Secret Love (2 page)

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Authors: Simone Kaplan

BOOK: Secret Love
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Monotonous rattling of the train lullte me one and made me drowsy. I thought of the discussion with Mom. She made violent reproaches to me and clearly let feel to me that I kept for something better.
This acted blow... only because I a scholarship received and might visit a private school, I did not carry my nose higher
.Ich wanted to use the chance to come out of my area and make something from me. And the whole day only do not hang around like Danell and Becky my brothers and sisters or how Sharon and Daisy.... sad examples.
Thoughtfully I looked at the passing scenery and to me a lot the scene with my class teacher Mr Watson one...
„Brandy, I wishes you a lot of luck! Do not waste your talent!!“ Her  warm gentle eyes looked at me long „you will not have it easily with all reach and spoilt kids. But... “and she indicated at my heart„ ….follow your heart. Do not let from others discourage and believes in you!!“
„Welcome in Vermont“
The train squeaked and stamped before he with a jerk to the standing position came. I breathed the fresh air...  that was quite an other, clear air. One felt the close sea... Gulls shrieked playfully and the scenery looked like in the picture book.
Middlebororugh looked built like a provincial small town.... the houses in the nicest Victorian style.
And there …... this was...... Major's college!!
Reverentially I entered the foyer and was astonished once more at the imposing equipment. It was swarming with schoolboy and what to me immediately it struck... were almost only white faces with blue eyes to amusing freckles and many with red or blond hair.
My prejoy as blown off.... it was sudden I felt suddenly small and is absent on the place. Some smiled to me too others touched me with curious look apparently I was for them also something exotic.
Anyhow I felt uneasy as if I in a foreign world hineinplatze to I, actually, no admission had.
I came to the auditorium in just a lecture took place. Everybody turned after me around.... I solidified formally and stepped back anxiously to the exit.
“Come they sit down... “ A  welfare-sounding voice full of sound tore me from my stiffness and in a hurry I sat down on a place. „I would like to introduce a new schoolgirl to you. From today she belongs to us!“
Now confused I stared in a sea from white faces and only now I looked up at this soft voice full of sound …... a wonderful woman stood in the writing desk and stressed with far very wide gestures her talk.
Their face had a dark complexion, however, them was no afroamerikanische citizen and her English had a foreign accent.
For a short moment our look met and a strange hot feeling flowed through me. She threw a charming understanding smile to me and devoted herself again to her talk to.
When one rang, the hall emptied fast, while I got together hectically my sheets. Everything was so new and bewilderingly for me as me suddenly a rustle heard and looked up anxiously....
The teacher lifted a sheet on the Nebensitz lay. Their whole movements were in the harmony and fluently. Their tender and nevertheless smooth hand gleamed bronze-coloured during her smooth black hair to a plait were tied together.
„However, hey I am Mrs Aranavoth you can say Sita to me. It is so usual here in America.“, she smiled and thousand small laughter lines dribbled round to her soft lips.
Again our looks met and oddly enough I felt like a magnet to her drawn.
„Thanks... Äh..... my name is Brandy and today here my first day is.“, I stuttered and added in a hurry. “... I  was before in a normal High-School  in a.... state school.“, I faltered.I  felt me suddenly so uncertainly and stared move along her.
„Understand..., however, this lies down again. When I came from India here  it went out to me as to you!“
Our looks crossed and in her eyes was real understanding.
When I came in my new room ….my new occupant stared at me distrustfully. She estimated me properly.
She had blond long hair to a horse's tail were bound, and a spoilt expression in theirs sommersprossigen teigigen face. Their skin was from a sicklyy paleness where the sun only seldom got.

She carried stylish expensive clothes and showed a haughty condescending position towards me.
Finally, she presented herself so far under it and fancied.
„Hey my name is Melissa.“
She tried to work carelessly and obliging in the usual kind of many white. “Hey I have no prejudices!“ Nevertheless, just this played kind showed exactly the opposite.... them a lot of prejudices had.







After the lessons I had my first training!
My heart knocked in Staccato as me the marvellous gymnasium entered..... Wow, being astonished reverentially I stopped. The whole gymnasium shone with cleanness.
Though at my old school there was also a gymnasium, however, that was quite ramshackle. Everywhere it moved dreadfully, and the whole impression was grubby and old.
And here here... the sun seemed in the big window. There was a rostrum and the ground shone inviting.
„Look sometimes at them! If a gymnasium has never probably seen....!!!“
Giggling sounded and when I I turned ….and saw  these blond girl.
“Hey my name is Melissa!“
nevertheless, I knew this speaking with a twang condescending voice. My new room neighbour fantastically this catches quite well in I thought.
Surrounded by her clique she apparently stated „... Oh well... there where she comes, gives it probably no gymnasium!“ again giggling and my looks crossed for one moment with the blond Girl Melissa.
„Come on ….come  on.... which you still wait of …...girls ??“ Trainer Mc Cain brandished the arms and his face still called more red like at that time in Franklin Highschool at office.
The ball was thrown in the air and the start signal sounded!
Suddenly I was confronted with Melissa. Their ice-blue eyes sparkled coldly and seemed to pierce me ….A cold showers trickled to me about the back.
She estimated me like a cobra …every moment ready to me one to wipe out!!
Tension lay in the air!!
„Let`s go  Melissa... lead us to the victory!!“ a few her friends shrieked on the stage. It seemed to be liked quite. Melissa positioned herself in attack position and fixed me with a despising look.
She not even followed her screaming friends on the rostrum. I also did not let out of sight them and now concentrated completely upon the play.
Quick as a flash I got the ball and thought of the hard plays in my quarter. There everybody fought with an unbelievable ambition. Finally, and this knew everybody, was to be come out basketball a popular free light around of the ghetto hell.
Indeed, only the best ones got on and became maybe if they luck had discovered from a talent scout.
So I dashed before..... the ball stuck like paste on me. Elegantly and, nevertheless, like an arrow I handled the defence and with a skilful jump I hooked in the basket high and threw in the ball.
Trainer Mc Cain smiled contently. He had seen exactly this at that time with as him brandy with the Court saw and before amazement stopped the air.
Melissa started bright red and in a fury she was based before me and hissed quietly:“ You will already see who here this say has!!“
What's the pitch... what stands her both there... Let`s go .... the play goes on!!“ and once more the starting whistle sounded to the next round.
My team won with full 4 points in the projection and contently I wiped with the towel the sweat of the forehead as us everybody in the direction of changing room ran.
„Brandy.... stay here short. I must talk with you!!“
Trainer Mc Cain my distrustful look smiled cheering up as him noted. „.... who is afraid then...“ he raised his wide hands like to the appeasement and snapped enthusiastically the tongue.
„ You have fantastically played Brandy. But.....“ he scrutinised me seriously“.... what you have shown here, I also want to see with a right play!“ He made a short break then he continued“... You have the trick out.!!“ He knocked to me appreciatively on the shoulder „... from you a wonderful player ….Don`t waste your talent !!“
Thoughtfully he saw after Brandy.... hopefully it keeps to it!
Melissa also looked after Brandy... she had observed the conversation of the Mc Cain with Brandy. Cooking before fury she left the hiding place in the device space and swore to herself bittersweet revenge.
Hardly was this Brandy there... everything turned only on them...!!
Now she was the captain in the team them the command had and thus there should also remain all the same what held Mc Cain of this snipe!
A diabolical grin darted over her face....







The next day I enquired in the lunchbreak curiously the surroundings and discovered the small park with a wonderful old wooden bank a little bit concealedly from a big tree.
One could look directly at the beach and the sea. The small park was valid as a small oasis and I felt here immediately probably in this confidential little place.
Thoughtfully I sat down and went through the whole event of my first training.
Smiling I thought of the words of Mc Cain... You have the trick out. From you does not become sometimes a wonderful player.Vergeude your talent.
I took before with the first play even more of myself to give....!!!
In thoughts submergedly I noted first not that somebody sat down beside me. Only when a shade on me started a lot I startled...
„Sorry if I have frightened you...“
A velvety soft voice followed the shade.My heart suddenly beat a few tacts faster.
I was surprised like I reacted immediately to this voice.
I turned around... and my heart remained nearly stand with excitement.
It was... Sita...!!!
Smoothly like a cat she sat down beside me to the bank. A small smile appeared on her wonderful face. Her  skin gleamed a track more darkly in the shade what it put out even more attractively.
Her hair she carried this time openly easily blew in the wind and polished almost blue-black if a sunray themselves in it worked.
She had a position one almost royal could describe, everything in her was so harmonious and fluent.
„Have you already eaten ?“
My hungry look had to have noticed her as them a round flat dough-cake bread from the pocket moved.I shook in a hurry the head. „Äh.... no.“
Silently and with the nicest smile she gave me a piece
„Here take!“
I could not resist with this delightful smell that of the round flat dough-cake bread went out. I thanked smiling.
By agreement we sat there on this bank and chatted about lusciousness of India... during my heart every time almost exposed itself if our looks hit...
„Sita... what is your plan?“
Gregory a colleague stood leant carelessly in the door.

Sita just a tea during them in her careless movement of the hand treated itself to the seminar paper went through.
Smiling she looked up:“ You are quite stubborn!“  A  look at the clock... them had to go, actually, before in her small flat below in the town after the last hour.
Though it was only one 1 room flat, however, for her a palace.
There she was undisturbed and and could follow him rest her hobbies like reading or drawing.
„Okay., however, not long! “sighing she stowed away the seminar paper in her pocket. At home she had more rest to correct, moreover the sexist jokes interfered to her among the colleagues.

She felt flattered from the showing off of her male colleagues, however these must be the always same sayings under the waistline?
Gregory made a sign his colleague and grinned at the whole face. Now, he was valid as a turnover with British charm.
It was entrancedly from Sita this exotic mysterious beauty. Best he would entice them immediately. But he felt not far that he with it with this woman would come.
Now he was called of the same womannizer in any case arrived safely in particular with his schoolgirls.
His childhood was stamped by conservative education and Sita she reminded him of his nanny was also swarthy and with which he had a short affair.
Now for him all swarthy people were automatically a domestics. Therefore, he also was sure thus that he these Sita could entice.
He was surprised why manager Griffith them as a teacher put.... then he was valid completely conservatively. There could be only one reason..... Manager Griffith also had an eye on Sita!
Maybe what was in the rumours in it that Bill Griffith a notorious Fremdgänger was although he with a woman from the nobility was married.
Sita sat down elegantly and looked curiously at the nicely furnished cafe. Gregor, as usual, showed dapperly drawn to himself completely gentleman and showered them with well measured compliments.
Nice to see you my beauty!“ Besides, he bowed gallantly to her and smiled charmingly.
Sita had to laugh involuntarily ….this Gregor behaved like a distinguished snob. His position was stiff and his behaviour was unnatural anyhow.

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