Kidnap (5 page)

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Authors: Lisa Esparza

BOOK: Kidnap
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They were fighting closes to where I stood. I moved quickly towards the one that was intending to stab the Prince in the back. I hit him on his head hoping to knock him out. The man falls as Prince Caballero takes out the two soldiers in front of him.

He growls turning sniffing the air. I watch in horror as he wheels his sword charging towards me. He is going to kill me. Instead he shoves me aside knocking me to the ground. I watch as he quickly takes down a man that had been about to kill me. I didn’t understand, how can they see me? I look down at my hands which were not there. Looking up I find Prince Caballero standing over me breathing heavily. He growls, “Get up!” As I slowly stand up I whisper. “You can smell me can’t you.” He looks back at the Garlandians then back at me. He pushes me hard towards the path outside.

“Go now!” He follows close behind me, leaving me no other option. As we reach the outside I press the button of the suit becoming visible again. “You could have gotten yourself killed.” The Prince says to me. He grabs the locater device from my belt and tosses it to the ground. “Hey, I need that!” I yell at him as I start to pick it back up. “Leave it... I deleted the information stored in it. It’s no good to you now, Princess.” I glare up at him. “So, you’re going to kill me now. Is that it?” I watch him as he looks down one side of the mountain and up the other side. Then he moves towards the cliff looking down. Walking back towards me he says, “I could if that’s what you want. But, I was thinking more along the lines of saving your life.” He grabs me by the arm and pulls me towards the edge of the cliff.

He ask, “Can you swim?” I gasp trying to jerk my arm out of his hand. I say, “You have to be joking.

It’s to far. No one can survive that fall.” He shakes me saying, “That’s not what I asked Princess. Can you swim?” Looking around as he spoke to me. I gasp from the pain he was causeing to my arm. I cried, “Yes.” He looked down at me saying, “Good hold onto me tightly and don’t let go.” He starts to pull me into his embrace but I struggle against him.

“Your crazy! I am not jumping! You jump if you want to, I’ll take the path back down.” I say.

Prince Caballero suddenly lets go of me. He replies, “Listen... Do you hear that?” I stand there listening, not hearing anything at first. Then I slowly hear the faint sound of men voices. I look towards the path down the mountain. Saying, “More soldiers are coming. I look back towards the opening of the cave. We have to warn them.” The Prince grabs my arm as he says, “They can take care of themselves. I have to get you out of here, now.” I look at him. I say, “But... It’s to far.” He pulls me back into his arms holding me tightly. He only says, “I’m Artthian remember.” He brushes a strand of my hair from cheek. He whispers, “I’m not going to let anything or anyone harm you, my Princess.” He leaps off the cliff with me clinging to him. I kept my face buried against his chest. We hit the ocean sinking deep beneath its waves. I could feel my lungs burning for air. Prince Caballero somehow still had a tight hold on me. I didn’t know how much longer I could hold my breath. He kicked his legs moving us towards the surface. Ours heads poped up above the water.

Finally, I could take a shaky breath of air. I wipe the water out of my eyes with one of my hands.

Looking up, I could not believe that we survived, when we shouldn’t have. The Prince looks at me.

He ask, “Are you ok?” I nod looking at him questionly. It just was not possible for us to still be alive after such a fall. I look back up the mountain side to where we had stood just seconds ago. I silently prayed for Captain Artoon and his men.

“They’ll be fine. I know Artoon, he’ll get himself and his men out somehow. Right now we have to go.” I look back at him and laugh. “Where should we go, your highness. If you haven’t notice we are in the middle of the ocean thanks to your brillint idea.” I say hitting the water with my fists. Instead of answering me Prince Caballero turns and begins to swim farther out to sea. “You can’t be serious!

We have to get back on land. Hey... Wait! Hello!

Arrrrr...” He was just becoming a huge pain, I thought to myself. Who does he think he is anywhy. I begin to swim after him. He was a much faster swimmer then me. Even with my new strength I still was having trouble keeping up with him. Finally he came to a stop. He turns around watching me approach. He smirks, saying, “I am glad you finally decided to join me.” I just glare at him unable to speak as I try to catch my breath. I watch as he presses several buttons on a watch like band around his wrist. Then he places his arm back under the water. He looks at me saying, “Now, we wait.” I look at him in disbelief. I ask, “What?

You brought us out in the middle of the ocean to wait. Wait for what?” Prince Caballero looks past me saying. “For my friend Wheaton to find us.

That is why we had to swim further out to sea. He would have never came close to the mountain.” We swim in place not speaking just waiting for this Wheaton to show up. I desperately wanted to know what he was planning. How was he going to help me or was I his prisoner, now. I took a deep breath preparing myself. I wanted to be as civil as I could towards him. He did save my life I thought even if we were in the middle of a alien ocean. Trying hard not to think about what creatures swam below us, I ask, “How are we going to get back to Captain Artoon’s ship? We have to let them know what has happen. Maybe they can help the Captain and us.”

Prince Caballero says, “We’re not, Princess.” I wait for him to say more but he doesn’t. I wanted to strangle him. I tried to stay calm as I said, “Ok so...

How do I get back to the ship? Because that is what you mean right. You have some master plan to get me back to the ship but your not coming with me, right.” I grew more annoy with him as more time seemed to slowly past before he answered me. He signed, saying. “We are going to the Artthians city, my home.” I start to argue with him but he continues before I can say anything. “It will be the safest place for you right, now. I just have to convince my father to help you. Once he learns Larg has declared himself King I don’t think he will be so opposed to you anymore. Besides it is time for peace, there has been enough bloodsheld!” I wait for him to say more but he doesn’t. I start to ask him more about his plans but stop as I stare in shock at the huge waves that move quickly towards us. Suddenly, the water started churning all around us. “Hang on. Our rides here.” The Prince said as he grab hold of my hand. We were push up out of the water. I pulled my hand out of Prince Caballero as I crawled onto my on my hands and knees. We were both sitting on top of a round large rock like surface. “What is this?” I asked Prince Caballero.

Who was now sitting like he had no care in the world. Smiling at me he patted the ground saying.

“This is Wheaton, my old friend. He is going to give us a ride back to Krilistian.” I watch as two huge wing like fins appear on the sides of the creature. It begins to move further out to sea.

I look around not believing my eyes for the hundredth time. Examining the surface that we sat on, I realize it was more like a turtles shell then a rock. The wing like fins appear to be similar to that of a stingray. Wishing I could get a better look at the creature, I sat back just being glad that it wanted to help us instead of eat us. I look over at Pri
nce Caballero who laid there glistening wet. I wonder how a man that I found completely annoying could still be completely breath takingly handsome.

Perhaps it’s just this age reversing thing that had me finding him attractive. I shake my head clearing my thoughts. I wonder how I was ever going to regain the throne from Larg. I hope that I can trust the Prince. That he was truely wanting to help me. I look back towards the mountain. Expecting to see something of it but there is no sign of land just the vast alien ocean. It was late at night by the time we reach Krilistian. Unlike, Prince Caballero, I had not been able to sleep. I was to nervous and kept worrying about the men who we left behind. I hope they were still alive and that somehow we could still help them. “Bitting your nails is very unlike a Princess, My Lady.” He said to me rolling onto his side. I mumble through my fingers. “I wish people would stop calling me that. My Princess.... My Lady.... You know, I do have a name. I am no different from anyone else.” A few moments past before Prince Caballero ask. “What is it?” I jump replying, “What?” Turning to look at him. He smiles at me sending a shiver down my spin. “Your name.” I look nervously away saying, “Oh, it’s Dorothy like the Wizard of Oz.” He sat up then.

“You know a wizard?” I reply laughing. “Yes, a great and all powerful one.” I look back at him thinking he was joking but the look on his face showed he was serious. I shook my head saying, “What you think... Oh, no, it’s a movie.” Realizing that he had no idea what I was talking about even after I tried to explain the movie to him. I sigh, “Oh, never mind, I was making a joke. Ha ha, you know. I don’t know any wizard.” He mumble. “To bad.” I look back and find him smiling at me. I slowly exclaim, “Were you toying with me. You understood me all along. You...” His smile deepen as he said, “I’ve study human culture. The television was a fasinating subject.” I look at him questionly. He only responds leaning back on his elbow. “Know your enemy.” I grumble, “Men your all the same no matter what planet your on.” At that he merely raises an eye brow. I was still glaring at him when he points a finger saying, “Welcome to my home, Krilistian.” Turning to look, I find a huge city that was casting a brillant light in all directions. The water glitter around it reflecting the light and the city. I exclaim in a whisper. “It’s... It’s beautiful.” The city was incredible stretching out for miles in a circular pattern. The buildings were tall, yet had a natural look as if it had always been there.

There were four smaller platforms that were attached around the city. Each one had either small houses or parks on them. I could also see women men and children walking around. I look at the Prince asking. “How many people live here?”

Prince Caballero who was staring proudly at the city said. “On the surface about 100,000. But, most of our people perfer to live in the cities below. There are about 400,000 families living below the surface.” I look at him in shock not realizing that there would be so many of them. The fact that they came from another planet and made this one there home was impressive enough. But, to be able to build such a city on and below the surface of the ocean was unbelievable. The Prince looks at me saying. “Once you have rested I will show you around our city. Perhaps it will help show you that my people are not as evil as the Garlandians claim us to be.” He stood up reaching for my hand as the creature reached one of the smaller platforms.

Assisting me onto the platform the Artthians near us stop to watch us. The surprise on their faces at seeing a Garlandian with their Prince was very apparent. He holds the back of my arm as I walk beside him. The people bowing to him as we past.

Prince Caballero said, “I will show you to your room first. Then I most speak to my father about your problem.”
I look up at him feeling apprehensive. I said, “I hope room is not a fancy word for cell.” He looks down at me smiling. “I assure you my Princess, you are my guest, not my prisoner.”

The way he

said the word, my, sent shivers down my back. I wasn’t sure how long I had been asleep as I slowly set up in the large soft bed. I rub my eyes squinching them against the bright sun light that pure through the dome shaped window. The window started from the center of the ceiling and continued down forming one of the walls. Just setting from the bed I could see out at the ocean. I could almost imagine that I was at some exotic hotel on earth except for the colorful birds and strange dolphin like creatures that move outside it.

Reminding me that I was definitely not on earth. I sigh, moving off the bed. I walk into the bathroom that had been pointed out to me earlier. After bathing I put on the cloths that the servants had laid out for me. It was an elegant blue pants dress suit.

The cloth was very soft to the touch. When I walked it almost looked like gentle swirls of water moving around me. I moved toward the wood doors reaching for the handle pushing the door open. I was surprise to find that there were no guards standing outside my door. Outside was a long hallway with pictures of royal Artthians on the walls. I slowly walk down the hallway looking at the pictures. The Artthians and their city seem so at odds with what I was told about them. Not at all what I pictured a warrior home to be I thought to myself. A door ahead of me opens and a young women steps into the hallway. As she closes the door she smiles at me. Walking towards me she says. “You most be Dorothy. I’m Nerissa.” She continues seeing my puzzled look, she says. “Prince Gaylon is my brother. Come, we shall have a meal and get to know each other better. Oh, and please don’t look so grim. I am sure my brother will convince father to help you. Once Gaylon gets a idea in his head there is not much anyone can do to sway him.” I am completely stun by her cheerful behavior towards me. Nerissa loops her arm through mine pulling me down the hallway. She leads me to a grand living room but instead of stoping there we continue out onto a patio. A white table and four chairs set in the middle of the patio.

Nerissa motions for me to set as she takes a set on the opposite side. I slowly set down at the table.

She says, “This is my favorite place to set. It’s always so quiet and peaceful here. Don’t you think?” I look out at the gentle waves of the ocean, smiling I said. “Yes, it’s very pleasant. This is not what I had expected at all. I mean...” Nerissa smiles as she interrupts me. “We are not quite the monsters that they believe us to be.” I gasp saying.

“Oh no! That’s not... I just... Well...” Nerissa held up her hand to quiet me. She said, “It’s okay. We each have our own misconceptions. You were not what I expected either. But, here we are.” We sat in silence as the servants brought out the food for us. I didn’t know what to say to Nerissa. I had not expected any kindness from the Artthians. But here I was setting and having lunch with one. I wondered if the Garlandians had misjudged them and vice versa. I watch the mesmerizing waves of the ocean feeling that maybe, there was some hope.

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