Kidnap (2 page)

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Authors: Lisa Esparza

BOOK: Kidnap
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She explains the different soaps at my insisting that I can bath myself. Zara leaves saying she would be just outside if I need anything. After removing my cloths I step into the warm water. I sink down into the tub. I slowly rest my head on my knees as I try to clear my thoughts. After I finish bathing I wrap myself in the thick robe that Zara had left for me. I walk back out into the other room. The women are setting together cheerfully chatting. They become very quiet once they see me. Sara smiles at me.

She says, “I’m sure you fill much better now. Shall we try the dress?” Sara hands me the different under garments. After I slip them on under my robe. They help me into the dress even though I kept protesting that I could dress myself. Zara exclaims, “You are behaving much like a young one. There is no shame in us helping you dress.

That is why we are here.” I sigh, “Yes I know that...

But I’m not a child. And I don’t need your help doing this! Arrrrrrgh.” Sara says, “There!

Perfect.” as she yacks the gown down the rest of my body. I look at both of them and then back down at the dress. I say. “Hmmmm... This dress is way to big. I think we’ll have... What?” I gasp as t
he dress suddenly shrinks to fit me perfectly. Sara giggles at my reaction. She says. “It is Largian silk. The fabric instantly shrinks or stretches to fit whomever wears it.” Looking down at the dress I mumble.

“Fascinating.” After curling my hair Zara says, “Come, see how beautiful you look, My Lady.” She leads me to a wall and another panel. A full length mirror is revealed. I gaze at myself not recognizing the person standing there. I touch my face in shock.

This was to much. The person standing there looked like she was in her early or mid twenties. I look younger and thinner. Turning in a circle I couldn’t believe my own eyes. Eyes that were an eerie pale green. Part of me was exhilarated and the other half was trembling with fear. I cry, “What have you done to me? What kind of experiments?

How is this possible?” I didn’t even hear Zan enter the room. He answers me, “There has been no experiments perform on you, My Lady.” Looking at him I ask. “Then how is it that I look younger, thinner... Is it the dress or the mirror? And... What about my eyes? What?” Zan looks away. Then says, “We shall go meet the Captain he will explain everything, My Lady.” I glare at him feeling angry and helpless. I was very, very tired of not having my questions answered. Instead of showing how afraid I was I push it down. Hanging on to my anger and using that to appear brave. I didn’t want to let them see how scared I really was feeling. I thought this Captain better answer my questions and soon. I stormed up to Zan looking him in the eyes.

I say, “Well after you!” motioning to the door. One of Zan’s eye brows arch and he nodds his head.

Then he turns walking out of the room. We walk in silence with the guards following right behind us.

Zan leads me down several different hallways until we come to a large door. I follow Zan inside with the guards remaining outside. We were standing inside a large dinning room. There was a table set up with three sitting places. I stand there anxiously awaiting what was to come next. A man dress in a pale blue uniform walks towards us. He is tall with a stern look on his face. He looked like he was 35

years old but his eyes seem much older. He stands a few feet from me. Zan says, “Allow me to introduce you. This is Captain Artoon.” Looking back at me, he smiles. “And this is the Lady...

Dorothy.” Captain Artoon bows to me then motion towards the table. “Shall we sit. I had the chef prepare some of his famous dishes for you. I do hope you will enjoy our food.” Captain Artoon walks over to the table pulling out a chair for me. I glance at Zan who nods, then back to the Captain and sat down in the offered chair. After I was sitted both Zan and Captain Artoon take their sits. The Captain makes a motion with his hand and several women start bringing out the food. Hoping to finally have my answers, I look down at the plate of food being place in front of me. Not recognizing anything I ask in a rush. “Why have you kidnap me? What do you want from me?” I look at Captain Artoon waiting for an answer. Completely at my breaking point. He says, “We shall eat first, My Lady, then all your questions will be answer.” I push the plate of food away from me as I glare at him saying, “I have waited long enough, I demand to know why I am here!” He sighs as he takes a sip of the green drink that had been poured for him. He places the glass back down and slowly replies, “Very well. Althought this is not our way of conducting things. I know this has been a huge change for you. There is much to explain. You will have your answers but first I will tell you a story. A story about our people the Garlandians and our past.” It was odd the why he said our people like they were mine too. “The planet you are on is called Isseare. Many years ago our people were at war with another tribe called the Artthians. Our tribe was a peaceful one. We did not even have a single warrior among us. Scientist, artist, schlars, and so on.” He pauses, standing up then he slowly walks to the window looking out of it. He continues, “How old do you think I am, Dorothy?”

I look at his back. “I would say, 30 or 35 years old.” His head slowly turns to the side a small smile on his face. He says, “That young... My years are much longer then that. I am 200 years old.” I gasp, “That’s impossible.” I press my lips together not having meant to say that. The Captain continues, “The people on this planet live much longer here. Zan can explain it better to you then I.

We age very slowly and can live to be 500 years old.” He continues, “I wish you could have seen our planet before the war began.” He paused for a second seeming deep in thought before continuing.

“I was there before the war began. And I have watch what it has done to our people. King Oellene was losing the war. As I had said we were not warriors. He believed if the Artthians won that they would murder or in slave his family. So, he had his scientist look through out the galaxy for an inhabitable planet. One similar to our own and they found yours. So in secret we began preparing his family for the travel to Earth.” I interrupt him saying, “But I don’t understand what any of this has to do with me.” Captain Artoon sighs, “Patience, my dear, you will soon enough. Where was I?”

Zan whispers, “The royal family preparing for Earth.” He nods, “Everything was done in secret.

Only those that were needed knew about the plans.

He feared that if the Artthians ever learned of this that they would follow them to earth. I was one of the few chosen. My father had been the King’s best friend. I was like a son to him and he a father to me. Anyway, the Royal Family left for their new home. The King remain here in hopes of winning the war. So that one day his family could return.

But, we did not study the effects of Earth’s atmosphere would have on their bodies. There life was shorten only living a few years past 100. So for the royal bloodline not to die they took human mates. Hoping that one day their descendants could return and retake the throne. King Orellene did not know that one day he would be able to make a peace treaty with the Artthians. A shaky one at that.

If he had known, he would have never sent them away. Before King Orellene past away he left me the responsibility of finding his kin. And bringing home his air to the throne.” Captain Artoon turns around looking at me. He says, “Dorothy, your true name is Princess Naishay, you are that descendant.

You are the only one left of the royal bloodline. It has taken me 50 years to honor my King’s requests.” I didn’t want to believe what he said, even with the image of myself in the miror, still fresh in my mind. I stare at him in shock as I say, “You have to be mistaken. I am not some alien hybrid. I am human! Look at me... I’m not the one you want.” Captain Artoon nods at Zan. Zan takes out a small pad and hands it to me. On it are DNA samples, two of them. Zan says, “The DNA sequence on the left is the Kings. And the one on the right is yours, My Lady. The differents you can see are normal human DNA. But the genetic proof that show his blood runs through your veins are very apparent.
You are his great, great granddaughter. This is also why you have started to look younger and your eye color has change. Here on Isseare your life span will be much longer. Due to the fact that your Garlandians genes have started to take over.” I laid the pad down thinking this can’t be happening.

“There has to be other descendants besides me.

Someone else who could be your leader. I’m not a leader. You have to find someone else.” I said.

Captain Artoon answers me. “I have looked every where on earth. Only one of his sons had success in having children. Which was your great, great grandfather. Your parents who died in a car accident had only one child that was you. You are the only choice Princess. You must take the throne and become our leader. The Artthians see that we have no Queen and due to that their laws say our land and people are for the taking. If you do not we will be enslaved by the Artthians. We are already at war with them again. Our only hope is you.” I look at him saying. “Okay, so, say I believed this, that...

I’m his heir. But, still, the fact remains that I know nothing about being a Queen. Or making peace with the Artthians. Surely there is someone who would be better at leading your people then me.

Like you... You have to be better suited for the job then me. So, just return me to earth, then come back here and lead your people.” Captain Artoon smiles, “I’m flatter at your compliment but I am a soilder and not part of the royal family. It is not my place. It is yours. This is your home now. The sooner you come to terms with this the better it will be for all of us. Now let us eat. Tomorrow my wife will start your training.” With that the Captain takes his seat back at the table. We eat in silence. An hour later Zan and the guards escort me back to my room. I stand there feeling more alone then ever before. I curl up in the middle of the bed, shaken and tired, without even the strength to undress. I cry myself to sleep thinking this is a nightmare that I wish I would wake up from soon. I awake to Sara and Zara hurrying into my room. Zara suddenly exclaims, “You didn’t sleep in your dress all night did you. Oh you poor thing, you’ve been crying too.” Sara sighs, “I can’t imagine the shock of learning being a Princess and hire to the throne.”

They were both busying themselves around the room. Zara moving in and out of the bathroom.

While Sara was looking through the cloths in the closet. Neither giving me a chance to speak or think. Sara looks at me, smiling. “Today, Lady Artoon will begin teaching you everything you need to know about your new life here with us.” Zara chimed in from the bathroom. “And those nasty Artthians.” Several hours later I was dress and we were walking out to meet Lady Artoon. They lead me to a huge garden that Sara had explained that had been a cargo room but, Lady Artoon had convinced her husband in allowing her to have it for a garden. Zara smiles at me. “Go on... You will be able to find her by yourself, just stay on the path.

Don’t be frighten your guards will be right outside.”

With that they both turn and walk back out the door.

I turn around looking down the path between the overgrowth of flowers and trees I had never seen before now. Walking slowly down the path I come around a corner, finding a women tending to a strange looking purple vine with huge blood red flowers on it. The vine starts to shake as I approach her. “Shhh... There, there.... There’s no need for that it’s just our Princess. Shhhh...” She continues cooing to the vine until it stills. After readjusting one of the vines she turns to me. Unable to contain my curiosity I ask. “What type of plant is that? Is it some kind of animal hybrid?” Lady Artoon nods.

“It is called a Whispering Vine. It is very intelligent. Our children here, on Isseare have them as pets. They can live out of the ground for sometime before having to be return to the earth.

The shaking is there way to alert one to danger or show that they’re upset about something.” Lady Artoon laughs, “Forgive me I haven’t introduce myself I’m Flor Artoon. You can call me Flor, I tend to go on and on about my plants. But, I believe there are more important things to discuss.” I smile at her. “I don’t mine I find it fascinating.” Part of me wished she would keep talking about her plants and not this nightmare I was in. She starts down another path motioning for me to follow her. A small clearing appears with a blanket laid out with food on it. Lady Flor smiles saying. “I thought something fimilar would be a welcoming sight to you. Shall we sit?” I sat down on the blanket saying, “Thank you.” She smiles, “I had the chef prepare some human dishes. My husband, Bruce had told me you did not eat very much the other night.” I gave a little nod. “I didn’t have much of an appetite.” After we ate she began talking about the Artthians and how they came to live on Isseare.

The Artthians were very alien in there appearances.

They were taller, faster, and stronger then any Garlandians. With light silver skin and dark piercing eyes that could cause fear in the most bravest of men. They had traveled to this planet in hopes of making a new home for their people. The King of the Artthians explained to the Garlandians that their world had been made uninhabitable due to war. Since their world had been a water planet they only wished to live on and in the seas of Isseare.

The Artthians seemed sincere about living in peace with the Garlandians. During that time the Garlandian people were very peaceful beings so they allowed the Artthians to stay. After some time she looks at me.
“I’m sorry this most be overwhelming to you. One night you go to sleep safe in your own bed. Then the next you wake up to find your whole life has changed. I want you to know we weighed our options before taking you, my dear.” I sat there tightly holding my glass, I sigh saying. “It’s just...

All of this is so unreal. I feel like I’m living a nightmare. I just want it to end. How am I suppose to be a Queen? The leader of your... my people.” I laugh a little hysterically, saying. “I’m just a waitress.” Covering my hand with hers, Lady Flor replies. “I can’t imagine what you are going through. But, I want you to know that I wish to be your friend. I will try to help you adjust as much as I can. I will teach you what you need to know to assume the throne. In time you will adjust to your new home here with us.” She pause motioning if I wanted more tea. She did make me feel more at ease. She continued, “The reason for why we are still on this ship is due to the fact, that we were attacked by the Artthians when we started to reenter Isseare. We landed here in this forest miles outside of our city. The reason they have not found us yet is due to a shield that is concealing us from everyone.”

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