Secret Love (4 page)

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Authors: Simone Kaplan

BOOK: Secret Love
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When we on the beach the picnic basket spread out... Sita became suddenly serious and looked thoughtfully at the sea.
„In my native country Kerala there are miles long white beaches.... is like in the paradise.“
For one moment our looks.... met and she touched my hand....
My heart knocked immediately more violently.... I felt drawn magically from her.
Suddenly this soft kiss ….a full of expectaion tension fell to me again suddenly stepped.... and...
A cold gust of wind whirled sand on ….und as me to the sky looked up, gigantic cloud towers in the horizon balled.
The sea became stormier, the waves greater and the surf rolled thunderously to the beach.
In a hurry we packed up, as well as already the first heavy raindrops down beat.
Sita pulled itself her blowing sari at itself and we fought by the starting rain.
„Lets go to  my flat it is not far!“, gasped Sita and I followed her tooth-clattering.
When we, finally, in her flat came we both were completely sops.
“I make to you fast a tea! „ and Sita disappeared in the small kitchen.
In the meantime, it had been getting dark and outdoors the storm with clenched force roared through the streets.
Curiously I looked around...
It was very comfortable and furnished snugly. What I liked very much... then one felt moved here like to India.
Quiet sitar sounds sounded through the space and coloured cloths decorates on the walls emitted a breath of exoticism.
The rain clapped to the window pane and gave one more aura of the cosiness to the flat, in addition.
The flat was in the style of student digs with a sitting room a tiny kitchen and bedroom as well as a small bath.
My heart hopped with joy as me many books discovered... wow.
Every free wall was with a bookshelf covers up to the cover reached.
Accurately as in a library.... sorts according to title and subjects.
When I approached curiously closer I was not astonished badly. History, politics, social studies, and above all geography.
Exactly the subjects I loved.
And these authors.... I smiled quietly in myself and whispered reverentially her names...
Sadly I thought of my books at home..... them was stacked in cheap boxes and was tattered quite and used. How much I wished a shelve, but for it my room was too small.
Sita came with steaming teacups and I sniffed curiously in it.
“This is well spicy tea from Kerala... tries.“
Besides, Sita looked at me expectantly and had a good time admirably as them my play of features looked.
Halting I took the first gulp. and got presently a cough cramp.
„Not so in a hurry... this tea you must slowly drink.“, and she added smiling there“.... he is strongly spiced!“
Sita demonstrated it and threw them to me an intensive look.
Besides, she slowly moistened her lips.... I was hypnotised as and stared at her soft lips.
From afar Sitas bright gurgling penetrated to my ear...
“My tea has enchanted you Brandy...isn`t it?“
Pleasedly she rose and brought a cover and spread out them on the couch.
„Today you can spend the night here...“
„But...“, I wanted to argue taken aback.
I had a quick look to the window.... was pitch-dark and the rain whipped at unabated speed against the window pane.
“Ah.... thanks "." I looked at Sita with a thankful look.
Slowly I felt the pleasant nearness of the tea in my body.
I had to have fallen asleep.... as me woke it was in the middle of the night.
I did not know first where I was...
Confused I stood up, the storm had decreased and now the rain evenly beat to the window pane.
I saw myself around... there it fell to me again... I was with... Sita!!
Made easier I lay down again. However, anyhow I found no sleep....
Over and over again I touched my lips and thought of this very delicate kiss of her.... these intensive looks...
Still she wrapped to herself in mysterious silence what they of the kiss scene held and practiced itself in distinguished distance.
I sighed.
Worriedly I rolled on the couch....
My body packed me... passion was sudden live and a never known heat climbed up in me.
A strange excitement took possession of me...
Finally, I did not stand it any more longer and rose. Quietly I groped about by the darkness and searched the bedroom.
Carefully I approached her bed and lay down beside them...
Sita seemed to sleep.
HerTheir Sati gleamed in the paled lantern light from the street seemed. Her of slender bodies swell  and fell evenly in the sleep.
Longingly her wonderful figure looked and touched them gently on the arm....
Sita awoke and turned her face to me.
„What is it?“
Confused she looked at me and stood up something.
Their black straight hair evenly fell like waves over her shoulder and her eyes seemed to look even bigger in the darkness.
I took together my whole courage...
Me... I wanted to see you.“ my voice sounded fragile, “I... I must think all the time of the kiss in the park... Sita.“
My breath hard went... it will reject me now???
Me... sorry... I do not want to push you...“ and wanted to turn away me just as a Sitas hand held back me....
Gently she turned my face to her... her eyes held on me and... silently.... looked her lips mine....
Softly... almost like a breath... Sita held briefly... we saw ourselves once more in... and again she kissed me, however, this time with burning passion......
My senses were for tearing tensely... my breath went wheezy ….all the suppressed feelings, passion and emotions overpowered me.
Affectionately I touched her wonderful slender formed neck and covered him with thousands of kisses.
Clenched passion lay like an explosion in the air!
A quiet shivering ran by Sitas pliable body as my hand requiring under her material glided.....
Once more our lips touched and I felt an unbelievable quake in my body.
It felt in... as... as... if I stood under strong stream.
Slowly made a way Sitas slender hand by my blouse and to me almost the air stayed away as them my breast touched....
Deep throaty groaning sounded in the loaded atmosphere and I wanted to feel only you with skin and hair.
Sita lay down on me and our bodies were in the harmony with the rhythm...
Shaking I quietly called her name as a Sitas to slender hands once more on investigation tour went.
Soon full only limitless passion the space and we proved to us the dizziness of the feelings....






Desperately I tried to concentrate on the lessons...., nevertheless, this was almost impossible!!!
As well as still Sita the next hour came... it was whole from with my concentration.
Our looks melted almost..... and hardly noticeably there smiled Sita and winked briefly at me.
A surge wore out me.... and I burnt ablaze.... I thought of the dreamlike night with her and this unbelievable passion of the feelings....!!!
I had never experienced such intensive feelings.
I floated like on clouds and forgot everything round me!!!
Melissa towards from Brandy sat, observed first Brandy... then Sita....
She puzzled... something was different...
Brandy shone and on her face a blessedly dreamy smile appeared. A look to Sita... them informed normally as usual...., nevertheless, also them pointed ….selig dreamy smile.!!
Melissa was the room neighbour of Brandy. Actually, she could also sleep at home her villa lay in a rich quarter on the hill.
However, Mom was always occupied and argued permanently with Dad. Long discussions followed first Mom the door slammed and with somebody went out and Dad in his office crept away.
Here it was surrounded at least by her friends and had also Dad for herself alone. She belonged to the rich white superclass and her Dad the manager Griffith him was the famous major's college led.
By her special status and Dads darling all doors opened for Melissa.
Always it was surrounded by numerous friends and of course the most popular Girl in the major's college.
And now this black came simply burst and attracted all attention to herself. Melissa cooked before fury and outrage.
She had got to know that Brandy from an infamous ghetto came and she pulled made sick the corners of mouth.
Moreover, she could not believe that this Brandy got on so well with this Indian. She still remembered well to the discussion with her Dad as him these Sita put.
„Melissa... them is an excellent teacher!“ clarified her Dad. She sees fantastically from... if he, nevertheless, only would know like he could come to them. He would start with her immediately an affair.
„Oh there comes our Brandy...“ Melissa gave a laugh excessively and changed a conspiracy look to her both friends.
They sat in the room when I entered . The lessons were over and I thought only of Sita.
Unfortunately, I got from her lessons virtually nothing at all because I constantly to our passionate night thought....
It was not only this erotic attraction.... no this went out much further. I never met anybody him like a related soul of myself was.
Sometimes we only had a look and thought the same or spoke the same one. Not sometimes with Sharon and Daisy I one day felt this deep feeling of understanding.
I was torn out from these thoughts as me Melissas voice heard. She dripped before mockery and travesty...
Slowly I turned to her...
“ Oh one, you know even my name... “I answered with stretched voice and considered them with a half-hearted look and left the room again.
Melissa looked furiously.
„I believe she needs a lesson...“
Their both friends looked embarrassed. Actually, this Brandy was quite nice.
But they knew both about that they would be excluded quite fast from Melissas clique if they to Brandy would be nice.
Melissas clique was valid as "in" and on mockery both did not feel like it.






We you certainly know, we hold every year our traditional writing competition. The winner receives 5000 dollars of victory premium.“
Immediately whispering went by the rows and it it was whispered keenly.
Mr Graham had a strict look in the rows and continued with monotonous slightly speaking with a twang voice:“ The jury passes me enclosed.... of 5 examiners“ he smiled smuggy „. and a known author!“
Again murmuring and whispering in the rows.... I thought of my favorite author Johanthan Wright. I devoured every book of him.
His social-critical subjects fascinated me. He took no sheet before the mouth and took care all possible subjects like homosexuality, arranged marriages corruption etc.
He was a rebel of the 21st century and my model.
Sighing I never shook the head the conservative major's college would invite a rebel.Und this Mr. Graham was also in the jury..... this a good feeling left with me anything but.
I could not suffer him from the first moment.
„Mrs. Brandy Johnson.... you seem to be in thoughts. May we take part in it?“
Abruptly this speaking with a twang voice from my thoughts tore me and I stared in smiling faces.
I was in the auditorium in the very back row around so far as only possibly from this Mr. Graham
„Maybe Mrs. Johnson must get used only to a civilised world...“ it came of Melissa them it obviously enjoyed in the centre to be.
I meant a track of satisfaction on Mr Graham see face to see.
„I am so furious on this arrogant Mr. Graham!! You should have seen him like he had looked at me with this haughty blasé look....“
Sita took my hand and stroked them affectionately during them to me carefully listened.
We sat on our bank and the dusk fell peacefully over the sea. The sea rushed peacefully in the dunes and a refreshing sea breeze fan my quick-tempered face.
I was still raised very much and thought of the humiliation of these disgusting haughty teachers.
„You are  carefully with him Brandy...“ fallow Sita after longer silence and her wonderful roe deer-brown eyes looked at me long.
Confused I looked at them
. “How do you mean this? The type cannot suffer me obviously!“ and with stress „... I know this look...!!“
„I do not know a lot about him.... only he no other opinion except his own suffers. And...“, she took my hand smiled and pressed them firmly in itself. “... you are a born rebel Brandy. Such types like Mr. Graham smell kilometre-wise.“ 
Her  gentle touch calmed me a little bit and I inhaled her beguiling smell after coriander and incense.
A gentle smile darted over her face and in the dusk her fine features from were weakly reflected.
Her skin felt gentle and soft...
For a while we were quiet by agreement and enjoyed the marvellous dusk.
The first bats darted cheerfully about us away... the last gulls still searched fast a sleeping place... the first stars appeared in the clear sky and flashed trusted.
An incredibly friedvolle mood the annoyance a lot was at a distance between us.All from me and a wholesome rest overcame me.
Sita did not emit something harmonious that I could explain.
„I can remember still well as me here it came.You  should have seen Mr Grahams expression.... as him probably to the 1st time an Indian to face agreed...“
Sita gurgled and I also had to smile with the thought of Mr. Graham amazed play of features.
„He comes from a moneyed British family and behaves like a struggle aristocrat. What you mean like he me the first time treated.... first he appreciated to me of no look.“, her eyes glittered in the gentle moonlight.
„And.... like it went on? “, I stuck impatiently after fascinated I listened to her story.
„When he saw that I was intimidated because of him by no means, he let himself to a condescending conversation down. He suggested to me that we have to owe Indian everything to the British country!“
Sita briefly paused and tied together her hair cleverly.
“Then I told him something about our history and involved him in a discussion about politics!!“
I got myself almost not more one before laughter. Sita Mr. Graham could copy fantastically.
„Yes...“, she inmitated his speaking with a twang voice after.“... position yourselves before him could not understand that we can also read hindi  and write and even mind own.“
Sita left gurgling of itself and stroked a cheeky strand of hair from the face before she continued in the normal tone“..., in any case he made never again after this discussion a comment!“
We had a good time deliciously ….und I leant my head on her shoulder. It did so well her nearness to feel.
Sitas softy hand stroked softly my hair and affectionately it pressed me in herself.....
There the writing competition occurred to me and I briefly told her about it.
„But I do not know whether I should take part there... if I only to this Mr. Graham thinks it badly becomes to me.“
„Nevertheless, you love the writing or?“ Sita looked at me thoroughly...
„Er... oh well... I write now and again.“, I made way move and thought of all books at home in the room and the countless note entries.
Sita `see hand touched my shoulder  
„Brandy...“, her  sounded vigorous“. Nevertheless, you have received a scholarship right?", I nodded in silence“.... then make what out of that. Show  him what you have on it.!!“
Wheezy I ran to the auditorium... the lessons of Mr. Graham had already started. I cursed internally that I myself in the library forgot.
Every time if I a library entered....feel  I myself completely detached... seemed as my mind would completely resolve with the knowledge of the time.
„Now hit please the page 54 on. We have to reading  today do Schiller.“
Of Mr. Graham speaking with a twang monotonous voice resounded by the auditorium and banged in the venerable portraits of famous authors.
Quietly I crept in the very back row and sat down.  I cursed... I did not find the book.
And I knew very well....thats I had laid into my pocket.
In a hurry I looked in the pocket …
„Oh Mrs. Brandy Johnson, do we have no watch or is to you the time no concept?“
Mr. Graham sharp voice tore the air and breathless silence spread in the auditorium.
Now all pairs of eyes were directed on me... I was to me so embarrassingly the whole attention on myself moved. It was enough that I alone by my skin colour already enough struck.
I deeply breathed  and did not try to let mark my nervousness.
At the same time I cooked before fury.... somebody had to have approached in my pocket as me briefly in the toilet was.
But who followed me then in the library?
Convulsively I considered and did not note like Melissa of her clique verschwörerische looks exchanged....
„You want to tell Mrs. Brandy Johnson us something  the book about Schiller?“, Mr. Graham with his nasal voice and with a mocking overtone from my considerations tore me.
Again there ruled breathless silence ….everybody  looks at me directed.
Would I dare to start it against Mr. Graham?
This question stood in the space.... one could feel this almost physically. Till present nobody dared it even in the beginning to question Mr. Graham.
Mr. Graham enjoyed obviously to show up me.... a haughty smile darted over his lean grouchy face.
I took a deep breath and when I began... I stuttered.Here  and now , nevertheless, there a suppressed giggling... sounded as itself Mr. Graham to me with a clear movement the word wanted to take a short-cut. he goaded me.
And suddenly my old self-assurance came again to the prelight... my voice it became clear firmly.

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