The Ultimate Guide to Fellatio (12 page)

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Authors: Violet Blue

Tags: #Health & Fitness, #Men's Health, #Sexuality, #Reference, #Personal & Practical Guides, #Self-Help, #Sexual Instruction

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If a kiss can be a long drink of water for our senses, then performing oral sex is like swimming in your partner’s taste and scent. Erotic writings contain countless allegories that commemorate, or denigrate, the unique smells and tastes found in breeches and under skirts—yet when you’re wondering just what you’ll encounter when you go down on a guy, this is no help. People who love to give head will go on about how great guys taste and how much it turns them on, while others new to the game may be scared senseless about how things might taste or smell. A man’s scent and taste can vary depending on any number of factors, from whether he’s showered lately to whether he smokes.

But the reality is that he’s going to taste and smell like whatever he tastes and smells like all over—just a little more musky. His cock may taste lightly salty or even a bit tangy, and some men exude a very faint odor of come. The taste of pre-come, the slippery substance that some men ooze from their urethral opening, can range from no flavor at all to a slight sharpness or saltiness, or it can taste like a mild version of his ejaculate. Strong foods such as asparagus or garlic can influence the urethral environment, and so can vitamins. Even if they seem undetectable, the flavors and smells from a man’s genitals are packed with chemicals and pheromones that make a powerful biochemical aphrodisiac. However, this doesn’t mean that his chemistry will “click” with yours, or that your lover will have the same sweet taste every time. Should you notice a marked change in his aroma or flavor, and you have both established trust in the area of oral sex, you might gently bring it to his attention, as it may warrant a health check.

Illustration 6. Soap Him Up

If you are concerned about cleanliness, or about your own reactions to tasting or smelling him for the first time, try showering together beforehand or taking a sensual bath. This way, you can seductively soap him up, getting him thoroughly clean (and thoroughly aroused). In the bath or shower, testing out the way he feels on your lips and tongue might be easier, because you have control over both the environment and the cleanliness issue. Plus, tenderly washing and kissing him is incredibly intimate, and just plain sexy.

A Taste of Honey

I’ve always been the type of girl to never swallow it. But I do with my new lover. I don’t know what’s different, maybe because I’m with someone I’m so crazy about that I want all of him!

If you put a man’s penis in your mouth with the intention of giving him pleasure, chances are good that he’s going to have an orgasm—in, or near, your mouth. How you feel about this depends on many factors; whether you enjoy the idea, the time and place of the blow job, how much you like him, or even how your relationship is going. If you don’t know him, or his sexual history, then spitting or swallowing is also a question of assessing risk: semen has been shown to contain HIV, which can be dangerous if you have any tiny cuts, sores, or bites in your mouth. Somewhere between thinking you might want to go down on him and his orgasm, you’re going to need to decide exactly what you’re comfortable with in terms of his ejaculation. Are you okay with him coming in your mouth, or not?

The consistency and amount of come expelled upon orgasm varies from man to man. While the average amount is between one and two teaspoonfuls, some men may have close to the two teaspoons or more, while others have very little at all. The amount, texture, or flavor of a man’s come has absolutely nothing to do with how powerful or pleasurable his orgasm is. One guy may have thin, watery come, while another’s is thick like egg whites, or it can be anywhere in between.

Taste is another variable, and besides any dietary influences, each man is different; you may find you enjoy the flavor of one lover’s come and not another’s. Male ejaculate measures in at an alkaline pH of 8 (more alkaline than spit, tears, or sweat), approximately the same pH of an egg white. It can taste neutral, slightly salty, bitter, a little sweet, similar to an oyster, like a delicate Brie cheese, or even slightly tart. Many people also report very slight (though sometimes strong) odors of bleach or mushrooms. Of course, his ejaculate is going to taste and smell just like his very own brand of ejaculate, and there’s only one way to find out if it’s to your liking.

The taste of a man being subject to the individual’s erotic palate, many fellatio fans enjoy the taste of come and like its distinctive texture. After all, it is the tangible reward for earnest efforts, and many who like it view it in an almost romantic, sometimes fetishistic light. It can be a powerful aphrodisiac, too—the substance itself or simply the concept of a man coming in your mouth can be a powerful turn-on. I’ve illustrated the similarities come has to several different foods, but in truth there is really nothing like it. It is the genuine article; salty or sweet, thick or thin, a man’s come is the part of his orgasm that shares part of him with you.

Some men revel in their ejaculate and feel emotionally good about sharing it with you, or eroticize sharing it with you—it turns them on. A man might feel hurt or pangs of rejection if you display distaste or disgust, while some men don’t care, and others may dislike it as well. You never know unless you ask.

For some reason, I could never swallow. I’d think that I should, especially when I was in my last long-term relationship, because you’re “supposed” to do that for someone you love.

As an earnest apprentice to the arts of fellatio, take your time getting used to everything that accompanies ejaculation, including the final result, the come itself. Take it in stages: the moment of orgasm, the contractions, and the come will become more comfortable to you as you experience them, at your own pace. When you want to find out if you like come in your mouth, or if you want to try to like it, start by first tasting it from another body part. Have him come in your hand or on another body part, then discreetly taste a little on your fingertips. This way you can try it before ending up with a mouthful of something you may not like, and you can sample it in a way that will spare his feelings if you don’t like it. You can repeat this method until you gradually become more comfortable with the taste, smell, and texture. As you become more comfortable, you can aim him onto your lips or tongue. Eroticize the process—don’t forget you’re doing this because it’s hot for both of you. Experiment with your own arousal levels as you test out your comfort; you can masturbate or fantasize to turn yourself on. Watching porn might feed the fires of fantasy and fellatio with facial or oral ejaculation. See chapter 12, “Independent Study, ” for recommendations.

Close Shave

by Alison Tyler


The thing is, he shouldn’t have teased me.

“Little kitty’s getting furry,” Tom said, warm fingers wandering down under the leopard-print sheets to find my usually well-pruned pussy. It had been a long week, and I’d skipped my routine waxing appointment in favor of a much-needed nap. But it was-n’t as if I’d grown a beard. I was just a little fuzzier between my thighs than normal.

“I guess the honeymoon’s over,” he continued, feigning sadness.

That’s when I snapped. “You’re pretty furry, too,” I told him, reaching down to firmly twine my own fingers in his short, blonde curls. “Maybe you should consider a visit to Darlene.”

“And Darlene is—?”

“My waxer. She does men, too, you know.”

“Bet she does,” Tom smiled. “I’ll bet she does lots of men.”

“I’m serious,” I told him. “Half her clients are male.”

He pushed up on one arm to look at me, stunned by the thought. “They wax their pubic hair?”

Yes, I honestly know that most of the men who go to Darlene want their back hair removed, or their chests to be as smooth as a Versace boy-toy model, but I took advantage of Tom’s naïveté. As I said, he’d been teasing me. “Uh, huh,” I told him, nodding animatedly to show how truthful I was being. “Maybe you should try it.”

“Hot wax down there? I don’t think so.”

“She uses cold wax, too,” I continued, “and there are other methods of hair removal, you know.”

“So, what are the benefits?” he asked seriously, “aside from having a strange woman’s hand in your crotch.” I could feel his cock stirring right below where my fingers were still nestled in his hair. This conversation was definitely appealing to his kinky side.

“Well,” I purred, “you know the feeling of fucking my pussy right after a wax job when it’s totally bare…?”

“‘The sphinx,” he said, naming the wax job I’ve had that completely removes all hair. Every strand. His sky blue eyes glazed slightly at the memory.

“It’ll feel like that for you. Just bare, smooth skin against mine.”

His hand searched out my pussy again, fingers finding the reddish fur, and he said, “Not so smooth right now, baby.”

“So let’s fix it.” I pushed out from under the covers and padded naked down the hall. After a moment, Tom followed me to the bathroom and leaned against the cool lip of the sink as I got out the supplies. While he watched, I slipped into our shower and turned on the water. “Come on,” I urged him. “Soap up first, to get everything warm and wet. Then we’ll shave—”

“We?” he asked, joining me under the hot spray.

“Tit for tat,” I told him, “I shave you, you shave me.”

We spent a few glorious minutes sudsing each other up all over, and then I got into the frisky fun by using my pink-hued, raspberry scented, girly-girl conditioner on his pubic hair. But before he could get too turned on by this most personal shampoo session, I killed the water.

I could tell from the look on his face that he was still undecided about our little erotic adventure, so I dried off, handed over the razor, and spread myself out on the fluffy bath mat. Immediately, Tom took charge, slapping a towel around his flat waist and working me up with the lather, fingers probing and gently pinching to hold my pussy lips still. In just a short time I was bare again. And revved up. My cunt throbbed deliciously from all the attention it had just received.

Now it was his turn. “Ready, baby?” I asked. He nodded bravely and took a stand, feet apart, weight set. First, I used a small pair of silvery scissors to trim his fur. Light golden curls rained down onto the floor. Then slowly, I spread the shaving cream all over his pubes, and Tom sighed at the sensation of icy menthol against his skin. He closed his eyes when I got near him with the blade, but I have steady hands, and I whisked away all those short, blonde curls. As I rinsed him down with a soft cloth, I made sure that he could feel my hot breath on his skin. Then I parted my lips.

“What—” he murmured. “What are you doing?”

He’d thought we would immediately fuck. I understood that he’d envisioned doing it doggie-style with me bent over the sink. This is a favorite position of ours, because we can stare into the mirror on the back of the medicine cabinet, watching our reflections. But first I wanted to reward him for being such a good sport. And, honestly, the way his cock looked without any hair framing it was a total, and unexpected, turn-on. Just this majestic tower of sex, waiting to feel my warm, wet lips around it.

I put my palms on his sturdy, muscled thighs as I brought my lips to the tip of his cock. Tom sighed and traced his fingertips through my long, curly hair as I drew the next inch of his shaft farther into my mouth. There was something so unique about this experience that I had to use one hand to touch myself between my legs as I worked him. It was as if we were the most naked we’d ever been together.

Shorn. Bare. Smooth.

Sucking all the way down, I did my best to press my lips to the skin of his body, but his cock is just too long for this trick. Still, I got the contact I craved, running my fingertips along the silky skin of his balls, sliding my fingertips back behind them to press on that powerful little trigger point.

“Angel,” Tom whispered. “Don’t stop.”

I didn’t. I kept sucking and swallowing, moving back on my heels to give myself room to simply lick his shaft. My tongue in a point, I danced it up and down, caressing him, taunting him, until he couldn’t handle it any longer and had to come, shooting hard down my throat so that I swallowed every drop.

We’re going to keep up the bare-naked look for a while.

But I think Darlene has just lost herself a customer.


Before You Go Down

When it comes to erotic hot spots on the human body, nothing beats our most visual and versatile sex organ, the mouth. With this area controlled by hundreds of muscles, we can communicate intentions, ideas, and desires, and we can release streams of unrelenting dirty talk, if we choose. We can ask our lovers for what we need to get us off, or with moans and hot breaths can announce an imminent orgasm. Without a word, we can smile and flirt, we can warm up a room or a lover with peals of laughter, and most especially we can lick, bite, taste, smell, and literally inhale sex through our mouth. This sexy opening reminds everyone who looks at us that one sensual opening can lead to another, elsewhere on the body. Our lips suggest contours of genitalia, and a hint of wetness or the appearance of a tongue implies much more.

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