Secret Love (10 page)

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Authors: Simone Kaplan

BOOK: Secret Love
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I knew this rule of the game very much. In my quarter above all gang bosses appeared with pleasure indifferently..., besides they were the most dangerous at this moment.
With this behaviour they wanted to weigh to the unsuspecting victim in security... and at the right moment slammed them.
Then less with words ….their weapon was mostly the only answer.
Now... no weapon needed to fear here to me to the temple is held. But I knew... every movement... every still so smallest facial play it was registered most exactly. He waited.... waited for the smallest mistake I revealed...
„Now... you have to say anything else?“
This was a trick question..... I tried to look also unconcerned.
Manager Griffith briefly looked up and threw an intensive examining look to me.
„Now...“ it came stretched... “... and he leant carelessly back in the chief armchair and crossed ostentatiously the arms.
No question who here the legends had.!!!.
„You and Sita... “Break.   “  Your understands very well with her or?“
Now give only no wrong answer...
„Yes...“ then I put another to one on it... “... a good teacher schoolboy relation it is expressly wished!“
However, Mr. Griffith pulled no look... he relaxed and brought even a tiny smile to state. Just only one stupid rumour... I must explain Sita absolutely once...
„You can go!“
For one moment I was amazed about this strange reaction..., nevertheless, Mr. Griffith his job devoted itself again to and did not follow me further.
A shade freed itself of the wall and Melissa darted quick as a flash to the office of her Dads. Without knocking she dashed in.
"What`s going on  Dad?   " looked expectantly at them him and put quick as a flash her nicest smile on the manager Griffith only too well knew.
A little bit tiredly he put aside his ballpoint pen.

What?“ he smiled and was ignorant.
„You already know.... this Brandy... you have found out between her and this Sita?“
Melissa sat down on the desk and played with the ballpoint pen.
Mr. Griffith shook unfortunately the head 
: “No my small daughter...“ and audible eases „... only one silly rumour probably seems to be!“ he smiled calmly.
„Dad...“ Melissa rolled indignantly with the eyes. “... you believe me possibly not??“
Mr. Griffith looked thoughtfully at his daughter..., finally he cleared the throat a little bit and promised the both to place under observation.
Melissa sulked.... with this answer she was not at all contented and put on an offended expression.
Now this did not know Mr. Griffith only too well... if his daughter this what got them in the head has placed... she could make quite a lot on offended...
Days later...
While I the sneakers knotted... I thought wistfully of Mc Cain. He was the best trainer itself a team could introduce. I thought of the first meeting at school of my quarter.
At that time my first impression was not exactly best from the Mc Cain...
I thought. what the mad white guy... broadly bulky and always a handkerchief to the sweat wipe.
But his enthusiasm was real... at that time he illuminated from his small blue eyes. As the first victory came... he praised me not without pride.
And praise ordinarily belongs not exactly to his Repetoir. Telling-off hold prefered him.
Why must the good people always go.... why???
I bit on the lips around my upcoming tears to hide.
He was my mentor.... and on the rumours between me and Sita he waved only laughing from with his only comment;
“Everybody should as live as he is happy! Enough!!“
Yes Mc Cain was a man with few words, however, big actions.
Sighing I looked at my tricot... soon was again a home match and I might permit no more goof to myself.
„Everybody ready...... she comes...!!“ 
All of a sudden it became quiet in the changing room... all pairs of eyes were directed tensely on the door... at this moment rose.
When she the space entered... everybody stared a little bit frightened, however, with big eyes.
Black short hair... igneous eyes and brisk appearance.
„Hey girls..    you do not know me any more...??.“   and she  showed an irresistible smile...., nevertheless it kept the appearance of a sergeant …
At this moment a chaos broke out and everybody cackled excitedly.... some they welcomed very warmly what struck me.

Immediately this fell to me these her "darlings" were insbesonders Melissa …



Mc Cain so I got to know only... stepped in as a spare trainer because he a good friend of manager Griffith was.
Now I looked at this woman more exactly...
„A new face?  I am Maria.“   and she gave me politely smiling the hand. Though their look was friendly, but unfathomable.
A strange tension lay from the first moment between her and me. With Mc Cain it released this tension not... in his present I felt and full energy.
But with this Maria.... anyhow an oppressive feeling stole over me as them me with her unfathomable dark eyes scrutinised...
„I am Brandy.“, I stuttered out... where my self-assurance had remained??
„Which position?“, it came scarcely.... again this examining look at me directed.
„Ähm ... Central-Player.....“ 
In silence she looked at me for a while and I read for the first time a tiny track of disrespect in her look.
From the corner of the eye I noted Melissas mocking grin. She stood beside Maria and I had the quiet suspicion that Melissa belonged to her "darlings".
I hated nothing more than the so-called "darlings" always before others are preferred, only too well I knew that of the school.
The play began and, as usual, I was in my element if it around the ball went.... I felt Maria's look behind my back... one single movement did not escape her.
However, Melissa did not give way it an opportunity from Maria's side if in addition gave. Also during the play she looked over and over again to Maria over here as a confirmation.
If the defensive wall concentrates tried I with the ball to break through... as me suddenly a violent push in the ribs agreed..... and after air catching to ground sank.
Immediately Melissa caught to himself beaming with delight the ball and threw him ….near the net...
The play went clearly for the others from... and Melissa harvested from a few bad looks. Nevertheless, nobody apparently trusted to itself to her seriously the opinion to play the violin too largely was the influence of her Dad.
Laboriously I pulled myself together and had a furious look to Melissa. I knew that she lay behind.... and this also a foul was seemed to interest nobody.

I had a look in the team... embarrassed silence and elusive looks were the answer.
Then I had a look to trainer Maria..., she appeared unimpressed. I knew them this foul very well nothing had seen, however wanted to undertake.
In silence and before pains stoopedly I followed as the last the other in the changing room
A few compassionate looks touched me briefly what me coldly left. I was stunned that nobody positioned itself against Melissa...
„So. here I have the next home match appointments.!!“, announced Maria with her full-tinting voice as them came in.
She read before... and I got a fright.... already in a few days it should go off...
Also the others looked to themselves horrified in... and than to itself one dared itself to weight punished Maria them with a sharp look.
With a hard movement of the hand she got immediately rest of the team. “Today we make an additional training!“
I stared Maria horrified in... the training was under her guidance quite hard enough..., however, yet one double hour was crazy to tag on.
The girl were completely tired ….aber nobody it dared against it to protest. I had a long look to. to Maria not unnoticed remained.
„Brandy... you remain on the reserve bank!“ 
I wanted to protest..., however, Maria turned off to me the back and talked to the other.
Furiously I pressed together the teeth and did not try to let mark my fury and outrage....
Sadly I thought of Mc Cain... he would never have been patient this foul!
I sat on the reserve bank and observed the training. The whole team seemed to be listless and total without power.
Exhaustion made to itself broadly... only Melissa seemed to be in a good mood.
I thought of the forthcoming home match and broke to me the head... like I could help the team to the victory with these pains.
„The play is finished... you can go out!“
In silence the others crept in the changing room.... nobody was to be brought out more able just one peep.
I had a furious look to.... them mockingly to Melissa grinning answered. I had struck... for them a small victory.







Brandy.... oh my God.... what`s  happen  with you...??“
Sita tore open the door and helped me in. In short sentences I told her what had happened.
„Do you know who was this...?
„No... I have only one supposition.... went so fast.... I stretched myself just around a throw to make... this blow.“ came suddenly this  beat.!!!“   

I lay down on the couch.
„Oh... Trainer Maria has also seen it, however. has undertaken nothing. Melissa belongs to her darlings „. The last word I spitted formally.
„How is your trainer called once more immediately....?“
„Maria. why?“, questioningly I looked at Sita.
„I don`t believe that...  she is again in your team?“  Sita wrinkled the forehead.... them seemed to consider concentrated.
I nodded....
“Melissa whined and sneaked round Maria like a trained little dog.“ says Sita. I had to smile in spite of fury by the image in the training.And than she conituned:
„Yes Melissa knows Maria long since... Maria was her personal trainer and had, besides, a relation with the manager.“
Now I was that where Sita stared aghast...
Sita tells further:
“ Melissa got, besides, private hours in basketball.... whether they still what with the manager has I do not know... It was apparently a hot affair.“
Sita smiled.
Oh., therefore, she was one of the darlings from Maria.... now something became clearer to me. Trainer Maria might not forfeit it to herself with Melissa... otherwise could lose them the employment.
As poor ….I shook the head.
„However, Melissa did not become, nevertheless, better in spite of private hours. She simply does not have the necessary will in addition.“
Sita twitched with the shoulder“ Either one does not have it or just.... Melissa never had to fight for something.“
„Yes and her Dad...“
Sita gurgled. “... he never spoils them after line and thread. A  rich spoilt child... this hasn`t learnt to fight. If she agrees a little bit not immediately, she gets it with all means.....

The next day it went for me again better thanks to Sitas skilled massage with strange herbs and oils.
In the training I was as fit as a fiddle again... what to me examining looks of Maria caught.
This spurred me even more in... and I threw her only one uninterested look. Courageously I took the challenge in.

I did not want to creep before her like the others.
Now, moreover, I knew answer what behind this facade was …. why Maria  the foul so studiously everything had overlooked... and Melissa permitted...
This knowledge made me courageous!!

Maria had to admit that Brandy played really very well. She was not good... no. She was the best player she ever saw  on the field .
She got to know from Bill to the manager why the team had suddenly climbed up.... what to her during whole 10 years not had succeeded brandy created in one single season... unfathomably!!
She had to admit honestly she did not know so surely what they about brandy should hold....
She was exactly the perfect player itself every trainer wished.... this Brandy had the famous bite.
But at the same time she stole over the uncertain feeling ….dass this Brandy more of her knew like it was pleasant to her.
Only these looks of her... purest challenge.
She felt immediately at the first meeting with brandy that this was different like the other girl.....
And she knew also what Brandy about others just made a distinction.... she was... a REBEL!!!
I must hold them to him bridle... before stirs up them all!!
Only to few minutes up to the big play....!!
Carefully I pressed once more the place from..., however, nothing was to be felt. Smiling I thought of Sitas confidential recipe....
Deeply I inhaled and took before the victory also this time again to get!!
A look at the clock....
„Are you ready...??“ Maria appeared in the towrope Melissa.
We nodded everybody ready the hall to attack.
The gong hit... and we stormed the field.
Immediately I covered my position... and concentrated upon the ball.
However, hardly threw to me one of the team to.... somebody barged me rudely in... and the ball fell rumbling on the ground.
Quick as a flash the opponent's team smelt her chance and caught to themselves the ball and... already he was in the basket.
Clear point to the opponent's team!!!
Furiously I turned around.... directly in Melissas triumphing eyes. A malicious grin darted for seconds over her fatty face.
Once more I took approach and positioned myself in position... hardly I got the ball... again a push... this time exactly to the painful place...
Abrupt pain flashed across me and I stumbled.... the ball glided to me once more from the hands... again directly in the opponent's team.
From the corner of the eye I noted irritating shaking of the head of my own team.
I ignored pain and put on attack..., nevertheless, my concentration again decreased by abrupt pain noticeably....
Moreover, what came still aggravatingly... was Melissa!!!!
Every time she was there oddly enough and caught the ball before me from.... and gave him further to a player them my place in Central took.
Nevertheless, we fell steadily back... a nervous restlessness became apparent in our rows. Nobody he knew so surely. to whom now the ball should throw... and I could hardly run... never mind throw jumps.
The play struck with big projection on the opponent's team.Jubelrufe surged... during me still before pains clenched the teeth.
In the changing room ruled irritated mood ….dangerous tension  lay in the thick bathed in sweat air.
„What was just for a miserable achievement?“  
Maria rumbled in and stared in the round..... her look got stuck in me. In silence everybody lowered the look to ground... with an exception.
I answered Maria's piercing look and changed to Melissa...
„Then ask  Melissa  …!!“     and this became particularly emphatically . „...., nevertheless, is our super-player...  wow!!“thats sounded ironic
Melissa showed at me... during them the others eager for applause nodded...
„You know certainly... why we have lost today MELISSA!“  nI hissed fury-snorting and looked at them challenging.
I bubbled before fury... not sometimes on the Court in my quarter such mistakes happened to me.
„Hold on .... why you put now on Melissa the blame?“
Maria was founded threateningly before me on... the hands in the side like a marshal!!!
Their look icily and piercingly.
In silence I gave way the look this time from... was pointlessly to be explained to this woman to what Melissa was up.
A look in Maria's expression.... and me knew that every contradiction was useless. She stood absolutely on Melissas side...
In the lessons I could concentrate only hard... over and over again went for me the mortifying scene in the changing room by the head.
The groundless reproaches of the trainer... her evident protective position towards Melissa... and of course I was also angry at the foul of Melissa.
Thereby I was gehandicapt and, therefore, mistakes occurred me …

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