Kidnap (3 page)

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Authors: Lisa Esparza

BOOK: Kidnap
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I asked, “So that’s why no one was in the lab when I awoke.” Lady Flor nods, “Plus you were placed in the lab that has weapons installed in it. None of our enemies would have been able to get down there to you. Anyway, we only have a few days before you will have to begin to travel to our city. The Artthians are camped around the city and are fighting to get inside. But they have underestimated us. We are no longer the weak beings they once saw us as.” I look at her. “So, how are we going to get into the city? Are we going to fly the ship there, right?” I knew before she answered me that I was not going to like what she had to say. Lady Flor’s smile faded as she said. “I’m sorry but I wish it was that simple. I believe you along with a small group of warriors will have to make your way to the city.

My husband will be going with you as well. After you have taken the throne. You will then have to speak with the leader of the Artthians and make a new peace treaty. That is why you need to learn as much as you can about them.”

I did not say

anything but just sat there. I feared things were probably going to get a lot worse then better any time soon. Later that night, outside my room, Lady Flor gives me a type of virtual book. She says, “This will help you understand the Artthians a bit better and your people as well. It is like what you would call a movie.” After showing me how to use it she says. “I will see you tomorrow, sweet dreams my dear.” Giving me a motherly hug she turns leaving me alone. I enter my room feeling lost and unsure about everything. I slip into my night cloths and sat on the bed with the book. Laying it flat on the bed I then touch the botton that turns it on.

Instead of pages miniature people appear on top of the pad. They begin to move around and to talk.

They look so real I try to pick one of them up. The little person stands in my hand a completely solid object until I move it from over the pad then the person disappears. I exclaim, “Wow.”

I pick up

the pad looking under it and wondering how it works. Shaking my head I sat the pad back on the bed and turn it back on. Turning up the volume I watch as the story begins. As the days past I was learning more about the beings I was with. Besides what I was learning from Lady Flor, the Captain also had his second in comamand, Ethan, begin teaching me some self defence moves. Captain Artoon wanted to be sure that I could defend myself in case no one was there to protect me. Luckly, this wasn’t something new to me because I had taken some self defence classes on earth. What was new was the fact that I was now more agile and stronger then what any human could be. This was proving more to me that I was part Garlandian. I soon learn that Captain Artoon has deviced a plan for a small group including me to travel through the forest to the city. The path would hopefully take us around most of the Artthians camps. Today Sara and Zara was in my room rushing about packing the bags that I would be taking with me. I was already dress in a black shirt, pants and boots. The items had the ability to blend into the wearers surroundings. Zara says, “Well, I think that’s it. Oh, please, do be carefull, my Princess.” She stands there ringing her hands then wipes a tear from her check. Sara takes my hand as Zara picks up the pack. Sara says. “You most remember that the Artthians are very dangerous. Never let your guard down in front of one.” Then Zara says, “We will walk with you to the cargo bay.” We walk in silence to the cargo bay along with my personal guards. Once there Zara and Sara give me a final hug saying there goodbyes and wishing me safe journey. I stand quietly watching the small group of tough looking men who are preparing to leave on our journey. None of them speak to me except for Ethan as he lays out a map on the table. He begins to go over the route for the hundredth time. By now I could probably get there by myself. Captain Artoon walks into the room. He looks at each of us then says to Ethan.

“Do we have everything?” Ethan nods. “We are ready to go, Sir.” Captain Artoon walks over towards me as he says, “Good.” As he stands in front of me he holds out a cloth covered object. He explains, “This belonged to your grandfather, now it belongs to you. I pray that you never have to use it but if so I hope that it will save your life as it had saved the Kings many times before.” I took the object whispering, “Thank you.” I stand there carefully unwraping the dagger. The blade was wickly sharp looking. As I turn it over in my hands I notice the handle had the shape of the Eartepas carved into it. Captain Artoon turns towards his men with his arms behind his back. He says, “Today we shall bring our Princess home. And hopefully bring peace to our land once more.” With that our small group started out of the ship and into field outside which constances of Captain Artoon, Ethan, my two guards and a man I had not meet until today. Once outside I am completely taken a back by the site of five huge wingless Eartepas. I look at Ethan. “You didn’t say anything about those!” I exclaim. Ethan gives me a resuring smile saying. “There is nothing to fear they are very safe, My Lady. They will cut our journey in half. By night fall we will be on the other side of the forest and around the Artthians base. Besides, you will be riding with Captain Artoon and he is one of our best riders.” With that Ethan walks towards the creatures and climbs onto one. Captain Artoon motions for me to join him.

Reluctantly, I do. “Ethan is right, there is nothing to fear. Tiger is a very gentle animal.” He says as he pets the beast. He motions for me to do the same.

Slowly I reach my hand up to it’s furry chest. Tiger softly growls lowering his head towards me in response. Captain Artoons smiles at me “That means he likes you.” I stand there looking up at the large animal saying. “I hate to know what he’ld sound like if he didn’t.” Chuckling Captain Artoon climbs up onto Tiger’s back. Offering me his hand he says, “Come on, we have a very long ways to go before night fall, My Lady.” Ethan was right, by night we had travel all the way to the other side of the forest. Which should have taken us several days on foot. The Eartepas were unbelievable fast for their huge size. Captain Artoon helps me down as the men release the Eartepas. Captain Artoon explains that they would be unable to take them the rest of the way. “We will have to travel by foot up the back of the mountain. It over looks
the ocean.

To most it would be impossible to climb, unless you knew the path to follow.” He explains to me. “The Artthians do not guard it. They believe we would not risk it.” He then turns saying, “Men, we shall rest here for the night. Princess after you eat you should get some sleep. Ethan and I will take the first shift then Carter and Henry will take the next.”

Captain Artoon said continuing to give out the night watch shifts to his men. I quickly fall asleep next to the warm fire. I roll over staring up at the stars in the night sky, feeling wide awake. I had this strange uneasy feeling that something wasn’t right. I slowly sat up a little, just in time to see a figure jump out towards Captain Artoon. I cry out waking up the other sleeping men. They all jump up grabing their weapons. I grab my dagger from under my pillow and run behind the rocks where Ethan and Captain Artoon had told me to hide if something like this were to happen. I quickly kneel down as I watch the men fight with each other. I felt completely helpless to help them or myself. I knew I had to do something to stop this, but what.

That was the whole reason why I was on this planet, I thought to myself. I look back over to where Captain Artoon had been. The Artthian soldier had him pend to the ground. He was choking him to death. I look around to see if anyone was going to help Captain Artoon but the other two Artthians were managing to keep Ethan and the others very busy. I held the dagger tightly in my hand as I quickly and quietly came up behind the Artthian.

Grabbing him tightly by the hair like Ethan had showed me. I press the tip of my blade against the Artthians throat. I exclaim, “Release him or I will kill you!” I hope that I sound more confident then I felt, I thought to myself. He continues to choke the Captain. Wrapping my hand tighter in his hair I then yank his head back so that we made eye contact and growled. “Let him go, NOW!” I press the blade a little deeper as I try to ignore the drop of blood running down his neck, I whisper. “Please, I don’t want to kill you, but I will if you leave me no choice.” Looking into my eyes the Artthian glares at me finally releasing Artoon. The Artthian looks back at Artoon as he watches the man stand up, he says. “This isn’t over Artoon. I will kill you!” I look from the Artthian to Captain Artoon. Keeping a tight hold on the man, I ask, “Are you okay?”

Captain Artoon nods. “Prince Caballero, tell your men to put down their weapons and surrender, now.” I gasp, “Prince?” Looking down at the man I held my dagger to. From what I had learned about him, Prince Caballero was the most feared of all the Artthians for he was a great warrior. Swallowing hard, I tighten my grib on the knife hoping they did not see my hand slightly shake. I sensed there was more going on between the two of them and I was right. The Prince said, “Don’t think I have forgotten what you have done. You will pay with your life!” Captain Artoon sighs, “I was under orders to kill your father, Prince. Which as we both know I, failed!” I glance from them back to the other men who were still fighting. Losing my patience I said, “We don’t have time for this, tell your men to stop or I will....” The Prince said in a bored voice, “I know... You’ll kill me.” Then he said in the Artthian lauguage for his men to put down there weapons and surrender. The Garlandian soldiers then bond their unwelcome guest. Captain Artoon checks to make sure they wouldn’t be able to cut their bonds. Then said, “You should rest My Lady. In the morning we shall begin our travels anew. Along with our new pets.” Placing his hands over my hand that still held the dagger he said, “You did well, My Lady, the King would have been very proud.” Smiling at me he went back to his men. I sit back down on my blanket with the strange feeling of being watch. I turn to find the Prince studying me intently. I quickly turn my back on him trying to shake the uneasiness I was feeling.

Slipping my hand under my pillow I squeeze the handle of the knife tightly in my hand. I close my eyes falling slowly back to sleep. Nothing could have prepared me for how the Artthians looked or the power and anger that oozed off of them like it was touchable. Prince Caballero was the most handsome man I had ever seen. As well as the most dangerous. The fact that I had held a knife to his throat and lived through it. Well, had me wondering if he had, for some reason allowed me to get away with it. No, shaking my head, that’s crazy. Not to mention scary. Why would he even do such a thing I ask myself. I slowly look over at him as he sits lending against the tree that he was tied to. He is tall, at less six foot tall. He had gray skin and dark eyes that were like the depths of the ocean where his people live. His hair went past his shoulders and had braids which held his hair back out of his eyes. I stared at a pair of full kissable lips that had my heart working over time. Our eyes meet and suddenly I had to look away. Good grief, what was wrong with me. I was not no teenager and he definitely wasn’t the first attractive man I’ve ever seen before in my life. If I’m going to be the Garlandian leader, I cannot start lusting for a Artthian, I thought to myself. Shaking my head I stand up and start stretching my sore muscles. I try very hard to ignore the fact that he is watching me.

I grab my dagger placing it on my belt. Then I begin rolling up my bags. Ethan hurries over, declaring. “Allow me, My Lady.” I smile at him replying. “Ethan, I am perfectly capable of doing this myself. Thank you.” Shooing him away. After I was done I walk over to the smodering fire to have something to eat. I notice that there was still a good bit of food left over and that no one had feed the prisoners. I watch Ethan stand up and approach the pot. Picking it up, he starts to empty the pot while glaring at the Artthians. Grabbing hold of his arm I ask, “Wait Ethan, what are you doing?” I lower my voice as he pause and stand beside him. I ask, “Has anyone feed the prisoners? They may be our emeny, but we don’t have to be cruel, Ethan.” He looks at me repling. “They would, My Lady! And, they have in the past. The things they have done to our people...” He trails off. I look up at him, sighing. “We would be no better then them if we treat them so. Besides one of us have to take the first step towards peace.” I turn pouring food into several bowls. Ethan reluctantly helps me take the food to the Artthians. I watch with little surprise as they each refuse the food. One of the Artthians quickly spits on the ground to make his point.

Another saying he would rather slit his own throat then eat our food. The guard who was handing him his food, starts to grab his knife saying. “I would be happy to assit you.” I yell at them all, “Stop this!”

I glare at the Prince who just sat there in silence. I ask, “Is hate the only thing your people feel? Can you not accept kindness when it is offered to you.

Or is cruelty and pain the only thing your people know.” We glare at each other for a short time.

Then the Prince grabs a plate as he says to his men.

“Eat we will need our strength for when we escape.” Doing as the Prince commands they take the food. Ethan turns walking away growling, “This is a mistake.” As we stand at the bottom of the mountain I couldn’t believe the distance we would have to climb. The castle looked like a childs playhouse from where I stood. The deathly rocks and boulders sticking out of the moutain side were just as menacing. Ethan walks past me starting up the small path. As he scouts ahead Captain Artoon walks over to stand beside me.

Sensing my nervousness, he says. “Just keep yo
ur gaze towards the skies and you’ll be fine.” Patting me on the back. He then turns to his men saying, “

Lady Dorothy, you stay close to me. You three bring the prisoners.” Then he begins up the path. I follow close behind. We walk in silence up the winding path. Ethan reappears some time later with news that some boulders are blocking the path up ahead. Once we reach the boulders Captain Artoon turns towards us. He says, “Princess, sit, rest for now. You three, secure the prisoners. Then two of you get up here to help us move some of these rocks.” I watch as the three soldiers take the chains which bind the Artthians and sink them into the rock face. Then two of the men go to assist the Captain and Ethan with moving the rocks. Leaving only one soldier behind to watch over the prisoners.

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