Secret Love (13 page)

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Authors: Simone Kaplan

BOOK: Secret Love
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Where does it go here to the railway station?“
Besides, looked at me Sita conspiracy and I understood.
When we arm in arm walked away... Sharon and Daisy with open mouths checked us....
„If you have known....... this..... Brandy.... and one.... WOMAN??“
„..., however, now we know it...!!!“








How have... like you found me...??“
I was still absolutely flabbergasted about Sitas appearance.
„I already had your address. I had to get myself only the town plan of the Bronx. Was not difficult except that one to itself here constantly runs...“
Sita smiled and shook the head about the gigantic sombre social constructions.
„. But... why... to you come... you... we. er. may not be together.“ I stammered helplessly according to words searching.
„Pssst...“ Sita laid the forefinger on my lips and smiled....
“Where... where we go there.?“
„To me... what you have thought.... Darlings!“
Now I understood nothing more....
However, before I could answer something Sita pressed gently my hand.
“We are  Brandy... in pressure of time the rest I explain to you later.“
Then she briefly told the search for me …
“ It was a shock for me as me got out and did not know where I should start... and this hopeless area... terribly...“
Sita took a breath and continued. “.... now I did not give on.... I had to find you!!
So I scoured the streets to me, finally, this called address found...., nevertheless I, hardly asked for you. one slammed to me the door before the nose... There the name of the school occurred to me and this Court you to me sometimes had told.... Yes.“ she smiled...“... I probably came just on time in...“
However, there I agreed with her.....
Hardly in her flat concerned... called up Sita in a hurry with somebody.
What ran here, actually, from.??
„Brandy... pull fast your best things in... we have to go equally off...!“ Hectically Sita saw for the clock during them impatiently on me waited.
„Sita... we... we may not be together...“ I tried it once again desperately..., nevertheless, Sita only declined and indicated nervously at the clock.
„Brandy... hurry up we are quite late in it...“
„Where ….wo we go then?“ 
„In the auditorium.... today is the writing competition.!!“
Aghast I stared at Sita... I repeated "Schreibwettwerberb..." slowly.
„Now brandy... we have no time... I explain everything later to you... I think it there is a lot of speech need...“
Besides, she smiled and and I still stared they in bewilderment in incapable even to think....
Dazedly I quietly sat down in the rear row and could not catch it yet where I was, actually....
But Sita pressed cheering up my hand and slowly I relaxed....
The event had begun long time ago and the opening speech was just finished.
Manager Griffith clears the throat and introduced the famous author Jonathan Wright.
Reverent whispering went by the rows and everybody rose as the author with springy steps and serious expression the speaker's writing desk entered.
He was already in the middle of 60 and the snow-white hair let him an appearance of authority and sovereignty shine.
Nevertheless, his eyes were wide awake and from nicest blue I have ever seen.
I was all ready....
There.... Jonathan Wright...... this author I stood there always so much admired for his rebellious kind.
My room was stuffed with books by all famous authors..., however, he he was my favorite. I admired him deeply...
My heart beat. as moved during me this man only admiring stared was able.
This was hopefully not only a dream... and I watched again in the heating cellar on surrounded by stale air and creaky rats the as largely as cats became in our area.
Jonathan Wright made a short speech and then there came the determining moment ….bedeutungsvoll he took the envelope and opened him.
He himself was in the jury and had perused all writing copies carefully and had checked.
Briefly he cleared the throat ….dann he read...
„Mrs. Brandy Johnson.....“
Blustering applause surged on.... flabbergasted I looked around.
Me...... nevertheless, this could be right!!!
Sita pinched to me in the side and meant to me. to raise me...., finally!!
Halting and with unsafe steps I went forwards..... and... Jonathan Wright shook to me friendly smiling the hand....
„Want you to say something in addition still...?“ 
I brought no word out... move I stared at the microphone.
Jonathan Wright took warily the microphone and with an inviting movement to me he started:“
However, ladies and gentlemen.... I never have this young lady seen... I have read her history. She acts from freedom, respect and pride.
Therefore, I would want with pleasure...“ and, besides he saw me from the blue eyes smiling in“.... them allow to get a chance to speak...“
Halting I took the presented microphone ….das suddenly loudly squeaked... and my look turned to the audience... to unknown faces... as well as to known faces.
There they all sat....
Mr. Graham.... me disgruntled considered.... Manager Griffith... directly beside him with a surprised expression... then further... to Melissa... apparently was completely shocked me here to find... her surprise was direct in the face written.... further to trainer Maria... obviously move my look made way... and, finally, to... SITA... me warmly smiled...
However, in her look so much love also spoke unbelievable relief.
„Now...“ I probably began my most important speech in the life...“ we always speak everybody of equality, brotherliness and freedom... However, is it also realised really???
Is it not to itself leave whom he selects itself and with it is happy??
When I here came.... I thought... now the paradise can begin..., however.“ I put an important break „.... so it was not!“
Whispering went by the rows and it was quietly whispered.
Unflustered I went away... “..... I come from the Bronx... more exactly said from the South Brony!“
Tense silence... the atmosphere was curious to tear... All pairs of eyes were directed expectantly on me.
„BECAUSE where I come there are only one...... the survival!!
Here... “and I pointed at the auditorium“... an absolutely new other world.... a white world presented itself to me. A clean world... without gunfights... constant racism on the part of the police..... Mud and poverty.
I thought this if was the chance of my life!
So I did the best..... Basketball and writing. Now...“ I allowed to glide the look about the first row... “some had with it to certain problems and made to me the life here in major's college the hell...“ I briefly put a Schweigepause „... I thought I would come from a hell!!“
No tone was to be heard... it was so quiet that one a pin could hear falling...
Mr. Graham hüstelte move and looked eye contact with manager Mr. Griffith. However, he stared coldly at an imaginary point in the air.
I continued:
„In this time... a person stood to me with I from the deepest hearts would like to thank... She looked at me as a person and not as any exotic animal from the zoo.“.
I threw Sita an affectionate look....
At this moment rose Sita and came with lively elegant steps on the stage and took from me warily the microphone from the hand.
Surprised murmuring fulfilled the space... it was whispered keenly.
Questioningly I saw Sita in... what went forward here????
„Today I would like to announce something...“
and, besides, she considered manager Griffith with a long look.
„... I always thought we live at liberty and democracy!!!
This school taught exactly these dogmas because freedom, democracy and brotherliness. However, then I had to ascertain horrified... this was this only one facade!!!
Manager Griffith played a perverted play in which he put brandy under pressure and probably had them the heaviest decision of her life...
He forbade any contact with me to her, otherwise he would dismiss me without notice and provide for it that I would nowhere find an employment!!
Therefore, Brandy left the school... and gave everything to protect on around me...!!!“
Excited marbles fulfilled the auditorium once more....
All looks were directed without understanding on manager Griffith.... obviously move in the seat to and fro slided...
Being astonished I saw Sita in.... the justice will win... and smiled.
Unflustered Sita continued:“ I am here, therefore, around the truth to bring to light. We are already since a long pair.
... I love you...“
With a fascinating smile she turned round to me and took my hand.
„By the way, Mr. Griffith... my notice writing lies on her desk!!!“
Manager Griffith Gesicht changed from red too deathly pale... the audience shouted and raved...



When we together the hall left... the whole hall and blustering applause rose saw out us.
With many spectators even tears glittered in the eyes...
„Brandy.... hastens you... the airplane already waits!!!“
Smiling Sita took my hand and together we entered with excited hearts the airplane....
Properly.... Kerala Südindien..... Sitas native country...
A dream became was.... I will see for the first time the jungle live. the sea and.den beach from Sitas stories.
- THE  END -
She got a lucrative offer with NBJ.Mit to the 5000 dollars of victory premium it built up together with Sita a school in Sitas home village.
It swept again back to the NBI as a talent scout and is brandy trainer.
Trainer Maria:
The licence was taken away from her as a trainer.Danach pulled them to Canada and tries as a dog breeder.
Mr. Graham.:
He was excluded from the jury because of serious prejudices and stubbornness.
Manager Griffith:
He put brandy under pressure and against the respect of Sita and Brandy was a gigantic wave of protest released and worked negatively on major's college on.
Many parents took her sprigs from his school and he got in the red figures. The basketball team did not attain since brandy exclusion any more the sensational success.
Against him preliminary proceedings.Einer of the schoolgirls he with marks ran to the sex required ones indicated him.








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