Kidnap (6 page)

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Authors: Lisa Esparza

BOOK: Kidnap
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After finishing our meal Nerissa stands up. She smiles at me saying. “I’ll take you to find my brother, now. He most likely is still in the study with our father.” I follow Nerissa out to a
beautifully carved staircase. We descend down into a large open room. There are people walking about each appearing to be either entering or leaving the castle. I ask her why there aren’t any guards around the castle. Nerissa explains that the city was well protected so, their men had no need to stand guard.

We stop at a large set of wooden doors. Smiling at me, Nerissa says. “Now you mustn’t let father intimidate you. Something he loves to do but he really is just a big Earthpas at heart. But don’t tell him I said so.” With that she opens the door walking into a large study. I follow behind her feeling more like a little fish in a room of hungry sharks. Taking a deep breath I wait to be introduce to the King of the Artthians. I hoped I didn’t look as nervous as I felt. Nerissa walks over to her father smiling at him. Giving him a kiss on his head she exclaims. “Father, I would like you to meet Dorothy. Dorothy, this is my father, King Aspar and of course you already have met my brother.”

Motioning behind me. Gaylon grumbles. “Nerissa, you should have waited...” Nerissa rolls her eyes at Gaylon as she walks back towards me. She says interrupting him. “Oh, please, you have been trying to convince father all night. When all you need to do is introduce them to each other.” Crossing her arm with mine. King Aspar replys, “Daugther, Gaylon is right this...” Nerissa turns interrupting him as well. I would have laugh if I wasn’t so nervous. She had a way of commanding a room that anyone could find impressive. She says.

“Father, you must give her a chance. How many times have I heard you say that, if only you had a chance to at least sit and talk with King Orellena that things could have been different. Now is your chance at least here with his granddaughter. For our people, please, give this a chance.” King Aspar leans back in his chair resting his chin on his fist.

He looks like Ceasar on his throne. Instead of a man sitting at his office desk. Nerissa gives me a gentle push into the empty chair in front of his desk.

I glance at Gaylon who sit across from me looking like a younger version of his father. Nerissa says with a sigh. “Now sit and please play nice. I have a huge list of things to complete today so I will not be able to be the peace keeper.” She gave both Gaylon and her father an intense glare adding. “Behave.”

With that Nerrisa walks out of the room shutting the door behind her. Gaylon chuckles saying “You’ll have to excuse her. She tins to be a bit aggressive, sometimes.” King Aspar replies. “Sometimes?”

Even though he sound very annoyed I could see a twinkle in his eyes as he stared at the wooden doors.

Sighing, he looks at me. “Well, convince me Child.

Why should I help you become the leader of the Garlandians?” Why should he I think to myself, hoping I could find the right words to convince him.

Looking down at my lap I smooth my pants out breathing slowly to steady myself. I look up saying, “I was told that Gaylon had already told you of what has happen.” King Aspar nods. Seeing that is to be his only response I continue. “I am not sure if I can say anything that will convince you, sir. I am not even sure if I’m the right person to lead the Garlandians. I have only just learned that I am half Garlandian, myself. Perhaps being from earth can help me have a different out look on the people of this planet. I know your people and mine have been at war with each other for a very long time. I also know that they wish for peace with your people.

They are tired of the fighting and lost of life. Are your people not the same? How long can each side continue this feud without it destorying both sides?

But, from what I have seen of this Larg he is not...

Should never rule the Garlandians. He is cruel and heartless. There cannot be any peace with him as their leader.” King Aspar and Gaylon exchange looks neither speaking. Gaylon says,“It will be hard for both sides at first but, I feel it is time for peace father for all of us.” King Aspar leans forward in his chair. Sighing he says, “Perhaps the time has come. You, my dear, may prove to be a wise leader for your people.” Smiling he continues, “I will have a peace treaty drawn up and we will review it together. In the mean time Gaylon you will need to prepare our warriors for battle.” I whisper, “Battle?” Gaylon places his hand on my shoulder.

He says, “Larg is not going to just allow you to walk in and take the throne.” Looking up at him I reply, “I know, I just assume there would be some other way. I don’t want more bloodshed on either side because of me.” Gaylon says, “There is no other way. The blood will be on Largs hands not yours.” I nod but his words still didn’t make me feel any better. King Aspar looks to his son saying, “Perhaps you can give Dorothy a tour of the city, Gaylon. Would you like that, my dear?” I smile at the King answering him, “Yes, I would love to see your city. It is quiet amazing.” Gaylon held out his hand to me saying, “Shall we go then?” Hesitantly, I take his hand and stand up. We start to walk out of the room. I look at Gaylon saying, “Wait, I have something I wish to ask of your father.” Walking back towards him I ask, “King Aspar, I have a favor to ask of you. It is not for me but for my friends the Garlandians. Is there any way at all that you can help Captain Artoon and his men? As well as his crew on the ship I fear for them all if Larg finds them.” King Aspar says, “I will see what I can do?”

I nod saying, “Thank you.” I turn leaving with Gaylon. After the tour of the city Gaylon walks me back to my room. “I will see you later for dinner.”

With that he turns, I watch his back as he walks away. I close the door leaning against it. I slowly walk over to the window sitting down in the chair that faces it. I pull my feet up under me and lean back closing my eyes. I jump at the knock at the door. Wondering if it was Prince Gaylon again. I check myself in the mirror. Thinking I was acting like a silly school girl I turn to answer the door.

Nerissa stands in front of me smiling. She exclaims, “I new everything would work out once father meet you. Now, what are you wearing tonight?” Nerissa walks gracefully past me turning towards me. I said, “What is wrong with this?”

She sighs, “That’s day ware, silly. You need something more elegant.” I watch her pick up a device on the table. She then sits down on the edge of the bed. She says, “Come sit.” Patting the space beside her. I look at the pad she holds in her hand.

On it was a selection of beautiful dresses. We both finally agree on a dark burgandy, one sleeve dress.

“So, do we go pick it up or do they deliver it to us?”

I ask. She laughs, “We get it out of the closet, silly.” She opens the door to the closet. Inside is the dress we had selected. She smiles saying, “All the dresses we’ve seen are in here. The pad just saves us the time of hunting for what we want.

Once you select the outfit you want it is moved to the front of the closet.” Once I was dress I stood in front of the mirror. The dress was just as beautiful as the other one. My red hair was pulled away from my face and hung down my back in tight curls.

Nerissa places her hands on my shoulders smiling back at me in the mirror. She sighs, “My brother doesn’t have a chance.” Laughing she turns and walks to the door. Realizing what Nerissa was up to I reply, “Gaylon and I are two very different people, Nerissa. Besides I don’t feel anything towards him except gratitude.” I follow her out into the hallway.

Nerissa says, “If you say so. But, your eyes speak a different story everytime you look at him and he you.” I could feel my cheeks burning at her words.

Could Gaylon be
attracted to me I wondered. Even if he was there is to much at stake to allow romance to get in the way. I cleared my throat saying, “Your mistaken.” After signing the treaty King Aspar had insisted on escorting me to the dining room. He now sit proudly at the head of the long wooden table. Nerissa and I was sitting beside each other.

Across from us were Gaylon and his two younger brothers. At the other end sat their mother Queen Lauren. King Aspar waves his hand for the servants to begin serving us. He says, “A toast to a new peace for both our people.” After the toast King Aspar looks at me saying, “Gaylon and I have agreed that you should begin combat training, my dear.” I reply “The Garlandian have already train me in how to defend myself, your majesty. I don’t see the point in wasting time with that, sir.” Gaylon says, “They taught you how to defend yourself but not how to kill. You need to be prepared to take anothers life if need be. As well as know your enemies weakness, whether they be Artthians or Garlandian. I am sure they did not teach you that my Princess.” I glared at Gaylon, “I will not kill someone... I can’t.” Gaylon glares back at me saying, “I know. You won’t always be able to sneak up behind your opponent with a rock.” I grimmest at his words. He says, “I’m sorry, but you know I’m right.” Grabing the fork in my hand I say, “I know... But I don’t think I could if I had too.” I look down at my food pushing around the meat that sat there. Queen Lauren gently says, “That is what the training is for sweetie. Lets not speak about such things any farther. Now, please, eat everyone.

Bryan has prepared us a lovely meal for tonight.”

As we ate the younger boys started asking me questions about earth and myself. I could feel Gaylon watching me, which I tried very hard to ignore. It was strange how one moment I can feel so angry towards him. Then the next he’ld make me feel so nervous with only one look. Once the meal was over I said my goodbyes to everyone.

Standing, I start to follow Nerissa out of the room.

Gaylon grabs me by my arm stoping me. He asks, “Would you come with me, please?” Hesitating, I nod following him out onto a balcony. Gaylon stands with his hands behind his back. Looking down at me he says, “I... I am sorry if I upset you earlier. You must realize that you may not always have someone by your side to protect you. I only wish to keep you safe by any means. Will you please allow me to train you?” I swallowed saying, “You will be the one training me? Not someone else.” He raised an eyebrow at me replying, “Is that a problem? If you like...” I interrupt him, “Oh no...

No problem. I just thought that it would be someone else. I would love for you to train me. Oh I mean... It’s fine.” I could feel my checks turning red again. I look away from him saying, “I should go...big day tomorrow and all. I need lots of sleep.

Goodnight.” I quickly walk away feeling so embarrassed. I had to get a grip. Yes, he is attractive but I have to remain focus. He was just a distraction that I can’t afford I think to myself. Of course now with my stupid luck I will have to be spending more time with him. I couldn’t decide whether that was a good thing or bad. The days turn into weeks and Gaylon proved to be a relentless trainer. He had me training from early in the morning til sunset. Only taking breaks to eat. I felt more like one of his soldiers then a woman. My body ached all over. The only days I got off was when he was busy training his men. Everyone from Captain Artoon’s ship had arrived a week after I had come to Krilistian. Captain Artoon and his men would be arriving at the city soon. At least we all hoped. Lady Flor was confidant that Artoon and his men were safe. They all seemed hopeful saying that I had acomplished what they had hoped. A peace treaty with the Artthians. Now all we had to do was defeat Larg. I stood this morning on one of the smaller platforms stretching. Smiling to myself, I had finally beat Gaylon to the platform today. In the past weeks he had somehow managed to arrive here before me. Always with the same stupid smirk on his face. Now I thought to myself it was my turn. Hearing footsteps, I glance back, seeing it is Gaylon. I fight back a smile. Facing, the ocean I continue my stretching. As he walks onto the platform I say, “So, glad you finally decided to join me this morning.” Turning towards him I caught a brief smile on his face. He turns droping a bag on the ground. It was silly, but I couldn’t wait to see him take his shirt off. Which he always did when we train. Especially, since the last time I used it to toss his cute butt out into the ocean. I giggle to myself clearing my throat when he looks at me. I was still pretty pround of that one. I try really hard to not stare at his hard stomach as he removes his shirt. Oh my, I thought to myself. Shaking my head, I remain myself to focuse. After he removes all the weapons he said, “Your turn to pick the weapons today.” I walk over to the bench.

Deciding on the two daggers. I exclaim, “I chose these.” I turn arching my eyebrow at him. He smiles at me nodding. Grabbing the other set of twin daggers he follows me into the middle of the platform. As usual a crowd slowly grew both Garlandians and Artthians. Each cheering for either Gaylon or me. While his kid brothers walked around making bets on us with the crowd. We start to slowly circle each other. I test the weight of the weapons. I wasn’t worried about hurting him or being injured myself. Mainly because all the weapons we use for training are made of wood.

Althought at a glance they look very real. I focus only on him blocking out everyone else. I so wanted to knock him onto his handsome rear again.

We move towards each other. Both of us blocking each others hits. Gaylon grunts, “Better.” Then kicks a knife out of one of my hands sending it flying throw the air. Backing away he says, “You must remember to keep your arms close to your body. Your knife is your shield, little one.” I glare at him as I move my arms closer to my body.

Standing more like a boxer I slowly move closer towards him. As we fight I manage to grab one of his wrist with my free hand while blocking his other with my other arm. I bring my knee up into his stomach hearing his gasp for air. Then I hit the inside of his wrist that I held, knocking the knife from his hand. Smiling, I move away saying, “I see what you mean. Do you need a minute?” Gaylon straightens switching the knife to his right hand. He only replys, “My turn.” Crap, I think to myself. It was never a good sign when he glares at me like he was now. I knew he would never hurt me. But, it didn’t mean that he would never embarrass me.

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