Secret Love (9 page)

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Authors: Simone Kaplan

BOOK: Secret Love
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Excitement lay in the hot summer air... I myself never was in Manhattan.
Quite strangely... my whole life I spent in New York, but had never been able to look at the places of interest of it.
The Bronx only one suspension bridge was removed from Manhattan and, nevertheless, worlds lay in between. It was like on another continent.
„We are same there. “tore me Sita from my thoughts and really... as the train in the station drove... already towered from wide gigantic skyscraper in the beaming blue sky.
They looked so majestic and imposing that the breath froze to me almost before reverence...
When we got out a sea from noises, noise and rumours enveloped us.
Sita took my hand and tore me right into the human stream.
„You were never real in Manhattan??“ Sita looked at me surprised.
„It was always my dream...“, I brought out only thus I was tied up by the most different people round myself.
„Already come or have hit you roots?.“
I stood actual as taken root and was astonished the skyscrapers. I broke loose only reluctantly from these majestic sight and followed Sita.
Their black hair blew in the lukewarm wind... her yellow-red sari it looked simply fantastic and stood to her like tailor-made.
Their steps... softy and springy... I was not able to do simply full seeing to them. Sita noted my admired look and threw an enticing smile to me.
„Where from do you know Manhattan so well?“ I asked myself being astonished as a Sita like a tourist guide the single places of interest pointed.
Sita gave a laugh brightly and her snow-white teeth flashed in the sun.
Then she told... before them to Vermont went it was first in Manhattan on a private school.
She liked it..., nevertheless, then she received a lucrative offer in Vermont.
„Come.... I want to show to you something else.“ and already pulled them me with gentle pressure further.
„So... here we are there...“
I was not astonished badly.... no to me almost the heart stopped!!
We were in the Broadway!
I remember that I told Sita once, how much I love films and theatres and now was I on the most famous street of the world!!!
Sita observed me with a contented expression. This surprise had succeeded... I was away there and.
After the Broadway we visited the 5Th avenue... the Trump Tower... we walked by Little Italy and China Town... Harlem black Mecca was anyway a must!
However, Sita had one more surprise... at her order I closed courteously the eyes and them led me gently in the hand...
„So... now you can open the eyes.“
First I saw everything only blurred... was very hot and the of several hours one run exhausted me bit by bit.
We were on the shore of Hudson River... the biggest river in New York. Round us still untouched nature... Bushes and trees them the shore lined.
We sat down in the soft sand and observed the active ship traffic.
„Here I often came here....“, pondered Sita and looked thoughtfully at the trees quiet in the wind rushed. “here.... this idyl reminded me always a little bit of my native country.“
„Do you miss your native country very much?“ affectionately I took her hand and pressed them to myself.... during me she considered.
Almost indiscernibly she nodded... and I felt her homesickness.
„Thanks for this wonderful day here in Manhattan.“
„We have only half time...“
Besides, Sita showed her smile beaming with delight.Lächelnd I leant in her shoulder.
Longingly I breathed her exotic smell on somewhere with incense and coriander lay.
In the mind I put to myself the jungle before... green mountains in the fog... coloured parrots them at the top of the voice croaked... the beach with the heranrollenden waves....
„Hey darling...“
From wide one a gentle warm voice penetrated to my ear... frightened I started.
„What have you just dreamt...?“
Sitas face covered the sun as them with an elegant movement her silk cloth the shoulder tied. And again I was astonished once more at her elegant graceful movement.
Winking I rubbed myself the eyes and rose.
.“ I have dreamt of your native country.“ I answered smiling.
Sita linked arms with me.
„Nevertheless, ah.... then everything explains to me more exactly... what you has seen...“
We broke both in a high-spirited laughter from as me with an excessive gesture started: "Alsooo......"
The afternoon passed like in the flight... we made one more excursion the Statue of Liberty rummaged through the biggest play retail shop of the world.
When we found out, finally, again the sun stood quite deeply in the horizon.
„Now I have for you still a small surprise..., by the way, that I have lifted up to the end...“
Sita lowered knowingly the voice not without small smiling.
I did not come out of the amazement. It was so great....I loved the sightseeing so much.We were on the view platform of empire State Building.
From here one could marvel at at wide parts of Manhattan, Brooklyn and even the Central park the green lung New York. The view was magnificent.... a tender breath of wind stroked my heated up cheeks.
The setting sun sent out her nicest rays and illuminated Sitas bronze-coloured face.... her blue-black hair blew softly in the wind.
Their eyes sparkled and glittered like small diamonds ….ihr look walked to my lips and softly they touched... mine.
For some seconds the world remained stand.... her lips were so delightfully soft. Happily I cuddled up affectionately to her shoulder.
Exactly at this moment an ice-cold wind gust about me swept away... in the horizon an immense thundery front was brewing
.An  strange oppressive feeling stole over me suddenly.....
The thunderstorm wall saw very menacingly from... and again a cold gust of wind swept by my heart and let me tremble in the whole body.
Suddenly a violent longing attacked me.
“Sita... why we do not move simply together.?“
Sita took me in silence in the arm... and when I again to the horizon looked... I was amazed... the last rays died away in the sky and the first stars flashed in the night sky.
Far and wide no more thundery front was to be seen... confused I had a look to Sita.
“Let`s go..... you must New York once at night see....“, her hearty laughter sounded like music in my ears.








How was your week-end.?“
Besides, Melissa scrutinised me with a suggestive look... we were in the changing room.
Besides, Melissa did not let out of sight me like a cobra... any minute ready to the attack. Some of the girl threw curious looks to me and had a look knowingly.
Smiling I turned round to her....
“ Why you want to know this? If your week-end was possibly dull... Melissa?“
The rest of the team broke in loud roaring from.... and had a good time admirably about my blow skill.
Now one learnt blow skill with us in the quarter already from an early age in the tender infancy.
I considered she  with a challenging look... and Melissa made way with dental-crunching.
The training began and I did not follow her, hence, further.... I was again in my element and, moreover, my head was completely filled from to the dreamlike day with Sita.
„I know exactly.... what between you and Sita runs!!“, Melissa hissed just the ball to me triumphing in the ear as as me intercepted and to the jump began....
I twitched together. and the throw completely missed. I played the whole play distractedly...
After the play I expected, actually, a blowup from the Mc Cain..., nevertheless, this this time was missing.
Mc Cain remained last of the training unusually quietly and finished the training earlier than normally.... and called to us everybody to himself.
„To make briefly. around it.“ he obviously looked according to words and wiped to himself the sweat of the forehead „. I go away!“
Presently it ruled dead still.... everybody Mc Cain stared in bewilderment...
„But... this is not the middle of nowhere...“ Mc Cain looked cheering up in the despondent round. “Tomorrow your trainer Maria comes back again.“
The joy remained to a certain extent.... everybody knew like trainer Maria was. with her there ruled another tone... another climate.
Moreover, she preferred with pleasure some players like Melissa.
Now I did not know all that of course..., however, it was also no matter to me... I missed Mc Cain because he a high-class trainer was and above all fairly and honestly to everybody.
Alls everybody had gone I still remained in the changing room.
The words of Mc Cain still whirred to me by the head. I thought of all hours the hours he had drilled me.
Actually, he was beside Sita the only person he to me here in major's college had really helped. Believed in me and me over and over again spurred on to even better achievement.
In every victory he clearly let feel as proud he was on me.
„Hey Brandy …..what's wrong with you?“  
Mc Cain wanted to conclude just the gymnasium as him discovered me...
I stared furthermore at the ground.... desperately I fought for version. I didnt admit however, Mc Cain was always been like a father-figure for myself.
Mc Cain sat down in silence beside me and played with the key during him feverishly according to the right words looked.
„Brandy... this does not mean the you hear me?
I made way furthermore his look and stared at an imaginary point on the wall.
Mc Cain cleared the throat.
“Hear now well to.... Brandy. What was this today for a lousy play?? I know, you and Melissa are not exactly the best mates..., however, it is your team!“
You  know the twist with Melissa...?“ and I felt a dumpling in the neck.
„Yes I know this...“
For a while there ruled silence to Mc Cain cleared the throat and began:“ Melissa is a good player...“
Besides, Mc Cain looked at me with serious eyes and drove away „..., however, far away once a professional player to become like YOU... Brandy!“
Surprised I high saw... to me almost the air remained away..., nevertheless, Mc Cain appeared absolutely unimpressed from my dumbfounded expression and rose sighing.
In the door he turned round once again.
„Think of my words... Brandy!“
When I later on the bed lay... I thought of Mc Cains momentous words.Then I thought of Melissa... became always intolerable with her in a room to live.
It did not pass one day without mocking remarks and comments.
Mc Cains words gave me new courage... I packed up my things and left the room.
„Where do you go? You cannot leave simply the campus.“ called she to me angrily after.
And whether I was able to do this!
I thought of Sitas offer to live with her ….now the time was go on.
Only nobody might find out it I found with her lodging. A look from the window... it was muggy-warm and the first flashes twitched in the sky...
In a hurry I left the campus and came just still with Sitas flat as the thunderstorm broke out...
By Sita.....

This is sometimes a surprise... come quickly purely...“ and Sita pulled me in a hurry in the sitting room and concluded in a hurry the door behind himself.
„What has happened?“
Their wonderful roe deer eyes showed frank interest and she made a hot tea to me fast.
In scanty words I described to her the case with Melissa and Mc Cains resignation.
Gently she took me in the arm and stroked comforting a lock from my rushed face.
„Here it can remain... no worry.!!“ and she pressed me firmly in herself.
Suddenly the tears.... and Sita came to me wiped affectionately my hot tears and pressed me once more firmly in himself...
In this position we paused in silence for a while...

Something lay in the air in the major's college...
From experience to my quarter I knew what rumours could cause....
„Sita... I`m  afraid.... because of us... of our respect... I believe Melissa has agreed wind of it....“ I stammered tearfully.
Sita laid to me in silence the forefinger on the mouth...
“Pssst... allows to talk the people.“ and as a flash for seconds the room enlightened ones flared up fury in her night-black eyes.







The next day.....
In the middle of the lessons I was called to the manager... a short look to Melissa him mockingly answered and I knew.
My heart knocked almost for shattering.... what has she probably told her Dad?
Questions about questions shot to me by the head...

Timidly I knocked in the bulky oak door.
Come in!“ 
It sounded a little inviting...
Halting I entered and manager Griffith not even saw on separate wrote unflustered further. After an eternity as me slowly the legs hurt..... he looked up and laid carefully the ballpoint pen there... and looked at me now directly.
His eyes seemed to me to pierce properly...
„Now... like I has belonged. you have left last night the campus...“ took carefully the reading glasses and, however, cleaned them extensively without me to let out of sight.
„Yes... this is right.“ if I stuttered and added in a hurry. “... I have a new lodging.“ You must tear yourself together. Let not mark your insecurity!
Resolutely I stretched the head and tried to work cool.In to my quarter one called this tactics bluffing!
Mr. Griffith cleaned furthermore unimpressed his reading glasses... she examined briefly and put on them again.
„This pleases us!““ He took in hand his ballpoint pen again and continued his started work.
Nevertheless, he was good absolutely indifferently...

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