Kidnap (4 page)

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Authors: Lisa Esparza

BOOK: Kidnap
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Captain Artoon tells Ethan to scout ahead once the rocks are cleared enough so we can get through to the other side. He turns saying to everyone.

“Prepare to move out.” Before we start up the path Ethan returns saying, “That the path looks clear ahead but it’s very steep, Sir.” Captain Artoon nods saying. “My Lady, you follow Ethan up the path.

And watch your step.” He turns motioning to the guards to start bringing the Artthians up the path.

Starting with Prince Caballero. I turn to follow Ethan. I walk up the path, suddenly, I hear a yell behind me. As I turn I see one of the Artthians fighting one of the Garlandian soldiers. I watch in horror as their fight brings them closer and closer to the edge of the cliff. Ethan moves past me back down to help Artoon with the men. He passes Prince Caballero and his guard who are standing in front of us watching the seen as well. Chaining the Prince to the cliff, they rush off to help. I start to quickly follow them. Even though Ethan had told me to stay put. Not watching my step my foot slips out from under me and I start to slide down the path. Reaching my hands behind me I claw the ground trying to stop my descent. Suddenly, I am jerk to a stop. I look up seeing that it is Prince Caballero who has grabbed my hands as I was sliding past him. He pulls me up beside him. We sat there our hands still intertwine staring into each others eyes. I blink whispering. “You saved me.

Why?” Prince Caballero only stares at me with those icey cold eyes of his. Reminding me more and more of a shark. He opens his mouth to say something. But, a scream pierces the air. We turn just in time to see the two men fall off the side of the cliff to the ocean below. I jerk to run towards them. But the Prince doesn’t let me go. I stop struggling as he says, “It’s too late. There’s nothing we can do for them now. At least not for the Garlandian scum. But, hopefuly, Charles will have survived the fall.” I glare at him. “How? Hitting the water from this height would have been like hitting cement.” Prince Caballero shrug his shoulders saying, “We are Artthians.” Releasing my hands he nods his head towards the others. I turn seeing Captain Artoon approaching us. He says, “If you have harmed her in any way I will kill you, right now.” I stand up blocking them from each other. I explain, “He saved my life, Captain. I was falling down the path. If it wasn’t for him I would have fell over the cliff, too.” Captain Artoon nods but still glares at the Prince. Prince Caballero said from behind me. “You, Garlandians are pathetic, you cannot even protect your own men. How do you expect to protect a Princess?” Captain Artoon smiles menacingly saying, “You will not have your chance today Artthian. I do not provoke that easily.” He quickly turns ordering the guard standing behind him to keep a close eye on the Prince. I shook my head saying, “Stop trying to start a fight with him. When he tried to kill your father he was just a soldier following orders.

Orders that I am sure you have given plenty of in the past.” He just stood there staring down at me with that same cold expression as before. I groan walking past him, back up the path. Later that night we camped out in the entrance of the cave that would take us into the castle. I decided to approach the Prince about why he had saved me earlier today.

Walking over to him with two plates of food. I gave the other Artthian his plate and then walked over to the Prince. I handed him his plate. He picked at his food and I sat down on a rock across from him.

Taking a bite of his food he eyed me curiously. I cleared my throat as I asked. “Why did you do it?”

He was looking at the guard that was watching us closely. “Do what?” He asked. I said, “You saved me. Why? You could have just sat there and watch me fall to my death. But you didn’t.” He looked at me, “You should go back to the camp fire, Princess.

We wouldn’t want you to get cold.” I glared at him.

I replied in the same arrogant voice. “Not until you answer me, Prince.” He looked up at me the corner of his lips pulling into a half smile. Then as quietly as it came it was gone. He said, “Perhaps I wanted to kill you myself. Slowly. I wonder how long it would take a halfling like you to die.” At that the guard started to hit him. “You piece of...” I motion to him to stop. “No, it’s ok. There just words.”

The guard looked me in the eyes. He said, “I’ll be right here if you need me.” Nodding. I turned back to the Prince. I watched him for a while. Then I said, “You know.” I lowered my voice so only he could hear me. “I think you are tired of all the fighting and death just like the Garlandians...” He started to say something but I held my hand up. As he glared at me I continued. “No, let me finish. If you wanted me dead that was your chance. You didn’t take it, instead you saved me. The whole reason I’m here is to bring peace to my people and yours. You know that, that’s why you saved me.” I stood up waiting for him to reply. But, he only stared at me chewing his food. He shrugged his shoulders not saying anything else to me. I turn walking back to my bed by the fire. The next morning we woke early to begin our journey into the cave. The Garlandian men had each made torches. They were lighting them as Captain Artoon was inspecting the prisoners chains. “We should be inside the castle by night fall.” He said. We start our journey into the dark cave with Captain Artoon leading the way. I felt apprehensive knowing that soon I would be meeting the people of Isseare and become their new leader. Will I even be able to end this war that has been going on between these beings for centuries? Will I know the right words to say to them to bring peace to this world? I shake my head trying to clear it. I can’t start doubting myself now. I stare at Ethan’s back wondering how long we have been walking and how much further did we have to go. Without the sun shining on our backs it was hard to keep track of the time. “How much further is the city?” I ask Ethan. He looks back at me saying. “It should be only a few more hours before we reach the gate into the castle. Are you tired my Lady? I am sure the captain would stop...” I interrupt him saying. “Oh, no, I’m fine. I was just wondering, that’s all.” Ethan nods turning back around. Suddenly, Captain Artoon stops bringing a halt to our group. Captain Artoon whispers to Ethan. “There is a light ahead. It could be Captain Carmine’s group. Wait here, I’ll check to make sure before we continue.” A few minutes past and he reappears motioning for us to join him.

We round the corner entering a large chamber.

Flickering orbs with some type of markings on them float in the air, lighting up the room. Several Garlandian soldiers stand guarding the gate which appeared to be two large wooden doors. Captain Artoon stands with Captain Carmine che
erfully talking to him. Suddenly, the way we had entered is blocked by more soldiers each holding lethal swords. The man with Captain Artoon says. “I’m sorry I had no chose, my friend. Forgive me.”

Captain Carmine backs away from Artoon pulling out his sword. He declares, “Put your weapons down, now. You are all prisoners of King Larg.”

Captain Artoon yells, “Protect the Princess!” Ethan and the other men form a circle around me as Captain Carmine’s guards advance on us. The Prince laughs. “You Garlandians cannot even keep peace with each other, how pathic.” I turn to glare at him just in time to see one of the guards punch him in the gut. Ethan looks at me, he says. “When I tell you to run, run!” He grabs a hold of my sleeve saying, “Hide!” I nod tighting my fingers around the diggar that I hoped I wouldn’t have to use. I also hoped the cloths I was wearing could truely hide me from view. I would soon find out. The men approaching us stop, standing only few a feet away from us. I ask Ethan, who stood in front of me. “What are they waiting for?” Before Ethan could answer me the gate to the castle opens and a single man walks through it. More soldiers follow behind him and space themselves through out the chamber. The man stands there not speaking to anyone only coldly staring right at me. He says, “Come here child and let me see the one, my Uncle, would have perferred as his successor.” Captain Artoon growls. “I think you can see her just fine from where you are, Larg. How is it you have my men following you?” I said, “I don’t understand you said there was no one else in the King’s bloodline.” I push past Ethan to stand beside Artoon. I stare from Artoon and the man who most likely wish me dead. Larg said. “Oh, there aren’t, my dear. Or, shall we say there will not be once I have taken care of you.” He smiles, continuing before Artoon could speak. “I am not a direct descendant of our late King, my mother was his step sister. So you see the King’s blood does not tarnish mine!” He look back towards Artoon smiling.

“While you were gone, my old friend, I was able to... How shall I put it, persuade the Elders to elect me as King. Besides our people need a true Garlandian, not some halfling whelp.” Captain Artoon growls, “I won’t let you get away with this.

You tarsene worm!” Larg replies smiling, “I already have.” King Larg waves his arm in the air as if he was shooing a fly as he says, “Kill all of them.” He turns walking back through the gate, the doors slowly closing behind him. I was suddenly shoved back into the circle as the men begin to fight for there lives and mine. Prince Caballero moves up beside Ethan, along with the other Artthians.

They stand there ready to fight a battle that was not their’s to fight. Prince Caballero says to Ethan.

“There are to many of them. Untie us now, Ethan!”

Ethan growls, “So you can stab us in our backs, while we are fighting our new enemies. I think not!” Prince Caballero pushes Ethan saying, “If Larg remains in rule then both my people and yours will never have peace. Release us, so we can fight with you! Or, do you wish to see your Princess’s blood smearing the ground.” I watch as Ethan grabs his knife and then grabs the banding of the Prince and the other man. He frees them, saying. “If they so much as make a false move towards us kill them.” The other Garlandian soldiers murmur their agreements. My attention returns to Captain Artoon. He stands only a few feet from the other Captain speaking to him in a low voice. I ask Ethan. “What are they saying to each other? And why haven’t they attach us yet. What are they waiting for?” I look around at all the Garlandian soldiers that stood glaring at us. Their swords drawn, but motionless, even though they had been order to kill us. Ethan said, “They hesitate because Larg has order them to kill their own people. But not only that... We have all trained and fought together. I think of many here as friends. Brothers!

That man there is the Godfather to my children and now I may have to kill him.” He nods his head towards an older man standing near the gate. Then he says, “I think the Captain is trying to talk Carmine out of following Larg’s orders. If he can sway him to our side then the others will follow him. I pray he succeeds!” Prince Caballero who now has his own sword says, “He’s not convincing him, Ethan.” With that he moves into a fighting stance. I look at him then Ethan. They both look grim. I ask, “How do you know? They both look calm enough.” Ethan says, “Kres are very good listeners for a fish.” Prince Caballero glares at him then shrugs his shoulders. I exclaim, “You can hear them. What are they saying?” The Prince says, “Doesn’t matter... Larg has his family in prison so, even if he wanted to switch sides, he won’t. So get ready, now!” I gasp as each man was suddenly defending themselves. The clash of their swords deafening within the circle I stood. Ethan yells out.

“Tighten the circle... Don’t let any of them through!” I watch in horror as he stabs a man in the chest. All around me, the men I had been traveling with were fighting to keep me alive. Even their two Artthian prisoners were fearsly holding to the circle to protect me. I wanted it to stop. All the blood, the lost of life, for what. There was nothing I could do but watch and wait for my chance to run. I watch the Artthians who move with such deadly grace against the Garlandians. While the Garlandians fought with such brute force compared to them.

Hearing Captain Artoon’s agonizing cry, I look towards where he last stood. I held my breath, thinking he had been injured. I see instead, that he held the other Captain in a strange embrace. Pulling back he removes his sword from the other man’s body, lowering him gently to the ground. Artoon whispers something to him as the man’s hand goes limp in his hand. He slowly stands up, then charges towards the Garlandian soldiers. I watch as he brutally fights his way towards the gate. Our small circle had some how moved in front of the entrance that we had come through. The soldiers who had guarded it, now layed dead. The Garlandian men that stood behind me now were moving in front of me. Guarding me and the way out of the room.

Ethan said, “Run Princess, now!” I look at his back. “I can’t just leave... I want to help. There has be something I can do!” Ethan moves back with me allowing the man by his side to close the gap. He grabs me by the arm and quickly pulls me down the path. He says, “You want to help. Then escape Princess... Do not look back, do not stop... This suit you wear can make you invisible use that and live!

That is how you can help us. Find a way to take back the throne that is rightfully yours. If any of us survive, we will find you, somehow. Take this...

Virtual map.” He presses a small squared locater device into my hand. “This can guide you back to the ship but be careful and trust no one. Now go!”

He says pushing me down the path. He then turns rejoining his men. I slowly back down the path watching them fight. My heart sinks as I turn and run. This wasn’t right I thought to myself. How can I just leave? I brush the tears from my checks coming to almost a stop as I moved towards the opening of the cave. I turn back saying aloud to myself. “No, I have to help them!” I press the button on my suit become invisible. If they can’t see me then maybe I can knock the soldiers out or something. As I near the entrance into the room I move close to the wall watching the soldiers fight. I grab a rock off the ground holding it tightly in my hand. It becomes invisible as I closed my fingers around it. This could work I think to myse
lf. I just have to be careful. Prince Caballero was fighting off two men and a third was moving up behind him.

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