How to Give Her Absolute Pleasure (24 page)

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Authors: Lou Paget

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internal G-spot zone stimulation.

I could come so easily. Now, ten months after the fact, it’s much harder.” On the other hand, there are those women who, because of

terrible morning sickness or general physical discomfort, may not ¾ Sitting, she can be straddling you, facing away while seated want you penetrating her. Again, in this case, it’s very much up to on your lap, or facing sideways in your lap.

her. In general, male and female superior are fine in the early months ¾ An easy position to move to from the woman-superior

of a pregnancy, but as the woman’s stomach enlarges, these positions position; the woman pulls her legs forward and the man can become more and more difficult. In later stages of pregnancy, side by sit up.>

side (Positions A and C) and sitting and kneeling (Positions A and B) ¾ Sitting on a chair is good for couples who want a quickie or all work well. In this case, you are not on top, but still close-in. The if the woman is pregnant.

classic spooning position side by side (C) works well because her tummy is supported and deep penetration is not possible. For very

late-stage pregnancy, some prefer the sitting positions—either facing ¾ If you experience a burning sensation during intercourse, sideways or toward one another, depending on the size of the check to see if you need more lubricant or if you mistakenly woman’s tummy.

used a lubricant with nonoxynol9. If neither of these is a possible explanation, you may want to visit your doctor and check for an infection or STD. She may be having an


allergic reaction to your semen.

As a physician said, there should be three sexes: women, pregnant ¾ If your partner complains of pain during intercourse, your women, and men. Pregnant women are as different from

penis may be hitting the neck of her cervix or uterus; try nonpregnant women as they are from men.

changing your position. You may also be irritating


episiotomy scars or, again, an STD-induced soreness.


¾ Regardless of how much you exercise and how many


different techniques and positions you put into your sexual Anal Penetrati on

penetration is too overwhelming, making it impossible for them to climax. One reason it is difficult to enjoy anal play is the fact that Some women love it, some women hate it. Like swallowing your there are actually two sphincters that need to be relaxed. As I pointed semen, there tends to be no in-between when it comes to how women out earlier, one sphincter is under voluntary control and the other is feel and experience anal sex. Women are either in one camp or the under involuntary control, which, no matter how much you try, is other. Most women have tried anal sex at least once (usually because impossible to consciously relax. A good way to try to relax the anus their partner has suggested it). Women who love being penetrated in is to insert one finger for one minute, two fingers for two minutes. I this way claim that the sensation is intense.

also suggest lubricating generously, as this is not a self-lubricating Part of the reluctance of men and women to the very idea of anal area. Consider asking your partner to bear down, which will relax the sex is its negative associations. According to Tristan Taormino in her sphincters and ease entry.


The Ultimate Guide to Anal Sex for Women
, there are ten pervasive yet inaccurate myths about anal sex:


¾ The best position for rear entry is shoulders down, pillow 1.

underneath. You can massage her anus with your thumb.

It’s unnatural and amoral.


¾ Another good position is her on her hack with her legs rolled Only sluts, perverts, and weirdos have anal sex.


forward, with a pillow under her hips. She can hook her

The anus and rectum were not meant to be eroticized.


forearms under her thighs to increase the curve and give you Anal sex is dirty and messy.


more access to her anus.

Only gay men have anal sex.


¾ Do not return to vaginal intercourse until you have washed Straight men who like anal sex must be homosexual.


your penis or changed your condom; otherwise you risk

Anal sex is painful.


giving each other an infection.

Women don’t enjoy receiving anal sex; they do it just to please their partners.

¾ Removing the finger/toy/penis should be done very slowly!



Anal sex is the easiest way to get AIDS.



Anal sex is naughty.


A Final Note

These attitudes toward anal sex are tied to outdated and moralistic beliefs that sex is meant only for procreation, which also implies that In my years of working with and listening to men and women about sex shouldn’t be enjoyed. As far as I am concerned, nothing could be their sexuality, I have learned that having great sex is tied to being an further from the truth. Sex is not only meant to give two people a artful, fearless, and adventurous lover. Therefore, while the way to express their love and commitment through deep pleasure; techniques, positions, and hints I have provided you with in this book it’s also a manner of human expression that should never be judged will make you technically proficient, being an expert lover is much outright. If it doesn’t hurt, then it’s perfectly natural and essentially more about your attitude. It’s about feeling confident and trusting good.

yourself. It’s about wanting to please your lover. It’s about really Some women like being anally penetrated while they are also caring.

being stimulated clitorally. For other women, the intensity of anal I have also learned in my years of working with men and women that the deepest and most satisfying sex usually comes when two people are open, honest, and respectful in their communication. Once these principles are in place, there are no bounds to the passion, spontaneity, and wonderful, soul-merging sex you and your partner B i b l i o g r a p h y

can experience. And I offer you this book in hopes that it brings you

⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯ ● ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯

to that joyful, fun place with your lover. Enjoy!


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The First Sex: The Natural Talents of Women and How They Are
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George, Stephen C.
A Lifetime of Sex: The Ultimate Manual on Sex,
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Sex Secrets: Ways to Satisfy Your Partner Every Time

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Gerstman, Bradley, Pizzo, Christopher, and Seldes, Bradley.

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The Wise Woman’s Guide to

Really Want: Three Professional Men Reveal to Women What It Takes
Erotic Videos: 300 Sexy Videos for Every Woman-and Her Lover
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to Make a Man Yours
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Comfort, Alex.
The Joy of Sex: A Gourmet Guide to Love Making
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The New You
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The New Joy of Sex: A Gourmet Guide to Lovemaking for the
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Mars and Venus in the Bedroom: A Guide to Lasting Romance
. 256 pp. Crown, New York. 1991.

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. 206 pp. HarperCollins, New York. 1995.

Danielou, Alain.
The Complete Kama Sutra
. 560 pp. Park Street Press, VT



Men, Women and Relationships: Making Peace with the Opposite
. 226 pp. Beyond Words Publishing, Hillsboro, OR. 1993.

Deida, David.
The Way of the Superior Lover: A Spiritual Guide to the
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The Condom Encyclopedia
. 128 pp. Added Dimensions, Los
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Dick & Jane.
Erotic New York: A Guide to the Red Hot Apple
. 144 pp. City Harris, Marvin.

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Our Kind: Who We Are, Where We Came From and Where

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. 548 pp. Harper & Row, New York. 1989.

Dodson, Betty.
Sex for One: The Joy of Self-Loving
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. 16th ed. 730 pp. Irvington Publishers, New York. 1994.

Douglas, Nik, and Slinger, Penny.
Sexual Secrets: The Alchemy of Ecstasy

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10th Anniversary Issue. 383 pp. Destiny Books, VT. 1989.

Sex Tips for Girls
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Eichel, Edward, and Nobile, Philip.
The Perfect Fit: How to Achieve
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The Hite Report: A Nationwide Study on Female Sexuality

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The Hite Report: On Male Sexuality
. 1053 pp. Ballantine, New Locker, Sari.
Mindblowing Sex in the Real World: Hot Tips for Doing It in
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. 258 pp. HarperPerennial, New York. 1995.

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Love, Brenda.
Encyclopedia of Unusual Sex Practices
. 336 pp. Barricade Hutton, Julia.
Good Sex: Real Stories from Real Peopl
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The Sensuous Man
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The Sensuous Woman
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Mann, A. T., and Lyle, Jane.
Sacred Sexuality
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The First Broad-Scale Scientific National Survey Since Kinsey
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Massey, Doreen.
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John Wiley, New York. 1993.

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Joannides, Paul.
The Guide to Getting It On: A New and Mostly Wonderful
Masters, William; Johnson, Virginia; and Kolodny, Robert C.

Book About Sex
. 368 pp. Goofy Foot Press, Los Angeles. 1996.

. 595 pp. HarperCollins, New York. 1994.

Kahn, Alice, Whipple, Beverly, and Perry, John.
The G Spot: and Other
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Morris, Hugh.
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Kahn, Sandra.
The Kahn Report on Sexual Preferences
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Muir, Charles, and Muir, Caroline.
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Kaplan, Helen Singer.
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Neret, Gilles.
Erotica Universalis
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Keesling, Barbara.
How to Make Love All Night (and Drive a Woman
Wild). Male Multiple Orgasm and Other Secrets for Prolonging
Panati, Charles.
Sexy Origins and Intimate Things: The Rites and Rituals of
178 pp. Harper Perennial, New York. 1994.

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