Read Scarred Hearts (Blackrock) Online

Authors: Elizabeth Kelly

Tags: #Fiction

Scarred Hearts (Blackrock) (25 page)

BOOK: Scarred Hearts (Blackrock)
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Eric raises his eyebrows at me; "Damn bro you should have hit that, she is going to fuck with you now". I am pissed because I know he is right, by the end of class I just want to get the hell out of here grab lunch and wait for Bailey in the library. I finish two hours before her on Thursdays so I usually just wait in the library; walking up to Stacy's desk I hold my hand out. She looks at it then me, she hands my phone to me making sure to touch my hand, "That's an interesting picture you have on there is that some model from a calendar?" she is trying to be cute but failing. I smile "No, she is my girlfriend"

Stacey stands up with some papers in her hand and walks around the desk "Have a seat Knox" I am being a dick and I know it, I sit on her desk crossing my feet. She hands me my assignment and leans into me. I can feel her tits rubbing off my arm and it is pissing me off, She points to the paper "Professor Lucas wanted you to elaborate on this point further" she says. I hear a cough and look up to see Bailey standing there, I am so shocked that she is there she should be in class. Maybe she is ditching to hang out, "I'll catch you later" she says looking hurt. I jump off the desk grab my bag and take off after her, she is walking fast ignoring me I know she is pissed but she looks so damn cute when she is.

I try talking to her but she is snapping at me which only makes me want to kiss her, she is pissed at a teacher doing that to a student then I go and open my big mouth and tell her Stacey is only a TA which makes her even madder. I am trying so hard not to grab her and kiss her, I understand why she would be mad because if it was the other way round I'd be beating someone's ass right about now. I tell her I would never touch Stacey then she accuses me of getting a lap dance off her. Oh man this girl is amazing; she just gave me a visual of a lifetime about herself.

I wrap my arms around her no longer able to stop myself, I tell her I only want a lap dance from her, my beautiful girl. I can feel myself getting hard just thinking about it; I kiss her hard letting her know it's only her and no one else. We agree to meet later when she turns to go into class I can't help myself and slap her ass. I watch her go inside until she closes the door, standing in the empty hallway I relax a bit. That could have been so much worse, my girl is feisty and I would not want to be on the receiving end of her being totally pissed.

I head to the Cafe to grab some food before I hit the library when my phone rings. "Hello" I answer "Knox, can you come to the bar I got a delivery?" my uncle asks "Yeah let me grab lunch to go I'll be there in ten" I hang up the phone. That's weird; we don't deliveries on Thursday I work there by myself tonight anyway. I text Max,

Me: Hey did you make an order for the bar?

Max: no, not my job

Me: ok later

I think no more about it and go get my lunch. As I am walking through campus I catch a glimpse of a chick, I do a double take but relax when I see it's not who I thought it was. Walking into the bar I see my uncle and Lucy drinking coffee, "Coffee huh, so how come we got a delivery so early?" I ask him "Oh I got extra for Halloween next weekend" I nod "Ok I'll take care of it".

I get out back to see a fucking mess, the kegs are just dumped all over the place and cases of beer are stacked behind our bikes. I go over to check them making sure no one scratched our bikes; I would be beyond pissed if they did. I get to work hauling the kegs, about twenty minutes later Lucy the waste of a paycheck comes out "Hey Knox I am not feeling good so George is letting me off as soon as you are done" She walks back inside. What a fucking pain in the ass now I am here by myself tonight, I guess I should take it as a blessing.

I finish the kegs and start on the cases when my phone rings, "Hey Darlin, you done for today?" "Yes I am heading over to the library now" she says. "Oh I am at the bar just come over here" "Ok see you in a few". I hang up, hauling the cases faster.



I hang up with Knox then turn around going over to the parking lot. I have to drive around the block to get back to the bar from the campus; I pull up at the side and park. Knox is standing by the back wall waiting for me. "Hi" I say kissing him, "I am almost done here" he says nodding at a few cases of beer, "Babe you stink" I tell him.

He looks at me "I know, my uncle got a delivery early, I have no clean clothes here, they are in your house" I smile at him "Good so does that mean you are staying tonight?" He smiles at me "If you want me too, I will" "Of course I want you to, I want to spend as much time together that we can before my dad gets back" he winks at me "Me too".

"I will be back in a few minutes" I say kissing him quickly, I walk back to my car "Hey where you going?" I just wave at him. Getting back into my car I head into downtown to a t-shirt shop I saw a while back. I grab a plain black one just incase he doesn't like my taste then run into the pharmacy, I pick up a bottle of deodorant and try be nonchalant in the family planning isle, throwing a box of condoms into my basket too. When I reach the check out, they guy ringing me up smiles at me as he lifts the box out of the basket.

I pay him and run out of the place, by the time I am back Knox is finished. I walk in through the front door, seeing him behind the bar looking pissed off. "What's wrong babe?" I say throwing the bag with the t-shirt and deodorant on the bar. "I am filthy and sweating and I have to be here like this". I lift up the bag "Well, isn't it a good job you have an amazing girlfriend, who would drive downtown to buy you a new t-shirt" he walks over to me and takes the bag looking inside. "Thank you" he says surprised, kissing my forehead, "Go on I will call if one these ten people want a drink".

A few minutes later he is back looking all refreshed and happy "Better?" I ask. "Much, thank you darlin, you're the best" "I know, now how about a drink" he looks at his watch then at me "Bailey it's not even five" I arch an eyebrow "And?" He pulls me behind the bar, through the beads and kisses me hard up against the wall. He pulls me up onto his waist; I wrap my legs around him. We kiss for a few minutes his hand slips under my top kneading my breast; he flicks my nipple with his thumb, and then kisses his way down. I pull my shirt up giving him access; pushing my bra aside he takes my nipple into his mouth. I can't help but moan in pleasure; fisting my hand in his hair I lift his mouth back to mine.

"Hello anyone back there?" we hear a customer shouting, I jump down off of Knox and fix my clothes, Knox fixes himself then walks through the beads. Oh my god that was intense, I wait for a few minutes until the guy sits back down before I walk out, Knox winks at me. He walks over with my drink "Here you go darlin, it's now five o'clock" I laugh at him "You're an idiot," I say sipping my drink, which is a little weak. I look at him and he is smiling "Funny Knox" he takes the glass back laughing, and then puts another shot of Jack into it.

We chat away to each other for a while until Max walks in at seven, "Hey bro, Bailey" he says looking a little sad, Knox and I frown at the same time. Max is usually so lively and upbeat so seeing him like this is strange. Max walks through the beads taking off his Jacket, Knox looks a bit worried "Hey darlin, shout if someone needs drink" I nod and he walks in the back.

About ten minutes later they both walk out smiling, Knox claps his brother on the back "I'll be back in a while" Max nods "Yeah bro, go for it". Knox and I walk outside "Where do you want to eat?" I ask him "I was just going to grab a sandwich at Joe's, that ok with you?" "Sure" We walk down to the plaza hand in hand, "Is Max ok?" I ask him, "Yeah he is just missing hanging out with me" I chew my lip, feeling bad for Max. It was just Knox and he before I came along. We sit and eat our subs, "Hey, you know if you want to stay home tonight I am cool with that" I say to him, he looks at me "Why would I do that, when I can wake up next to a beautiful you" he taps me on the nose playfully.

I hold his and on top of the table "I just feel bad for Max, I know what its like to spend everyday with someone, then not" he rubs my knuckles with his thumb "He will be ok, I will hang out with him on Sunday, if you don't mind?" I shake my head "No I don't mind babe, you don't have to ask my permission to hang out with your own brother" he smile at me "You are a cool chick, Bailey Mortenson"

"I will see if Paige wants to hang out, I am sure we can find something to do round here" Knox finishes his coffee "Why don't you guys go to the mall" I look at him with my eyes wide open "What, there is a mall around here?" Knox starts laughing clutching his stomach, nodding yes "It's about a twenty minute drive" he is still laughing at my shocked face "Huh and none of you told me, Man you guys are crap friends" He only laughs harder wiping his eyes with the back of his hand.

"Come on Valley girl, I have to get back" he says holding out his hand. Standing up I punch him on the arm "I am not a Valley girl, I have been buying stuff online and paying shipping fees when I could have driven twenty minutes" I take his hand as we walk back down the street, "Sure, if you say so Darlin" "You're a jackass" I tell him. He laughs some more.

When we get back to the bar I decide to go home "Knox, I am going to go" I say as my phone chimes with an email. "Awe no, don't leave me alone" he pouts at me. I open my email reading it "Wahoo, classes cancelled tomorrow, my professor is sick, free day" Knox puts his arms around me from behind, "That's good because my classes don't start until noon. So we can stay in bed late" he kisses just below my ear. "Sounds like a plan" I say tilting my head for him.

"I better get home before it gets too late to go running" he stops kissing me turning me around "Bailey, it's eight o'clock and its dark so that means it's already too late to go running" I put my hands on his face and kiss him "Ok dad, I will see you later" I joke. He just shakes his head "Ok be safe, bring your phone, don't use your headphones and I am closing at midnight so I will there by one at the latest" I smile at him "Stop worrying Knox, I'll be ok" I kiss him again "See you later" I say walking through the door.

Within thirty minutes I am home, changed and out running the trail around the lake. I have my phone in my running armband with the volume low, I like running with music it helps boost my energy but it is darker that I thought so I don't have too loud. I smile thinking of Knox; I can't believe after such a terrible summer that some light has come into my life. Sometimes I wish for days past, to hear Summer's voice again or to go hang out with her, I still miss her terribly but Knox is helping with the blackness in my heart.

He has his own demons to deal with; every now and then I will catch him staring off into the distance, with a sad look on his face. I don't know if that is because of his mom or his dad, I wonder what could have happened between them to make both Knox and Max leave home abruptly. I hope I can bring him some light, even though I am ten shades of messed up myself.

I continue along the trail enjoying the quiet night and the soft rhythm of my music, I come around by my house for the third time, I will just do four miles tonight so one more lap. I run by the house, after a few feet I think I hear someone behind me. I look over my shoulder but I don't see anything, maybe it's just an animal. My phone chimes with an email as I run. I have been thinking about my mom lately, I haven't spoken to her since after my nan passed. I still can't get over her vehemence towards me; she has been talking shit to me since dad left but never like that. I have to admit it hurt, I usually just ignore her comments but that night she really put another scar on my already shredded heart.

As I come to the last quarter mile my phone beeps receiving a text, I turn my arm so I can see who it is, Knox. I smile knowing he is thinking of me as I round up to my dad's house and turn onto the property. I stop running and walk up to the house to cool down, using the bottom step to stretch my muscles then I climb up to the door. I see a tall box standing beside the door; there is no address or name on it. I debate weather or not to bring it inside the house there might be a severed head in it, maybe I watch too many movies I chide myself. Lifting the box, which is surprisingly light I bring it into the kitchen.

I remember the feeling of someone watching me so I close the blinds in the kitchen and take my phone out to check Knox's message.

Knox: Hi babe you home? Did you run?

Me: Yes just in from run, you still coming over?

Knox: Yes do you need anything?

Me: Just you

Knox: See you soon

I put the box on the table then go up for my shower, the water is hot and pounding against my skin, I relax under the stream letting the water soothe me. I don't stay in as long as usual now that I have someone to look good for, applying my body cream I remember when I dated Brad. I would never go to so much trouble for him, I usually just threw on whatever jeans and t-shirt I had not really caring if he liked it or not.

Summer used to laugh at me for it, she would always tell me one day I would find a man worth dressing up for. I guess she was right because now I even want to ware nice Pajamas, what am I turning into? I ask myself. Deciding on the satin night dress my mom got for me I pull it out of my drawer, its purple with a white lace trim on the bottom. She was probably hoping Brad would be the lucky guy who got to take it off me. Yeah right, I would never get naked with that dumb ass, so many times I questioned my sanity when I was with him but if I really think about it I spent more time with Summer and Roger than Brad. I check my watch; only 9.30 I still have ages to go before Knox gets here, I decide to watch Transformers in my room. Summer and I went to the midnight premier we had a blast, we would always tell the guys we were going to see some romantic comedy and they gladly stayed at home, no one ever guessed we were into destruction and machinery oh and hot guys running around with guns.

Our secret indulgence was total guy movies, so when Brad and whoever before Ben Summer was dating would ask us to go see them we pretended like it was our first time seeing it. We really had a great system going until Ben came along, I think I started to hate him the minute my best friend started to distance herself from me. He was the cause of our first fight; in all our life we never ever fought once until last Christmas. Summer and I always spent Christmas Eve together, giving each other presents, drinking hot chocolate while listening to Christmas music. Then last year Ben invited Summer to his house to "chill" we argued over that, I said we should stick to tradition but Summer wanted to do something new.

BOOK: Scarred Hearts (Blackrock)
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