Secret Love (6 page)

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Authors: Simone Kaplan

BOOK: Secret Love
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The practice match was even harder than the last time.
Mc Cain hunted me relentlessly about the field I had to finish like a rabbit... and occasionally still free throws.
Well the  training was nothing new for me, because I played basketball every day on the hard asphalt in the Bronx.
Only with a small difference. There it was not about the pleasure separate around brutal reality.
Only the best could work out to themselves a tiny chance to be discovered.
Therefore, she hurried in particulary with blacks the call ahead the world-best players are. The poorer the area... the better the players and this knew the talent scout of course and, therefore, were especially fastidious.
This drove us again in the Bronx to even better achievement and even harder perseverance.
Now now this perseverance paid off...
All the other players struggled for air and worked completely impoverished after 5 round runs. I against it ran and ran... without sign of tiredness.

Mc Cain looked over and over again at his stopwatch, however, showed otherwise no emotion.
Finally, after the 30th round Mc Cain gave the stop sign. I trembled with strain, my body was bathed in sweat, however, I let make a note of nothing
Only no weakness point, otherwise you are  an Looser ... this an iron rule was in the ghetto.
„Stop girls... you can be going to take a shower, the training hour is over.! And...“, a pleased grin darted over his otherwise red face. “... in 3 days Friday is your 1st home match!“
Where before just still exhaustion circulated and everybody more tiredly and bathed in sweat only on the end of the hour waited.... a turmoil suddenly ruled like in the carnival.
„And do not forget of girls.... are punctual and bellicose!!“
Everybody embraced and there ruled chaos... the air was fulfilled with calls and roaring...
Mc Cain held back me briefly:
“ I hope you have perseverance with the 1st play Brandy: Point to the major's team what you have on it.!“, and he gave me a cheering up slap on the shoulder.
My joy at this praise was incalculable and even as I turned away...
“Oh... Brandy you is responsible in the centre... for the wicker throws!!“
Centre.-Player.... this was the best position in the team
Melissa caught the last words on... and her gravelly face became red before fury and injured pride.
Till present she was always in the centre....
In the way I briefly met Melissa and our looks hit to seconds... and to me a cold shower ran one through the back.
Melissas look pure hatred reflected....
In the evening before the 1st play I entered once again the gym and practiced to the 40th time free throws of different positions.
In my old native country I put to myself every day a rule on that said that I at least 100 free throws reach on one day
I took the shape right... on the rostrum stayed.
It was Melissa the full admiration, however, also full envy Brandy free throws watched. So quietly as she came she also disappeared again not without revenge plan to forge.
She no talent to the basketball owned it did not interfere further, but the Brandy by her talent praise and recognition of the trainer Mc Cain received went too far!!
Till present she was Melissa the contested star at school as well as in the basketball team and this should also remain so!!!
It was a special atmosphere before the first important play. For me this was this generally PLAY!!!
I had never played before an audience.... alternately panic and stage-fright overcame me and I practiced even harder in my throw technologies.
This 1st play was very important importantly....
Deeply inside I felt that all expectations and a gigantic responsibility pressed on my narrow shoulders.
Pictures of my quarter whizzed in the slow motion tempo before my eyes. I saw my school friends Sheila and Daisy.... her tired and expressionless eyes... They were found with her destiny from.Beide wanted to have only one type showed off with money.... How often did they laugh at my dreams and aims???
„Oh Brandy... you with your basketball.“.
„Search for you rather a rich type and let supply.“ If they knew that I write, besides, still. I would be completely moved in her eyes.
When I the light switched off... I still stood there for one moment and looked pious at the spectator's rostrum... there on top tomorrow will be of all full person.
„Hey... Brandy...“
Startled I turned round... Sita leant smile at the entrance
„How long you are there already?“, I stammered.
„To see long enough around everything!“, and she smiled appreciatively.
Softly she glided over my little plaits. Their skin gleamed in the nicest brown tones in the beam of light.
A breath of exoticism surrounded them.
For a short moment I closed the eyes and enjoyed her hand softly mine cheeks heat up touched... affectionately she took me in the arm.
Suddenly I twitched together... a rustle was to be heard... or was this only imagination?
Nervously I looked around.
„Have you also heard this?.“, I sounded afraid.
„Let´s go to the beach... there we are sure!“ whispered Sita in a hurry.
The rustle was no imagination... them were observed.
A shade freed itself of the wall.....
Gregory looked to the both thoughtfully after... he thought of the removal of Sita, since then she went for him more or less from the way.
For him a disgrace.... he could not get through it... just his colleague, this exotic Indian Sita him self-confidently the cold shoulder showed.
Actually, he was followed only Sita in the gym  because it was curiously …. as him the both hit.
To him almost the air stayed away!
Sita said something to Brandy... afterwards they embraced....
Anyhow the both went very much trusted with each other around... to trusts.

The sea lay like a painting..... quietly the waves hit against the beach. Oh like I this wholesome silence enjoyed...... before the big day.
I told Sita about the expectations them the school in myself was …...
Sita heard carefully to …suddenly  like from magic hand it brought an amulet to the prelight.
“Here... this I give you. One reminds you always of the fact that I am with you!“ pious she laid it to me around the neck. „Moreover...“, her eyes saw me imploring in“... it protects you!“
The amulet was in the form of an elephant's head him smiled...
Sita noted my questioning look and explained:
„... This is Ganesh a God of the obstacles. Ganesh is valid with us as a luck bringer him all obstacles gets out of the way.“
Moved I took them in the arm.
“Remember always where from you come brandy. Melissa has never learnt to fight. But you... “she indicated at my heart“..... you have a fighter's heart.
You know what tells to fight.“
I lowered transferring the look …
Sita took my chin high. and she considered me with an urgent look „..... you have created it to here .“And she pointed to my heart.: You are an winner !“
Excitedly I looked over and over again at the clock in the changing room. Nervously I dribbled in the sneakers and pulled in my tricot.
Outdoors there sounded big voice gene whirl... Cheerladys reeled her programme from.... then euphoric cheering sounded as the counterteam appeared...
Trainer Mc Cain `see head dropped by shortly after... “Let`s go  girls... equalises you ready... since her in it!!“
Suddenly big excitement ruled in the air.... all girl ran like chickens around... shut like in a henhouse.
We pressed to the door.... suddenly I felt a piercing look behind myself.... nervously I turned around... and directly in the ice-blue cold eyes of Melissa.
Instinctively I reached for my amulet. a present of Sita... and pressed it against myself.
Glistening light attacked me all of a sudden as us on the place ran. The cheering was something with restraint ….das major's college team was rather known than tail light.
„Hey Looser... against whom we should line up...?“ it came mockingly from opponent's team.
We went to position... I felt the curious look... a black one did not see often...
The whistle sounded and I resisted before energy and bellicosity!
This was my chance.... briefly I thought of my old Court... there also ruled fight mood.
The opponents like the spectators were merciless...
How in the flight I shot up up... and... yeah.... the first hit!
The point board flashed.... and it stood 1:0 for our team. Up to the half time we stood quite clearly in guidance and the opponents looked quite amazed.
Mc Cain waved me here... still more red in  the face as, otherwise. Excitedly he wiped to himself the sweat of the forehead, while he distributed water bottles.
„Brandy.... this was very good. However, do not give immediately everything here before the half time!“
The half time was around ….I held me to the advice of the trainer and saved my strength for the last minutes.
I allowed to go through 1-2 throws..., however, then I struck again.
Quick as a flash I beat off the ball of the opponent and 1.2 steps ….powerful l  flew the ball       through the net.... accompanied from approving shouts of the audience.
As the final whistle sounded ones we won with a clear projection....
The air was fulfilled with an indescribable cheering.... my team congratulated me... everybody the hand wanted to shake to me and McCain gave me an appreciative look and smiled contently.
Only Melissa remained surrounded in the background by her clique and cooked before fury.
For the first time she was not an Central -player .. this it had to take for the moment....
Even her friends pursued this Brandy with admired looks.
Now.... this was a foretaste ….was on me it came up... I was quite drunken before luck.
Everybody congratulated me on this spectacular ball throw and the first victory for many years.
At this night I dreamt of the success.... and pressed the amulet firmly in my hugging








After this unexpected success for the major's college offers came suddenly again. Mc Cain was surprised joyfully and attacked in the office.
„Bill... have a look  in...“
Mc Cain spread out to the surprised manager the whole offers on the big heavy desk.
„This black... er like is called them once more?“
Bill cleaned to himself in a hurry the glasses and studied carefully the offers.
„Brandy... Brandy is called them. You should have seen them.... it is a force!! At that time you have believed me no word.... now you have the proof!!“
Mc Cain put on a triumphing smile and crossed the arms before the breast. Smiling could not suppress Bill and snapped appreciatively.
„Have I doubted your fine feel for talents Donald?“ and devoted itself again extremely with interest to the offers to.
„Now... you sounded at the beginning not exactly enthusiastically as me to you Brandy suggested!“, Mc Cain began to the counterblow.
Bill took carefully his glasses and leant forwards and careful Mc Cain with a conspiracy look.
„... Donald.“, he lowered his voice knowingly. “nevertheless... we both know that we a famous private school are. Arent we ?“
Mc Cain held the look stood ….and waited.
Bill continued in the same tone:“ Like you certainly know.... I am also anxious furthermore of the good call of the school!“
Mc Cain cleared the throat.
„What is with Sita ….so a lot I know she is an Indian and... like I have belonged she is an excellent teacher...“, he tried to sound so by the way as possible.
Bill sighed;“ Yes.....“, his voice sounded stretched. “... and they also twists her colleagues of the row after the head...“ and me. If I could go out, nevertheless, only with her once. It would be a side jump more than worth....
„..., moreover,„, he continued and tried to sound uninterested. in truth he raved with jealousy „... has come to me to the ears that...„ he coughed something move. „. She itself understands quite well with this. Brandy“
Hopefully this did not tune what to him there Gregory slipped. But, nevertheless, he was himself sharply on Sita. maybe he wanted to make him only jealously.?
But what is with his daughter Melissa?
Yesterday she came and complained to Brandy....
Mc Cain looked at Bill taken aback
„And? I mine... this is not nice if to themselves the Girls together well understand?“
„The both meet apparently more often...“
Bill caught in to sweat and tried to hide his jealousy. I would like to meet her best of all immediately...
„Now... it is not expressly desirably. that a teacher and schoolboy well understand?“
Bill massaged his temple.
“My daughter dropped there recently a few remarks...“ He took a gulp from the coffee cup.
Mc Cain grinned;“ Melissa and Brandy are like two fight hens. Brandy has helped the major's college to victory.... no miracle!“
Mc Cain noted Bill Skepsis „Bill ….Brandy is a force. I have picked up them in the South Bronx. There the best basketball players are forged.“.

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