently pulling the lips. The pulling

This provides a better view and it is easier on your back when you move is a subtle way to heighten

are at a lower level—consider stairs covered with pillows as an tension and builds sensation

option. The lady can cover her tummy with sheets, should she get because stretched skin tends to


have greater feeling. Sometimes

couples will incorporate an ice

cube here. However, it’s best to

use it sparingly at first and just on

Touring the Dance Floor

Static Position:


hand is in the shape of a big

The best hand moves are rocking and circular. Some, but not

“C.” By orienting your

many, women like a light tapping on the clitoral bud. Do ask thumb, imagine a clock over

before you try.

your partner’s vulva and


your thumb enters toward


six o’clock and the side of

the thumb curves up to

This move is best in the #4 position for two reasons: (1) There is twelve. There are a few

more range of motion for you, and (2) you can concentrate on her critical things to remember

while she concentrates on what you’re

with this: (1) With the web

doing. You will quite literally be

of your hand between

touching her whole genital area as if it

thumb and forefinger and

were soft, delicate clay and you are in

the inside knuckle area of

The Sculptor

the stages of final shaping and

your index finger, you will


molding. Have lubricant handy, since

be creating sensation while


this position and move require her to

you use the circular, rocking


be quite spread open. This is another

“C” motion; (2) the inside

place to watch those nails. It’s a slow

edge of your thumb can be

buildup of sensation that will unravel

putting pressure on the G-

The World Is Your Oyster


spot by maintaining an


upward pressure, toward her


belly button, on the upper

This move alternates between two placements—static, in which vaginal wall; this sensation


you stay in one place, and the dynamic, in which you change the can be further heightened by

Sculptor, Static Position—

hand orientation. The women in the seminars refer to both as the (3) using your other hand to

The Big “C”

“take me home” moves.

press down on her abdomen


in the pubic hair. You

should be able to feel the slight pressure of the side of your thumb

through her abdomen. Also while using the rocking “C” motion, try

“Finger fucking” can feel like “getting poked with a stick” unless spreading your “C” fingers and put the pressure on the mons pubis you are gentle and using direct G-spot stimulation in conjunction area. Many women enjoy pressure there while being stimulated.

with other stimulation or unless she is already sufficiently stimulated.


Dynamic Position:


the dynamic position,

The G-Man also has two

your thumb moves from

hand-placement variations, A

the twelve o’clock

and B.

position and, using a


continuous motion, moves

Position A:
Insert your index

to each position of her

and middle fingers and use a

internal clock (twelve to

“come here” motion against her

six). When you reach six

G-spot region. Remembering

o’clock, change and insert

that the G-spot is above the

your index and middle

vaginal wall, you can press on

fingers to complete the

her abdomen to heighten the

cycle back up to the

sensation for her.

G-Man Position A

twelve position. Use your


free hand to apply a

Position B:
It’s important to

stretching pressure to the

remember that your top hand is

skin on her abdomen, and

not just supplying pressure.

upward toward her belly

Remember these points: Use

button, to heighten

your middle finger or thumb to


stimulate her clitoral area while

Sculptor, Dynamic Position—


the other hand’s fingers are

After Six 0’Clock


caressing her G-spot and the


heel of your top hand is

Remember those swim

maintaining the pressure and

lessons? You will be doing


a frog kick stroke inside of

G-Man Position B


her using your index and


middle fingers. Your hand


can be in either a vertical or

T ips to Keep in Mi nd

a horizontal orientation.

When Touchi ng Her Genitals

The idea behind this move


“Come Here” Motion

is women’s differing

¾ Avoid homing-pigeon fingers. Chances are, if she shifts her sensitivities in vaginal walls. The Shimmy can be done in hips ever so slightly, that is exactly where she wants you to combination with the Frog Prince. In this submove, you shimmy stay, so please do not go back to the spot she has just moved your two fingers in and out of her, so you can feel both sides of the your fingers from.

vaginal walls.

¾ Cease and desist from the Dip-Test, which looks like this: kiss, kiss, kiss (the lips); tweak, tweak, tweak (the nipples); dip, dip, dip (between her legs). This is not considered

relaxing or stimulating to most women.


¾ The poke between the legs and “Oh goodie, she’s ready”

⎯⎯⎯ ● ⎯⎯⎯

makes women feel like they are operating parts. Solution: Pay attention to her breathing. The more relaxed a lady is, T h e A r t o f T o n g u e :

the deeper and more relaxed her breathing becomes. The

change in her breathing will let you know the other mental

“stuff” is melting away.

L e a d i n g a W o m a n

¾ A woman will start lubricating intravaginally within thirty seconds of being stimulated either mentally or physically.

t o R a p t u r e

Some women naturally have lots of lubrication; it is very individualistic and also subject to the influence of how hydrated she is, if she is on medication, and where she is in her cycle, and that includes menopausal women as well.




Avoid always going immediately to the action spots, such as her breasts and genitals. Remember, her skin is her largest Rising Humidity

sexual organ, so take full advantage of that. Linger all over her body and use your Swirl techniques.


Your mouth can create many more sensations than any other part of Manual stimulation can lead anywhere, but many women love for your body. Ask most women and, if they’re being honest, they will it to be followed by a man’s most intimate gesture: kissing her admit that what makes them hottest and come hardest is when a man can use his tongue well. If there is one story that your partners

“down there” with his tongue. With that in mind, the next chapter will help illuminate the wondrous delights your tongue can deliver.

gratefully and ofttimes wistfully share in the seminars, it is about the man who can give her great oral sex. One woman said, “I love having him between my legs. There isn’t anything that feels better.”

Another woman said, “I can’t describe what he did, but it was phenomenal! I knew he loved women. He didn’t care how much time it took. If there is one word to describe him, I would say perseverance. I must admit, his technique was legendary.”

Another testament to the alluring power of your tongue comes from an advertising executive from Seattle, who said, “What makes

[oral sex] so good is that it doesn’t leave me feeling sore. When he goes down on me, his tongue and mouth are so hot and soft, it’s both soothing and exciting.”

Need I say more? Women respond to oral sex.

she should not smell or taste bad. Then again, it’s very As you know by now, I am a firm believer that anything worth individualistic—she may just not smell good to you. However, if you doing is worth doing well. Therefore, this chapter contains pay attention to her scent, you may find it stimulating—this is, after information that will not only make you a competent purveyor of all, the idea behind pheromones. Just as she is attracted to your male oral treats but an expert who will bring a woman to her knees when scent, so you are to hers.

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