Kidnap (8 page)

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Authors: Lisa Esparza

BOOK: Kidnap
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I smile sadly up at him. We dance in silence for sometime. I sigh saying, “I wish this night wouldn’t end. Everyone seems so happy now.

Safe. Two more days is all we have right? Til we are at war with my own people. What good is a peace treated if there is still no peace, Gaylon?”

Gaylon leans down gently kissing my forehead saying, “There will be peace. I promise you that.

We are going to win Dorothy, we have too.”

Feeling warm all over I giggle smiling up at him. I whisper, “Your my Prince in shining armer, aren’t you.” Wrapping my arms around his neck I pull him closer to me. I could tell he was a little shock at my sudden change of mood. But, I didn’t care cause I felt like I was lighter then air. I smile up at him saying, “When you were researching earth history did you happen to study earths dances?” I continue not letting him speak, “We dance much closer like this.” I move dancing around him.

Wraping my arms back around his neck as I came back to face him. I kiss him and ask, “Did you see the movie Dirty Dancing?” I w
ink at him. His eyes grow huge. Gaylon exclaims, “Dorothy, I don’t think that would be...” He pulls my arms from around his neck stoping me from kissing his lips again. Pouting I cry, “But their just begging to be kissed. Don’t you want to kiss me.” I stumble slightly walking along side of him. He places his arm around me keeping me up right. He responds, “You don’t know how much. But, not like this love.” By the time we walk back to Captain Artoons table I was feeling numb all over. Gaylon gentle guides me into my chair. He ask, “Something is wrong with her. What has she had to eat and drink?” Nerissa replies, “Calm down, your going to blow a vein or something.” Gaylon glares at her saying,“Nerissa if your the cause...” She glares back at him saying,“I didn’t do anything. She took a sip of the honey juice that’s all.” Gaylons voice turned to a low growl as he says, “Why didn’t you stop her? We don’t know what type of effect it can have on her.” Lady Flor replies, fighting back a smile, “We do now.” I slowly pull my head up off my arms saying, “I am right here you know. I feel perfectly fine. Just a little loopy... but fine.” I set my head back on my arms feeling the room spin out of control. Nerissa leans towards me rumbing my back saying, “Your going to be fine. It was just one little sip.” Gaylon kneels down beside me saying, “She better be.” Looking at him I smile running my finger down his nose I ask, “Your worried about me? That’s so sweet. Isn’t he soooo cute?” I blow a kiss at him. The women at the table start to giggle at Gaylons disconfort. He stands up saying, “We should get you to bed. Artoon, could you notify the Doctor to come to Dorothy’s room for me.”

Captain Artoon nods, his eyes twinkling as he replies, “Of course.” I declare standing up quickly slurring my words, “Look I’m fine.” I turn to walk out onto the dance floor but felt myself falling instead. I brace myself for the hard floor. But, the pain never comes. Instead, I found myself in Gaylon’s arms. I look up into his eyes thinking he was truly my Prince in shining armer. I laid in my bed as Gaylon and Zan fussed over me. Gaylon wouldn’t let Zan leave until he was sure the juice that I had drunk was not poisonous to me. Zan said after checking his test results for the third time. “I assure you Prince Gaylon that she will recover. She is only intoxicated, the poor thing.” Zan patted my foot. “I will check on you in the morining, my dear.

Goodnight.” He bowed to us then turn quickly leaving us alone in the room. I smile up at Gaylon as he pulls the blankets up over me. I pat the space beside me, “Sit with me, please.” He hesitantly sits down on the bed. I smile at him whispering, “Tonight was wonderful.” He smiles back at me shaking his head. “I hope you will still feel that way in the morning.” I sat up quickly swaying slightly. I exclaim, “I will, you’ll see! Tonight was perfect! You were perfect!” I stare into his eyes dreamily. Leaning towards him I pucker up my lips waiting. When he does not kiss me I respond, “Well, I’m waiting.” I felt the bed move. I open my eyes looking up at Gaylons back. He was rumbing his forehead. I ask, “What’s wrong?

Don’t you want to kiss me.” When he didn’t answer me I felt my heart sink. I exclaim, “Oh no.

I got it all wrong, haven’t I. I’ve been acting like a silly school girl and scared you off. I’m sorry.”

Suddenly, Gaylon was beside me he said,“You haven’t done anything wrong. Don’t cry, love.”

He gentle wipes away my tears lifting my chin up so I would look him in the eyes. He says, “I do have feelings for you... Very strong feelings for you, Dorothy. But, your not thinking straight right now.

Look at you... You are in your night gown with me in your bed.” I smile up at him. My thoughts centering on the fact that he cares for me. I sigh, “You do care for me. Then kiss me.” I pull my legs under me wraping my arms around his neck. I kiss him hard on the lips. Gaylon places his hands on my upper arms pushing me slightly away from him.

He says, “Dorothy, stop.” I ask, “Why?” Gaylon sighs, “This is not how I want this to happen. You don’t feel the same why right now, but you will in the morning. You’ll understand.” He continues not letting me speak. “Artthians ways are what humans call... old fashion. We marry first before well....

That!” I blush saying, “But I only want a kiss, Gaylon. I wasn’t trying to get you to sleep with me.” He squeezes my arms lightly saying, “I don’t think I could stop with just one kiss.” I felt myself melting into him as I sigh, “Oh.” I touch his check saying, “I’ll stop you. So you don’t have to be afraid. Kiss me goodnight.” He starts to say something but instead he shakes his head smiling.

He lowers his lips onto mine kissing me gentle at first. But, with a low growl he pulls me tightly against his chest wrapping his arms around me. My hands move up his arms into his hair as we lose ourselves to this one moment. I pull gentle on his hair as one of his hands move up my stomach slowly towards my chest. I sigh against his lips stoping his hand, “I gave you my word.” I rub my nose gentle against his nose. He moves his hands safely to my arms. He says, “I’ll see you in the morning. Hopefully, you won’t be to embarrassed.”

I smile at him. I exclaim, “Never!” I smile watching him trying not to look me over. He shakes his head smiling, “Goodnight, my Princess.” He bows towards me then turns and quietly leaves the room. I fall back against my pillows giggling.

Biting my lower lip I pull the blankets over my head falling fast asleep. I was completely and totally mortifed as I sat on the balcony with Nerissa and Lady Flor. It had took them all morning just to talk me out of bed. The worst part was that I could remember every little detail. Like an artist had painted a moral, showing the whole night events in my head with subtitles. I sat at the table with my hands covering my face. I exclaim talking through my hands. “I feel like I had a whole bottle of tequlia. Errrrrr, but why couldn’t I have forgotten everything, too.” Nerissa says cheerfully, “That’s the best thing about the honey fruit it leaves your mind completely clear and focused the next day.

The head ache is the down side.” I grunt, “Tell me about it.” Lady Flor whispers, “Oh, you poor thing.

Here drink this it is my own herbal remedy. It will work wonders you’ll see.” I grimace as I sip it. She adds, “Sorry, it’s not very pleasant tasting.” Nerissa says, “I am surprise you had such a strong reaction to it. You only had one sip. Your human side most have a low tolerates level.” I peek at her through my fingers saying, “Really, You think!” Nerissa sighs stiring her tea. She replies, “You don’t have to be snappie. I did try to stop you.” I roll my eyes at her regretting the movement when I was rewarded with a stab of pain. Nerissa smiles exlaiming, “Oh no. I hate to tell you this but Gaylon is headed this way.” I gasp, “Noooo, I can’t see him right now. I’m not ready. Tell him to go away, please!” Lady Flor replies, “To late, dear.” I could see her waving at someone behind me.

“Gaylon, how wonderful to see you. Join us.” With my hands on either side of my face I glare at her. I could hear his foot steps coming closer and I didn’t look up when I heard the chair beside me, being pulled out. He asked, “How are you feeling?” I new the question was directed to me without looking. I reply, “Awful.” I peek at him through my fingers. He sat there staring at me. One of his hands covering the smile that he was trying hard to hide as he leaned on the table. I
grumble saying, “You can go, now!” It was killing me to be seating at the same table with him knowing how I had behaved last night. In my night gown no less, I thought to myself. Lady Flor gasp, “Dorothy, that is no way to speak to the Prince! You have to forgive her, your highness, she is really not herself today.”

Gaylon replies, “It’s fine. I’ve had to live through the aftermath of that very same fruit, myself.” He pushes his chair back adding, “I have to get back to work, anyway.” I knew I hadn’t affended him because I could here the humor in his voice. He steps over beside me bending down he then kisses me on the top of my head. He says, “You’ll feel better in a few days.” I gasp looking up at him.

“What?” He starts chuckling as I bury my face in my arms on the table. He moves his hand gentle over my hair saying, “Goodbye.” I listen to his footsteps as he walks away. I didn’t see Gaylon again until the day we were to attack Larg’s army. I stand in my room looking out at the activity outside my window. All the women and children were quickly hurrying to the center city. During our training Gaylon had explain to me that middle of the city could disconnect from the platforms around it. Then submerging under water to connect with the city below giving protection to there families. I had also learned that the smaller platforms which served as housing and parks were also war ships.

At the time I had found it fascinating, that they could accomplish such things. Watching the harmless platforms disconnect and transform into ships of distruction made me feel cold and afraid. I prayed that we would be successful. I turn from the scene outside moving towards the weapons I had laid out on the bed. I pick up the weapon that Captain Artoon had said the scientist had been constructing. It had the appearance of a gun but instead of deadly bullets it shot out a type of force field. The field after attaching to the target envelops it and drags the person down below the oceans surface. There would be enough air for the person to survive while the soldiers under the water swam them back to the Artthian’s City below. Once there Ethan will show them the treated and hopefully they will switch sides. Placing the gun into the holster on my hip I hoped that this plan will work. I look down at the daggers that I had chosen, quickly adding them to my outfit. I try hard not to picture using them although I knew I would when the time came. But, only as a last resort. I was confident that I could disable my opponent without killing them. I hurry out of my room only to run into Gaylon in the empty hallway. He stands there looking me over. He growls, “Where do you think your going?” I look at him puzzled by his reaction.

I felt annoyed, realizing by the look on his face that he wasn’t going to allow me to come along. I turn around in a circle then facing him, I put my hand on my hip saying, “I’m going to a costume party, do you like my look.” I glare up at him continuing before he could reply, “You know exactly where I am going. And don’t you dare try to pull that macho crap on me. Besides this is what you have been training me for anyway.” I push past him marching down the hallway. He follows close behind saying, “I trained you so that you would be safe if I wasn’t there to protect you.” Grabbing me by my upper arm he adds, “Now I am going to take you to the center of the city.” I laugh pulling my arm out of his hold and shaking my head. I exclaim, “Oh, no you don’t! I am coming with you and that’s it.” I turn to face him taking a calming breath I say, “Just hear me out okay. I know you want to protect me. But, I will be the Garlandian leader, if we win this battle. How can I face them if I am not willing to fight for them myself? They are my people, Gaylon. What would you do if our roles were reverse?” Gaylon sighs shaking his head then takes my face in his hands slowly kissing me gently.

He says, “Stay close to me. Keep your guard up.” I smile up at him saying, “I will.” Later on board one of the war ships we stood watching the city sink below the surface. Gaylon squeezed my shoulder saying, “We have work to do.” I follow him back to the bridge of the ship. I watch as he pulls out a map giving out orders to his men. Gaylon says, “Relay the message to the fleet that we are moving out. All hands prepare for battle.” The time seem to tick slowly by as we traveled closer to the Garlandian city. The information Gaylon had received from his spies in the city showed that Larg had placed look outs on the mountain. Just in cause we decided to attack from that direction. It did not matter that this wasn’t going to be a surprise attack. Because the Artthians would be fighting on the sea not the land.

Which gave us the advantage, although Larg would probably think differently. Captain Artoon enters the room with several other officers. I look at him saying, “I thought you were going to command one of the other ships.” Artoon replys, “I decided that Gaylon could use my expertise here instead.” I glace from Gaylon and Artoon knowing exactly what they were up to. I say to them both, “I don’t need a babysitter!” Gaylon sighs saying, “I am not having this discussion. I asked Artoon to...have your back in case I was needed else where.” I start to argue but Gaylon cuts me off saying, “You are the Garlandian future leader. How can you ask me not to do all I can to keep you safe?” I glare at him repling, “Your twisting my words on me.” He smiles at me teasing, “It worked.” Ignoring him, I fold my arms studing the map. I ask, “How much longer until we reach inland?” Artoon replies, “At this speed we should reach the city in a few hours.

Perhaps you should get something to eat and rest.”

I start to decline the offer, until Gaylon assured me that he’ld let me know when we were nearing the city. The time seem to pace so slowly until I was standing out on deck looking out at the Garlandian army. Gaylon stood by my side ready for battle.

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