Secret Love (7 page)

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Authors: Simone Kaplan

BOOK: Secret Love
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Bill nodded carefully and relaxed something again. Nevertheless, nothing was so in it in the rumours of Sita and this brandy. Maybe there was, nevertheless, hope for a tryst with Sita.
„... have a look at them simply sometimes. On the week-end we have a play outwards! Think about that ... Bill... them will help your school in new footlights. Or must I remind you once more of it that major's college team the last years always the tail light were...?“
Bill rose and went to the window and had a pensive look to the campus.
“Yes.... “he cleared the throat briefly then he continued,“ but....“ .And he turned round to Mc Cain.“... I have nothing against blacks.“ he looked according to the right words“... you know my study colleague is also a black... with him I am well friendly.“ above all, with his wife.“ he smiled something move.
Mc Cain looked at him in silence
“.... Now. Brandy comes from a bad area with a bad call. She has no academic background. you possibly want to say this??“
The question hard hung in the air and Bill briefly struggled for version.
“ Donald we understand us, nevertheless, or?“
„No... it explains to me.“ answered Mc Cain with an ironic undertone.
Bill snorted.“ Donald... my school is no storage tank for some ghetto. Kids. And wants to have a clean reputation.... we are a famous private school and I have the responsibility...!“
Mc Cain looked at him in silence.
He knew Bill's view and opinion. He thought of the whole conviction art as him to him his discovery told.
Bill consented only one brandy to take up if she helped the team to the victory. Since major's college absolutely needed advertisement.
During the last years the applicant's number sank steadily... the rich parents her pupils rather want to announce in a private school the profits could register.
To show a private school only one bad basketball team for many years had was virtually lost.
Since the parents pay only the high school fees if the school is under discussion also and could show many victories...
A shade freed itself of the wall... Melissa smiled contently before himself. Their plan slowly took shape owned an other plus by Brandy...
Now the training was raised on 3x the week. This made to me nothing from... I was glad already about the week-end.... this time it went outwards.
It was the first away match for 10 years and the expectations lay especially high on the major's college team.
Now the whole week was fulfilled with hard training. Untiringly I polished in my technologies and had a fever this big event against.
The coach stood quite ready and honked impatiently. The others already were on the way only I still sat in the room.
Wistfully I touched the talisman of Sita..... suddenly one quietly knocked....
Unsuspectingly I rose ….wer this could be fine.
.Zum luck was Melissa already below in the coach..... surrounds, as usual, from her friends. Melissa was really friendly towards me suddenly and polite.
However, anyhow the feeling stole over me a little bit decayed in the thing was. It was my infallible street instinct ….es it smelt of difficulties!
My good nose never let down me and was to me always a valuable help.Wenn you there grows up... you get the 6th sense for danger in suit,
Halting I shouted „In.,“
The surprise could not be bigger... Sita stood in the door!
Gracefully and with a hearty smile she entered the room. Before I the door closed in a hurry I still had a nervous look in the way... nobody was to be seen.
We embraced stormily and Sita slipped me a letter and turned again to the door.
“Nobody may see us here.“ besides, darted a rogue-like smile over her face.
Seconds later she disappeared around the corner.
What did not anticipate Sita... Melissa had forgotten her sneakers and hurried along the way. Precisely at this moment she saw a shade from her room darted.
For a tiny moment she meant a sari to recognise, however... was not sicher.l
„Just somebody was here?“
Melissa stormed and scrutinised distrustfully the room. In a hurry I hid the letter and took my sports pocket and went to the door.
In passing I winked at her.“ Do you possibly already see ghosts...?“
Melissa stared after Brandy furiously and sniffed... the air it smelt anyhow of a mixture of incense and sandalwood.
And this did not come definitely from brandy!!
Even as she wanted to bend down around her sneakers under the bed to get it discovered a silk scarf....
Carefully she lifted him on... and looked at the silk scarf thoroughly... there all like shed fell to her before the eyes. This silk scarf came from Sita this Indian teacher.
The shade from the room carried him..., hence, also this spicy smell in the space... only them darted...
About Melissas face a smile from.... spread coldly and maliciously.
Warily she took the precious piece of evidence in herself.







Finally, finally, after an several hours  bus ride we came to. The  rooms were split... was divided as me to Melissa... she sniff  contemptuously the nose. “She pursues me still... already it reaches that I must divide a room with her at the school!!“
Giggling and laughter followed as an answer.
Now, however... I just had little desire for her society... I did not try to let make a note of it.
Nevertheless, Melissa refused stubbornly and positioned herself defiantly before Mc Cain.
“I do not want to have that in my room... She has off.“ and she sniff  the nose „... such an own smell...“ everybody broke in cheerful laughter.
Only I pulled no look and answered theirs challenging look.
For Melissa my evident position resembled her towards as a complete challenge.
Proudly and upright I stood before her with crossed arms and reacted quite calmly to the laughter.
„Now... you have maybe remembered... whether I would like to divide a room with you?“
Immediately breathless silence... all observed Melissa ruled tensely like they probably on this fight announcement would react....??
At first Melissa seemed dumbfounded to be, nevertheless, then a nasty perfidious grin darted over her face.
„What do you say to this …silk scarve ?“ Triumphing she suddenly pulled a silk scarf high... and for a short moment panic overcame me....
The scarf came quite clearly from Sita.... them had to have probably forgotten him...
Cool remain... I deeply breathed deeply and put on my Pokerface. “I see... you spy to me after...“ I used a short break and with a mocking smile „.... you rummage possibly in my clothes??“
Once more there sounded suppressed giggling and all looks stuck fascinatedly on Melissa.
Melissa got a bright red head... and when she itself abrubt turned round she still threw to me a full of hatred look
“... You will still regret to tangle with me. I get you...“ she quietly hissed.
Some of the team turned round to me and winked at me.... Should be probably valid as an approval, but I trusted nobody above the way.
As fast the mood against me hit I had got to know now to satisfaction.
Later than I alone I was touched affectionately the letter. I might read him only after the play... this I had to promise Sita.
She was the first person in my life I trust could give. Not sometimes to my former friends there was real trust.
The play began... and I completely concentrated upon the ball. However, in the course of the play I noted Melissas attempts to close the mind over and over again the view.
Several times she caught the ball directly before me from. and from bewildering looks of our team accompanied she threw in the direction of basket.
Unfortunately, she did not hit often... thereby we lost important points.
Trainer Mc Cain grasped immediately the situation and called Melissa here.
“ Say sometimes you have gone crazy?? Why you take from brandy the ball from under the nose. and do not meet sometimes the basket!!“
He had a short look at the score.... stood 6:12. The victory seemed to move in menacing distance.
Mc Cain shook furiously the head „you remain on the reserve bank!“ A short sign and a substitute ran in the field.
I also had a short look at the scoreboard... I must bring this team to the victory
and changed to McCain me begging considered.
It was not to be made up any more a lot of time around the lost points....
I stood up.... Adrenalin pumped by my body thought of Sitas words remember always where from you come.... you have created it up to here.
Quick as a flash I caught the ball …O the moment  I was again in my element and took over decided the guidance.
Suddenly I was moved in the mind again into South Bronx on the hard cold asphalt.
The close noise of creaky sneakers on the concrete ground... Everybody shouted and roared in a mess.
The best players were fired.... Bets keenly negotiates. one had a fever with them and for few hours the bitter reality was forgotten...
There was only to us player and the ball.!!!
Thundering applause tore me again back in the present... and I needed a few seconds to understand where I was....
The difference between the Court in my native country and here in this comfortable spotless most fashionably furnished gymnasium could not be bigger.
The ball as new  no tears and ancient like in our Court. The baskets with clean fixture and snow-white nets.

Everything flashed before cleanness in contrast to the Court in my area...... where everything had got run down and had been neglected.
The basket existed only of a completely rusted metal ring.Nets  there was not... the ground was accumulated from cement with dirt and refuse of all kind.
Uncompleted beer and wine bottles lay around heedlessly.....
If one blows flew there... that could critically become between the lying around glass shards.
Besides, lay sputter between lost ball uses still them again pointed here also to gunfights between way rivals came.
Though the Court lay near the school, however, exactly the border was between two ways. So one always had to count on fights in very fast in gunfights degenerated because almost of every one weapon with himself carried.
Already kids at the age of 10, 11 years showed proudly her weapons them without for hesitation use only to point as courageously they were.
Startled I tore open the eyes...
A whole choir called my name.... confused I looked around... Some of the rostrum rose and called applauding my name....
Halting I saw to the Mc Cain over here ….he gave me  an OK sign and smiling me.
At this moment the shrill whistle sounded at the half time... breathlessly I sat down and drank in greedy Schlücken.
„What the hell where are you ?“ Mc Cain sat down laughing beside me and passed the towel and a new drinking bottle to me. “.... you got rid completely stepped aside.... and you speed on the place  as if of it around life and death would go...
Mc Cain smiled about my incredulous expression and demonstrated to me... like I the ball took by the defence shot and him with unbelievable perfection in the basket hit... and from big distance!!!
I had to laugh and also remaining from the team had a good time about Mc Cain lively implementation.
Only Melissa kept apart and fiddled around with her sneakers.
The whistle sounded again and Mc Cain held back me briefly
“: You were really good..., however, now it goes in the final spurt... think of it... we must win!!“ His warm eyes scrutinised me seriously.
A short look to Melissa itself made also ready for the final spurt.
“... If I become furious once... then I am for the opponents only really dangerously...“
Mc Cain smiled he knew on what I responded... “Do not hear on the gossip„
The play began and this time I kept an eye on Melissa. However, over and over again she tried to wait to me for the ball... I saw through on time her underhand play.
As usual I went to guidance.
Quick as a flash and almost always I hit capably in the basket followed from big storms of enthusiasm in the rostrum.
The audience raved... and fired me.
I enjoyed the cheering... this sweet taste of success. The counterteam.unser team presented herself grumbling hit … won!!!
Mc Cain shouted immediately as the victory became known... Bill in and reported him about the new sensational victory!!
„Brandy hats on it Bill!! I habs to you, nevertheless, said that saw them basketball really with the mother's milk has soaked up...“
In the changing room ruled cheerful victory mood.... I laughed and joked pleasedly with other.Seit to the victory tonight some became in the team noticeably more friendly me and searched suddenly the contact with me.
Clear to me this also struck and I also knew in which this lay..... that I suddenly in the centre was.
With a blow I had friends.... I decided to be on the alert!!
But first once I enjoyed the success... From victory to victory also there grew my success.
One knocked in the changing room... Mc Cain briefly dropped by and waved me beaming out.
„These are they.....“, I became straight away welcomes and suddenly I was surrounded by total strangers to me the hands wanted to shake...

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