How to Give Her Absolute Pleasure (19 page)

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Authors: Lou Paget

Tags: #Self-Help, #Sexual Instruction,

BOOK: How to Give Her Absolute Pleasure
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for anal.

Essentially, the catalogs I am recommending are tasteful. A 6. Don’t share your toys; this is the one time when it is couple of these outfits are more oriented toward women, provide perfectly okay not to share.

wonderful support staff to answer questions via an 800 number, and have careful explanations in the catalogs themselves. Other catalogs are a bit more edgy and less pristine.

Your T oy Chest


Toys can be a wonderful way to add a tone of playfulness and fun to your relationship. By introducing them carefully and gently, you and your partner may discover a new way to please and enjoy one another.

For those of you concerned about your privacy, try storing your toys in a satin pillowcase and slipping it between your mattress and box spring. Use the suggestions in this chapter as a starting point, and know that inventions are being made every day. Enjoy!


Los Angeles



The Pleasure Chest

Toys in Babeland

7733 Santa Monica Blvd., Los Angeles CA 90046

707 Pike St., Seattle WA 98122



Order line: 800-753-4536

Catalog: 800-658-9119

Fax: 323-650-1176

[email protected]

Web site:

Web site:

This Pleasure Chest targets a primarily gay male clientele, with a This is a female-run store, originally created as a place for women strong leather focus, though straight men and women may find and their comfort. It now carries some male-oriented products.

some interesting, curious toys here.


San Francisco



7306 Melrose, Los Angeles CA 90046

Good Vibrations


Retail stores:

Order line: 800-9CONDOMS (U.S. only)

1210 Valencia St., San Francisco CA 94110

323-930-5330 (for ordering outside the U.S.)

2502 San Pablo Ave., Berkeley CA 94702

Fax: 323-934-9784

Mail order:

Web site:

938 Howard St., Suite 101, San Francisco CA 94103

This phone/male-order service is one of the best sources for 415-974-8990

ordering condoms by mail. They offer a selection of over three 800-289-8423 (in the U.S.)

hundred different condoms. The e-mail site is secure.

Fax: 415-974-8989


[email protected]


Web site:

8358 1/2 West 3rd St., Los Angeles CA 90048

Good Vibrations is one of the best all-around store/catalog 323-782-9080

combinations. Their specialty is vibrators—and they have an E-mail:
[email protected]

endless supply and selection. They also offer a vast array of Glow offers an outstanding selection of aromatherapy products.

lubricants, special massage oils, and videos and books. The selection of toys and leather goods is also of high quality, The Love Boutique

durability, and inventive styling. All their products have passed 18637 Ventura Blvd., Tarzana CA 91356

customer satisfaction tests. The staff is known for its courteous, 818-342-2400

nonjudgmental, sex-positive attitude, offering sensitive, 2924 Wilshire Blvd., Santa Monica CA 90403

knowledgeable, and helpful service.



Toll-free ordering: 888-568-4663

The two stores are female owned and operated and are open

seven days a week. While they offer a small selection of items, the customer is treated with care by a knowledgeable staff. The

staff seems uniquely focused on making women feel more at ease and comfortable with their sexuality.

The Pleasure Chest (affiliated with the store in New York) 3155 North Broadway, Chicago IL 60657

San Diego


F Street Stores (ten stores in the San Diego area)

Catalog sales: 800-316-9222

751 Fourth Ave., San Diego CA 92101

The majority of customers are women and couples. This is the 619-236-0841

store that defined what an adult store should be like: clean, bright, 2004 University Ave., San Diego CA 92104

tastefully presented, with nonjudgmental salespeople who look 619-298-2644

like you and me. This and the New York store (see below) show 7998 Miramar Rd., San Diego CA 92126

the impact of being run and operated by the owner, who focuses 619-549-8014

on taking good care of the customer.

1141 Third Ave., Chula Vista CA 92011



Erotic Warehouse

237 East Grand, Escondido CA 92023

1246 West Randolph, Chicago IL 60607



The stores in this chain offer a wide range of male and female The store’s motto is “We never, ever close.” Housed in the products; it was also one of the first to treat a women’s novelty warehouse section of town (down the street from Harpo


productions), this store has video booths in the back for its customers.

Condoms Plus


1220 University Ave., San Diego CA 92103



872 North State St., Chicago IL 60611

This is a store “with a woman in mind.” It is a general license 312-337-9190

store for all sorts of gifts, as well as condoms. In other words, you This store has just undergone a major renovation in appearance can buy a stuffed animal for your child as well as an adult novelty and size. It is now three times larger and offers a range of item for your husband. The novelties, however, are in their own products for men and women.

section of the store.


Minneapolis/St. Paul


Fantasy House Gifts


716 West Lake Street, Minneapolis MN 55408




Web site:

There are eight Fantasy House stores in the area, including Orders: 800-848-3837

Bloomington, Bernsville, St. Louis Park, Crystal, Fridley, Coon Web site:

Rapids, and St. Paul—and two stores in New Jersey, Marlton and This is a female-owned and -operated store. What the Pleasure Turnersville. Adult material and novelties presented with a Chest did in 1972 for gay male consumers Eve’s Garden did for comfortable Midwestern environment and attitude. They recently women in 1974. Located in the heart of midtown Manhattan, added the Condom Kingdom store in Minneapolis to their

Eve’s Garden is in the least likely of areas. It is known far and operation.

wide as the matriarch of feminine-focused, sex-positive





Condomania—New York

Christies Toy Box

351 Bleecker St., New York NY 10014

1184 North MacArthur Blvd., Oklahoma City OK 73127



U.S. national order line: 800-9CONDOM

Christies is part of a chain of adult stores, ranked number one in 323-930-5330 (for ordering outside the U.S.)

the state of Oklahoma; stores also exist in Texas.

Fax: 323-934-9784


Web site:


Nationally, probably the best source for ordering condoms by

mail, phone, or e-mail (their e-mail site is secure.) The store itself is friendly and filled with useful novelty items.

New York


Toys in Babeland

The Pleasure Chest

94 Rivington St., New York NY 10002 212-375-1701

156 Seventh Ave. South (between Charles and Perry),

[email protected]

New York NY 10014

Web site:



New York store customer service: 800-643-1025


Catalog sales: 800-316-9222

Any of the listed products in the book can be purchased through The E-mail:

Sexuality Seminars/FRANKLY SPEAKING, INC. All transactions Web site:

are confidential and we do not sell our mailing list. To purchase The New York store and its Chicago sister store are both popular products, inquire about Lou Paget’s seminar schedule, book a classy, and well stocked, with a range of products for both men seminar, be placed on the FRANKLY SPEAKING mailing list, or to and women, straight and gay.

get more information, call 1-877-SexSeminars (1-877-739-7364).


Purchases can be made by Visa/MasterCard, cash, or check.

Eve’s Garden

FRANKLY SPEAKING, INC. shows on all bank statements and is 119 West 57th St., Suite 420, New York NY 10019

the name under which all correspondence is sent. All product is 212-757-8651

discreetly packaged and shipped Priority Post unless otherwise requested. The Speciality Sophist-Kits gift boxes can arrive in Love Craft

presentation style (open) or closed—for a bigger surprise. They are 63 Yorkville Ave., Toronto, ON M5R 1B7

delivered UPS or Federal Express and are shipped through Artfull 416-923-7331


Web site:

For more information, we can reached at:




11601 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 500, Los Angeles CA 90025



Love Nest

[email protected]

161 East 1st St., North Vancouver, BC V7L 1B2

Web site:



Web site:


As we are going to press, Tony and Kira, the husband/wife

owner-operators, were just opening their second store in Whistler, BC.

North Carolina



Adam & Eve


PO Box 800, North Carrboro NC 27510

The Love Boutique

800-765-ADAM (2326)

9737 MacLeod Trail S., Calgary, AB T2J 0P6

Customer service: 919-644-1212


This is the biggest mail-order adult products company in the United States. It offers a full range of products.

Just For Lovers


Store #1


920 36th St. NE, #114




Store #2


4014 MacLeod Trail S.




Store #3

577 Yonge St., Toronto, ON M4Y 1Z2

1415 17th Ave. SW



This recently opened retail operation is the largest adult novelty Store #4

store in North America, measuring 15,000 square feet on three 3630 Brentwood Rd. NW, #515

floors. The customers are well taken care of by young, fresh-403-282-7125

faced college women who know what they are selling.


¾ To come in the right sequence


¾ To come the way others do


¾ To come together

⎯⎯⎯ ● ⎯⎯⎯

In particular, many women feel pressure to respond. “My old boyfriend was always so concerned that I ‘came’ that I started C a p t u r i n g M i s s O

faking. I felt so pressured, I couldn’t enjoy myself. He felt he had to give me òne,’ and whenever we headed for the bedroom, I began to feel performance anxiety. He didn’t believe me when I said I was fine not coming. His need for me to come broke us up.” Just take a look at a woman’s magazine, where there are endless articles asking women to evaluate themselves with questions such as, “Do you consider yourself highly orgasmic or regularly orgasmic? For clitoral, vaginal, or G-spot orgasms?” As one woman put it, “Good God, how would I know? All I know is what happens with me—not The Magical Orgasm

what everyone else is having happen.”

In a recent study published in the New York Times, when asked whether they had ever experienced orgasm during any kind of sexual This chapter is about the Big O and its potential magic. Specifically, activity, whether oral, manual stimulation, or intercourse, 26 percent it’s about her orgasm and what you, as her expert lover, need to take of women said they regularly did not have orgasms, 23 percent of into consideration in order to bring her to orgasm, increase the depth women said sex was not pleasurable, and 33 percent of men said they of her sensation, and discover new ways that she can come. Although had persistent problems climaxing early.

my main focus is on her, I have also addressed your orgasm, What do these statistics mean? First, they show the high level of providing you with ways you may enhance your longevity or learn sexual dissatisfaction in American men and women. Second, they are how to better control your timing—two issues men in my seminars an indirect reflection of how much pressure many men and women have voiced concern about.

feel to have orgasms. Indeed, a recent study in JAMA (The Journal Orgasms can be wonderful, transporting, exhausting, and

of the American Medical Association, August 1999) stated that relieving. And for both sexes they can also come too quickly, take sexual dysfunction is “highly associated with negative experiences in forever, feel elusive, and not occur at all. Orgasms are the most sexual relationships and overall well-being.” Both studies confirm natural thing in the world and yet are one of the most anxiety-and reinforce the psychological and emotional dimension of provoking when they don’t happen as easily as we think they should.

sexuality, which is especially true of women. Specifically, there is a When it comes to orgasms, we are often held hostage to unnecessary direct correlation between how nervous or uptight she feels and how and often debilitating pressure:

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