Secret Love (3 page)

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Authors: Simone Kaplan

BOOK: Secret Love
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But here on the east coast the people seemed to be very conservative. Now she knew very well that here she was an Exotin in this private school .

Fast all her colleagues and even manager Mr. Griffith they made her clear offers, however, with thanks declined.
Gregory had only observed her long, this was his first flirt.
When they opened again back to the camp, Gregory laid quite by the way his over her shoulder. Sita felt suddenly uneasy.
Something in him disturbed them. He treated them.... anyhow. as a possession!!!
And oddly enough she had during the meeting with Gregory always this Brandy in the head.

When they sat so trusted at the bank and insignificant things babbled... her shy smile as them first sometimes in this auditorium burst....suddenly  her heart  beat a tact faster...






On the week-end went most home and also I sat in the train and was glad about my friends. It had been a thrilling week and I had to tell a lot.
As a South Bronx to itself announced.... now I changed again from the rich white world in the black dangerous loud world.
It was like a time trip... I carried still my uniform what for me the meeting in my real world not quite lighter made.
When I in the Basketballcourt went past... they all were there... Sharon and Daisy.
„Hey ..... you can look with us...!!!“
Daisy welcomed me with a short embrace. Sharon also came and chilly looked at my uniform.
„Wow... looks really chic!“ envy sounded very ironic and with a swing. I was confused.... anyhow I had fancied the reunion a little more warmly.
„Now what is? Do you not know me any more??“ 
Then for one moment tense silence.... ruled suddenly there grinned Sharon and the ice had broken. We three cackled excitedly in a mess and for 2 days the foreign white world was forgotten.
When I sat again in the train, I thought about 3 days I in my close world has spent...
My friends treated me normally and we had a lot of fun almost like during the old days. Only Mom Becky and Danell were inspired by my new school a little.
„You will already see. soon most sluggishly you also your small nose sharp upwards!!“, Becky and Danell nodded to her blasphemed grinning with.
Mom interfered in the usually negative tone.
„Look out... you will as soon behave as the rich white little misses. You will forget your black roots and on us here look down at!“
Indignantly I got up and took my pocket.
“Nevertheless, you are constant in Mom grumble!! You are never contented with something. To Becky you never have to put out something.!!“
„Yes go only!“ Moms voice sounded biting „Take your pocket and disappear here!!
You think you are what better only because you a scholarship has agreed.! But one say I you Brandy....“
She got closer threateningly and her looks pierced me almost before fury and frustration.
“.... the whole learning is a useless stuff! It would be better you would search a decent guy and make yourself useful here in the household.
What does the school bring to you then???“
She broke off and for a short moment we stared at each other in silence.
Then she packed me suddenly roughly in the shoulder.
„.... nothing at all brings them to you! Its trash !!  Nothing at all! Your whole books... generally the learning is a complete waste your time!“
Moms voice sounded shrill, her looks with hatred.Ihre whole position showed unmistakably what they of me held.... Disdain!!
Suddenly I tore myself off took silently my pocket and in the door I turned round once again and saw Mom firmly in the face.
„In any case, I would like to make a little bit sensible from my life and not so end as you...“, and, besides, I had a short look at Becky and Danell dumbfounded behind Mom stood. 
With a loud bang I slammed the door behind myself.
Yes and now I sat in the train and fought with the tears.
Where was only my native country?
Neither here nor in the new world in Vermont I felt home.
Silently I threw my pocket in the room and ran to the park. However, the bank was taken and I just wanted to turn round... as me Sita recognised...!
However, a warm close feeling flowed through me I hesitated... my heart rests and I was caught by an inexplicable shyness.
She turned round.
“Hey..... come puts you.“
A cheering up smile darted over her face.
“You like this place right?“, her gentle voice calmed me a little bit and I relaxed in her present.
"Yes" I gave to“.... I love this place here. One is one with the nature. “I faltered and suddenly I saw again the ugly scene with Mom and the brothers and sisters before myself.
„Have you driven home about the week-end?“ her gentle eyes rested on me.
I nodded to bring out one word incapable just. Desperately I tried to hold back the upcoming tears.
In a hurry I steered on another subject and Sita told about her native country. Soon I got to know them from Kerala in Südindien came, Indian music loved and was her favourite dish Dal with Nana (round flat dough-cake bread).
„When I here started....“   She winked at me conspiratorial. „... was for me also everything anew here. I knew nobody here!“, and they told amusing anecdotes with the unknown country America.
Later in the bed I could not sleep. Worriedly I rolled in the sheets.
The sharp abusive words of Mom resounded to me by the head and hot tears rolled the cheek down and moistened the pillow.
Finally, I got up and crept from the building directly to the park.
When I sat at the bank I looked to the star sky up.Again and again the words the Mom to me resounded in the face had thrown in my ear.
You are able to do nothing... Learning is a nonsense.... you will never bring it to something.... you are fine what better like us.
Bitterly weeping I buried my head between the arms and cried quietly.
I did not note that somebody quietly approached and sat down beside me to the bank.
Frightened I started...
„Hey no fear I`m... Sita.“ It´s came from the darkness and in the bright full moon light I saw she first only indistinct because she almost with the surroundings melted. Only her red sari glittered in the full moon light and still let them look charming.
Gently she took me in the arms and I let go my tears.
„What has done.... you here?“
Sita pointed smiling to the full moon. „This lukewarm night and the full moon reminds me of Kerala. There we had every night tropical temperatures and...“.She saw me in the eyes.... I felt at midday today you something on the heart had. You looked so sad.“
I lifted my head and met her gentle eyes. Gently I took her long-part hand and pressed them to myself. “Thanks....“
„You do not need to thank. I understand you know.  Also I have gone through the similar.“
For a while there ruled concerted silence.
„Why is one attacked constantly for his aims and dreams?“ My voice sounded rough.
„It is important what YOU believe and not what others believe!! Go for your dreams them are the way to the aim.“
Again this smile and the snow-white teeth shone in the moonlight.
Once more our looks.... met and suddenly a crackling tension lay in the air. And as in slow motion our lips... approached and touched....
My whole body.... flowed through an immense feeling of happiness like an electric shock this very delicate kiss felt.
In a hurry I went back and the short moment was over.








Later in the bed I thought over and over again of this moment …
Over and over again I touched my lips and cost the sweet smell of Sita.
Only a short brief kiss... was tender like a butterfly.
Quite clearly I saw her profound eyes before myself... her wonderful brown skin... these tender lips...
Nervously I saw on the clock... I could expect it hardly to finally midday was. Sita told me that the park her favorite place was and spent them with pleasure her lunchbreak in the park.
However, it was not to be seen far and wide!
Disappointed I sat down and thought of the meeting the last night here. I knew not so surely as I should behave to her now towards...
I was suddenly dreadfully shyly.... This I did not know, actually, at all from myself.
Nervously I looked at the clock..... 10 minutes... 1/2 hours... nothing... from Sita was to be seen far and wide nothing.
Did I have she yesterday  with my clumsiness go away?  Or could it be that her interest had already went out in me because of my stupid shyness?
Sadly I left this magic place and broke to me the head what I quite wrong has made.
Maybe I have also only dreamt to me everything I talked myself disappointed.
Sita sat in the staff room and looked over and over again nervously at the clock. Gregory leant carelessly in the door and obstructed the way to her grinning.
„Gregory... leaves me past.... I have to go urgently still somewhere!!“, and tried to go past to him. However, Gregory made no arrangements to himself to just 1 centimetre to move.
„Where do you want there darling?“,
His looks walked to her body along and Sita felt uneasy.
At her first meeting he seemed to be one more gentleman, however, as him laid the arm around them and she to herself followed this went for her definitely too far.
Why did her colleagues form a woman always one already hears to them only because them an invitation for the cafe accepted?
Is it possibly here only a free game because they from India came?
The other female colleagues threw her looks full of envy because to themselves no colleague for them interested.
She forbore to Gregory what he registered of course.
He left not loose... what did this Indian pretend, actually??? In his eyes she was at best an exotic maidservant.
He showed this setting recently with a colleague as them together jokes about exotic women tore and, besides, on occasion the name Sita fell.
In a hurry Sita ran through the area and reached the park. However, the bench was empty! Sighing she sat down and waited..., nevertheless, Brandy did not come.








The week-end approached and I considered whether I this time home should go. Mom I did not want to see over again... and with Sharon and Daisy it was a matter always about the same subject …to slag at someone...over and  over again.
Sighing I rose in the train.!
However, even as the starting whistle came... I stood again in the railway station.
Since this night meeting with Sita it pulled me almost magically in her nearness. This was the first time that I in Vermont remained.
Middelborough had become extinct the character of a village and now on the Friday morning like. I had to start here newly anew, even if everything was new here and foreign.
What did I want in in my old quarter?
All sad, broken shapes look?
Moms to eternal reproaches listen?
No I shook violently the head and thought of Sitas words ….It is important what YOU believe and not what others believe.
And, therefore, I decided to venture a new beginning!
Today luckily I had the room for myself alone, this Melissa was on the move with her friends.
I enjoyed the wholesome silence.
What probably made Sita?
Constantly my thoughts circled round them. Since the night meeting we had not seen ourselves any more. Doubts tormented me what they probably from me thought.
.Empfand them same like I?
Sighing I left the room and wanted to go just in the direction of library.... met as a sudden Sita the way.....
Their sari blew easily and springy with every step, it seemed as she glides about the ground.
„Hey Brandy... whats going on?“
She sounded delighted and added smiling: „I thought, you would have driven home.“
She presented herself absolutely informally, as usual.
Nothing pointed to night kiss scene.
„Were you already in the town below?“ 
„Er... no...“ I produced only haltingly.
Their sight paralyzed me almost.... she  looked so beguiling.
I answered her smile and together we ran down in the town.
„If you know what... “Sita sparkled me enterprising in.“... I appear the market!“
And already she took my hand and led me addressing by the noisy market. For a provincial town it was very lively and colorfully.
The most varied goods were offered at the top of the voice and haggling. I did not come out of the amazement any more.
„You must experience once the Indian market...“ Sitas eyes flashed and shone with joy.
When she my hand took to lead me by the crowd of people... beat my heart almost for shattering....
Their slender hand was so soft and determined however, thus and suddenly I fancied like this velvet-brown hand touched me....
I could not defend myself at all against this imagination. everything one burst so overpowering on me.
New feelings I would never have held for possible.....
„ are okay??“
Sitas concerned voice tore me from the dreams and I affirmed in a hurry.
At this night I could hardly sleep...
It was the nicest day since me here in Vermont on the major's college went.
The exotic smell still stuck to my clothes.... and coloured pictures of the market accompanied me in the country of the dreams.
However, a smiling Sita very often appeared and her bright melodic voice still sounded to me in the ears.
Afterwards I was not glad that I the train in my old native country has taken, otherwise would have missed this excursion.
In the lessons I tried to concentrate desperately., nevertheless, over and over again I saw this picture before myself like myself our lips touched..... her soft hand me by the market led...
Since that time a crackling tension is nothing else passed..., nevertheless this lay between us I felt quite clearly.
And only if she me considered... then her looks were long and mysterious.....
Excitedly I looked around.
We had ourselves here in the park arranged... accordingly nervously I was.
At least felt 100 spots I looked at the clock... my heart played moved... the hands trembled and my thoughts played up...
„Hey...“,  I jumped up and met her.
.Sita smiled as them beside me placed.
She looked calm, as usual, and calmly.
Suddenly she conjured a picnic basket out... and I got out no more tone before nothing but amazement.
„Here... this is Dal (cooked lenses) and here...“, she pointed at a pile of round flat dough-cake bread „... is Chapati!““
She still produced small full paste parcels.
“This is Samosa. tastes really well... try...“ and she gave me one of the tasty full paste parcels.
I was delighted! Indian food interested me already for many years.
„Is it okay if we go down to the beach?“, with an elegant movement she was on the legs and showed her winning smile.

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