Secret Love (8 page)

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Authors: Simone Kaplan

BOOK: Secret Love
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Hey. look  Melissa.... our poor ghetto child  like a cheered star treated.“
Melissa jumped up like from a tarantula stung and attacked from the door to make to itself own picture.
Really Brandy was swarmed... just it gave a short interview with a local television team.
Furiously she turned away and thought feverishly......suddenly it occurred her one idea.
Stresses slowly she swept again back to the team.
Everybody in the changing room looked at them tensely. Melissa put on an underhand grin.
Suddenly there ruled breathless silence... and everybody stared fascinatedly... what now may come. Melissa felt the expectations on them directed and presented herself emphatically mysteriously..... looked verschwörerisch in the round and her voice fell to a whisper...
„Nevertheless, we are a team aren`t we?“ Everybody nodded. “..... before Brandy came we were a confirmed team or?“
Again everybody nodded....
„Yes..., however, Brandy has helped us to the victory.“, contacted a shy voice and some lowered the look.
„Yes I know...“, answered Melissa stretched. “Brandy conceals something before you...“
Surprised looks …
Melissas underhand grin became one more track broader. „She has what with our Indian teacher Sita...“
So now the bomb had burst!!!
Everybody talked all at once excitedly...
. “Where from do you know this?„
Some the Brandy might really with pleasure wrinkled the forehead.
Melissa was on it prepared. fast she went to her sports pocket and brought out the silk scarf.
„...“, and Sita  handed round the scarf. “... I have found in our room at school!“
Everybody recognised the silk scarf.... a typically Indian sound Dupatta was called.
Sita often carried him and underlined, in addition, her elegance and charm.... a breath of exoticism lay in the air.
„Off tell.... what you still know...“ about all sides questions and Melissa whirred.Ihre voice lifted repulsing the hands it accepted an imploring tone.
„The both were often seen in the spare time together. Once I have seen the both even in the railway station.
They have undertaken an excursion together.“
Excited murmuring.... and Melissa now during journey continued
“. Nevertheless, you know the history teacher Gregor... him has seen the both already more often together namely quite“... she made an important break „.... very much close“!
Again curious looks changed the round and everybody lips hung as fascinatedly on Melissas.
„If you me ask... this is....„ and they spitted out the words properly as if it poison would be... ““.....a love  relationship!“
Everybody stared at each other horrified...
"What `s going on?..."
„There is not this, nevertheless,“ 
„Nevertheless, women and women does not go at all“
„This is perverted!“
„But, nevertheless, this is a sin!“
Melissa lifted the hand.
“Hey  girls cool down ... is not yet proven, however.“, she pointed at the scarf „.... why this scarf was in our room?“
This remark, this knew Melissa, would heat up the rumour kitchen only surely...
Now brandy on something could itself be caught...!!!





Part 2






Tiredness crept in me high... I did not know soon any more how many questions I has already answered.
Slowly my limbs hard... became then the play had been very demanding.
Mc Cain beside me stood, saw my exhaustion and finished with a hand sign the interviews and led me away from the whole people.
„You have well fought with the whole pack!“, and, besides, he smiled at me cheering up.
Then he showed me the victory cup...
“You have caused the team!!“   and he pointed at the changing room“....That  achieved for nearly 10 years no more success!!“
I stared at him amazed.
Mc Cain scratched something move in the ear...
Involuntarily I had to smile and Mc Cain also smiled.
We got on without words.... I knew what he to me with it wanted to say..... he was proud of me... on my achievement!!
„Hurry up...  the others already wait in the coach for you.“  and he smiled.
In the coach slept most... during with me everything once again unwound... the biggest victory I was ever experienced...
The first away match and already the golden cup lay on the seat....
But the real victory was not for me the cup.
No.... the real victory came from the  audience... their  enthusiasm... the children beaming with delight to me came …
And above all... they admired me as blacks...
I was not THE black from the ghetto... but for the first time a PERSON.
The children treated me reverentially and deferentially. for them I was a great sportswoman to one could look up... independently which skin colour I had.
This recognition was like balm on my soul and with a late smile, nevertheless, I still fell asleep...
Finally, I saw Sita again....
I melted almost of longing and we changed secret looks.
In the lunchbreak we hit in the park on our bank...
We embraced and enjoyed the nearness of the other. Together there laughed we and I cost from the marvellous round flat dough-cake bread them had specially brought.
I wanted to touch them best..., however, here we were too close at the school. So we kissed each other only briefly...
„Have you to come on the week-end to me....?“ whispered to me Sita with rough voice in the ear....
I answered as an only one glowing look

Finally, the long-desired week-end was there... nervously I did not hurry from the campus without myself to assure that nobody followed me....
Hardly I had come with Sitas flat... we could hardly hold back our feelings...
“We are limited alone...“
I sighed  and Sita pressed me to the wall and gave me as an answer a passionate kiss.
„Sita... we... we are still in the house hall.“, I stammered breathlessly between the hot kisses.
Sita grinned ….looked  to itself around.
„If you see somebody... Darling.?“, in her eyes the rogue flashed.
„You mean we create it up to your front door.?“ I giggled amused.
Laughing we fell to us once more in the arms ….we could not stop to laugh at all.
Completely overexcitedly we tripped laughing in Sitas comfortable flat.
In her flat felt me immediately homely... a strange home feeling overcame me. Als Sita briefly disappeared and a slow wonderful melody sounded... almost the tears came to me with joy.
How much I had missed Sitas laughter.... her nearness... simply everything.
An exotic breath lay in the flat and Sitas charismatic radiation took me completely in the spell.
Softly requested me Sita to the dancing and we moved to the slow music. Suddenly I felt Sitas softy lips... and a pleasant shower wore out me.
Devotedly we kissed each other …. suddenly freed itself Sita softly from me and meant me smiling on the couch.
Confused I sat down.
Sita shook the head and indicated to put down me...
So I lay down and waited tensely what she planned now.
Sita briefly disappeared.... and appeared with a mysterious smile with a bottle of fragrant oil again.
I believed myself like in East moves.... the whole mood was sensually erotic thus ….....
Joss sticks spread a breath of incense, cinnamon and Kardamon.
As a Sitas tender hands my backs took time off.... I could stand it hardly before excitement... I already burnt ablaze with internal heat and excitement.
Sita controlled her craft perfectly..... incredibly affectionately and slowly it allowed to allow to drip the oil onto my back.... afterwards massaged them my backs...
„Sita Me... Me.. hardly stand it. This is the purest torture.“, I produced only wheezy.
Sitas face gleamed bronze-coloured in the flickering tea warmer candle. Their eyes glowed with passion.
Slowly.... infinitely slowly... she moved to me down and covered my nape with thousands of kisses...
I turned like a fish under her very delicate kisses. I had never experienced such a thing really...
Finally, I turned round and pulled she to myself.... and we loved each other passionately.


As the first timid sunrays the way in the room cleared... I winked and whipped yawning the eyes.
Close together cuddled we lay in her bed. The sunrays reached Sitas gentle face and let it in the morning hour shine properly.
Affectionately I looked at ther  and thought of our first meeting.
Already for a moment as me to this auditorium sat 
I was immediately  falls in I saw Sita... so fallen in love as never before.
Although I before no interest to women had to me not sometimes thought around women made.
Therefore, I was also unnerved completely with this absolutely new feeling.
But I could not defend myself against it ….I  everything loved in her. Her kind... this impartial laughter... her roguish grin if them any prank cooked up or was just witty.
These luminous saris to her narrow charming body nestled and still underlined her charm.
I could really spend every minute with her without which it would become dull to me.


Affectionately I kissed she awake... and with the breakfast we planned keenly for the day.
Today was Sunday and we wanted to cost him in detail.
So we decided to make an excursion to New York. This time we wanted to consider to Manhattan and the best known places of interest.
We enjoyed, finally, only every minute ….yet  for ourselves to be. There were the last weeks hardly to meet opportunities to us.
Now this should be made up.
When we in the train compartment sat ….it`s remember me to the amusing episode with the old lady. It nailed up the arms almost the language... as us to us in the hands held …, besides I smiled.
„Hey darling..... what do you think about it ?“
Sita looked at me curiously and I told it her.
Both we snorted before laughter... and over and over again touched Sitas slender slender hands mine...
The sun promised a hot day...... I enjoyed the train journey and told Sita of the writing competition by full trains.
Sita pricked up the ears.
“And what did say Mr. Graham?“ she spitted out the name contemptuously.
I twitched the shoulders.
“As usual, he meant the black except basketball nothing in the brain have... “I tried to work cool, nevertheless, my voice betrayed me.
„He feels completely overtaxed. “   Sita smiled 
Amazed I looked at her and she continued in the buoyant tone:
“ You have not challenged him with your interest in the writing competition.Let you unnerve from him he is a failure on the whole line.“
Every time if I Sita look these became to me warmly around the heart.... only her touches we drove small electroshock therapies by my body.
Longingly I searched her look and smiled... Sita answered me  with a glow-hot look...
Between us suddenly ruled an unbelievable erotic tension.....
„May I massage to you the neck.?“ cooed to me Sita with enticing eyes in the ear.
„But... if to us here somebody sees??“, my voice sounded weak.
Sita laughed and looked around pleasedly.
„We are in the train.....“, found out Sita smiling and gurgled. I enjoyed sighing before delight her affectionate massage.
This time luckily we sat alone in the compartment... her lips covered affectionately my nape during them him furthermore massaged.
I could suppress only with effort groaning and took together my whole mind.
„ have already forgotten... we are in a TRAIN COMPARTMENT!!!“
Sitas answer a hot passionate kiss.... her eyes was black like coffee beans were sparks sprayed.....
Sighing I surrendered...
“Sita you makes me completely moved.“ I breathed and could not suppress quiet groaning.
Sita quietly giggled... and her hands massaged unflustered my nape.
I loved this in Sita... her adventurousness... them was always for something new. With her it never became dull.
We could go for a walk comfortably and to us lively maintain..... and suddenly... she put on the famous passionate look and around me it had happened... afterwards I stood completely live.
The monotonous voice of the announcer brought me again back in the present.
„Off brandy... we still have a lot before...!!“ 
Sita had already jumped up and both we hurried giggling and laughing to the exit.

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