How to Make Love All Night (and Drive Your Woman Wild) (And Drive a Woman Wild : Male Multiple Orgasm and Other Secrets for Prolonged Lovemaking) (5 page)

BOOK: How to Make Love All Night (and Drive Your Woman Wild) (And Drive a Woman Wild : Male Multiple Orgasm and Other Secrets for Prolonged Lovemaking)
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Please do the exercises in the order in which they are presented. The exercises build on each other, and you may get very frustrated if you try to skip around.

The easiest way to do these exercises is to read through each one before you begin. If you are working on a partner exercise, both of you should read through the exercise thoroughly.

Discuss the exercise after you have read it. As I just explained to the women reading this book, both partners need to understand their roles in each exercise.

If either of you has any doubts, flush them out before you get started. Keep that line of communication open and clear.

The more you talk now, the fewer complications you’ll have once the lights are dimmed. Pace yourselves. Don’t try to go through every exercise in a long weekend. Give yourselves weeks, or even months, to wander through the program.

Learning to be multiorgasmic isn’t anything like learning to play the violin. This process is going to be pleasurable from start to finish. You’re not going to have to wait until you get to Carnegie Hall before you start enjoying yourself. The most important thing is that you take your time and keep the pressure off.


Keep Your Sex Safe!

As you read through the exercises in this book, you will notice that I have not specifically incorporated safe sex practices into the individual exercises. That’s because I have written this book primarily for committed, monogamous couples who know each other to be safe from sexual risk.

I don’t want to sound preachy here, but learning these techniques within the boundaries of a committed relationship is not only safer but more gratifying. Yet I realize that not all readers are currently in such a relationship.
If you are not in
a committed, monogamous relationship yet wish to learn these
techniques with a partner, it is crucial that you practice safe sex
during every single exercise. Condoms must be used, even if you
are not having intercourse!

While it is true that condoms tend to desensitize the penis somewhat, they do not prohibit mastery of any of the techniques in the book. Many of my clients have used condoms throughout the training process with complete satisfaction, and the majority have told me that the condoms did not interfere at all. If you use condoms as a standard birth control practice, I also recommend using them in all of your exercises.






’m a big believer in foreplay, but enough is enough. It’s time to get started. In this chapter you are going to learn the first set of simple exercises that will set the stage for taking control of your sexuality the way you have always imagined.

Mastering them is the crucial first step on the path to a life-time of pleasure and power as a multiorgasmic male.
following three exercises are the most important exercises in the
book. Please take them very seriously
. It is important to take your time, follow my instructions carefully, and try to be very thorough.

Unlike many of the exercises that follow, this first set of exercises is most easily accomplished on your own. If you have a partner who is waiting to work with you, let her know you’ll be ready for her soon. You just need to prepare a few things. This should heighten her anticipation and make her all the more enthusiastic when it’s time for her to join in.

So…let the games begin. Enjoy yourself! And don’t forget:
PC power is ultimate power

Exercise 1: Hide and Seek

The very first thing you need to do is find your PC muscle.

For some men this is very simple—you probably knew where to find it the moment I mentioned it. You may even be squeezing it right now.

But many men are completely unfamiliar with the muscles in this area of the body. All of the individual muscles close to the groin—buttocks,


abdomen, thighs, and PC—may feel the same. They might all feel like one big muscle mass. That needs to change right now. Here is the simplest way to find your PC muscle and isolate it from all the others.

First, gently place one or two fingers right behind your testicles. Pretend that you are urinating. Now try to stop the flow. That muscle you just used to turn off the flow from the bladder is your PC muscle. Did you feel it tightening? Maybe you also noticed that your penis and testicles “jumped” a little when you flexed your PC.

It is very important that your stomach muscles and thigh muscles remain relaxed. Did they get tense too? Try again.

This time focus just on the PC.

TROUBLESHOOTING TIP: You are not trying to get an erection here, and you do not need an erection to exercise the PC. So relax, and let your penis respond naturally to these exercises.

Exercise 2: Squeeze Play (three to five minutes a day) Now that you’ve found your PC muscle, here is your next exercise: Three times a day, flex the PC twenty times. Hold it for one or two seconds each time, then release. That’s it.

Twenty squeezes, three times a day. I know it sounds simple, but words cannot express how important this exercise is.


You do not need to keep your finger on the PC during these exercises. You should be able to feel it move internally.

If you don’t, or if you’re not sure, then keep your finger on the PC the first few times you do your exercises.

Breathe normally during this exercise. Like any other muscle-building exercise, proper breathing is always important. You don’t want to hold your breath.

I want you to repeat this exercise
three times a day, every
day, for three weeks
. A consistent exercise regimen is the most effective way to maximize the strengthening of your PC

muscle in the shortest amount of time. And it’s worth every moment.

Road Trip

I know this sounds like a commercial, but these PC exercises are easy and can be done anywhere—in the car, at the beach, or while sitting at your desk. Many men tell me that half the fun of prepping is being able to do it in broad daylight in front of city hall with no fear of being arrested for indecent exposure! Okay, I’m exaggerating. But men do tell me that prepping the PC is a lot of fun.

Now that you’ve isolated your PC muscle and learned how to squeeze, you might want to take your act on the road.

Do you ride the bus to work? A perfect opportunity. Long line at the bank? Why not. Having lunch alone? Not anymore.

Of course, you may prefer to keep your exercise regimen safe at home, but you have many options.


Two PC Pitfalls

These exercises are not hard, but there are two common mistakes men make when they start these exercises that you need to be aware of before we go any further:
Doing too many reps
I know you’re feeling very enthusiastic right now, but there is such a thing as overdoing it. The PC muscle can get sore like any other muscle. You may have already discovered this on your own.

Go slow at first, as you would when you start any other exercise for the first time, and let the muscle build. You can pour it on later.

Failing to isolate the PC
The PC is a small group of muscles, which need to be isolated from the many larger muscles close by during your exercises. As I said before, it is important that your stomach, upper thighs, and buttocks are all completely relaxed when you are working out the PC. They should not be moving.

Are you having difficulty isolating the PC from other muscles? Many men have this problem when they try these exercises for the first time. Not to worry. If you can’t stop yourself from tensing other muscles during your PC exercises, you simply need to exhaust these muscles first so they don’t interfere with your new exercise regimen.

Let’s say you have a tendency to tense your stomach muscles during your PC workout. What you need to do is tense and untense your stomach muscles at least ten or twenty times before you begin your PC exercises. That should tire them out enough so they don’t get in the way. The same applies for


buttock, thigh, and groin muscles. If you have to work these muscles really hard before you get to work on your PC, that’s okay. Do thirty or forty reps if twenty isn’t enough. This may sound like a lot of work, but you’re not going to have to do this for the rest of your life—just for a couple of days.

Once you have really isolated your PC, your muscle

“confusion” should dissolve, leaving you free to devote your full attention to working the program. With that in mind, let us now return to our regularly scheduled program, already in progress.

Exercise 3: The Big Squeeze (two to three minutes a day) Have you done your reps three times a day for the last three weeks? Good. Now you’re ready to learn what I call “The Big Squeeze” (a.k.a. “The Power Squeeze” or “The Death Grip”). I want you to keep doing your twenty quick squeezes, three times a day. But now you’re going to add ten really
squeezes. This is what you do. Take five seconds to slowly squeeze your PC as tight as you can. Now hold the tension for a full five seconds, if possible. Finally, release the tension gradually over the next five seconds. You should be able to feel yourself really working the muscle.

This might be a bit difficult at first. You may only be able to do one or two fifteen-second squeezes before you tire.

That’s okay. But try to eventually work up to ten full repeti-tions, each taking ten to fifteen seconds. It may take you a few days, or even a few weeks, to get there. That’s okay. It’s more important that you don’t push yourself too hard. You’re 50 / BARBARA KEESLING, PH.D.

not training to be an American Gladiator. Just enjoy the process and keep squeezing.

Meet Early and Meet Often

The PC workout is like any other workout. The harder you work, the faster and more impressive the results. The great thing about the PC is that, unlike some muscles, it responds so quickly to being exercised. No matter how intense or casual your workout is, you won’t have to spend months and months before you notice a difference. As you will soon see, the PC workout brings immediate gratification. Still, you need to be thorough.

There are several steps to becoming multiorgasmic, but building up the PC is the crucial first step. Don’t give it short shrift. There are no deadlines here, no clocks to punch, and no boss to report to. The most important thing is to get the job done. Are you one of those people who takes the new VCR out of the box and tries to make it work without reading a single page of the instruction manual? I’m the same way.

But this kind of attitude simply won’t work when it comes to mastering the techniques for male multiple orgasm.

My grandmother used to say to me, “You can’t run in the Olympics until you’ve learned to tie your sneakers.” Listen to grandma. Take it one step at a time and take your time on every step. You’ll be at the finish line before you know it, being hugged by your biggest fan. Meanwhile, that will give us some time to talk a little bit more about the miracle of male multiple orgasm.







hat exactly
male multiple orgasm? Is it anything like a regular orgasm or is it completely different? Is it better than a regular orgasm? Is it a lot of work? Is it different from female multiple orgasm? Can any man have one? Questions, questions, questions. Your head is probably spinning from all of the questions you have at this very moment. And let us not forget the most important one of all:
How do you do it?

Male Multiple Orgasm: My Definition

A multiorgasmic man, quite simply, is a man who can have two or more orgasms in a row without resting. He does not experience any significant down time between his orgasms.

By “down time,” I mean a refractory period in between orgasms when the penis is not easily aroused. A multiorgasmic man is able to maintain his erection, even though he has already had an orgasm, and continue making love from orgasm to orgasm. Unlike most “normal” men, a multiorgasmic man does not lose his ability to stay erect after his first orgasm. He can continue to a second or even a third or fourth orgasm without resting.

This is not the same as having two or more orgasms in an afternoon of lovemaking with periods of rest or breaks in between. The multiorgasmic man does not need a rest. He might want to, and he certainly can, if he or his partner wishes, but he doesn’t
to stop. He is capable of continuing to make love
after orgasm.


How is this Possible?

There are some men, particularly young men, who are just plain lucky. These guys are naturals. Their physiology is such that they don’t lose their erections after orgasm, or they regain their erections so quickly that intercourse is barely interrupted. Men like this are “born” multiorgasmic. Maybe there was a time in your life when you were this lucky too.

But chances are, those days are gone. Well, the good news is that you don’t have to be lucky anymore to be multiorgasmic. There is another way to acquire this ability, and it works regardless of your age, your experience, or your God-given talents.

The secret to becoming multiorgasmic is actually quite simple. The secret, for most men who have mastered the ability, lies in learning to have a complete orgasm without ejaculating. That’s right, a full, powerful orgasm—or two, or three, or more—
with no ejaculation
. Without ejaculation there is no refractory period—no down time. That means there is no significant loss of erection, leaving you free to continue having intercourse until you reach the point where you are ready to have an orgasm
simultaneous ejaculation.

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