Sundown Towns: A Hidden Dimension Of American Racism (107 page)

BOOK: Sundown Towns: A Hidden Dimension Of American Racism
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trigger reasons
Caudill, Harry
causes of sundown towns
“backwater” status
blacks’ urban natures
class factors
educational options
employment opportunities
labor struggles
political causes
social isolation
white ethnic solidarity
white supremacy
See also
catalysts of sundown town creation
Cavalier, Andy
Cedar County, Iowa
Cedar County, Missouri
Cedar Falls, Iowa
Cedar Key, Florida
Centers of Manufacturing in Southern Illinois
Central Islip, New York
Chain Reaction
(Edsall & Edsall)
Chambers, Bill
Chambers of Commerce
Chamblee, Georgia
Chandler, Indiana
Charles, Camille Zubrinsky
Chehalis, Washington
Cheney, Dick
Cherokee, Oklahoma
Chester, California
Chester, Pennsylvania
Chesterton, Indiana
Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts
Chevy Chase, Maryland
Chevy Chase Heights, Pennsylvania
Chicago, Illinois
attacks on black neighborhoods
black ghettos
Cabrini Green housing project
Chicagoan of the Year
crime stereotypes
early suburbs
exceptions to sundown rule
Gautreaux litigation outcomes
Great Migration
the Great Retreat
housing costs
Jim Crow segregation
mob violence
nigger jokes
public housing
racial stereotypes
restrictive covenants
1919 riot
suburban segregation
white flight
The Chicago Defender
Chicago Housing Authority
Mexican Americans
Chief Sam
Chinese Americans
legal challenges to ordinances
restrictive covenants
speech patterns
symbols and mascots
unincorporated townships
the Chinese Retreat
Chinni, Dante
Chittenden County, Vermont
Christian, Charles
Christian Coalition
Christian Nationalist Party
Christianson, Elin
“Christ of the Ozarks” (Smith)
Christopher, Illinois
Chudacoff, Howard
Chumbler, Bill
Cicero, Illinois
death of Jerome Huey
Hispanic residents
Martin Luther King, Jr.’s march
mob violence
ordinances and regulations
present status
race riots
residency requirement for urban employees
Cincinnati, Ohio
Cities and Towns of Illinois
Civilian Conservation Corps
civil rights
Civil Rights Act of 1866
Civil Rights Act of 1964
enforcement in sundown towns
military base desegregation
public accommodations
Civil Rights Act of 1968
Civil Rights Movement
loss of white privilege
march to Forsyth County, Georgia
racist terminology
residential integration
southern focus
Civil War
Confederate states
Confederate victory of 1890
expulsions of African Americans
Free State of Winston (Alabama)
idealist anti-racism
impact on sundown laws
Union nationalism
Civil War monuments
Clarinda, Iowa
Clark, Fred and Mary
Clark, Harvey
Clark, Patrick
Clark, William
Clark County, Illinois
Clark Fork, Idaho
class factors.
social class factors in sundown towns
Clawson, Michigan
Clayton, Jim
Clements, Oscar
Cleveland, Ohio
Cleveland, Oklahoma
Clifford, Les
Clift, V. A.
Coal City, Illinois
Coal Creek, Indiana
Cobden, Illinois
Coeur d’Alene, Idaho
Coggeshall, John
Cohen, Lizabeth
Cohn, D’Vera
Coker, Marilyn
Colby, Charles
Cole, Olen, Jr.
Coles, Robert
Collins, Edward
Collins, Kaye
Colonial Heights, Virginia
Colony, Alabama
county demographics
colored people
The Color Line in Ohio
“The Color Line in the North” (Baker)
Colp, Illinois
Columbia, Illinois
Columbus, Christopher
Columbus, Ohio
Comanche County, Texas
catalysts for expulsions
expulsions of blacks
lynching of Tom McNeal
present status
token desegregation
travel problems
Commonwealth Edison Company
Community Reinvestment Act of 1977
Confederate flags
Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO)
Congress of Racial Equality (CORE)
attitudes towards residential integration
county demographics
the Great Retreat
real estate practices
zoning regulations
Conrad, James, H.
Conroy, Jack
Cook, Paul
Coolidge, Calvin
Coral Gables, Florida
Corbin, Kentucky
expulsion of blacks
interracial sports
present status
protected blacks
Corinne, Utah
Cornelius, James
Corning, California
Corrigan v. Buckley
Cosby, Bill
Cose, Ellis
Cosseboom, Kathy
Cotter, Arkansas
Cotton, George
Cotton Plant, Arkansas
Coughlin, Father
Council of Conservative Citizens
Counties with No or Few African Americans
Country Club Hills, Illinois
Cove Neck, New York
Cowan, Virginia
Crabtree, Smokey
Craft, Darla
Cramer, Clayton
Crawford County, Indiana
creation of sundown towns
economic factors
ethnic cleansing
Jim Crow segregation
Ku Klux Klan
legal methods
nonviolent expulsions
repeals of voting rights
restrictive covenants
See also
catalysts of sundown town creation; expulsions of black Americans; invisible histories of sundown towns; Nadir period of race relations

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