Secret Love (5 page)

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Authors: Simone Kaplan

BOOK: Secret Love
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My rebellious part appeared and with every sentence I became surer.
From the corner of the eye I noted... like itself the face of Mr. Graham from second by  second changed... during the whole auditorium before amazement mouth kept open.
There ruled absolute silence ….nur my voice sounded full and clear in the venerable auditorium with his panelled walls and covers.
„Hey that was not at all badly this talk...“
I stood in the locker and stowed away a few books. In amazement I turned around... a shy type stood before me, his red locks curled. He was called by the other always than Pumuckel.
„Finally, somebody has pointed to this Mr. Graham sometimes!“
However, he shone then his voice became suddenly quiet and fragile“..., however you have to  careful with him.... Mr. Graham forgets nothing and blows he has somebody in the visor.“
Now I remembered very well like Mr. Graham Pumuckel with predilection the snail made. However, Pumuckel a charming guy was very shy and was unsafe.
Every time if he was called by Mr. Graham he brought out almost no word and resigned himself to the spiteful remarks tacitly.
No.... I had no fear of this haughty conceited teacher of the weak victims selected around his power to demonstrate.







I have a surprise for you!“ smile I intercepted Sita as them from the staff room came. Besides, I also looked around in a hurry whether to us nobody observed.
Sita shone „Now say already.....“   impatiently crowded me in a storeroom.
Their look became suddenly intensive and cracked almost with passion. The urge Sita now to kiss became almost overpowering and for a short moment we kissed each other devotedly....
„What wanted you to predict?“ wheezy between a passionate French kiss out.“
What`s going on  with a zoo visit.?  “I whispered to her in the ear.
Sitas eyes sparkled enthusiastically.... she loved zoos about everything this I knew. Several times she nowhere mentioned that it here a zoo gave.
„... With a botanical garden... “I added smiling.
Gregory came just from the staff room and discovered Sita and Brandy like they met laughing.
What the both whispered only with each other... something the confidential went out from the both...
He had to admit appreciatively the both looked sexy.
He would also like Brandy with her delightfully braided little plaits and slender figure.
Now he already had many conquests... he went to bed with the pretty Estonians schoolgirls.
But Brandy was not in his course, hence he saw them only rare.
But Sita..... them was his colleague there if had to be, nevertheless, a way!!
He wanted to entice them absolutely... control!
Till present he could bribe the schoolgirls always with marks that they slept with him willingly.
But with Sita this way was excluded because she was, unfortunately, his colleague. He could accept this only hard.
Above all her chill reserved behaviour, towards him annoyed him extremely.
Read him simply there stand like a silly boy....., however, so fast he did not surrender...
„Nice lady... why so in a great hurry??“, he put his winning smile.
Sita did not follow him further.... her thoughts were occupied too much with Brandy proposal.
She was glad tremendously about the zoo visit.
A look at the clock... at just 20 minutes they want to meet under before the campus.
„Do you have any plan today already?“  In Gregorys voice lay something lurking.
Sita sat in the clip... for a short brief moment it paused and wrinkled the forehead.
She might mention by no means the meeting with Brandy that would provide for mistrust.
So she was quiet and controlled pointed her nicest smile.
Gregory melted almost there with this fantastic smile. And again he had to admit himself that this woman looked simply charming.

Nevertheless, only with the beauty could remain... he sighed. Since what frightened him, was her razor-sharp mind.
This was her secret weapon! He needed to himself only the discussion in recollection they shout with Mr. Graham already led
A butterfly with stings this was the best description for Sita.
Before he could ask... she was already from the door...
„Hey here  you are!„ received me Sita made easier and looked around nervously. But nobody was to be seen.
She exhaled made easier... Greogry did not pursue them.Also both walked laughing the street ... they did not anticipate them were observed....
Gregory stood at the window and looked at the both thoughtfully during him in his coffee cup sipped.
Something irritated him with these both women..., however, what?

He thought after... there the scene fell to him what observed he before as him brandy and Sita before the staff room hit.
Between the both it ruled more than only a schoolboy-teacher relation... a certain closeness...
On the 1st floor about the staff room somebody also looked from the window. It was Melissa... the both with envy looked...
Both Sita and Brandy saw not only fantastically from... no them also fitted perfectly. A painful sting went in her stomach area.
Gnawing jealousy attacked them...
Clear she was permanently from her friends surrounded., however, this closeness between the both... this was new for them.
One could not buy this with money..... Dad read every wish of the eyes to her, besides it longed only for security....
Envy ran over her.
This damned brandy was simply snowing so in and agreed what she wanted. Furiously she screwed up the hands and revenge cravings crept in her high.








Let`s go....  the train is waiting ..! “, I gasped and we just still caught the train as the starting whistle sounded.
After air struggling we sat down there saw us in.... and snorted off before laughter. We were in playful mood and laughed at every joke of the other.
Affectionately I cuddled up to Sita... and enjoyed her nearness.
At this moment active ladies sat down exactly towards from us and stared at us openly.
Her watery eyes were expressionless.
In a hurry I sat down again normally and avoided every touch with Sita.
The old lady showed clearly her disregard... apparently was not to be divided to her probably the place with us.
Nervously she pressed her handbag firmly against herself and remained in distrustful position.
Suddenly Sita.... giggled in bewilderment I stared at her....
A roguish look of her betrayed …. she has  something planned.!!
Slowly she stroked my cheeks and moved up to me. She moistened with an enticing look in my direction, besides, quite provocative her lips...
Not without effect....
The complexion of the old ladies changed from pale too scarlet..... she snorted and got nearly one fit of coughing before outrage.
Stirred up by Sitas action... I took part giggling and stroked Sitas neck with a lascivious look.
Besides, I could hardly keep before laughter... Sita also had to control itself only one suppressed giggling betrayed it.
Now the old lady slided worriedly on the seat .., finally it erupted from her....“ That´s  so incredibel...!!!“ her voice trembled with suppressed fury.
With a sentence she jumped high took emphatically her handbag and tripped with red as a lobster face from the compartment.
We saw ourselves in... and broke out in cheerful laughter. “Have you seen like she has looked at us?“
Sita snapped at air and imitated capably the old lady.
I gurgled with laughter ….und we sounded out to us at this moment even closer like one day to.
„The trip starts quite well.... “Sita panted after air during them before laughter shook.
Still laughing we got out and got just still the underground to Bronx. When we came, finally looked around Sita curiously.
„Nevertheless, you come from this area.“
„Now we are in the sure north.“ my answer much scarcely from what Sita immediately noted. Jerkily she stopped and touched softly my cheek....
The the next spot you show me your area. Everything I would like to see... okay...?“ her voice sounded urgent and her eyes broke through of my soul.
Sitas eyes became greater and greater than us the zoo arrangement entered. Moved she took my hand and pressed them.
“Have you been here already once?“
„Yes as a child.“ I smiled with the recollection as Sharon Dad home came (he was on assembly) and spontaneously us everybody invited in the zoo to go. There we were still children and it a gigantic adventure was for us.
„There is the botanical garden!“
The botanical garden immediately bordered in the zoo arrangement. Sita did not come out of the amazement.
The scenery resembled a jungle. Hummingbirds whirred over our head... Parrots hopped screamingly on the branches and a heavier sweet smell lay in the air.
Even a waterfall was there.... also I felt magically drawn from this piece of paradise.
Only the high air humidity needed getting used to... my clothes stuck within seconds to my skin.
Sweat dripped to me from the forehead... and also Sita was later sweat-flooded few minutes...., however, did to her radiation no demolition.
On the contrary.... she saw incredibly enticing from... my heart a few tacts suddenly beat faster. An uncontrollable urge them to kiss ran over me almost....
Sitas sari stuck to her skin and still stressed, in addition, her figure.
Sita noted my look and smiled mischievously. Behind a niche she pulled up me suddenly to herself and... kissed me...
I melted almost ….ihre lips were demanding so infinitely softy... the kiss...
Now I smiled pleasedly and avoided her …
Sita saw me amazed in... silently I took her hand and led them behind the waterfall.
A small grotto opened before us …
“One calls them the blue grotto...“, I whispered and Sita nodded being astonished... them really shone in all possible blue tones.
„And you are  sure.... we are unobserved here?“ Sita looked around doubtfully.
I nodded smiling and pressed Sita softly against the chill humid stone wall and considered she with a passionate kiss...
„Mom.... Dad... what make two women there...?“, a tiny child voice tore us from the passionate embrace....
Abruptly we scattered and stared aghast in two big child eyes them also horrified into it saw....
Hastily the child whizzed of it....
„Sarah you has been wrong definitely. These were certainly only one lovers....“
„Yes with two MRS.“, and the small girl arm pulled impatiently at Moms.
„“Now tear yourselves together Sarah!!“ contacted the mother with an irritating undertone
. „There is not this, nevertheless, at all. This would be complete against the norm!! This is despicably... such people are ill!!
Come now Sarah!“
The voices evaporated.... and only the steady rushing of the waterfall was still to be heard...
We saw ourselves only in silence in. the holiday mood was there. Halting I took Sitas hand....
“ Is... is despicably... what we do?“
Fear and insecurity swung in my voice and pressed me against them.
Sita felt my heartbeat... “.
. No Brandy... we do generally nothing the despicable!
These are only prejudices in the heads of the people haunt.“, and her eyes stayed long the direction after where the child had disappeared.
„Tell me more about your native country... I have seen how much you the botanical garden has liked... the parrots ….der zoo..everythings......“
We sat on the couch with her at home ….soft, besides, I touched her hand.Sita sipped at her cup of tea and started to tell with luminous eyes.
„Kerala is a federal state on the west coast South-india... and, actually, the heart of India. I grew in a small village on.My Babu(Dad) the only person me encouraged one was to be gone to school.
My Mom was much more traditional there and held nothing of school and education already not at all for a girl.
A girl if was valid for them generally then only as an official maiden.“, For a short moment faltered Sita...... and I took her hand and kissed them softly.
“ Tell further.“, I answered with quiet voice and Sita continued: „Now.... my biggest wish is, one day return again there and open a school. So many children cannot go to school because her parents are too poor.!“
To me it ran down coldly the back.
„Moreover, one is treated after the skin colour!!.“ Sitas voice accepted a hard undertone and her eyes sparkled.
. “When I was small, everybody said all the time..... you are too dark , unfortunately. Drink a lot of milk then your skin becomes brighter. ….Oh that`s a pity you would not be so dark poor child if you, nevertheless, only...
Only my Babu held to me...“ Sitas voice easily trembled....“ to him my dark skin colour did not interfere at all. He never made on the subject like other.In opposite... he encouraged me to read books.
Babu was in habit to say always the books the window to the world meant.!!“
Her wonderful roe deer eyes filled with tears... softly I took she in the arms and pressed  she firmly to myself.
Only the quiet sobbing was to be heard in the space.
After a while stood up Sita.
“If you know Brandy...“, her big eyes accepted a determined expression „... one day I go again back to India... to Kerala! I will found a school around these children read and write to teach!
Education is most important in our country!“
In the dim light to us surrounded her eyes sparkled and I felt her fight mind behind this statement lay behind.....

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